"You really think that my old man doesn't know anything about your Demon Sovereign, right?" The ancestor of the Lu family sneered: "I heard that there are at least two masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period guarding it on the Mt. Na Mingshan is the most important stronghold of the Demon Emperor near Demon Imperial City.

What's more, Xiao Han's father is still being held there, and there may be three strong men who are at the peak of the Tribulation Period guarding him. "

"You...how do you know?"

Hearing the words of the ancestor of the Delu family, Xiao Han could feel Zhang Quanzong's body trembling clearly.

This made Xiao Han's expression a little serious.

Two tribulation period peak realm or even three tribulation period peak realm masters, this is not an ordinary lineup.

A strong man in the peak state of the Tribulation Period and two strong men in the peak state of the Tribulation Period, this is not a simple matter of one plus one equals two.

Two powerhouses in the pinnacle state of the Tribulation Period, such a powerful lineup, even powerful families such as the Yunwu City Lu Family and the Qi Family may not be able to resist.

If Xiao Han knew the news of his father Xiao Zhan now, and rushed to Mingshan stupidly as soon as his head became hot, it would be equivalent to seeking his own death.

Zhang Quanzong watched Xiao Han's face change several times, and said softly: "I have told you everything I know, now you can let me go?"

Xiao Han raised his head and said suddenly: "I want you to immediately pass on the power of your divine consciousness and take me to the place where my father is detained."

Zhang Quanzong's face changed slightly: "Are you crazy, if Lord Demon Sovereign or other big figures know that I took you to the mountain, even if you let me go, I will definitely die when I go back."

Xiao Lun Lun smiled and said: "This is your business. If you don't do what I said, then you will die now. You do what I said, it doesn't necessarily matter if you die."

With that, Xiao Han immediately pointed at the Lu family ancestor and said: "Grandpa, I hope you will help me bind my spiritual sense with Zhang Quanzong's spiritual sense."

The ancestor Lu's face changed slightly, and he asked quickly: "Little guy, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I have to try it. I haven't seen my father for many years. I finally had such an opportunity. I don't want to give up."

Xiao Han said, turning his head and looking at Zhang Quanzong fiercely: "I will give you one minute to think about it. If you don't cooperate, I will let you disappear now."

Seeing Xiao Han's expression, Zhang Quanzong couldn't help but shudder.

Zhang Quanzong knew that if he didn't cooperate, Xiao Han would really attack him. Zhang Quanzong had no doubt about this.

After a while, the yard suddenly became busy.

Empress Yumei and Luoluo began to appear in the middle of the courtyard, forbidding anyone from approaching the courtyard to disturb them.

Chen Jinnan was in charge of guarding the gate of the small courtyard and serving as a guard task.

As for the little demon beast Wangcai, he still lay on Zhang Quanzong's shoulder, making Zhang Quanzong afraid to move.

Xiao Han and Zhang Quanzong sat cross-legged in front of the Lu family ancestors.

When both Xiao Han and Zhang Quanzong closed their eyes, the ancestors of the Lu family began to slowly place the thumbs of their two hands on the temples of Xiao Han and Zhang Quanzong.

Next, as long as Zhang Quanzong used the secret method to transmit his own divine power, the ancestor of the Lu family would be able to bind Xiao Han’s divine power with Zhang Quanzong’s divine power.

At that time, Xiao Han's divine power can follow Zhang Quanzong's divine power to go to Mingshan.

Of course Xiao Han knew that there were risks in doing this, but Xiao Han really wanted to see his father.

Although it was dangerous, it was much safer than Xiao Han rushing to Mingshan at this time.

Xiao Han really missed his father too much.

And most importantly, Xiao Han wanted to make sure that his father was safe now.

In this way, Xiao Han can at least feel relieved.

When Xiao Han slowly poured a divine sense power into the thumb of the Lu family ancestor, Xiao Han suddenly felt that his divine sense gave a mysterious air force to pull it past.

Passing through the body of the ancestor of the Lu family, Xiao Han could clearly feel that his spiritual knowledge had actually entered Zhang Quanzong's mind.

At this moment, Xiao Han immediately noticed Zhang Quanzong's panic.

Zhang Quanzong seemed to have also noticed that Xiao Han's spiritual power was extremely powerful.

"Xiao Han, don't hurt me, I'm already cooperating with you."

"I won't hurt you, take me to Mingshan now."

"Well, well, don't mess around when you go, otherwise, my spiritual power will be damaged a lot."

Suddenly, Xiao Han only felt that there was a flower in front of his eyes. Following his spiritual power, a dark channel appeared in Xiao Han's mind.

This passage appeared so strangely in Xiao Han's mind, Xiao Han vaguely guessed that this was the Lu family ancestor who had begun to use the secret method.

Xiao Han didn't hesitate either, controlling his return home spirit power and quickly rushed towards the front.

Xiao Han could vaguely feel that above his own divine sense, there was also a divine sense of Zhang Quanzong.

It's just that the guy seems to be worried about being discovered, so he hides it deeply.

Xiao Han was too lazy to bother, as long as he could sneak this divine sense into the mountain and find his father.

The dark passage that appeared in Xiao Han's mind seemed very long.

But Xiao Han didn't have any impatience.

He vaguely guessed that this passage should lead to Mingshan.

Xiao Han began to carefully control his divine consciousness power and quickly flashed forward.

Just shuttled past incessantly, even Xiao Han didn't know how long this shuttle lasted.

Gradually, this dark passage seemed to have come to an end.

Because Xiao Han faintly felt a kind of repressive fluctuation.

After Xiao Han began to feel this kind of fluctuation, Xiao Han controlled his divine consciousness power to slowly slow down.

In the end, the end of a passage really appeared in front of Xiao Han.

Xiao Han carefully manipulated his spiritual consciousness to flash out from the end of the passage.

Xiao Han's power of divine consciousness had just rushed out of the tunnel, and Xiao Han could clearly feel the shady breath coming from around him.

And what appeared in front of Xiao Han was a dark hall, which exudes a gloomy atmosphere.

And this whole hall is very huge, and I don't know what material it is made of. The dark color that imprints in the eyes, the whole hall gives people a very depressive feeling.

Is this the Mingshan?

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