The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2339: Ruan Qingqing shot

Compared with Ruan Qingqing, Xiao Han is only a rising star that has only recently emerged.

Most of Xiao Han's situation is related to Xingyizong.

Lu Chen, the head of the Guiyuan Sect, had also heard a lot about the entire process of Xiao Han and Xingyizong's fight.

Among the information circulating outside, most people are saying that Xiao Han's own strength is indeed good, but most people still think that it is because of the assistance of the high-grade spirit weapon that Xiao Han is holding.

However, just before the talks, the master of the Star Meteorite Sect, Shi Jingtian, had already said directly that Xiao Han was not allowed to use that high-grade spiritual weapon.

In this way, Xiao Han's combat effectiveness will obviously be weakened a lot.

Then Xiao Han's odds of winning against Ruan Qingqing were even smaller.

However, Lu Chen also knew that although the odds of winning were small, it was not without the odds. It all depended on Xiao Han's own good fortune.

Lu Chen, the head of the Guiyuan faction, appeared in front of Xiao Han for a moment.

The war is just around the corner, Lu Chen still needs to remind Xiao Han of some things.

"Be careful, Ruan Qingqing is an opponent whose strength must not be underestimated. If I feel right, Ruan Qingqing was originally the best young junior among the three sects and four sects. After coming out of the Beiyue Peak Heavenly Thunder Pool, she was sure She has truly broken the realm and stepped into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period. Coupled with the full cultivation of the Star Meteorite Sect behind her, her combat power must be far better than opponents of the same realm."

"Thank you, head Lu for reminding." Xiao Han said with a serious expression.

"In case...I mean, if you lose, don't resist, just surrender, and Star Meteorite Sect will not dare to do anything to you. After all, Ruan Qingqing's talent and roots It is indeed the best of the younger generation in the three schools and four schools in recent years. The trump cards in his hand are very scary. Even if Cao Ci is a little bit behind her, it would not be ashamed if you really lose to her."

Hearing this, Xiao Han smiled and nodded. Xiao Han always attached great importance to Ruan Qingqing's opponent.

Ruan Ruan Qingqing had already stepped into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period for several years before relying on the Heavenly Thunder Pool of Beiyue Peak.

Xiao Han's realm was also quite different from Ruan Qingqing.

Xiao Han had just stepped into the middle of the catastrophe period, and Ruan Qingqing had already stepped into the peak of the catastrophe period, only one step away from the peak of the catastrophe period.

With Ruan Qingqing's terrifying talent and roots, it is normal to step into the peak of the Tribulation Period with the help of Tianlei Pond.

At the same level, Xiao Han can crush most opponents.

However, Xiao Han only had this confidence to crush most of his opponents instead of all of them.

A genius like Ruan Qingqing might be the small part of Xiao Han's mouth.

Moreover, the head of Lu Chen Lu specially reminded and hinted that the trump card in Ruan Qingqing's hand was terrifying. This was what surprised Xiao Han.

What trump card Ruan Qingqing has in his hand that needs to be brought up by the head of Lu Chenlu himself?

Of course, reminding Gui reminding, attaching importance to Gui, Xiao Han has his own plans and ideas.

Xiao Han never underestimated any enemy, nor underestimated any enemy.

At least Xiao Han has his own thoughts and his own character.

Now, by chance, he had a relationship with the leader of the Guiyuan Sect, Lu Chen. Although the other party was trying to protect himself in front of Xingyizong because of the ancestor's legacy, Xiao Han didn't want to completely watch the incense and get out of it.

Moreover, Xiao Han also wanted to let everyone including Lu Chen, the head of the Guiyuan Sect, see his true strength.

Xiao Han wanted everyone to know his true strength.

Xiao Han wanted to prove that Lu Chen, the head of the Guiyuan Sect, did not mistake him.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han took a deep breath.

As soon as he grasped his skill, the slender Sky Sword appeared in Xiao Han's hand.

Even if you can’t use the high-grade spirit weapon, Xiao Han can still use the Sky Sword. Many people think that the little monster Wangcai is Xiao Han’s trump card, but they don’t know that Xiao Han’s best weapon is not the high-grade spirit weapon. The weapon, but the sky sword in the hand.

Under the gaze of countless people around him, Xiao Han slowly walked towards the wonderful figure on the court.

Looking at Ruan Qingqing with a proud face, Xiao Han's face was calm.

He knew that Ruan Qingqing wanted to fight him a long time ago, but Xiao Han was the same, and had been looking forward to this day.

The moment Xiao Hanliang came out of his weapon, the atmosphere on the court suddenly became tense.

The tense atmosphere on the court made everyone nervous.

This is the pinnacle battle among the younger generation.

On one side is Xiao Han, who has recently become famous, and on the other side, is Ruan Qingqing, a long-standing genius of the Star Meteorite Sect.

In recent years, Ruan Qingqing's reputation has reached the pinnacle of the younger generation near Demon Imperial City.

As a genius in the Three Sects and Four Sects, even Cao Ci of the Guiyuan School and Wang Qiaoqiao of the Danxia Sect were unable to overpower Ruan Qingqing.

