The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2364: Yunwucheng Road Home

In addition, the Huangquan Gate was also very powerful when the cloud city's spatial teleportation array was set up, so this spatial teleportation array actually belonged to the Huangquanmen.

Regarding this, the Lu family and Qi family dare not have any objections.

However, the Huangquan family has a big business, and naturally it is impossible to send someone to Yunshang City to manage a space teleportation formation. Therefore, this space teleportation formation in Yunshang City is rotated by the Lu family and the Qi family. Responsible for management.

Anyway, everyone has a share, taking turns to manage this space teleportation formation, but no one can hold it for a long time.

Of course, these hundreds of years of taking turns sitting in the village can also be regarded as a means by Huangquanmen to control its affiliated families.

If Xiao Han's fastest speed, he would naturally be able to reach Yunshang City in half a day.

However, Xiao Han also had to take into account the speed of Yi's falling and Yumei Empress.

In addition, Xiao Han did not act too eagerly in front of Empress Yumei, so Xiao Han could only pretend to slow down.

When Xiao Han arrived at Yunwu City, it still took more than half a day.

When it was almost sunset westward, Xiao Han had not seen the outline of Yunwu City in his eyes.

Why is it so slow?

There are naturally reasons for this.

During the journey, when Xiao Han and others passed over some mountains and forests, they actually encountered quite a few Tier 7 monsters.

There are a lot of high-level monsters in the Huangquan Mountain Range.

It's just that Xiao Han has no intention of killing these seventh-order monsters.

On the contrary, Empress Yumei and Luo Luo didn't know what they were in. They actually wanted to stop and kill the monster several times.

This made Xiao Han anxious.

But Xiao Han couldn't say clearly, let alone urge Empress Yumei and Luo Luo.

No way, Xiao Han could only smile and promise Empress Yumei and Luoluo to go down and kill those seventh-order monsters.

Chen Jinnan naturally knew the reason for this, and had been snickering beside him.

And Xiao Han also pretended that he hadn't seen anything through, and he kept pretending to be crazy.

But since Empress Yumei and Luoluo were going to kill the seventh-order monsters, Xiao Han could only be as satisfied as possible.

With Xiao Han's strength, killing some seventh-order monsters is not as fast as autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

But Empress Yumei and Luoluo couldn't stand it all along the way and refused to let go of any 7th-order monsters, so even if Xiao Han's shot was fast enough, Xiao Han and the others still hadn't reached Cloud City when the sunset was westward.

"Brother Xiao Han, there is also a seventh-order monster over there, let's go and take a look." Luo Luo said with a smile.

"Well, go and kill it." Xiao Han gave a wry smile.

At this time, Xiao Han was no longer anxious.

No way, the sun is about to set, and Yunwu City has no shadows.

Xiao Han guessed that he would not be able to reach Yunwu City today.

The two little women, Luoluo and Yumei Niangniang, united and forced Xiao Han to slow down.

After that, Xiao Han gave up altogether. Anyway, he won't be able to reach Yunwu City today, so he should just spend the night on the way.

So Xiao Han is not in a hurry.

Are you going to kill the seventh-order monsters?

Well, not just the seventh-order monsters, all the sixth-order monsters that were within a kilometer of that seventh-order monster, Xiao Han killed them all at once.

Along the way, the whole mountain forest jumped.

As long as the forests Xiao Han and others passed through, all the seventh-order monsters and sixth-order monsters could not escape death.

It was Xiao Han himself who shot at the beginning.

When he got to the back, Xiao Han was sure that he would not be able to reach Yunwu City anyway today, so Xiao Han simply released his clone.

Let the clone go down and kill the seventh-order monsters and all the sixth-order monsters. The speed is very fast, and it can also allow your clone to condense its strength and improve its combat effectiveness. Why not do it.

Xiao Han's clone is now close to the mid-term strength of the Tribulation Period, and it is natural to kill the seventh-order monster.

After it got dark, Xiao Han and the others found a cave nearby for the night.

Empress Yumei and Luoluo were counting the spoils excitedly.

At the end of the day, more than 60 Tier 7 monsters and more than 300 Tier 6 monsters were killed.

The harvest is fruitful.

Xiao Han and Chen Jinnan didn't take a single demon pill, and left them all to Empress Yumei and Luoluo.

While sitting on the ground to divide the spoils, the two little women's eyes narrowed.

However, Xiao Han knows very well that what makes Yumei Niangniang and Luo Luo happy most is that in order to take care of the emotions of the two of them, Xiao Han is willing to slow down the journey.

This alone made Empress Yumei very content.

Early the next morning, Xiao Han took Chen Jinnan and the others on the road again. An hour later, a majestic city appeared in the vision of Xiao Han and others.

"This is Cloud City, right?"

Xiao Han looked down at the huge city at the end of his sight and laughed softly.

