The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2381: Xiao Jia Xiao Zhan

Xiao Han never dreamed that he could actually see his father again.

Looking at the pale face in the devilish cage, Xiao Han was a little bit stunned.

If it hadn't been for the speed of his own growth and the power he possessed was not strong enough, his father would not have been imprisoned by the Demon Sovereign until now.

Sitting cross-legged in the devilish cage, Xiao Zhan also has a lot of devilish chains around him, and Xiao Han can feel it at a glance. The devilish chains on his father Xiao Zhan are better than those that Xiao Han had seen before. Stronger and stronger.

The eerie and terrifying aura emanating from those devilish chains made Xiao Han couldn't help taking a breath.

Seeing the figure sitting cross-legged, Xiao Han's illusory body condensed by the power of divine consciousness was shaking violently.

Xiao Han's excitement now can hardly be expressed in words.

Since Xiao Han went to high school, he has not seen his father.

Looking at the familiar face in the devilish cage that looked much older than before, and his temples were much paler, Xiao Han couldn't help but burst into tears.

Since Xiao Han went to high school, his father Xiao Zhan was taken away by the Demon Sovereign, leaving only a corpse that looked exactly like his father Xiao Zhan.

At that time, Xiao Han thought his father had really left the two of them.

But now seeing his father Xiao Zhan again, no one can appreciate how excited Xiao Han is now.

It has been at least seven or eight years since Xiao Han was arrested by the Demon Emperor when he was in high school.

Thinking of his father being taken away by the Demon Emperor, Xiao Han must have suffered a lot over the years, and Xiao Han felt a kind of heart-piercing distress.

Xiao Han's mind was filled with murderous aura.

Xiao Han knew that the reason why he was able to awaken his consciousness should be arranged by his father Xiao Zhan.

Father Xiao Zhan hoped that Xiao Han could gradually become stronger, strong enough to protect his mother.

As a son, seeing his father suffering from such inhuman torture, Xiao Han's heart is of course quite painful.

Xiao Han's illusory body, condensed by the power of divine consciousness, floated past, and finally appeared in front of the devilish cage.

Even if he saw his father's excitement, Xiao Han didn't dare to let out the slightest breath.

Now that his father is in front of him, Xiao Han must be more cautious.

Xiao Han was not dazzled by the excitement and joy in his mind. Xiao Han just stared at him tightly while sitting cross-legged in the devilish cage.

Fortunately for Xiao Han to arrive, he was able to vaguely sense that the vitality of his father Xiao Zhan still exists.

Although the breath of his father Xiao Zhan still feels a little sluggish, Xiao Han feels fortunate that his father's condition should be fine, at least better than the other imprisoned human spirit refiners and monster masters in the hall. many.

As a result, Xiao Han was a little happy, at least his father's situation was not terrible yet.

This is good news for Xiao Han.

Xiao Han stood outside the devilish cage and watched his father Xiao Zhan quietly.

Xiao Zhan, who seemed to have been sleeping all the time, did not respond at first.

Xiao Han didn't dare to make any movement, for fear of alarming the guards in this hall.

Xiao Han could only mutter his father in his mind.

"Dad, my son is useless, it makes you suffer..."

Xiao Han stared at that familiar face firmly, muttering softly in his mind.

After a while, Xiao Han, who was sitting cross-legged in the Demon Qi Cage, seemed to vaguely sense an abnormality.

His eyes that had been closed all the time trembled slightly, and there was a trace of pain on his face.

Only after a while, Xiao Zhan's eyes opened slowly.

Although Xiao Zhan's eyes didn't want the numbness and dazedness of the human race refiners and monster masters who were imprisoned in the demon qi cage that Xiao Han had seen before, but they also looked a little muddy.

However, after a moment, Xiao Zhan blinked his eyes, his eyes finally gradually restored a trace of clarity.

When Xiao Zhan saw the somewhat illusory figure appearing outside the Demon Qi Cage, the painful look on his face completely solidified at this moment.

Xiao Zhan looked at the illusory figure outside the devilish cage with an incredulous expression. He opened his mouth and finally made no sound.

However, Xiao Han's eyes reddened, and his entire body, sitting cross-legged, began to tremble involuntarily.

"Uh uh uh......"

Xiao Zhan's mouth moved a bit, only to let out a dry roar.

Seeing that his father had been imprisoned for so many years, he couldn't even speak clearly, and the tears in Xiao Han's eyes began to flow down uncontrollably.