It is said that not long ago, Ruan Qingqing had fought against an elder of Xingyizong who had reached the peak of the Tribulation Period.

At that time, Ruan Qingqing had not yet gone to the Tianlei Pool of Beiyue Peak, and had not formally stepped into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period.

Even though Ruan Qingqing did not win in the end, the elder of the Star Meteorite Sect also failed to defeat Ruan Qingqing, and the two sides drew a tie.

It was not easy for Ruan Qingqing to achieve such a record before he reached the peak of the Tribulation Period.

What's more, the current Ruan Qingqing has officially stepped into the level of the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period, then Ruan Qingqing's combat effectiveness will naturally rise.

Everyone has no doubt that if Ruan Qingqing now fights with the elder of the Starfall Sect again, the chance of winning is extremely high.

Of course, Ruan Qingqing of the Starfall Sect is very famous, but Xiao Han on the field is also a hot figure recently.

Although Xiao Han is a young master who has only recently become famous near Demon Imperial City, everything that Xiao Han has done has shocked everyone.

From the beginning of defeating Guo Yi, a talented figure of the Guo family and an excellent disciple of Xingyizong, in Tianlei Pool, to directly killing the sixth elder Chen Huohuo of Xingyizong.

There are also three genuine elders in the middle of the catastrophe period who are alone in the anti-Star Meteorite Sect.

Later, he escaped smoothly from the hunt of the great elder of Xingyizong Wan Jianyi. In fact, everything that Xiao Han did could only be described as breathtaking.

Although in the rumors, many people thought that it was because Xiao Han had a high-grade spiritual weapon in his hand.

But being able to do all this, Xiao Han's strength is also evident.

Now, Ruan Qingqing and Xiao Han, the two outstanding young people who are both famous near the Demon Imperial City, are about to face each other at Xingyifeng.

The tit-for-tat tension on the court made everyone around him couldn't help being excited.

The contest that is about to begin will obviously become the most fascinating peak of this three-door four-match contest.

All the people present were very curious about the contest between these two young talented figures near the Demon Imperial City, who could have the last laugh.

Thinking of this, many of the people present couldn't help feeling a little enthusiastic.

The significance of this station is too great.

It was not only a battle between Xiao Han and Ruan Qingqing, but also a contest between Xingyizong and Guiyuan faction.

It may also be the peak battle of the younger generation near Demon Imperial City.

After the Great Elder Wan Jianyi heard that Sect Master Shi Jingtian made Ruan Qingqing take action, although he was somewhat helpless, he could only accept the decision of the Sect Master.

Originally, he was thinking of killing Xiao Han with his own hands in order to restore his damaged reputation, but now it seems that he can only deal with Ruan Qingqing.

Thinking of this, Wan Jianyi could only quietly wait for Ruan Qingqing to defeat Xiao Han.

Sect Master Shi Jingtian of Xingyuzong cast his eyes on Xiao Hande with a calm expression.

He turned his head and glanced at Lu Chen, the head of the Guiyuan Sect, his brows wrinkled slightly.

Lu Chen, the head of the Guiyuan faction, suddenly kicked in, making Xingyizong very embarrassed.

The strength of Guiyuan faction is not weaker than that of Xingyizong. For this, Shi Jingtian has to admit.

Sect Master Shi Jingtian glanced at the gloomy Wan Jian next to him, and said softly: "Qingqing replaces you, it may not be a good thing. In the future, some people will say that you are bullying the small with big ones."

"This guy Xiao Han is really annoying. Even the sixth child died in his hands. Could it be that this is what happened to Star Meteorite Sect?" Wan Jian said in a deep voice.

"Are you willing to fully develop with the Guiyuan Sect, or are you willing to let Ruan Qingqing take action against Xiao Han?" Sect Master Shi Jingtian said coldly.

Hearing this, Wan Jian sighed lightly with an unwilling look on his face.

The leader of the Guiyuan Sect, Lu Chen, came forward to protect Xiao Han, which was really unexpected for Xing Meteo Sect. In this way, even if Xing Meteo Sect was killed relatively to Xiao Han, it could only be honest.

Shi Jingtian glanced at Xiao Han who was facing Ruan Qingqing on the court, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, we must have confidence in Ruan Qingqing's strength. If Xiao Han is not in the competition, Be careful of being killed, then we can't blame our Xingyi Sect. We can only say that Xiao Han's strength is inadequate. Isn't Lu Chen speechless at that time?"

"I get it, I get it." Wan Jian was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly reacted.

Ruan Qingqing attacked Xiao Han, and if he had a chance, he would definitely behead Xiao Han.

Even though that fellow Xiao Han has also stepped into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period, he cannot use that high-grade spirit weapon during the competition. Xiao Han is definitely not Ruan Qingqing's opponent if he wants to come.

And Xiao Han was beaten and maimed by Ruan Qingqing during the contest, and no one could say anything gossip.

Thinking of this, Wan Jian smiled slightly.

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