The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2353: Life and death

But fortunately, Xiao Han's spiritual consciousness is much stronger than ordinary people.

In addition, now that Xiao Han has successfully stepped into the peak state of the Tribulation Transition Period, his divine consciousness is much stronger than before.

Otherwise, Xiao Han's desire to rely on the power of divine consciousness to gather the Phoenix blood in his body can only be whimsical.

However, Xiao Han's divine consciousness power was strong enough, but he wandered around in his body, trying hard to gather the violent energy scattered all around, but after trying for a while, Xiao Han realized that the effect was not great.

Only then, Xiao Han was a little dumbfounded.

If there is no way to get rid of these violent breaths in the body, what should I do next?

Is it really going to explode and die like the head of Lu Chenlu said?

Xiao Han is not reconciled.

Did not lose in the hands of Ruan Qingqing, did not die in the hands of the Mozu, and was not strangled by the star [八一中文网]Meteor Sect Elder Wan Jianyi, but died in a few drops in the end Little Phoenix's **** hands?

But when he noticed the worsening situation inside his body, Xiao Han was a little confused.

Just when Xiao Han was at a loss, Lu Chen, Chen Jinnan, and Cao Ci who were guarding by his side also looked anxious.

Now they had no intention of rushing, but stopped on a peak far away from the Starfall Mountains.

Xiao Han may be in danger at any time.

"Master, what should we do now, it seems that Xiao Han's body is getting worse and worse?" Cao Ci's expression was also anxious.

Chen Jinnan on the side pinned all his hopes on Lu Chen. With the strength of Chen Jinnan and Cao Ci, they couldn't help at all. The only possibility was Lu Chen.

"just wait."

Lu Chen sighed lightly, and finally swallowed only these three words.

Chen Jinnan and Cao Ci looked at each other with a wry smile, and had to sit quietly beside Xiao Han.

Like what Lu Chen said, they can't help much in the current situation, so they can only sit here and wait quietly.

In fact, not only Chen Jinnan and Cao Ci, but Xiao Han himself is already anxious.

The condition in his body was getting worse and worse, and the violent aura continued to destroy all parts of his body.

In this situation, Xiao Han couldn't even suppress it.

If you no longer want to control the situation, Xiao Han's final result must be miserable.

But what can be done now?

Even the vigorous aura in Xiao Han's body didn't work, and the power of divine consciousness couldn't target those violent auras.

Even Little Demon Beast Wangcai couldn't get rid of the violent aura in his body.

It seemed that those phoenix blood was really much trickier than Xiao Han imagined.

Think about it, if it weren't so scary, the leader of the Guiyuan faction Lu Chen wouldn't be helpless.

But just waiting for death like this, Xiao Han was really unwilling.

At this critical juncture, Xiao Han's inspiration suddenly flashed.

He suddenly remembered the icy breath and fire breath he had merged before.

Xiao Han was able to fuse these two completely different auras together, and finally his power greatly increased, so now that he is helpless, can he try to let the icy and fire blending breath try to deal with the Phoenix blood in his body?

He thought about this.

The spiritual energy in the body was quickly mobilized, and the icy aura and the flame aura continued to fuse together, and soon filled his entire meridian.

Xiao Han cautiously mobilized the fusion of ice and fire in his body, and began to target Phoenix essence and blood.

At this moment, Xiao Han was surprised to find that the fusion of ice and fire in his body was actually enveloping the violent energy in the meridians.

"It worked, it really worked." Xiao Han was surprised.

Unexpectedly, those phoenix essence blood that could not be dealt with by exhausting various means were actually dealt with by the aura of ice and fire.

When the aura of ice and fire in Xiao Han just wrapped the violent energy clusters, the violent energy seemed to be aware of the abnormality.

They began to rush to speed up immediately, and then tumbling in Xiao Han's meridians endlessly.

It's just that when those violent energies come into contact with the melting atmosphere of ice and fire, they will be immediately enveloped.

In the end, the violent energy remaining from the Phoenix essence began to mess around in Xiao Han's body.

Just as the violent auras separated from the phoenix essence and blood in Xiao Han's body were chaotically, the ice and fire gradually differentiated and disintegrated them from the aura.

