The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2407: The formation is complete

Li Guiyuan suddenly turned his head and looked at the mid air of the valley.

He suddenly found that the bronze cauldrons in the middle of the valley were running out.

At most, there were more than ten bronze tripods still floating quietly in the air.

Li Guiyuan knew that these more than ten bronze tripods should have been left after Mu Ziyang couldn't hold on.

"Master Li..."

At this moment, Lian Jin and Mu Ziyang both screamed in surprise.

Li Guiyuan followed the prestige, but found that Xiao Han's figure, sitting there cross-legged, was shaky.

Xiao Han's face was as pale as paper, and his whole person looked very sluggish, and even the aura on his body began to weaken.

The avatar sitting next to Xiao Han has almost become translucent.

Obviously, not only Xiao Han can't hold on anymore, even Xiao Han's clone is about to collapse.

"Xiao Han, you must stick to it. Soon, the Tiandi Hunyuan Formation will be completed..." Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Sect, who saw this scene, couldn't help feeling anxious.


At this moment, the energy of heaven and earth in the entire Huangquanmen Valley fluctuated violently, and there was a faint roar in the sky.

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect, raised his head fiercely. He looked at the vision of heaven and earth in mid-air, and his eyes showed an expression of ecstasy involuntarily.

At this moment, everyone on the field was staring in midair, only to discover that the bronze cauldron in midair had now completely disappeared.

There are a total of 270 bronze tripods, all of which have been arranged in this valley at Huangquanmen.

Soon, everyone on the field was vaguely aware that from all directions, there was a stream of heaven and earth energy that began to converge, and a trace of pure aura began to suddenly float from the feet of everyone.

This trace of pure aura, like smoke wafting from the depths of the earth, came without warning.


This is, everyone raised their heads and looked towards the sky, only to see that above the valley of Huangquanmen, the slowly rotating vortex began to become more and more obvious.

Soon, a cloud of smoke appeared in the air, which was like a thick cloud layer, rolling in a vortex in the air.

"Auras, are these pure auras gathered from all directions?"

"Isn't it? Xiao Han...Is Xiao Han really set up successfully? Is this Tiandi Hunyuan Formation set up?"

"How is it possible? Xiao Han alone can successfully set up this Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation? How is this possible?"

"It's impossible, but the fact is right in front of you. That guy named Xiao Han really succeeded."


At this time, there were waves of shocked discussions on the court.

Although everyone present had never really seen the arranged Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation, even many disciples and elders of Huangquan Sect had never seen a real Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation.

But all the people present were Qi refiners or monster beast masters with a high level of cultivation and strength. They hadn't seen a real Tiandi Hunyuan formation, but they could clearly feel it.

When all the bronze tripods in mid-air went deep into the valley, the space where Huangquanmen Mountain Gate was located had begun to undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Is it really the Tiandi Hunyuan Formation?"

"It should be, except for the Tiandi Hunyuan Formation, what can cause such a big movement?"

"Yes, look at the rolling clouds in this mid-air. Those are not real clouds, but the purest aura."

"This Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation is really terrifying, and it can cause such a big battle. It seems that the effect of this Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation in condensing the aura of heaven and earth is far more terrifying than we thought."


Looking at the turbulent pure auras in the sky, the young masters who were present at the peak of the Tribulation Period couldn't help but their complexion changed drastically.

Unbelievable exclamations continued to be heard from these people.

Standing on the edge of the square, Li Longji with a nervous look on his face, staring at the tumbling spiritual clouds and mist in the sky, his original nervous look was replaced by an uncontrollable expression of excitement.

"Successful? The Tiandi Hunyuan formation was set up successfully?"

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Gate, looked at the scenes before him and couldn't help but scream.


At this moment, Li Guiyuan's ear suddenly heard a small sound.

Li Guiyuan, who was in ecstasy, followed the reputation and saw Xiao Han, who was pale as paper, collapsed to the ground weakly.

