Soon, the elder Tai Shang brought Xiao Han to a cave in the mist formation.

Here, it should be the old nest of the giant wolf spider family.

After entering the entrance of the cave, there is a cave inside.

Lu Ren rushed to a secret room with Taishang Elder, Xiao Han and others.

It is located in the deepest part of the cave and is very private.

The elder Taishang sat cross-legged on the stone bed under Xiao Han's instructions.

Wangcai jumped out when he thought about it.

"Wangcai, go see how to get rid of the thunder poison on the elder Taishang." Xiao Han said softly.

As soon as Xiao Han's words fell, Wangcai's eyes lit up, and he seemed to become very excited.

Wangcai cheered and jumped onto the elder Taishang, and looked left and right, looking inexplicably excited.

This scene made the elder Taishang look embarrassed.

Xiao Han's heart moved, and he quickly reminded: "Elder Taishang, don't move first, let my family Wangcai take a good look at your situation."

Xiao Han vaguely guessed that Wangcai must really find a way to find a chance to start. Since Wangcai is very interested in the lightning poison in the body of the elder, it means that Wangcai must have a way to get rid of the lightning poison in the body of the elder. Get out.

Wangcai jumped up and down the elder, and finally stopped on the shoulders of the elder.

Before the elder Taishang could ask, Wangcai suddenly bit on the shoulder of the elder Taishang.


Even the elder Taishang couldn't help but exhale in pain.

"Don't move, Taishang elder, Wangcai is already helping you get rid of thunder poison." Xiao Han quickly reminded.

As Wangcai sips on the elder Taishang's body, he starts to **** up quickly, and the elder Taishang's body cannot help but tremble violently.

At this time, Xiao Han could clearly notice that Wangcai was sucking the thunder poison in the body of the elder Taishang through the wound he had bitten out.

The elder Taishang gritted his teeth and couldn't help sucking in a cold breath.

Obviously Wangcai bit his bite on the shoulders of the elders, which made the elders very painful.

Only at this time, the elder Taishang seemed to have noticed that Wangcai was sucking thunder poison out of his body through the wound.

"Little brother, this, it okay?" The patriarch Lu Ren on the side was also nervous when seeing the painful expression of the elder Taishang.

"Don't worry, this kind of severe pain is also normal, think about it, how can it not hurt if a high-grade spiritual weapon bites on your body? Let's get it for a while." Xiao Han said calmly.

"Wangcai, get rid of the thunder poison in the body of the Supreme Elder as soon as possible."

While talking, Xiao Han said to the elders on stage: "Elder Taishang, it seems that Wangcai is helping you get rid of thunder poisoning. Hold on. If you really can’t bear it, you can speak up. I will let Wangcai pause for a while. Take it easy."

The Supreme Elder nodded heavily, the pain on his face remained, but his eyes revealed joy.

For so many years, this is the most promising time for the Taishang Elder to get rid of the thunder poison. Compared with this old life, he can persist with a little bit of pain.

However, with Xiao Han's instructions, Wangcai began to speed up the process of taking lightning poison.

And the face of the elder Taishang began to show a distorted look.


The elder Taishang squeezed his teeth tightly, squeezed his knuckles and creaked, and the veins on his face and neck were exposed.

This scene made Lu Ren, the patriarch standing on the side, feel a tingling scalp.

Xiao Han said softly: "Wangcai biting on the body is painful, in fact, this is not the main source of pain. The key is that the thunder poison in the body has penetrated into the internal organs and even the bones for so many years. If the thunder poison is sucked out, it will more or less damage the body of the elder Taishang."

The patriarch Lu Ren pondered for a moment and nodded heavily.

Originally, Lu Ren was actually a little worried.

After all, his grandfather, the Supreme Elder, although the realm is very high, but the thunder poisoning class for so many years is the end of the battle.

But now looking at the painful appearance of the elder Taishang, if it weren’t for Lu Ren could vaguely perceive that the thunder poison in the elder Taishang’s body was slowly sucked out of Wangcai’s body, Lu Ren almost doubted if Xiao Han was going to take the opportunity to kill Taishang. The elder is up.

Now Taishang elder seems to be suffering infinitely, but fortunately, there is a hint of joy in the distorted expression of Taishang elder's face.

It seemed that he himself had noticed that the thunder poison in his body was slowly decreasing.

As a result, Lu Ren finally felt relieved.

With the passage of time, more and more thunder poisons began to be continuously sucked out of the body of the elder Wangcai.

The little demon beast Wangcai's eyes became more energetic, and the originally gray face of the elder Taishang looked better.

