The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2397: Explain in advance

There were still some whispering conversations on the court, but when Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan and others appeared, some of the surrounding voices gradually subsided.

The disciples of Huangquan Sect who were in charge of vigilance at the scene all knew that today is a very important day for them.

Today, Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan invited three young masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period to join forces to set up an array, because these disciples who can serve on guard tasks here are all excited.

Those who just whispered around were all young masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period invited by Huangquan Sect.

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan gate, slowly fell from midair.

After stabilizing his figure, Li Guiyuan looked around, slowly sweeping his gaze over Xiao Han, Young Master Lian Jin, and Mu Ziyang, and finally laughed softly: "Three, should you be ready?"

Hearing this, Xiao Han nodded at the same time as Young Master Lian Jin and Mu Ziyang.

The three of them had just rested for so long in the courtyard arranged by Huangquanmen, sitting still and adjusting their breath for a while, and they had adjusted their state to the peak.

"The formation that the old man is going to set up this time is called Tiandi Hunyuan Formation. The rank is very high. I have a few documents explaining how to set up this formation. The three of you will just be able to take a look. After the formation, you only need to assist me according to the information above."

With that, Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect, escaped three scrolls from the Qiankun bag and directly handed them to Xiao Han, Lord Lian Jin and Mu Ziyang.

Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation?

This name is very unfamiliar, not only Xiao Han, but none of the masters in the peak realm of the Tribulation Period had ever heard of such a name.

It seems that this Huangquan Gate should have been planned for a long time.

This heaven and earth mixed element formation is estimated to be a set of formations related to the mountain guard formation of Huangquanmen.

In addition to guarding the sect, the most important function of the mountain protection formation is to gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The location of the mountain gate of each sect is undoubtedly not the choice of those rich in spiritual energy.

And the aura of heaven and earth in this kind of place is originally very strong, so the role of the mountain protection formation, in addition to protecting the mountain gate from outside intrusion, has one of the biggest functions is to gather the originally strong aura of heaven and earth in the local area. The sect can specifically open up an independent secret realm for the disciples in the sect to practice.

If Xiao Han's guess is right, this set of Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation that Huang Quanzhang will set up this time should be a set of formations that complements the Great Mountain Protection Formation to condense the aura of heaven and earth.

If the protection of the mountain array is assisted by a set of formations specially used to gather the aura of the heavens and the earth, the effect of gathering the aura may be even more terrifying.

I want to come to this Huangquanmen this set of formations should play such a role.

Seeing Li Guiyuan handing a scroll to Xiao Han and the others, the other masters of the Peak Stage of Crossing Tribulation who were standing onlookers came together, wanting to see the content on the scroll clearly.

But after taking a look, it was discovered that there was no writing on the scroll.

It seems that these scrolls are not used to record words, but to store information.

After Xiao Han and others unrolled the scroll, they also found that there was no writing on it.

Li Guiyuan on the side smiled and said, "You only need to send a divine power into the scroll to extract the information."

Xiao Han, Young Master Lian Jin and the others hurriedly sat down cross-legged, and then according to Li Guiyuan’s prompts, they sent a piece of their spiritual power into the scroll, and recorded all the information about the Tiandi Hunyuan formation recorded in the scroll. In my mind.

Although Xiao Han had never been in contact with the formation method before, Xiao Han was not completely ignorant.

Xiao Han could also vaguely see the information about the Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation described in this document. This set of Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation was incomplete.

I don't know if it's because Huangquanmen didn't want to hand over the formation of the complete Tiandi Hunyuan formation to Xiao Han and the others for enlightenment, or because the formation of the Tiandi Hunyuan formation in Huangquanmen's hands was also incomplete.

However, Xiao Han could also see that this Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation had a very high rank.

Although Xiao Han has rarely been in contact with formations, he can still vaguely feel it. For Huangquanmen, this Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation is probably not less important than Huangquan Palm and Biluo Huangquan Body.

So regardless of whether Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan didn't want to let Xiao Han know the complete array of Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation, or the Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation in Huangquan Sect's hands was originally incomplete, Xiao Han felt nothing.

This kind of extremely high rank formation is extremely precious to any sect, even if Xiao Han and the others are here to help, it is impossible to just take it out and share it casually.

The information recorded in this scroll is only part of the Tiandi Hunyuan Formation, which already contains so much information. If it is a complete Tiandi Hunyuan Formation, it is estimated to be even more complicated.

Although Xiao Han had just received part of the information about the Tiandi Hunyuan Formation, Xiao Han could already vaguely see from it how complicated the Tiandi Hunyuan Formation was.

