The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2315: Arrived in the Starfall Mountains

"Brother Xiao Han, are you sure you want to take us to the Star Meteorite Sect?" Luo Luo saw Xiao Han concentrating on the map, after thinking about it, she couldn't help but ask softly.

"Are you afraid that you two will hold me back?" Xiao Han raised his head and smiled.

Empress Yumei and Luoluo nodded at the same time.

"Don't worry, no one except Ruan Qingqing in Xingyizong has seen you two with me before." Xiao Han said with a smile: "And you don't have to venture to Xingyizong, just look for Xingyi Mountain. Just wait for me somewhere."

"Xiao Han, will you be in danger if you go directly to the Star Meteorite Sect?" Empress Yu Mei looked worried.

Of course Xiao Han knew exactly what Empress Yumei was worried about, after all, the hatred between him and Xingyizong was not small.

"Cao Ci of the Guiyuan Sect left something for me before leaving Beiyue Peak. This can guarantee that I will not be recognized by people from the Xingyi Sect so easily." Xiao Han smiled and said, "And this time I went to Xingyi Sect. To find the ballast, I'm going to catch a demon guy to ask something. If I don't have a last resort, I won't act rashly."

After hearing this, Empress Yumei and Luo Luo were relieved.

According to Wang Qiaoqiao, the gathering of the Three Sects and the Four Sects will be held on the Xingyifeng Peak where the sect of the Xingyi Sect is located. According to the map, the location of Xingyifeng should be located. At the edge of the central area of ​​Demon Imperial City, Demon Imperial City is not far away.

After Xiao Han happened to be able to handle the matter, he rushed to Demon Imperial City with Empress Yumei and Luoluo.

After putting away the map, Xiao Han took Yumei Niangniang and Luoluo on the road again.


Two days later, Xiao Han appeared again over a mountain peak.

Relying on space shuttle for two days and two nights, he actually approached the vicinity of the Xingyi Mountain Range.

After putting the map in the Universe Bag, Xiao Han couldn't help but smile.

The distance to the Xingyun Mountain Range was farther than Xiao Han had imagined.

Fortunately, Xiao Han has now stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period. Otherwise, he would definitely not be able to reach the Star Meteorite Sect without ten days and a half months.

If it takes only ten days and a half to arrive at the Star Meteorite Sect, I am afraid that the three-sect and four-sect gathering would have ended long ago.

"Fortunately, it's okay, I guess it's caught up, otherwise, it will be troublesome."

Xiao Han took a long sigh of relief.

"Yumei, Luoluo, do you want to take a break?"

Empress Yumei and Luoluo both shook their heads at the same time: "No need, we didn't do anything in these two days. It's all about you driving us two on the road, not tired at all."

Xiao Han nodded and turned to look into the distance.

After a thought, the space around him rippled, and Xiao Han took Yumei Niangniang and Luoluo into it again.

Soon, the three figures disappeared out of thin air like ghosts.

Xingfeng Mountain.

These four characters are well-known even in the entire Shifang Refining Domain.

As for the area near Demon Imperial City, it is well known to passers-by.

As the core sphere of influence of the Starfall Sect, the Starfall Mountain Range, ordinary human gas refiners would not dare to go wild in such a place.

The closer to the gate of the Star Meteorite Sect, the stronger one can be seen everywhere.

Near Xingyufeng, the original defense was very tight.

In addition, these days, there has been a large gathering of two tribes, three sects and four gatherings every few years, and the guards are even more severe.

Moreover, the Star Meteorite Sect is famous, but it took a lot of ups and downs to spell it out.

After so many years, the Star Meteorite Sect has always stood near the Demon Imperial City.

However, the reputation of the Starfall Sect has gradually gained fame after going through ups and downs, stepping on the many strengths around the entire Demon Imperial City, and having its current status and prestige, becoming one of the three sects and four sects.

A large gathering of two tribes, three sects and four sects is naturally held in turn from each sect.

This time, it was just the turn of the Star Meteorite Sect.

However, although the protagonists who really participated in this big gathering were only the forces of one faction, two tribes, three sects and four sects, every three big gatherings of three sects and four sects would become a sensational event in the area around the Demon Imperial City.

The protagonist of this kind of gathering is three sects and four sects, but other sects are very welcome to send people to participate.

Said it is a party, but it is actually a competition of strength.

However, in each big gathering of three sects and four sects, the competition is not the strength of the entire sect, nor the strength of the peak power in the sect. The competition is the background and strength of the younger generation.

Of course, the younger generation who are qualified to represent one faction, two tribes, three schools, and four schools are naturally the best in their respective strengths.

These outstanding geniuses are the criteria for determining and measuring the future potential of each sect.

The more the sect strength that has been passed down for a long time, the more attention is paid to the cultivation of the younger generation of strong people.