Those lightning poisons that had tortured the Supreme Elder for half of their life are slowly being pulled out of the body of the Supreme Elder at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In this way, it would take some time to get rid of all the lightning poison in the body of the Supreme Elder.

Wangcai helped him get rid of the thunder poison in his body. Time passed, and after three hours, the little demon beast Wangcai slowly let go of his mouth and jumped off the body of the elder. ,


After jumping off the elder Taishang, Little Monster Beast Wangcai called out to Xiao Han a few times.

"Wangcai means that it can help the Supreme Elder to get rid of toxins, but it cannot be too hasty." Xiao Han explained softly, "Let the Supreme Elder practice for a few hours before continuing."

Xiao Han also knew very well that after so many years of accumulation of thunder poison in the body of the Supreme Elder, he was already dying of illness. Even if there was a high-grade spiritual weapon to help remove thunder poison, it would not be possible to get rid of it so easily.

"I have estimated that based on the efficiency of Wangcai's removal of thunder poisons, it should be said that most of the thunder poisons in the body of the elders will be removed at noon tomorrow. At that time, a little bit of thunder poison remains. It will have an adverse effect on the body of the Supreme Elder. Next, the Supreme Elder needs to cultivate and regenerate. I estimate that after a period of recuperation, the Supreme Elder can completely remove the thunder poison remaining in the body."

Xiao Han stretched out his hand and called Wangcai back.

The Supreme Elder stood up slowly at this time, and then smiled: "Thank you, Mr. Xiao Han, for getting rid of thunder poison for me, this kindness alone will never be forgotten by the giant wolf spider clan, but we will need it in the future. But come to Beiyue Peak to find me, my old bone will definitely die."

Having said this, the Supreme Elder slowly walked up to Xiao Han and bowed to Xiao Han solemnly.

In just a few hours, the Supreme Elder can naturally feel that the thunder poison in his body has been eliminated a lot.

If the lightning poison that has tortured the elders for so many years can really be completely eliminated, the elders will naturally be quite excited.

"The elders are not polite, we not only take what we need, but also help each other." Xiao Han smiled and waved his hands; "Elder elders, please adjust your breath first, and I will do it later. Let Wangcai continue to help you get rid of thunder poison."

Elder Taishan looked at Xiao Han with a grateful expression, and soon sat down cross-legged again and began to sit still and adjust his breath.

One-fourth of the thunder poison in Elder Taishang's body had been sucked away by Wangcai, which made Elder Taishang feel a lot easier.

The most important thing now is to return to the peak state as soon as possible so that the thunder poison can continue to be eliminated.

So soon the elder Taishang began to close his eyes and adjust his breath.

Empress Yumei and Luoluo felt bored, they called Xiao Han and went out to play.

Lu Ren stayed in the secret room for a while. Seeing that there was nothing wrong, he walked out.

Xiao Han stood alone in the secret room, seeing that the complexion of the Supreme Elder in front of him had improved a lot.

At this time, when he returned to Xiao Han's arms, the little demon beast Wangcai spit out a black bead again.

With this black bead on Xiao Han's body, there are nine in total.

The aura contained in these black beads is very abundant, much more abundant than the aura in an eighth-order demon pill.

Although these black beads still contain quite a few terrifying lightning poisons, Xiao Han's current cultivation level is no longer the same.

The thunder poison remaining in these black beads has some adverse effects on Xiao Han's body.

But for Xiao Han, the value of these black beads is still there.

With Xiao Han's current cultivation level and strength, there should be no problem in refining these black beads. After all, the pure aura contained in these black beads is still terrifying.

Of course Xiao Han didn't want to waste it. Collecting these black beads and then directly refine them when there is time, at least it can provide Xiao Han with a lot of benefits.

In the rest of the time, after resting for a few hours, Xiao Han once again let Wangcai be responsible for helping the elder Taishang get rid of the lightning poison in his body.

It took a few more hours for the little demon beast Wangcai to help the Supreme Elder expel the thunder poison in his body. It was estimated that it was completely dark outside.

Although it was only carried out twice, but under Wangcai's efforts, the spirit of the Supreme Elder's whole person became more and more invigorated, and his spirit was also quite weak.

Not only the patriarch Lu Ren, but also the attitude of the Supreme Elder towards Xiao Han is becoming more and more respectful.

Although it hasn't been long since Xiao Han just stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period, in just one day, Xiao Han's strength has long been different from what it used to be.

The generations of seniors at the level of the elder Taishang should be polite to Xiao Han.

With Wangcai by his side, and mere thunder and poison, Xiao Han can't be troubled.

When Wangcai started to get rid of thunder poison for the Supreme Elder again, Xiao Han began to sit down and practice.

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