The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2387: Enemy or friend

And Xiao Han directly surfaced his attitude. I heard that you Huangquanmen need help. I am here to help, not to ask for trouble.

In this way, Li Guiyuan couldn't say anything bad.

"Xiao Han, you think that our Huangquan Gate is..."

Before Li Chen could finish speaking, Li Guiyuan waved his hand and said, "Chen'er, the visitor is a guest. Don't be rude."

"But..." Li Chen continued to speak, but was stopped by Li Guiyuan again.

"Okay, okay, listen to me, the overall situation is more important." Li Guiyuan's expression sank.

Seeing Li Guiyuan's a little angry look, Li Chen curled his lips, but finally there was no answer.

But Li Chen turned his head and glared at Xiao Han fiercely, looking like he was walking around.

Xiao Han naturally wouldn't pay attention to Li Chen's threatening look.

Even if it was Huangquanmen, even if Li Chen still harbored resentment, Xiao Han didn't take it seriously.

Since Xiao Han can defeat Li Chen once, he can defeat the second and the third time.

As long as Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Gate, didn't break his face, Xiao Han was not afraid.

Besides, Huangquanmen now needs to recruit young masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period. If Xiao Han can meet the requirements of Huangquanmen, he will naturally have the value of staying here.

And Xiao Han has obviously shown a very friendly attitude. With Xiao Han's talent and roots, his future achievements will naturally not be low.

Whether Huang Quanmen hopes to have a little friendship with a young master with unlimited potential, or to make enemies with a young master with unlimited potential, Li Guiyuan should know which one is more important.

Xiao Han didn't care about the surprised gazes around him.

Xiao Han still looked directly at Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan in the main hall.

To be honest, among all the people present, the only one who could bring danger to Xiao Han was Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan.

Just after Xiao Han walked into the main hall, he faintly felt a faint feeling of oppression emanating from the court.

This kind of oppression naturally came from Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan who was sitting at the head.

In fact, Li Guiyuan was also quite surprised when he saw Xiao Han.

The scene at Xingyufeng before was deeply imprinted in Li Guiyuan's mind.

In front of Xiao Han, Li Chen lost thoroughly.

If it were not for the maintenance of the leader of the Guiyuan faction, and in the presence of so many onlookers, I am afraid Li Guiyuan would not be able to help but teach Xiao Han a lesson.

But Li Guiyuan never expected that Xiao Han would appear in their Huangquan Gate.

Li Guiyuan's face didn't show a bit of murderous aura, but Li Guiyuan was hiding it well.

Moreover, Li Guiyuan gradually calmed down after hearing Xiao Han's words.

I have to say that Xiao Han's strength surprised Li Guiyuan.

Xiao Han's combat effectiveness left a deep impression in Li Guiyuan's mind.

This guy's talent and roots are much stronger than Li Chen.

If Xiao Han can befriend Huangquan Sect, it is naturally a happy event.

"Xiao Han, I have to say that even I didn't expect you to be able to achieve such strength at a young age. It seems that your talent and roots are indeed very rare. Since you have come to our Huangquan Sect in person, we are Huangquan Sect. It can't be too demeaned."

With that, Li Guiyuan smiled and said, "Please sit down, I am not so narrow-minded, Li Guiyuan."

As soon as the voice of Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan fell, many people in the whole hall couldn't help but talk in a low voice.

The dozens of young masters who were sitting in the hall at the peak of the Tribulation Period looked at Xiao Han in surprise.

No one has seen the strength of the current strength, but I heard that it is very powerful, and even the heavenly girl Ruan Qingqing of the Starfall Sect was defeated by Xiao Han.

Now that I saw Xiao Han with my own eyes, everyone realized that Xiao Han was so young.

At an age like Xiao Han, he can cultivate to the peak of the Tribulation Period, and even Ruan Qingqing of the Starfall Sect can defeat it. This kind of strength can be regarded as an outstanding existence even in the vicinity of the entire Demon Imperial City.

Li Chen, who was standing next to Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan, always had a gloomy expression.

Last time at Xingyufeng, Li Chen was defeated by Xiao Han.

