The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2371: Just one punch

What made Li Longji even more incredible was that Xiao Han was so young.

He has not never seen such a young master at the peak of the Tribulation Period.

Of course, based on his experience, he has seen some young masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period, such as Li Chen from Huangquanmen.

But compared to Xiao Han in front of him, Li Longji felt that Li Chen was far inferior.

In other words, the talent and roots of Xiao Han's cultivation in front of him can be called an enchanting figure.

"In this way, Quanzong Zhang is probably in a bad situation in this contest."

Li Longji sighed softly in his heart, and it took a long time to slowly recover from the shock.

It seems that Qi's wishful thinking may not be able to start this time.

The guy who suddenly jumped out of the Lu family was so strong.

Then... those gifts from the Qi family received by Li Longji?

"Hmph, the old man has tried his best, but it has nothing to do with me."

Soon, Li Longji had settled his attention.

No matter how things turn out today, that generous gift is impossible to return.

Just when Li Longji was hitting Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, Zhang Quanzong almost cried at this time.

Zhang Quanzong regrets that.

The intestines are almost regretful.

Of course, Zhang Quanzong has no retreat now.

Although Xiao Han hadn't hit a punch now, Zhang Quanzong felt that he had already lost half of his momentum.

But this is not to blame Zhang Quanzong, no matter who suddenly faces such a powerful opponent, when the overwhelming fierce aura surrounds him, he will inevitably lose his mind.

"How can a little guy who has just stepped into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period so powerful?"

Zhang Quanzong's face was full of pale expressions.

A look of fear flashed in his eyes.

As a master at the peak of the Tribulation Period, Zhang Quanzong can clearly feel how powerful the fierce aura exuded by Li Longji Yiyang and Xiao Han.

The surging aura rushing around made Zhang Quanzong feel that he was not facing an opponent, but a vast and boundless world.

This kind of feeling, Zhang Quanzong has only experienced in those older generations in the Demon Imperial City.

And those strong men of the older generation are all big figures in the Demon Imperial City.

But now, standing in front of him is not the big figures in Demon Imperial City, but a young man who looks twenty-five years old.

"Hey, are you ready? I'm ready to punch." At this time, seeing that Quanzong's face was different, Xiao Han smiled slightly and said softly.

Hearing this, Zhang Quanzong's eyes suddenly showed a ruthless look.

The guy in front of him is very strong, but he doesn't believe it anymore. This guy who has just stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period may really be far better than himself.

What is the strong breath that shows?

Maybe it's just a flash in the pan?

When the real performance is unfolded, it is not certain how strong it can be.

Soon, Zhang Quanzong did not retreat but moved forward. He slowly squeezed his fists, his expression sullen.

At this time, he couldn't show any timidity anyway.


Zhang Quanzong couldn't help but roar.

A vigorous aura also began to burst out of Zhang Quanzong's body, and these auras soon condensed an invisible aura barrier in front of Zhang Quanzong.

Seeing that the fierce barrier in front of him has been condensed, the Quanzong stared at Xiao Han not far away, and shouted angrily: "Put a punch, let me see how strong you are."

To Zhang Quanzong's clamor, Xiao Han had an indifferent expression.

Xiao Han grinned, with a playful look at the corner of his mouth.

The same is the strength of the peak realm of the Tribulation Period, and it is not a master who has experienced the three-fold and five-fold.

Even at this strength, I am ashamed to shout in front of him?

This Zhang Quanzong really does not live or die.

Xiao Han smiled slightly: "Look at how I can blow you up..."

When Xiao Han said the last word, the surging aura that filled the surroundings instantly gathered towards Xiao Han.

Finally, among the horrified gazes of countless people around, all the sharp auras around gathered on Xiao Han's fist.

Xiao Han suddenly threw a punch without fancy.

This punch blasted towards Zhang Quanzong unimpededly, and hit the aura barrier that Zhang Quanzong condensed so hard.


Xiao Han's fist and Zhang Quanzong's defensive barrier crashed into each other.

There was a very terrifying fluctuation on the field.

These waves of fluctuations are like waves slowly spreading around.

All of a sudden, there were obvious cracks on the floor of the entire square.

The entire square was trembling, and the tiny cracks continued to spread to the surroundings.


Starting from the position where Xiao Han's punch collided with Zhang Quanzong's aura barrier, invisible waves quickly spread to the surroundings.