The clone that had already become translucent has disappeared at this moment.

It seems that Xiao Han's clone has consumed all the power of God's consciousness.

"Brother Xiao Han..."

Li Guiyuan was shocked by this scene.

With a flash of figure, Li Guiyuan appeared directly beside Xiao Han, and reached out to help Xiao Han up.

Li Guiyuan stretched out his hand and found that Xiao Han had passed out completely.

But after Li Guiyuan sent a spirit energy into Xiao Han's body, he unexpectedly found that Xiao Han's body was empty, without a trace of spirit energy.

This time, Li Guiyuan was shocked.

Xiao Han was just over-consuming his spiritual consciousness, how could he not have any spiritual energy in his body.

Moreover, Xiao Han's breath was utterly depressed, and there was no movement at all, and even Xiao Han's breathing became nonchalant.

If Li Guiyuan's guess is correct, Xiao Han is now dying.

If something is not good, Xiao Han might just go like this.

"It's not good, Xiao Han's situation is wrong." Li Guiyuan cried out strangely.

At this time, Li Longji, who was still standing on the edge of the square, had already rushed to the high platform.

"Sect Master, how is Xiao Han? Is he okay?" Li Longji said anxiously.

"I don't know." Li Guiyuan shook his head first, and then decisively said: "Longji, send Xiao Han to the elder, just say what I said, we must save Xiao Han at all costs ."

Hearing this, Li Longji was taken aback.

Why did you send Xiao Han to the Great Elder?

Did the sect master have a murderous heart towards Xiao Han?

I can't.

Xiao Han made a great contribution to their Huangquan Sect.

"What are you doing in a daze? Go ahead."

Seeing Li Longji stunned on the spot, Li Guiyuan quickly explained in a soft voice: "Now the Tiandi Hunyuan Formation is almost complete. I want to stay here for finishing work. I really can't go away."

Speaking of this, Li Guiyuan emphasized his tone and said: "Longji, you remember to me, you must let the elder save Xiao Han at all costs."

"Don't worry, the master, I will convey it." Li Longji only then eased his mind.

Seeing Xiao Han's airy look, Li Chen's heart moved.

Xiao Han now looks like this, as long as Li Chen takes any action, Xiao Han will undoubtedly die.

At that time, Li Chen not only reported the hatred on Xingyufeng, but also completely eradicated Xiao Han's confidant trouble.

Thinking of this, Li Chen couldn't help but smile.

Seeing Li Longji carrying Xiao Han on his back, he ran, and Li Chen felt like he wanted to follow.

At that time, Li Chen casually moved his hands and feet on the sidelines, Xiao Han would undoubtedly die.

However, as soon as Li Chen was about to chase Li Long's back, he was held down by a big hand.

Li Chen looked back, but found that Li Guiyuan was staring at Li Chen with a playful look, and said softly: "Chen'er, don't leave yet. The Tiandi Hunyuan Formation has just been set up, and it needs some finishing work. You will be with Grandpa in a few days, and Grandpa will teach you many things."

"Uh..." Li Chen pondered for a moment, and finally nodded helplessly.

At this time, Li Guiyuan looked around and laughed loudly: "Everyone, the Hunyuan Formation in this world is almost set up. There are still many things that need to be finalized. I will arrange for someone to take everyone to take a rest. Later Our Huangquan Gate will give a generous gift."

This is Li Guiyuan's eviction order.

Everyone could also hear what Li Guiyuan meant. At the moment, many people arched their hands towards Li Guiyuan, and then left here with the disciples of the Huangquan Sect behind them.

Now Huangquanmen has successfully arranged the Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation this time, and there will be nothing for them next.

Taking the generous gift from Huangquanmen, whether you leave or stay, self-heating is what everyone wants.

Although most of the young masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period were not able to help, Huang Quanmen would naturally not treat them badly in order to befriend these young masters who were on the peak of the Tribulation Period.