Only by selecting geniuses from generations of younger generations, can the major sects succeed.

With the existence of one faction, two tribes, three sects and four sects, with every effort to build and focus on training, many talented people will emerge among the younger generation of each generation.

Ruan Qingqing of the Starfall Sect, Wang Qiaoqiao of the Danxia Sect, Li Chen of the Huangquan School, Cao Ci of the Guiyuan School, etc., these people are famous even in the Demon Imperial City.

Of course, not to mention the entire Ten Fang Refining Domain, even the area near Demon Imperial City is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Although one faction, two tribes, three sects and four sects have strong cultivation resources, the other sects are not weak in strength.

No one knows when a black horse will suddenly come and surprise the four.

Therefore, every three sect and four sect gatherings does not restrict other sect forces from sending outstanding disciples to attend.

This will also allow young masters in one faction, two tribes, three sects and four sects to accept more challenges and increase the speed and efficiency of growth.

Therefore, gatherings held every few years will attract many young masters who have devoted themselves to cultivation or geniuses cultivated by various major sect forces.

Although the protagonists of these three-sects and four-sect gatherings are generally the best among the three-sects and foursects, they welcome other young masters to participate in the contest.

However, in order to ensure the excitement and order of the party, if you want to go to the party and watch the excitement, you need to go through strict screening, let alone want to compete.

And I heard that the requirements for playing are very demanding. For average young masters, it would be nice to be qualified to join in the fun.

In this way, it would be able to weed out some guys who want to recharge their numbers.

Therefore, at each gathering, the gold content of the young masters participating in the contest is quite high.

Even sometimes some older generation of strong men may not be able to achieve the achievements of these geniuses.

The meeting place of these three schools and four schools was originally held by the last winning sect.

However, it was later discovered that this would easily lead to a dominance of one family, and gradually changed the rules, becoming one faction, two tribes, three men and four in turn.

This time it was the turn of the Star Meteorite Sect.

The mountain gate of the Xingyi Sect is called Xingyifeng.

Xingyufeng is located in the Xingyu Mountain near Demon Imperial City.

You know, this star meteor peak is very strange.

Perhaps it is because this star meteor peak is the highest peak in the area near Demon Imperial City.

Above this star meteor peak, even in broad daylight, you can see the stars above the sky.

Even the brilliance of the sun did not completely cover the stars above the sky.

Not to mention it's night time.

The starlight on the top of Xingyu Peak is also one of the most famous scenery near Demon Imperial City.

It is said that standing on the top of the Xingfengfeng peak can absorb the mysterious energy emitted from the sky at any time at night. This mysterious energy is called the power of the starry sky, which can improve the realm of cultivation and increase strength.

Especially above the star picking building at the highest point of the Star Meteorite Sect Mountain Gate, it is said that if you are lucky, you can communicate with some heavenly immortals.

Therefore, the star picking tower was even more divinely passed on by the human gas refiners and demon beast masters near the Demon Imperial City.

However, even if there are many long-rumored wonderful signs on the Xingmet Peak, it is the core sphere of influence of the Xingmete Mountain Range.

Even if they belong to the same three sects and four sects, they dare not fight against Xingyufeng's idea.

In the past few days, the entire Xingyun Mountain Range is naturally lively.

Countless human qi refiners and monster beast masters rushed here from all directions, facing the majestic peak in the middle of the mountain that was shrouded in clouds all day long.

Because at the top of the mountain, there stands the gate of the Star Meteorite Sect.

Entering the vicinity of the Xingyi Mountain Gate, Xiao Han found a small city in advance and settled the two of Empress Yumei and Luoluo.

After that, Xiao Han went on the road again.

At the top of a peak of the Xingyi Mountain Range, the surrounding space suddenly twisted. After a while, a crack was torn open, and a figure slowly walked out.

After looking around, Xiao Han couldn't help but stunned slightly as he watched the human race refiners flying with swords and the monster beast masters riding flying beasts in the sky from time to time.

"I'm going, how come there are so many people? Is this coming to the market?"

The one who appeared suddenly was naturally Xiao Han who came through space.

After setting up Empress Yumei and Luoluo, Xiao Han appeared directly in the door of Xingmete Mountain.

Only when he appeared, Xiao Han was also slightly shocked by the sword light and flying beasts that appeared around him.

There were countless magnanimous lights flashing across the sky, some huge flying beasts, even Xiao Han had never seen.

They are all moving in the same direction.

Xiao Han turned his head and looked, and from a distance he could see a majestic and elevated mountain with most of his body covered in clouds and mist.

"This should be the Xingyifeng Peak where the Xingyizong Mountain Gate is located? It seems that I hurried to catch up or catch up. The party should not have started yet."

Xiao Han let out a sigh of relief.

Looking into the distance, looking at the majestic mountain, Xiao Han suddenly felt that the height of Beiyue Peak was really nothing.

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