Xiao Han shot a punch lightly, but the whole family was flushed, and everyone could see that Zhang Quanzong was struggling to deal with it.

On the aura barrier that he had displayed, the vigorous vigor continued to erode the aura barrier of Zhang Quanzong.

In order to defend against being disintegrated, Zhang Quanzong had to desperately mobilize the aura in his body and inject it into the aura barrier in front of him.

Seeing this scene, the Lu family were a little dumbfounded.

Although Zhang Quanzong was reluctant to deal with Xiao Han's punch, Zhang Quanzong still withstood Xiao Han's punch.

In this way, Xiao Han's punch did not seem to have much impact on Zhang Quanzong.

On the other hand, although Xiao Han said that he looked relaxed, there was no achievement in that punch.

This made the Lu family secretly unsatisfactory, it seems that the situation is a bit wrong.

On the other hand, everyone in the Qi family, including the owner Qi Yu, all looked excited.

This Xiao Han is a real anticlimax, right?

Before punching, he was so powerful and scary, like a hidden super master.

But now it seems that the power after punching is pretty good, but that's it.

It seems a little different from what Qi Yu and others expected.

"Haha... caught it, and Zhang Quanzong caught the punch."

"Yes, it seems that this guy is not good at dripping, he looks very cowhide, but he is actually strong outside."

"It should be, maybe this is the so-called unsuccessful use."


Soon, the Qi family couldn't help shouting in excitement.

Correspondingly, all the Lu family members present were ashamed.

"It's over, this is over, our Lujia is completely over."

"What to do? Our family lost half of it."

"There is no way, the ending is doomed, our Lu family is in a disaster this time."

"Is it really the only way to do this?"


The Lu family members stared at the situation on the field, their faces extremely ugly.

If they lose this contest, their family will be over.

Lu Xuan looked at all this solemnly, but she didn't express anything.

It's just that the Qi family on the court shouted in excitement, and the Lu family looked depressed.

But the elder Li Longji of Huangquanmen still stared at the situation where Xiao Han and Zhang Quanzong were fighting.

Apart from Xiao Han and Zhang Quanzong, only Li Longji could vaguely see a glimmer of clues.

Zhang Quanzong had tried his best to defend, but the sharp aura of Xiao Han's punch remained on the aura barrier for a long time, but there was a sign of increasing concentration.

Compared with Zhang Quanzong's flushed face, Xiao Han can be said to be the most relaxed person in the audience.

He looked at Zhang Quanzong, who was stubbornly resisting his punch, suddenly grinned and said: "Your strength is still okay. Among the masters in the peak realm of the Transcendence Period, it is not the worst. That's it..."

When Xiao Han's last word fell, everyone on the court, including Lu Xuan and others, was stunned by Xiao Han's words.

However, Xiao Han didn't have the opportunity to react with anyone. Xiao Han suddenly stretched out his palm and grabbed Zhang Quanzong who was not far away.

"Give me...broken."

The fierce breath that Xiao Han gave out with a punch suddenly rose.

I saw a series of cracking sounds above the aura barrier condensed by Quanzong Zhang.

More and more cracks began to appear on the aura barrier that was barely able to withstand Xiao Han.

Among the surprised eyes of the audience, more and more cracks spread quickly, and the aura barrier of Zhang Zhang Quanzong can no longer withstand the sharp aura of Xiao Han.

At this time, the people vaguely realized that Xiao Han's punch was not simple.


More and more cracks began to spread. The aura barrier that had been reluctantly insisted, finally could not withstand the sharp aura contained in Xiao Han's punch. The bang directly turned into countless fragments and burst open. Come.


The aura barrier burst open directly, and Zhang Quanzong, who was connected to the aura barrier, was immediately hit hard, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whole person was blown upside down by a huge force.

Zhang Quanzong was thrown out and hit the stone platform in the distance, leaving a few meters deep trace on the stone platform, and the whole person was also deeply plunged into the stone platform.

Seeing this scene, the audience was silent.

Countless people on the court looked at Zhang Quanzong who was deeply smashed into the stone platform with a look of surprise, and all of them on the court suddenly had a short circuit in their minds.

With one punch, only one punch, a master of the peak stage of the Tribulation Period invited by the Qi Family from the Demon Imperial City was actually defeated by Xiao Han.

And Xiao Han only punched.

No one could have imagined that the whole family was defeated so embarrassed.

That guy who seems to be in his twenties is so terrifying in combat power?

This is probably the real horror, right?

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