When Xiao Han closed his eyes, he knew that it was time for him to run out.

And when Xiao Han passed out, Xiao Han vaguely noticed an abnormality in his body.

The feeling that the power of the consciousness in his mind was exhausted was a brand new experience that Xiao Han had never tried.

But this new experience made Xiao Hanhou scared.

It is said that the power of the divine consciousness is consumed too much, and it is difficult to recover, even if it recovers, it will still have some adverse effects.

Xiao Han didn't know whether he would be completely awake like this.

If this is the case, it would be a bit sad.

It's just that although Xiao Han was in a coma, fortunately, there was still a hint of clarity in his mind.

Before he passed out, he seemed to have disposed of all the bronze cauldrons.

I don't know if this is even if the Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation has been arranged.

But no matter what, Xiao Han's mission was completed anyway.

Even in the end, the Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation was not set up successfully, and their Huang Quanmen couldn't transfer the responsibility to Xiao Han.

If it weren't for the first in Lian Jin who couldn't hold on, Xiao Han wouldn't be so strenuous.

If Mu Ziyang can persist to the end, Xiao Han won't have to fight to the present level.

Although Xiao Han didn't see the last step, and didn't know if the Hunyuan Formation was completely arranged that day, Xiao Han had already tried his best.

Even if it was Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Sect, he would have nothing to say, right?

Don't know how long it took, Xiao Han slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, Xiao Han gradually woke up from his coma.

Xiao Han finally took a while to make sure that he was not in a dream, and that he was really awake.

Xiao Han felt that in a fresh and elegantly furnished room deep in him, lying under him was a comfortable and soft bed.

The whole room was empty and ugly.

There was still a faint fragrance in the air. If it weren't for the surrounding arrangement that really didn't look like a woman's boudoir, Xiao Han would almost think he was lying in which woman's room.

After Xiao Han opened his eyes, it took some time before he finally adjusted to the surrounding light.

Xiao Han vaguely felt that he was in a coma this time, and it should take time, otherwise, it would not take so long to adjust to the surrounding light.

After a while, Xiao Han remembered that he had fainted while setting up the formation.

However, Xiao Han inspected it and found that besides his head there was a little groggy trace, everything else was normal.

He didn't even feel tired at all. Xiao Han seemed to have slept for the whole night and just got up now.

In Xiao Han's pair of dark eyes, there was no wilting look, and his expression was normal.

It seems that Xiao Han has completely recovered.

After lying on the bed, Xiao found that there was nothing wrong with him.

Not only did no injuries occur, but even the divine consciousness power that had been nearly exhausted because of the setup of the Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation had almost recovered.

After Xiao Han woke up, the trace of fatigue in his mind had completely disappeared. .

Noting that there was no abnormality in his body, Xiao Han quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The time has come. Regardless of whether the space teleportation array is successfully arranged, Xiao Han must first make sure that there are no sequelae left in his body.

Fortunately, Xiao Han was satisfied with the result.

Xiao Han slowly got up from the bed and looked at the empty room around him calmly.

Here, it doesn't seem to be the same room Xiao Han lived in before.

I just don't know, who on earth allowed him to return to his peak in such a short period of time.

One more thing, Xiao Han is actually very lucky.

It seems that Huangquanmen didn't take the opportunity to make black hands.

If you know that you have defeated Li Chen in front of so many people, if Huangquanmen still harbors a grudge, and casually comes to kill the donkey, then Xiao Han will be sad.

Moreover, Huangquan Sect really wanted to clean up himself, Xiao Han didn't even have room to resist.

Fortunately, Li Guiyuan from Huangquanmen was not so frantic about it.

Then, Xiao Han stretched out his hand in his arms.

Then let go and completely relax.

Several of his own universe bags are still in his arms, it seems that those guys at Huangquanmen are not so shameless.

Nothing was missing, and the body had recovered as before. Only at this time, Xiao Han was completely relieved.

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