Chen Jinnan nodded, staring into the distance, and then softly reminded: "But you still have to pay attention to it. After all, this Cloud City is regarded as the sphere of influence of the Huangquan Sect. You defeated Li Chen, and it is estimated that the Huangquan Sect is staying at Li Gui. Yuan must have a grudge in his heart. If you know that you are in their sphere of influence, you may be out of touch."

"I know, if I can, I want to hide it from Huangquanmen." Xiao Han nodded and said: "But you also know that if I have the opportunity, I will still contact Huangquanmen."

"Okay, but let's be more careful in everything." Chen Jinnan had no objection.

When staying overnight yesterday, Xiao Han had already told Chen Jinnan about Biluohuangquanzhang.

This made Chen Jinnan look astonished.

Chen Jinnan really didn't expect that Xiao Han not only cultivated Xingyizong's Fengyun Transformation Body, but also had a set of Biluo Huangquan Palms that had a deep connection with Huangquan Sect.

That's why Chen Jinnan reminded Xiao Han to be more careful.

Empress Yumei and Luo Luo behind him didn't look worried.

Following Xiao Han all the way, what big winds and waves have you never seen?

Although Huangquan Gate is very powerful, Yumei Niangniang and Luoluo have confidence in Xiao Han.

Xiao Han's gaze looked at the outline of the huge city in the distance, as if it were an ancient behemoth entrenched in the vast mountains and forests.

"Before you heard that the spatial teleportation formation in this cloud city happened to be controlled by the Lu family in recent years?"

Chen Jinnan nodded and said with a smile: "It should be like this. When I went to Xingfengfeng, I met a friend from the Huangquan Mountain Range. I asked about it, and it seemed like this would be the case."

Xiao Han smiled and said: "That's good, then after we meet Lu Xuan, we can leave for Demon Imperial City within a few days in this cloud city. I just don't know that two years have passed. Lu Xuan is now repairing How far is it for your realm and strength?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Han also had some expectations in his eyes.

Lu Xuan back then was an opponent who even Xiao Han didn't dare to say he would win.

In addition, after Xiao Han and Lu Xuan were together, there was no chance to fight Lu Xuan.

However, Xiao Han at that time was sure that Lu Xuan's strength would definitely surpass him.

I just don't know what realm Lu Xuan's strength can reach after two years have passed?

Mid-term? Or the peak of the tribulation period?

Xiao Han felt that it should not be too low.

The middle of the robbery period is the minimum.

"What? Stay a few days?" Upon hearing this, Empress Yumei asked suddenly.

"Uh..." Xiao Han laughed dryly: "It depends on the situation, let's talk about the situation."

With that said, Xiao Han rushed towards Yunwu City as if fleeing.

After paying the toll, through the majestic and heavily guarded city gate, a street nearly 100 meters wide appeared in front of everyone.

After passing through the majestic city gate, this street full of pedestrians showed up in Xiao Han's eyes with a boisterous atmosphere.

Slowly walking forward following the flow of people, there are various shops on either side of which you can't see the end.

Even the streets nearly 100 meters wide are a bit crowded.

Black human heads are everywhere, and the ears are full of loud noises.

The noises condensed into waves and spread out, rushing straight into the sky.

"This Cloud City is even more popular than Yunshang City. Among so many cities I have seen, it can at least rank in the top three. I am afraid this Cloud City should be the most popular city in the entire Huangquan Mountains. Right?" Feeling the majesty and super popularity of Yunwu City, Xiao Han couldn't help but sigh.

Chen Jinnan smiled and said: "Indeed, this Cloud City is the most popular city in the Huangquan Mountains. In addition, this Cloud City has a space teleportation formation that directly connects to the Demon Imperial City.

Xiao Han smiled and said: "Walk around, let's ask where Lu's house is."

Although Chen Jinnan has some knowledge of the situation in this cloud city, he has never been to the cloud city in the future.

If you want to know the location of Yunwucheng Lu's home, you can only ask the people on the road.

Xiao Han randomly found a pedestrian, stuffed a Tier 5 Demon Pill, and then asked the Lu family's manor.

As one of the two largest families in Cloud City, the Lu family is naturally known to everyone.

Besides, Xiao Han also stuffed a Tier 5 Demon Pill.

The guy got a bargain, and he immediately became so heart-hearted. He repeatedly explained how to get to the Lujia Manor several times before leaving.

Chen Jinnan, Yumei Niangniang and others followed Xiao Han and walked through this extremely long and wide street. After turning around for a few times, a huge manor covering an extremely large area appeared in the sight of Xiao Han and others.

After slowly walking over, Xiao Han had a better understanding of the huge manor.

Along the high wall, Xiao Han, Chen Jinnan and others walked for a full five minutes.

When Xiao Han and others stood at the majestic gate of the manor, they found that the gate was full of guards holding various magic weapons.

These guards are not weak in their cultivation level. The key is to stare around with vigilance, as if they are guarding against something.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Han also whispered with a look of surprise: "What's the matter? What happened to the Lu family? Do you still need to look like an enemy in broad daylight?"

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