After a while, Xiao Han slowly opened his eyes, and had already received all the information in the scroll.

At this time, Xiao Han turned his head and found that Lord Lian Jin and Mu Ziyang still closed their eyes tightly.

Seeing this scene, Li Guiyuan nodded secretly.

Xiao Han was able to open his eyes before Lian Jin and Mu Ziyang, which actually explained the problem.

Using the power of divine consciousness to remind information, the speed directly depends on the size of the power of divine consciousness.

This shows that Xiao Han's spiritual power is stronger than Mu Ziyang and Lian Jin.

After Xiao Han opened his eyes, it was Mu Ziyang a moment later and Lian Jin in the end.

Seeing this scene in his eyes, Li Guiyuan couldn't help but look at Xiao Han again.

"Have you seen all three clearly?" Seeing Xiao Han and Young Master Lian Jin opened their eyes, Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan laughed softly.

Xiao Han, Lord Lian Jin, and Mu Ziyang nodded one after another, but their expressions were a little solemn.

It seems that the three of them are very surprised at the Huangquanmen, the world's mixed element formation.

Li Guiyuan laughed softly: "This array is a set of arrays left by our ancestors of Huangquan Sect. We have prepared all the materials for the array in Huangquan Sect for many years. It can be said that it is not easy. "

"This time it will take at least two or three days to set up this formation. I hope everyone will be mentally prepared. I hope it is better not to explain the accident in the middle."

When speaking, Huangquan sect master Li Guiyuan looked solemn.

It can be seen that Huangquanmen attaches great importance to the formation of this time.

It took such a long time to prepare and spent countless energy and effort to collect materials. If the arrangement was not successful, the loss to their Huangquanmen would be difficult to estimate.

Although Li Guiyuan comforted everyone before, but at this time, Li Guiyuan was very cautious.

Xiao Han, Young Master Lian Jin, Mu Ziyang and others have already learned some information about the Tiandi Hunyuan Formation, so they knew what Li Guiyuan meant, and the three nodded at the same time.

"The old man is getting older. Although the realm is high enough, he may not be as reliable as you young people in manipulating the power of the gods. That's why I asked you young masters in the peak realm of the Tribulation Period to assist me. "

"The position where we are is the eye of our Huangquanmen Mountain Guarding Formation. Layout of formations here can be connected to our Huangquanmen Mountain Guarding Formation to get twice the result with half the effort."

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect, pointed his finger at the circle in the middle of the stone platform, and said softly: "The circle here is the position of the eye. If you have no other questions, everyone can sit down."

Xiao Han, Young Master Lian Jin, Mu Ziyang and others glanced at each other, and then the three of them flashed at the same time, and immediately appeared in their respective positions and sat down.

After the three of Xiao Han were seated, Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan also sat down with the masters of Huangquan Sect behind him.

This time, in addition to Huangquan Sect master Li Guiyuan and Li Chen, there are five Huangquan Sect masters. Among these people, the oldest is fifty years old, and the youngest is Li Chen.

It seems that these people are the middle force in Huangquanmen.

After everyone was seated, Li Guiyuan's figure also flashed, and the whole person appeared directly in one of the seats.

Li Guiyuan turned his gaze to the side of Li Longji, and said in a deep voice, "Dongji, during this period of time when the formation is set up, no one can influence us."

"Relax, sect master."

Li Longji nodded heavily.

Li Guiyuan entrusted such an important task to himself, this is the trust in him, Li Longji will naturally work hard.

Li Longji looked around, and finally gave Xiao Han a smile.

This time he brought Xiao Han back, and he had done a great job. Naturally, the benefits in the future will not be lost.

Besides, in the cloud city, he has made a lot of money.

Li Longji winked with Xiao Han, then turned and walked off the high platform, and began to order the disciples of Huangquanmen to strictly guard the entire square.

Except for Xiao Han and others who sat down in a circle with Li Guiyuan, the other masters of the peak realm of the Tribulation Period were all standing around the high platform.

Since Li Guiyuan agreed to watch them on the sidelines, they were not willing to miss such wonderful things.

At this time, the look on Li Guiyuan's face, the master of Huangquan sect, began to gradually become serious.

"Everyone, ready to start."

Having said that, Xiao Han and others were also moved in their hearts.

Soon, Li Guiyuan stretched out his hand to grab it, and took out a glorious light from the Qiankun bag.

This powerful light flew out of Li Guiyuan's body, and then the powerful light flashed and turned into a huge thing.

The appearance of this behemoth immediately attracted all eyes on the field.

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