The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2403: The most critical moment

The array is arranged here, if nothing goes wrong, the success rate of the arrangement of the Tiandi Hunyuan array this time is very high.

This made Huangquan's sect master Li Guiyuan a little expectant.

"The most critical time is almost here."

"Yeah, I don't know if Xiao Han and the others can hold on to the end. These five or six days have all been arranging formations. If you can think about it, the consumption of spiritual power must be huge.

"There is no way. I was looking for four young masters who were at the peak of the Tribulation Period, but in the end only three were found, so they can only be carried by the three of them."

"But now that we have already reached this point, it would be a pity if there are problems again, and the arrangement will soon be successful."

Several young masters at the peak state of the Tribulation Period were talking softly, and hearing this, the others present nodded in admiration.

"It's also really weird. The guy Xiao Han has no signs of being unable to hold on to his consciousness so far. On the contrary, the spirit power of the two masters Mu Ziyang and Master Lian Jin is obviously a bit unable to hold on. Up."

At this moment, a middle-aged man standing at the front of the crowd suddenly sighed softly and said.

Hearing this, the court suddenly fell silent.

Seeing this scene on the court, the expressions on everyone's faces were also shocked.

Judging from the current situation, Xiao Han seems to be stronger than even Young Master Jin and Young Master Mu Ziyang.

Previous tests have proved that Xiao Han’s strength is stronger than Lian Jin and Mu Ziyang. Now it seems that Xiao Han’s strength is not only stronger than Lian Jin and Mu Ziyang, it seems that even the power of God’s consciousness is better. Both of them must be strong.

Thinking of this, everyone on the court was silent.

You must know that Mu Ziyang's identity is extraordinary. Mu Ziyang was born in the demon royal family, even if he is in the demon royal family, his status is not low.

Mu Ziyang's identity and status are the highest among all people.

But now there is a little-known guy, not only the strength, but also the spiritual power is much stronger than Mu Ziyang.

In front of such people, they could only mutter a few words in their hearts, at least for now, even people like them can only look up to Xiao Han's strength.

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect, turned a blind eye to the surprised gazes around him.

Li Guiyuan simply didn't bother to pay attention to the surprised eyes of those people. Li Guiyuan's gaze first looked at Xiao Han, and finally stayed on Mu Ziyang and Lian Jin.

Seeing the increasingly pale expressions of the two, a look of worry flashed across Li Guiyuan's eyes.

Naturally, he could clearly perceive that not only Young Master Lian Jin, but also Mu Ziyang's divine power was gradually weakening. Following this trend, the consequences would be disastrous.

But although Li Guiyuan was impatient, there was no way.

In this case, Li Guiyuan couldn't help at all, so he could only be anxious.

"Hey... I hope that these two guys can hold on to the end. You must know that the arrangement of the Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation this time has entered the most critical time. For Yang and Lian Jin, it was still a bit too strenuous."

Moreover, Xiao Han had already opened his eyes, but Mu Ziyang and Lian Jin were still controlling the power of the gods to guide those pure recipients into the small bronze cauldron.

However, as time gradually passed, even if Mu Ziyang and Young Master Lian Jin were struggling, they still clenched their teeth, and the whole process gradually came to an end.

Under the gaze of countless gazes around, the aura in the refining cauldron gradually became calmer.

Under this kind of peace, the surrounding aura from the Refining Domain Cauldron also gradually became stable.

It seems that the pure aura in the Refining Domain Cauldron has been almost mobilized by Xiao Han, Mu Ziyang and others.

And among the small bronze cauldrons in mid-air, the breath is getting fuller and fuller.

The ninety small bronze tripods that Xiao Han was in charge of before were all filled with pure aura.

And now, among the small bronze cauldrons that Mu Ziyang and Lian Jin were in charge of, they began to feel this way.

After sensing the changes in the small bronze cauldrons in mid-air, many people present couldn't help but shocked.

As for Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Sect, and the other elders and disciples of Huangquan Sect, they couldn't help being overjoyed.

It seems that the steps Mu Ziyang and Lian Jin are responsible for have also been completed?

In this way, there is only one last time left to send hundreds of bronze cauldrons in mid-air into the valley of Huangquanmen.

Soon, Lian Jin and Mu Ziyang also slowly opened their eyes.

Everyone moved in their hearts, knowing that the final critical moment was coming.

Even Jin and Mu Ziyang both opened their eyes, indicating that the small bronze cauldrons they were responsible for were already filled with pure aura.

Only now, all the small bronze cauldrons have been filled with pure aura, which means that the next step can only be started directly.