As the most outstanding genius of Huangquanmen, Li Chen did not fail, but was hungry by Xiao Han.

This made Li Chen always have a knot in his heart.

Originally he was a master at the peak of the Tribulation Period, Li Chen was very clear in his heart how difficult it is to reach the peak of the Tribulation Period at his own age.

But the strength that he was proud of was not enough in front of Xiao Han.

This made Li Chen very difficult to accept.

What made Li Chen unacceptable was that Xiao Han looked younger than him.

"Xiao Han, I didn't think that you were not only strong, but also courageous. You came to our Huangquan Gate alone."

Li Guiyuan smiled and said: "But think about it, you dare to go to Xingyifeng if you are so stiff with Xingyizong. It's natural to come to my Huangquanmen. It seems that among the younger generation, it is really very Few people can compare to you."

Xiao Han smiled slightly and said softly: "Don’t say that, Master Li. These are young geniuses near the Demon Imperial City. I, Xiao Han, are only a casual cultivator, but luck is better than ordinary casual cultivators. Just a little bit."

As early as Xingyufeng, this Huangquan Sect master Li Guiyuan had already seen his true strength.

However, after Xiao Han entered the hall, Xiao Han's gaze has been staring at Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan. In fact, Xiao Han has always been a little surprised. It was the same when he was on the top of Xingyufeng, Xiao Hanzao. I found out that the Huangquan sect master in front of him, Xiao Han couldn't see the true strength of the opponent at all.

"Being able to hide the aura so deeply, this Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan's strength is probably not much weaker than the Xingyi Sect Sect Master and the Guiyuan Sect leader." Xiao Han muttered secretly.

"If you are just lucky, how can you cultivate to the peak of the Tribulation Period? Those who appear here today are all real masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period. If you say so, wouldn't it be the peak of the Tribulation Period present? Realm masters are lucky enough to cultivate to their current strength?"

At this time, a middle-aged man sitting in the main hall glanced at Xiao Han and said with an indifferent expression.

This person is about forty years old, and is considered the oldest among a dozen young masters on the field.

At this age, he can barely be regarded as a young master.

But looking at the appearance of this person, with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, it looks like a difficult person to get along with.

The look on this man's face at the moment was with a hint of sarcasm.

Although Xiao Han's strength is indeed very strong, but among so many people on the field, many of them are stronger than Xiao Han.

At least among the masters of the peak realm of the Tribulation Period, there are two or three who have survived the Triple Tribulation.

This middle-aged man is one of them.

Therefore, this person is very rude, and his face is also an arrogance that is difficult to hide.

Of course, it's normal for a young master who is at the peak of the Tribulation Period to have a sense of arrogance.

Especially those who can appear in the hall now are the most outstanding young masters in the peak realm of the Tribulation Period near Demon Imperial City.

With their status and status, they are the focus of attention wherever they go.

The young masters present at the peak of the Tribulation Period can have such strength, either from the background of the major sects or from the background of the big family.

And now that Xiao Han brought by Li Longji is also a young master at the peak of the Tribulation Period, but Xiao Han's understatement seems to be very simple to step into the peak of the Tribulation Period. This makes the presence Some people feel a little unhappy.

A master at the peak realm of the Tribulation Period, even in the area near the Demon Imperial City, is considered to be a significant presence.

Xiao Han said that one of his lucky casual cultivators would be able to step into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period, and then be praised by Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Sect, how uncomfortable these people around him heard.

Elder Lilongji frowned slightly when he heard the words of the middle-aged man.

However, Li Longji quickly turned his head and smiled: "Lian Jin's son, Sao An, don’t be impatient, this Xiao Han is indeed a casual cultivator. He only entered the ten-party refining domain a few years ago. People in Fang Lianyu."

Hearing Li Longji actually helping Xiao Han speak, the middle-aged man known as Lian Jin snorted coldly.

He dare not give Xiao Han face, but this Li Longji is the elder of Huangquanmen after all, he still wants to give this face.

So Lian Jin's salary turned his head and stared at Xiao Han and stopped talking.

