The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2342: Feng Xiao nine days

At the moment when the phoenix was completely gathered and formed, the tornado storm that had originally enveloped most of the competition site suddenly disappeared without a trace.

All the auras that Ruan Qingqing displayed were condensed into a series of powerful lights, which directly merged into the body of the Phoenix on that end.

When the phoenix took shape, a look of surprise flashed in Xiao Han's eyes.

Can it be formed with spiritual energy, is it possible that Ruan Qingqing's body is a phoenix?

You must know that the Nine Heavens Phoenix Clan is very mysterious, and even the Golden Dragon Clan is not comparable to the illusion of the Nine Heavens Phoenix.

Although the golden dragon tribe has always been very low-key in the world, very few people have seen the golden dragon tribe.

However, in the ancient times, these nine-day phoenixes were a powerful sacred beast race capable of keeping abreast of the golden dragons.

After the tornado storm raging on the court disappeared, Ruan Qingqing's figure was revealed.

In between, Ruan Qingqing's whole body was suspended out of thin air, reaching out his forehead, a drop of scarlet blood flew out of Ruan Qingqing's forehead, and finally landed on the body of the nine-day phoenix that gathered in midair.

Xiao Han's eyes condensed, and the whole person was stunned.

That drop of scarlet blood, but the essence of Ruan Qingqing's body contains powerful energy.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Han was affirmed in his heart.

The Ruan Qingqing in front of him is definitely not a human race.

It remains to be seen whether it is the legendary Nine Heavens Phoenix clan.

The only thing Xiao Han could be sure of at the time was that the identity of Ruan Qingqing might not be simple.

How could a monster beast with the blood of ancient gods and beasts possibly become a genius in the Starfall Sect?

Could it be that Shi Jingtian, the master of Xingyi Sect, already knew the true identity of Ruan Qingqing?

When Xiao Han looked at Shi Jingtian who was sitting on the top, Xiao Han saw a smile on Shi Jingtian's face.

As for the other onlookers on the court, it was Ruan Qingqing who looked intoxicated in the air.

This kind of character is so charming with every move and smile.

Only a few people noticed that the aura in Ruan Qingqing's body was somewhat abnormal, and speculated that Ruan Qingqing's body might be a monster.

When the drop of essence and blood in Ruan Qingqing's body merged into the body of the phoenix, a burst of vitality began to radiate from the body of the phoenix.

Ruan Qingqing's Miaoman figure was suspended in mid-air, her long skirt fluttering, like a fairy descending to the earth.

"Feng Xiao for nine days."

Ruan Qingqing reached out [Biquge] and lightly tapped towards the Phoenix.


Suddenly the phoenix that gathered in midair let out a low growl.

A majestic and intimidating light shot out from the Phoenix's mouth.

With a snoring, the arrogant light rushed directly to Xiao Han.

"Xiao Han, save your life."

Suddenly, Ruan Qingqing's cold voice sounded on the court.

"Feng Xiao Nine Heavens? It is said to be Ruan Qingqing's most powerful killer move."

"This is Feng Xiao Nine Heavens, Feng Xiao Nine Heavens that even some elders of the Star Meteorite Sect cannot take."

"This is the trick Ruan Qingqing used to become famous."

Immediately after Ruan Qingqing's voice fell, exclamation sounds suddenly sounded among the onlookers.

Obviously, everyone is familiar with Ruan Qingqing's trick Feng Xiao Jiutian.

Lu Chen, the head of the Guiyuan faction, looked at the situation on the court, without any expression on his face, only slightly narrowed his eyes.

Although Lu Chen didn't seem to react, when Ruan Qingqing's Feng Xiao nine-day move was completed, several big men around him still vaguely noticed a slight fluctuation in Lu Chen's aura.

Sect Master Shi of the Xingyi Sect on the side condensed with shocking eyes, and his heart was extremely vigilant.

If the leader of the Guiyuan faction Lu Chen couldn't help but intervene in the contest between Ruan Qingqing and Xiao Han, then Shi Jingtian would definitely not stand idly by.

As soon as Lu Chen made a move, Shi Jingtian would immediately stop him.

The speed of the powerful light that finally lased from the Phoenix was quite terrifying.

In less than an instant, he traversed a distance of hundreds of meters and appeared in front of Xiao Han under the gaze of countless eyes.

In the next moment, the sword gas barrier created by Xiao Han brandishing the Sky Sword dissipated without a trace in front of the glorious light.

All the defenses in front of Xiao Han collapsed in a single meeting. It seemed that with Xiao Han's strength, he could not resist Ruan Qingqing's move Feng Xiao Nine Heavens.

"It's over, it seems that Xiao Han is not Ruan Qingqing's opponent at all."

"Yes, the gap between the two sides is still a bit big. After all, the status and status are so different. It is difficult to make up for this gap."

"Hey, it's a pity that a dark horse came out finally."


When the sound of regret sounded on the court, a bright light suddenly burst out from the sky sword in Xiao Han's hand.

The entire Sky Sword's body was full of light, no less inferior to the glorious light from Phoenix's mouth.

"A sword breaks the sky."

The masterpiece of the sky sword in Xiao Han's hands, under that brilliant light, carries a violent energy that seems to destroy the sky and the earth.

When Xiao Han was mastering the powerful light of the sky sword in Xiao Han's hands, the powerful light created by Feng Xiao Nine Heavens just happened to burst out fiercely, and then under the gaze of countless eyes around, it slammed into the sky sword. The blade.

These two offensives with fierce aura collided fiercely at this moment.

There is no loud noise, no bright light, and no earth-shaking movement.

The two powerful lights that collided with each other did not make any noise. The two strong lights were entangled together, eroding each other and smiling at each other.

It's just that around the two powerful lights, even the space can't withstand the spreading impact.

A series of dark space cracks spread all over the audience.

At this moment, the audience was silent.

Everyone stared at where Xiao Han was.

Although the collision this time was surprisingly small, some of the experts on the field were still able to vaguely feel the horror aura that permeated the two powerful lights.

Everyone was stunned to watch the fight on the court.

Countless people are extremely nervous, this battle involves a lot, in the end who wins and who loses?

Even Lu Chen, the head of the Guiyuan Sect, had a nervous look on his face.

Lu Chen stared at the Sky Sword in Xiao Han's hand, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The Sky Sword in Xiao Han's hand was obviously of a very high grade. Although it was not as good as that high-grade spiritual weapon, it was definitely not easy to compete with Ruan Qingqing's Feng Xiao Nine Heavens.

It seems that there is not only a high-grade spiritual weapon beside Xiao Han, but also this long sword.

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