Xiao Han has been resting for a while, although there is no way to fully replenish the consumed spiritual power, but it is already very good.

But Mu Ziyang and Lian Jin had just opened their eyes, and they had to start arranging formations again.

Soon, Mu Ziyang and Lian Jin looked at each other, a little helpless in their eyes.

Soon, under the gaze of many eyes around, Xiao Han said in a deep voice at Mu Ziyang and Lian Jin: "Since you have finished, you can only proceed to the next step. According to the scroll prompts, you cannot wait at this time. ."

Having said that, Xiao Han nodded at Mu Ziyang and Lian Jin with a calm face.

In fact, Xiao Han looked relaxed on the surface, but in fact his spirit was tight, and he did not dare to relax at all.

Although Xiao Han said that it didn't seem to be very different, in fact, after so many days of consumption, Xiao Han's spiritual power was also consumed a lot.

Therefore, Xiao Han's face was calm and in good condition, but his face was pale with a trace.

But compared with Mu Ziyang and Lian Jin, they are much better.

Compared with Xiao Han's calm face, Mu Ziyang's face was paler and more obvious, and the situation of Master Lian Jin was much worse.

Lian Jin's face was full of pale expressions, and it was obvious that the consumption of divine power had reached a very terrifying point.

But Lian Jin still clenched his teeth.

Xiao Han knew that even though Lian Jin hadn't reached the end of the battle, he couldn't hold on for long.

There is no way to be Xiao Han, regardless of whether Lian Jin can persist, he and Mu Ziyang must continue.

"Let's get started, set these bronze cauldrons."

In mid-air, as the aura emanating from the small bronze cauldrons became stronger and stronger, Xiao Han, Young Master Lian Jin and Mu Ziyang closed their eyes almost simultaneously.

Then, Xiao Hanqing yelled, and the divine power released in Xiao Han's mind also increased.

After the power of divine consciousness was activated again, the bronze cauldrons containing countless pure auras in midair began to fly to all directions of the valley.

As before, Xiao Han, Mu Ziyang, and Lian Jin were responsible for the control of ninety bronze cauldrons.


At the moment when the spirit power of Xiao Han and others touched those bronze cauldrons in mid-air, there were dazzling rays of light.

These dazzling lights burst out directly from the bronze cauldron, and many people on the court couldn't help but squint their eyes slightly and couldn't bear to look directly.

Just when those bronze cauldrons were emitting a strong light, each of the bronze cauldrons quickly flashed away under Xiao Han's control and flew directly to all directions in the valley.

At this time, everyone on the field was vaguely aware that the aura of heaven and earth in the valley began to change accordingly.

After the Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation is completed, it can continuously gather the surrounding heaven and earth aura, and the heaven and earth aura in the entire Huangquan Mountain Range will be drawn here by the Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation.

At that time, the valley where Huangquan Gate is located will become a real blessed place.

At this moment, all the Huangquan Sect disciples present couldn't help but show joy and excitement on their faces.

"Has the Tiandi Hunyuan Array set up successfully?"

"Should it be coming soon?"

"Now that's all right, our Huangquan Sect finally successfully arranged the Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation."


All the sect disciples and elders of Huangquan Sect present couldn't help being overjoyed.

Li Chen's hanging heart, who was already nervous, finally gradually relaxed at this time.

As long as their Huangquanmen's Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation is set up successfully, it will be easier for him to improve his strength in the future.

Following the mystery of the Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation, Li Chen will do more with half the effort after practicing.

In this way, it is only a matter of time for Li Chen to surpass Xiao Han.

Li Chen couldn't help being excited when he thought of this.

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan who was sitting cross-legged across from Xiao Han, couldn't help but stand up.

At this time, Lian Jin and Mu Ziyang also controlled the power of divine consciousness and sent the ninety small bronze cauldrons they were responsible for to various directions in the valley where Huangquanmen was located.

Soon, in the sky above the ancient times, two hundred and seventy small bronze tripods were suspended in midair.

The joy on Li Guiyuan's face is also unabashed, but fortunately, Li Guiyuan has not completely lost his mind.

He knew that by now, the Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation had completed ninety-nine percent of the steps, and there was only one last action left to bury these small bronze cauldrons in mid-air in the valley.

Li Guiyuan, who slowly stood up, pointed at Xiao Han, Mu Ziyang, and Lian Jin, and said, "Three, the next thing is easy. Now only two hundred and seventy small bronze tripods are given away. Going underground, the entire Tiandi Hunyuan Formation is complete."

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