The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2336: I want to protect Xiao Han

At the moment when he saw Wangcai, the faint smile on his face was replaced by a look of surprise and surprise.

Suddenly, the whole head of the Guiyuan Sect stayed on the spot like this.

He stared at the Wangcai who was lying on Xiao Han's shoulder with a dull face, unable to speak for a long time.

The leader of the Guiyuan faction suddenly lost his attitude, which immediately made many people very curious.

What happened to the head of the Guiyuan School?

Suddenly it was like seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

The head of the Guiyuan School suddenly asked loudly: "Xiao Han, how long has this...high-grade spirit weapon been with you?"

Xiao Han looked up unexpectedly, pondered for a moment, and said softly, "Less than a year."

"Hey..." The leader of the Guiyuan faction suddenly sighed quietly, with a mixed look on his face.

Seeing this scene, many people around them looked confused and couldn't figure out what happened.

What is the head of the Guiyuan faction trying to cause trouble?

Don't say it's someone else, even Cao Ci of the Guiyuan faction is stunned.

Seeing that the head of the Guiyuan Sect was somewhat unconscious, Sect Master Shi Jingtian frowned and said, "Master Lu, what do you mean by this?"

Among the countless curious gazes around, the head of the Guiyuan faction looked down at Xiao Han below, and a complex expression flashed in his eyes.

After a while, the leader of the Guiyuan Sect finally came back to his senses. He sighed a long sigh, pointed at Xiao Han who did not want to eat, and said softly: "Sorry, today we are the Guiyuan Sect at all costs. We must keep Xiao Han."

The voice of the head of the Guiyuan School was very soft, but there was an indisputable affirmation in his words.

The voice of the head of the Guiyuan School gradually spread, and soon spread throughout the audience.

The expressions on countless people's faces suddenly solidified.

"What? The head of the Guiyuan faction wants to protect Xiao Han?"

"What's going on? Is there any special relationship between Guiyuan Sect and Xiao Han?"

"Impossible, how could Xiao Han have something to do with Guiyuan Sect?"

"But why did the head of the Guiyuan Sect stand up to protect Xiao Han?"

"I really doubt if I heard it wrong."


This scene suddenly appeared on the court, making everyone look confused.

Almost no one knows what happened.

But the words of the leader of the Guiyuan faction were like a boulder entering the water, causing turbulent waves on the court.

Although many people would doubt if they had heard it wrong, the voice of the leader of the Guiyuan Sect was so clear.

As the head of the Guiyuan faction, how could it be possible to joke casually?

Now that he said such a thing, it clearly showed his attitude.

There were few people in the square who dared to question him.

Standing around the competition venue, Cao Ci looked at the direction of the Guiyuan faction's head in shock.

Cao Ci's inner shock was stronger than anyone else.

As a disciple of the Guiyuan Sect, Cao Ci has been practicing with the leader of the Guiyuan Sect for so many years, and it can be said that he knows his personality very well.

But Cao Ci couldn't figure out how to think about why the head should stand up to protect Xiao Han at this time.

What made Cao Ci even more puzzled was that if the person in charge said something like this at this time, it might be against Xingyizong.

Although the Guiyuan faction is not afraid of Xingyizong, if it really becomes deadlocked, the implications will be great.

But now their heads are completely ignorant of this point. This is what makes Cao Ci most puzzled.

Xiao Han looked up at Lu Chen, the head of the Guiyuan Sect.

Xiao Han felt that he couldn't understand this white-faced middle-aged man.

It is not a sensible thing to stand up and protect Xiao Han at this time.

Before Cao Ci and Xiao Han secretly showed good intentions, it actually surprised Xiao Han.

Now, Lu Chen, the head of the Guiyuan Sect, suddenly stood up to defend himself, which surprised Xiao Han even more.

"Lu Chen, what do you mean?" The astonishment on the face of Xingyizong's Sect Master Shi Jingtian flashed away, and he soon reacted.

The head of the Guiyuan faction suddenly stood on Xiao Han's side at this time, which made Shi Jingtian very depressed.

The head of the Guiyuan Sect Lu Chen shook his head with a bitter smile, and said loudly, "This Xiao Han has a deep connection with our Guiyuan Sect. I can't watch him die on Xingyufeng."

"The origin is deep? Who would believe this? You suddenly stand up and say that Xiao Han has a connection with your Guiyuan Sect. Is it possible that you are trying to do something with our Star Meteorite Sect, right?" Shi Jingtian's face was very ugly .

"This matter is the secret of our Guiyuan Sect. The high-grade spiritual tool on Xiao Han is a relic of our ancestor's virtue."

Lu Chen, the head of the Guiyuan Sect, said softly: "After that ancestor crossed the robbery and ascended to the immortal, his high-grade spirit weapon stayed in the Shifang Refining Domain. Before he left, the ancestor stayed and told him. Whoever obtains this high-grade spiritual weapon can become the honorary elder of our Guiyuan faction."


Hearing this, everyone present was shocked.

There is such a complicated connection among them?

