The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2394: negotiation

From this point of view, isn't the formation to be set up at the Huangquan Gate this time very mysterious?

Hearing this, let alone the other people on the court, even Xiao Han looked surprised.

However, for Xiao Han, the more important the formation method set this time is for Huangquan Sect, the easier it is for Xiao Han to negotiate terms.

In fact, among those present, only Li Guiyuan knew best.

This half of the probability of success was estimated by Li Guiyuan in the best direction.

This time their formation at Huangquanmen was not an ordinary formation, and it was a set of formations that complemented their Huangquanmen's mountain guard formation.

And their Huangquanmen had secretly prepared for many years in order to arrange this set of formations.

At this time, Xiao Han first smiled, and after looking around, Xiao Han laughed softly: "Although I am not familiar with the formation method, but Li Sect Master also knows that the formation of formation requires a strong sense of power, and I I dare not say that the power of God’s consciousness is the strongest among all the people present, but apart from you, Lord Li, I can say that I am far better than ordinary people. I will help you. I believe that the formation will be successful. The rate increased by 20%."

Hearing this, everyone on the court looked at each other.

This Xiao Han is really overconfident, right?

With him, can the success rate increase by 20%?

In fact, Xiao Han is not really overconfident.

Xiao Han is confident in his spiritual power.

Although Xiao Han had not arranged an array before, Xiao Han knew very well that in addition to realm and strength as the foundation, the most important thing to deploy an array depends on the strength of the power of the gods.

With Xiao Han’s power of consciousness much stronger than the average peak level master of the Tribulation Period, Xiao Han just said that he can help Li Guiyuan increase the success rate of the formation by 20%. He is definitely not bragging. .

Hearing what Xiao Han said, many people on the court were in a state of whispering.

Many people think that Xiao Han is bragging.

After all, even Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan personally took the shot, plus the other nine masters of the peak of the Tribulation Period set up the formation, the success rate was only half.

Just because one more Xiao Han can increase the success rate by 20%?

No matter how you look at it, Xiao Han seems to be bragging.

Li Guiyuan looked at Xiao Han unexpectedly.

If Xiao Han had said this before, Li Guiyuan would naturally be very suspicious.

However, after previous tests, Li Guiyuan's palm didn't even shake Xiao Han at all. So long showed that Xiao Han's strength had indeed reached a point where even Li Guiyuan was surprised.

Judging from Li Guiyuan's understanding of Xiao Han, Xiao Han is the only person who can make Xingyizong suffer a dumb loss for so long.

So when Xiao Han said this, Li Guiyuan's suspicion was not very obvious.

Li Guiyuan had already noticed that Xiao Han, who seemed to be young, was indeed very difficult.

At this moment, Xiao Han began to slowly release the spiritual power in his mind.

After a while, all halls began to be filled with Xiao Han's divine power.

A figure was looming first, then turned into a physical figure standing beside Xiao Han.

"A clone? It's actually a clone?"

"This is the Fengyun Transformation Body of the Star Meteorite Sect, right?"

"It turns out that the rumors are true. This guy has actually cultivated the Xingyizong's Fengyun transformation body to this point."

"How long has this guy cultivated, he can actually surpass many of the elders of the Starfall Sect, but I heard that even many of the elders of the Starfall Sect have cultivated for decades, and they have not yet achieved the ability to condense a clone. To the point."

"I heard that the Fengyun Transformation Body of this Star Meteorite Sect, the first requirement for cultivation is that the power of the consciousness is strong enough, otherwise, there will be no way to transform into a clone for a lifetime of cultivation."


Xiao Han's action directly caused everyone in the hall to boil.

This avatar is enough to explain the problem.

If there is no divine power that is strong enough to surpass ordinary people, how can Xiao Han be able to cultivate Fengyun Transformation to this point in just a few months?

Xiao Han stretched out his hand and patted the doppelgänger's shoulder, turned his head to look at Li Guiyuan above, and said softly: "I just said that if I was bragging, Li Sect Master should be able to feel that as long as I was with me With help, the success rate of setting up the formation is definitely much higher." Xiao Han stared directly at Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan, said.

With that said, Xiao Han slowly converged the clone.

It's just a clone, although it doesn't show much strength, but it can represent a very significant meaning.

Xiao Han believed that other people on the court did not understand, and Li Guiyuan naturally understood it.

Besides, Xiao Han transformed that distraction, and another important reason is that Xiao Han hoped that Li Guiyuan would understand that even if it was the Star Meteorite Sect, it didn’t allow him to successfully obtain the cultivation of Fengyun Transformation Body in the end. Practice, and also cultivated to a certain level.