The auras that were originally violent and unruly began to become well-behaved, and finally the violent energy in the Phoenix blood began to gradually disappear, leaving only the purest energy slowly blending into Xiao Han’s meridians. .

As the pure energies in the Phoenix blood merged into Xiao Han’s meridians, Xiao Han was surprised to find that there was not only a violent aura in the Phoenix blood, but there were also many spirits that were not even comparable to the eighth-order demon pill. Pure energy.

When those pure energies were injected into Xiao Han's meridians, Xiao Han immediately felt that the power in his body was constantly growing, and even his meridians were gradually strengthening.

In other words, as long as he could find ways to refine the Phoenix essence and blood, Xiao Han would be able to achieve a great improvement.

Phoenix blood can be controlled and refined.

The most important problem is to find the right means to deal with it.

At this moment, Xiao Han, who had been distraught, suddenly became excited.

He just refined a little bit of violent aura and has already gained a lot of pure energy.

If all the drops of Phoenix essence and blood that entered his body were refined, wouldn't it be possible to obtain great benefits?

Xiao Han also didn't expect that he unexpectedly discovered that Phoenix essence and blood could be refined.

Although Xiao Han didn't understand it, this incident had indeed happened.

Hasn't Lu Chen, the leader of the Guiyuan faction, mentioned it?

It's impossible for a Terran Qi refiner to refine Phoenix essence and blood.

Is it possible that there is a monster blood in oneself?

It's impossible.

"I don't want to do that much. Anyway, all the nine-day phoenix essence and blood that accidentally appeared in my body can be refined to improve my cultivation level and strength. That's it. I can't control other things so much."

Feeling the changes that are occurring in his body, Xiao Han was surprised and delighted.

The most important thing now is to dispose of all the Phoenix essence and blood in the body as soon as possible.

Of course, by now, Xiao Han had also clearly felt that this Phoenix blood could not be easily refined.

If it were not for Xiao Han's coincidence that the fusion of ice and fire could deal with Phoenix's essence and blood, I am afraid his whole body would be filled with smoke and miasma from the violent energy contained in those Phoenix essence and blood.

Next, Xiao Han began to continuously mobilize the melting breath of ice and fire in his body, enveloping the violent aura all over his body.

Along with the continuous effect of the fusion of ice and fire, the pure energy in the Phoenix blood is constantly being transformed.

Xiao Han could already feel that his strength was gradually increasing.

And this feeling of growth is beginning to become more and more obvious.

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly had a bold idea. If he had enough Phoenix essence and blood in his body, wouldn't he be able to use this opportunity to increase his strength again and directly begin to reach the level of the Triple Heavenly Tribulation?

Moreover, Xiao Han vaguely realized that these Phoenix essence blood could not only provide him with pure energy, but also continuously strengthen his physical strength.

This is probably the power of the blood of a divine beast like Jiutian Phoenix.

Following this trend, as long as Xiao Han refines all the drops of Phoenix essence and blood in his body, his physical strength will increase by a lot, right?

Of course, the premise is that there is enough Phoenix blood in his body, and his body must be able to eat it.

Because Xiao Han had already sensed it now that the energy contained in this phoenix essence and blood was too violent for the human refiner.

Even if Xiao Han is assisted by a blend of ice and fire, he must be cautious.

Otherwise, you will lose control if you are not careful.

Gradually, Xiao Han suddenly discovered that after refining so much violent aura, the Phoenix essence and blood in his body hardly decreased.

Could it be possible that two drops of Phoenix blood could contain such a terrifying pure aura?

This made Xiao Han a little surprised.

Xiao Han naturally did not know that Ruan Qingqing of the Star Meteorite Sect took five or six years to refine a few drops of Phoenix Essence, but Xiao Han now wants to remove two drops of Phoenix Essence in his body in just one day. All the blood is refined.

If Ruan Qingqing knew that Xiao Han was doing this now, he would definitely laugh from ear to ear.

Because her monster physique had to rely on the accumulation of time to slowly refine the energy contained in the Phoenix essence and blood.