The high-grade spiritual tool in Xiao Han's hand was actually a treasure left by an ancestor of the Guiyuan Sect who became an emperor?

Now that Xiao Han had waited for that high-grade spiritual weapon, he was qualified to become an honorary elder of the Guiyuan Sect.

As the head of the Guiyuan Sect, Lu Chen seemed unlikely to watch an honorary elder die on Xingyufeng.

The few big guys on the field are not only the master of the Star Meteorite Sect, but also the master of Huangquan's face is a bit ugly.

The Danxia Sect Master on the side was also at a loss. I heard that there were several ancestors in the Guiyuan Sect, but I have never heard of any ancestor leaving a high-grade spiritual weapon.

But think about it, this possibility is still very high, otherwise, the head of Guiyuan, Lu Chen, would not be able to say such words that he would not hesitate to be an enemy of Xingyizong for a young back.

But if Lu Chen did so, I'm afraid it would cause an uproar on the court.

Cao Ci can think of this, and of course everyone in the audience can also think of it.

The most puzzled thing is Lu Chen, the head of the Guiyuan Sect, isn't he worried about starting a full-scale war with Xingyizong?

In fact, Xiao Han was also blank and shocked.

This high-grade spiritual tool that I got accidentally was actually left by a certain ancestor of the Guiyuan School?

Previously, Xiao Han obtained this high-grade spiritual weapon from the ancient ruins left by Huangquan Sect.

Xiao Han thought that this high-grade spiritual weapon had something to do with the Huangquan Sect, after all, the current Huangquan Sect had a lot to do with the Huangquan Sect thousands of years ago.

Xiao Han doesn't care about the honorary elders of the Guiyuan Sect. What Xiao Han cares about is that if he is qualified to be an honorary elder of the Guiyuan Sect, does it mean that Xingyi Sect cannot move him casually?

Now that the head of the Guiyuan faction has stepped forward, does that mean that he has successfully overcome the difficulties today?

There was dead silence on the court at this time.

This kind of quiet atmosphere permeated the entire square of the Star Meteorite Sect.

The sudden change on the court caught everyone off guard.

This quiet atmosphere lasted for a long time, and the master of the Star Meteorite Sect Shi Jingtian and the others slowly recovered.

Who could have imagined that a young descendant of the Xingyi Sect who is bound to win could actually have a relationship with the Guiyuan Sect.

Shi Jingtian turned his head to look at the Guiyuan Sect leader Lu Chen with a gloomy expression, and said solemnly: "Lu, are you sure you want to intervene in the affairs between our Xingyizong and Xiao Han?"

Although Shi Jingtian's voice was low and deep, everyone could hear the monstrous anger in it.

Lu Chen sighed and said softly: "Sect Master Shi, this Xiao Han can become the master of that high-grade spiritual weapon, which means that he is an honorary elder of our Guiyuan Sect, I, the head of the Guiyuan Sect. I have to follow the ancestor’s legacy. If there is an offense, then I can only say that I am offended."

"Oh, Lu Chen, head, don't be anxious to express your stance, you can discuss something." The two of Danxia Sect Master talked and sparked, and quickly stood up and calmly said.

She also didn't expect that Lu Chen, the leader of the Guiyuan faction, would suddenly come forward at this time to protect Xiao Han, and it seemed that Lu Chen's attitude was very firm, and there seemed to be no room for maneuver.

Lu Chen glanced at Sect Master Danxia: "Han Shuang, this matter is a matter between our Guiyuan Sect and Xingyi Sect. Although I don't want you to interfere, I still want to thank you for your kindness."

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect on the side, pondered for a moment, but did not say anything, just sneered in his heart.

Regardless of the relationship between Guiyuan Sect and Xiao Han, he knew very well that Xingyizong would never leave it alone.

Since this is the case, he only needs to stay here to watch the excitement, there is no need to mix things up.

"There are things I have to do, Sect Master Shi, I hope you can understand."

As he said, the closed eyes of the head of the Guiyuan faction, Lu Chen, stared at the bottom and stood up to Xiao Han, and asked softly: "Where did you get this high-grade spiritual tool, and how did you get it? Can you tell me something?"

To be able to make a big man of three sects and four sects care about it, everyone present can see that the high-grade spiritual weapon on Xiao Han must have extremely important significance to their Guiyuan Sect.

Otherwise, before the ancestors of the Guiyuan Sect, before he became immortal, he left his legacy specially. Whoever can become the master of this high-grade spiritual weapon can become an honorary elder of the Guiyuan Sect.

This situation is not uncommon among some sect forces.

It is said that after the owner of each high-grade spiritual tool falls or becomes eternal, the high-grade spiritual tool will re-select the owner.

In order to minimize the loss, the previous masters will find ways to make the new master of the high-grade spiritual weapon connect with their own sect forces.

Just like the ancestor of the Guiyuan Sect, the legacy left before the emergence of the immortal was to make the new owner of this high-grade spiritual tool become their honorary elder of the Guiyuan Sect.

In this way, no matter who got this high-grade spiritual weapon, their Guiyuan faction could lose to a minimum.

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