Since the Star Meteorite Sect can accept this fact, why not Huangquan Sect?

"You guy really knows how to choose, why must you pay attention to Huangquan's palm and Biluo Huangquan's body?"

Xiao Han's gaze swept across Li Guiyuan's body, and he laughed softly: "Master Li, since the formation set this time is so important to your Huangquan Sect, why must I stick to the old rules? It's just a set of cultivation techniques. Even if I get it, I promise that I won't leak it at will. Otherwise, why did the Star Meteorite Sect shake hands with me in the end?"

Xiao Han's words directly plunged Huangquan's master Li Guiyuan into contemplation.

The master of Huangquan Sect thought for a long time, and finally nodded slowly: "Yes, this time we need to arrange the formation of Huangquan Sect is indeed very important to us. We Huangquan Sect has been preparing for this for many years. "

Speaking of this, Huangquan's sect master Li Guiyuan paused slightly, staring at Xiao Han steadily, and chuckling softly: "Xiao Han, you are indeed articulate. The old man has to admit that you are not only very capable. Strong, this mouth is even worse.

I also admit that what you said can increase the success rate of array formation by 20%, but I am also very embarrassed. Our Huangquan Sect has the rules of our Huangquan Sect, and there are some things that even the Sect Master cannot change. "

Hearing this, Xiao Han thought for a while, and finally he could only let out a wry smile.

They had already said that it was worthwhile, but Li Guiyuan didn't agree, there was no way.

Xiao Han could only try other directions.

For example, before Xiao Han was the last bargaining chip Biluohuangquanzhang.

Xiao Han originally didn't want to use Biluo Huangquan Palm as a bargaining chip to talk to Huang Quanmen.

After all, Xiao Han found out this set of cultivation techniques of Biluohuangquanzhang from the ancient ruins with great difficulty.

To say that Li Guiyuan of Huangquan Gate was reluctant to share their Huangquan Palm from Huangquan Gate, Xiao Han might not be willing to share his Biluo Huangquan Palm.

"Your name is Xiao Han, isn't it?" The Lord Lian Jin suddenly laughed: "I think you should stop daydreaming. Why do you have to give it to you such a confidential exercise at Huangquan Sect? You can't be more interesting. Change a request?"

"Yes, your request like this is really difficult for some people."

"Just take it when you see it, some things are not as simple as you think."


Not only Young Master Lian Jin, many people around him stood up and echoed the Tao.

Xiao Han turned a deaf ear to the noise around him.

He stared at the head of Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan, and suddenly said softly: "Sect Master Li, can you take a step to speak."

Li Guiyuan was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Xiao Han with a serious expression, he guessed that Xiao Han must offer some secret conditions.

Li Guiyuan naturally didn't want Xiao Han to give up the shot because the conditions were not negotiated, so he pondered for a moment and agreed.

"Everyone, wait a moment here, I will say a few words to Xiao Han."

Li Guiyuan smiled apologetically at the others around him, and then he waved at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han walked in front of Li Guiyuan, and was soon surrounded by a restraint from Li Guiyuan's body.

This time, even Li Chen was excluded.

Only Li Guiyuan and Xiao Han are in this small restriction.

It seems that Xiao Han does not want other people to hear the conversation between him and Li Guiyuan.

The others on the court looked disdainful.

It seems that Xiao Han is going to use other methods to explain Li Guiyuan. ,

It's just that Li Guiyuan had said so categorically before, it seemed that he would not easily agree to Xiao Han's condition.

Unless Xiao Han can exchange something that even Li Guiyuan's heart beats, it is almost impossible for Xiao Han to obtain Huangquanmen's cultivation technique.

The people present didn't think that Xiao Han could bring out anything, and even Huangquan's sect master would be tempted.

At this time, Xiao Han and Li Guiyuan were still talking during the small ban, while the others were waiting around for their results.

Li Chen stood there, feeling a little depressed.

What the **** is this guy Xiao Han selling?

Is it true that he is going to take out something to exchange with them at Huangquanmen?

What can Xiao Han bring out?

Wouldn't Xiao Han always take out the Star Meteorite Sect's Fengyun Transformation Body to exchange with them Huangquan Sect for the Huangquan Palm cultivation technique, right?

Although it sounds absurd, this is the only possibility Li Chen can think of.

Although Xiao Han still had a high-grade spiritual tool on his body, Li Chen felt that Xiao Han was unlikely to be willing to take out that high-grade spiritual tool in exchange for their Huangquan Sect cultivation technique.

The greatest possibility is to exchange the Fengyun Transformation Body of the Star Meteorite Sect.

But when he thought of this, even Li Chen was a little moved.

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