Xiao Han didn't understand this at all. He thought he could refine all the Phoenix essence and blood in his body in a short time.

If Xiao Han continues like this, he will not be able to bear so much pure aura in the end and he will explode and die.

Gradually, as the violent auras in his body continued to be refined, Xiao Han's body meridians finally began to feel swollen.

This feeling is as if a person continues to eat a lot after eating.

Xiao Han seemed to be aware of this kind of something wrong. He checked the situation inside his body, only to find that the violent aura of the Phoenix essence and blood all over his body was still at least nine out of ten.

Xiao Han had just refined one or two of them, and he had already begun to make Xiao Han feel that there was no more aura in his meridians.

The swelling feeling that appeared in the body began to make Xiao Han's body feel a little uncomfortable.

If Xiao Han continues refining, the meridians in his body cannot hold so much pure energy, what will be the final result?

It is very possible that Xiao Han's whole body will really explode.

When he thought of this, Xiao Han couldn't help being shocked.

Soon, Xiao Han recovered from the previous surprise.

Constantly refining those violent energies can indeed improve Xiao Han's cultivation realm and strength, and it can also continuously strengthen Xiao Han's physical body.

But everything has a degree.

Xiao Han's current cultivation realm, whether it is the meridians in his body or his physical body, has a certain degree of improvement.

If it were forced to go down, Xiao Han would definitely not be able to avoid his body exploding and death.

Xiao Han couldn't help but shudder at the thought of this.

However, Xiao Han had just evacuated a part of the fusion of ice and fire, and he discovered that the phoenix essence and blood that had calmed down had started tossing again.

In other words, once you stop refining the Phoenix essence and blood, the violent energy in his body will once again make waves.

In the end, Xiao Han could not avoid his body exploding and death.

But if Xiao Han continued to refine those phoenixes, with his current meridian strength and physical strength, he would not be able to withstand so much pure aura at all.

When the meridians are damaged, and the physical body is also damaged, Xiao Han will suffer a great loss.

Xiao Han suddenly found himself in a situation where it was difficult to decide.

This makes Xiao Han very dilemma.

It won’t work if you stop refining, and then it won’t work. What should I do? ?

Xiao Han was thinking, and gradually realized that the faint pain in his body began to become stronger and stronger, and Xiao Han couldn't help laughing.

"Damn, what can I do? Dilemma..."


At the top of the mountain, Chen Jinnan, sitting on the back of the flying beast, stared at Xiao Han intently.

Gradually, he suddenly discovered that the blood red on Xiao Han's body seemed to fade a little, and it seemed that Xiao Han's condition was getting better.

"Master Lu, look at it," Chen Jinnan couldn't help but cried out in surprise.

"Isn't it? This guy is actually absorbing the Phoenix blood in his body?" Cao Ci on the side also noticed the abnormality in Xiao Han's body, and he was shocked.

"He is indeed absorbing those Phoenix blood." Seeing this scene, the leader of the Guiyuan faction Lu Chen nodded in surprise.

With his own perception, Lu Chen could still clearly perceive that the situation in Xiao Han's body was gradually calming down, and Xiao Han's strength actually began to slowly improve.

In other words, the Phoenix essence in Xiao Han's body not only didn't torture him to death, it was even being absorbed by Xiao Han's refining.

"Is Xiao Han okay with this?" Chen Jinnan asked with surprise on his face.

"You are right to say that." Lu Chen smiled.

"It's strange, how can Xiao Han refine Phoenix blood? Is it possible that his body is a monster?" Cao Ci looked incredulous when he thought of this.

"I didn't feel any monster aura in Xiao Han's body. He should be a human race. As for why he can refine Phoenix essence and blood, I don't know."

Lu Chen said softly: "At least now that Xiao Han's situation is getting better is good news for us. This is enough, regardless of whether he is a human or a monster."

After thinking about it, Cao Ci and Chen Jinnan felt that what Lu Chen said really made sense.

As long as Xiao Han is safe and sound, it doesn't matter whether he is a human race or a monster beast.

Gradually, the blood red on Xiao Han's body faded a bit, and the violent aura in his body became much calmer.

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