Xiao Han curled his lips, with a helpless look on his face.

It seems that wherever he goes, there are such self-respecting and defiant guys.

"Little guy, your talent and roots are very good, even better than my grandson's talents and roots.

Although I haven't seen your method of arranging the formation, with your strength, I think it shouldn't be much worse. "

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect, naturally knew Xiao Han's true strength, so he pretended not to hear the doubts raised by Young Master Lian Jin on the field.

"It's just that the strength is stronger. This arrangement requires not only the strength, but also the power of the divine consciousness. It is necessary to know that the arrangement is not something that can be done with a strong strength."

Li Chen grinned and said softly with a cold snort.

Li Chen stared at Xiao Han, his brows raised slightly, his face showed a hint of provocation.

For such a long time in Huangquanmen, let alone Huangquanmen, even in the vicinity of the entire Demon Imperial City, as a genius Li Chen among his peers, only Ruan Qingqing of the Star Meteorite Sect can faintly suppress it. He is just one end.

As for Cao Ci and Wang Qiaoqiao, they are just young masters at the same level as Li Chen.

At least in this Huangquan gate, Li Chen has never encountered an opponent who can compete with him.

However, after the Beiyue Peak Tianlei Pool, Xiao Han seemed to be born out of nowhere, and immediately robbed him of the limelight.

On Xingyifeng, Li Chen was even defeated by Xiao Han, which made Li Chen, who was already very strong, felt 10,000 critical strikes.

Now Li Chen saw this Xiao Han appearing at their Huangquan Gate alone, and the sect master not only did not clean up Xiao Han, but was also quite polite, which made Li Chen even more unhappy.

Although Li Chen knew that he was not Xiao Han's opponent, why shouldn't he say a few ugly words to stimulate Xiao Han?

Anyway, Li Chen couldn't do anything now, and Xiao Han was even more afraid to mess around at their Huangquan Gate.

Xiao Han didn't care about the provocative look on Li Chen's face.

Xiao Han naturally could clearly feel that Li Chen was just upset.

Before, Xiao Han defeated Li Chen in the presence of so many people in the Star Meteorite Sect. Now that Li Chen sees himself again, it is quite normal that he feels bitter and unhappy.

Coupled with the compliments of Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan, made Li Chen even more dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, it's important to do business, little guy, find a place to sit down first." Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan nodded at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han arched his hands at the head of Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan, and then under the guidance of Li Longji from the side, he found a place to sit down in a corner of the hall.

"The Lord Lian Jin who just spoke is a master of the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period who has passed through the Triple Tribulation. He is very strong and has a large background. It is said that this guy will experience the Five Heavens in less than two years. It's robbed, I think it should be true, but this guy is very arrogant, so the words are a bit awkward, don't pay attention to him."

When Xiao Han just sat down in the hall, Li Longji by his side softly reminded.

Hearing this, Xiao Han nodded and smiled indifferently.

Xiao Han had no fear on his face.

This is an incredible figure even Young Master Jin has survived the Threefold Heaven Tribulation.

But who can appear in this hall is simple?

A guy who had just survived the Threefold Heavenly Tribulation did not have this ability to make Xiao Han feel troubled.

Those who appeared in this hall were all young masters at the pinnacle state of the Tribulation Period. Except for Xiao Han himself, they probably all had some background, and the background was definitely not simple.

Although Xiao Han is a casual cultivator, he has always stayed away when he meets a guy from a big sect or a big family.

If the other party just spoke too much, Xiao Han would treat it as if he hadn't heard it. After all, the dog barked at you. You can't bark at the dog, right?

If that Lord Jin couldn't bear to provoke Xiao Han, Xiao Han would not be a fuel-efficient lamp.

At that time, Xiao Han will teach this Young Master Lian Jin how to behave.

Besides, this is the site of Huangquan Sect. Even if Young Master Jin is unhappy, he dare not do too much in front of Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan.

Xiao Han knew that this time Huangquan Sect should be a master of the peak realm of these Tribulation Periods on the court. Naturally, it is impossible to watch everyone fight directly.

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