Xiao Han's somewhat illusory figure condensed by the power of the gods, stood outside the devilish cage, and knelt down slowly towards Xiao Zhan who was doing cross-legged.

"Father, you have suffered." Xiao Han said softly in a hoarse voice: "My son is not filial. So far I have not been able to save you."

With that, Xiao Han kowtowed slightly at Xiao Zhan in the devilish cage.

"Uh...little...little...little cold, my...son"

At this time, Xiao Zhan looked at the figure that appeared outside the devilish cage and bowed his head. Xiao Zhan with red eyes, after repeated attempts, finally spit out a word intermittently.

Xiao Han Geng said with a swallow, "Father, my son has finally found you. It's just that my son has found here now, and his father has suffered."

"Baby...zi, you...much faster than my father expected."

Although he had been trapped for so many years, Xiao Zhan could tell at a glance that Xiao Han in front of him was just a power of divine consciousness.

However, it was obvious that Xiao Han was able to send a power of divine consciousness here, which showed that Xiao Han's strength was absolutely extraordinary.

At least Xiao Han can now condense his own figure by virtue of a divine sense power. Although it is a bit illusory, it is enough to prove that Xiao Han's strength is very strong.

And if Xiao Han can find it here, it shows that Xiao Han has grown very fast over the years.

Xiao Han looked at his father in tears, and said softly: "Dad, don't worry, I will rescue you as soon as possible."

Xiao Zhan looked at his son with tears in his eyes, and said with relief: "Well, good boy, Dad is waiting for you, Dad will definitely be waiting for you."

"Hmph, I want to save your father, I'm afraid you are not so capable."

At this moment, Xiao Zhan's voice just fell, and a cold snort suddenly sounded in the hall.

As this old voice appeared in the hall, a gloomy atmosphere suddenly appeared in the entire hall.

Xiao Zhan's face changed slightly. He knew the origin of the other party, and he knew that Xiao Han had to leave when he appeared here at this time.

However, Xiao Han's expression remained calm, and he slowly stood up from the ground.

After a while, behind Xiao Han, a space began to gradually twist, and soon, an old figure slowly walked out of the space crack.

The old figure that suddenly appeared looked at Xiao Han, who was somewhat illusory in front of him. His brows were slightly frowned, and an unexpected expression flashed across his face.

He could naturally see that the little guy in front of him was not the body, but just a piece of divine consciousness.

Just being able to rely on a piece of divine sense to appear here is not easy.

The old figure glanced at Xiao Zhan, smiled slightly, and said: "I didn't expect Xiao Zhan's son to grow to where he is now in just a few years. It seems that Lord Demon Sovereign still looks down on this little guy. "

"You are one of the people in charge on Mingshan Mountain, right?" Xiao Han looked at the old figure calmly.

"It seems that you have a lot of opportunities for these people. You can grow to this level in just a few years. If you knew that you should have been killed directly." The old figure laughed softly: "But if You think you can save your father with your strength, that would be too naive."

"Don't worry, I am not strong enough now, then I will continue to grow up. It won’t be long before I will save my father from here. At that time, all the demons here will suffer for my father over the years. Pay the price hard." Xiao Han's eyes were full of killing intent.

"Then I will wait and see."

The old figure chuckled and stopped talking nonsense.

Suddenly he stretched out his hand towards Xiao Han's location, and Xiao Han's divine power immediately disappeared without a trace.

Seeing Xiao Han's dissipated divine consciousness condensed body, Xiao Zhan, who was trapped in the demon qi cage, showed a touch of relief on his face.

In front of a strong man in the pinnacle state of the Tribulation Period, Xiao Han did not show any look of fear. This alone made Xiao Zhan very satisfied.

Although he left the secular world many years ago, he left his son.

But it seems that Xiao Han has gradually grown up over the years.

Xiao Zhan believed that what Xiao Han said would be realized.

I'm afraid it won't be long before his child will appear on this mountain.

At that time, when Xiao Han reappeared here, it was not the power of divine consciousness, but the real body of Xiao Han.

Seeing Xiao Zhan's relieved look, the old figure outside the devilish cage frowned slightly.

Although it was said that what had just appeared in front of him was nothing more than a divine power, but faintly, he suddenly that little guy, it might not take long for the little guy to really fill the mountain.

"Xiao Han, right? The old man is waiting for you..." The old figure looked at the place where Xiao Han had disappeared and snorted coldly.

Sitting cross-legged in the devilish cage, Xiao Zhan raised his head and glanced at the old figure with slightly wrinkled brows, then laughed softly: "Old Yunshan ghost, do you feel pressure?"

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