The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2306: The world has changed

"Elder Tai, the lightning poison in your body is not light, it is not good, or let me go." Lu Ren thought for a while, and finally said.

At this moment, before the Supreme Elder could speak, the field suddenly changed.

In the originally silent Tianlei Pool, suddenly there was some movement.


At the moment when the patriarch Lu Ren's voice just fell, the surrounding Tianlei Pool suddenly began to tremble violently.

A roar suddenly erupted in the sky, and suddenly, the breath of the whole world began to fluctuate violently.

And as a roar sounded between the heaven and the earth, the aura between the whole heaven and the earth seemed to have been attracted by some kind of attraction, and began to frantically converge towards the sky above the sky thunder pond.

The elder Taishang, Empress Yumei and others took a closer look, only to discover that the place where these auras gathered was actually the area in the center of Tianlei Pool.

"What's the matter? Could it be Xiao Han's brother coming out?"

This sudden change made Luo Luo look astonished, and Luo Luo's expression changed, and he suddenly remembered Xiao Han who was still in Tianlei Pool.

"I don't know yet, but it seems that such a big movement is likely to happen." Lu Ren, the head of the giant wolf spider clan, was stunned.

When the elder Taishang saw this scene, his head was locked.

His gaze stared at Tianlei Lake.

I saw that the originally calm and ordinary Tianlei Pond had now begun to appear a rapidly rotating vortex.

In the whirlpool in the center of Tianlei Pool, there is a hole that goes straight down, and I don't know if it leads to the bottom of Tianlei Pool.

It's just that the violent auras around the world began to gather here, and then rushed in along the hole in the center of the whirlpool.

"This...the sky under the thunder pond seems to be madly absorbing the violent aura between the world and the earth. If I guess it is correct, it should be the movement made by Xiao Han who is cultivating below." Yi, said with an incredible face.

"With Xiao Han's strength, how could it be possible to induce aura fluctuations in the entire surrounding world?" Patriarch Lu Ren also exclaimed in surprise.

But soon, Lu Ren seemed to think of a very important thing.

Lu Ren's eyes lit up, and he turned his head to look at the Supreme Elder with a shocked look, and hurriedly asked: "Elder Supreme, isn't that fellow Xiao Han about to break the boundary?"

A glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the elder too.

After pondering for a moment, the elder Taishang nodded with joy: "It seems like this. When I broke into the ninth-order monster, it seemed to have caused the world to change, but there was no such big movement as Xiao Han. .

Xiao Han, this little guy, has really broken the realm. It seems that he has already begun to enter the process of breaking the realm, and he will soon be entering the peak of the Tribulation Period. "

Patriarch Lu Ren nodded frequently and said: "That should be, it's no wonder that Xiao Han's delivery actually stayed under the thunder pond this day for two months. It turned out that he wanted to break the realm directly and step into the peak of the tribulation period. , I'm so envious that I won't be envious."

The Supreme Elder laughed and said: "Of course, Xiao Han has a high-grade spiritual energy bodyguard. You don't have to be willing to the terrifying thunder poisons under the Heavenly Thunder Pool, so you can stay for such a long time. Otherwise, you can replace it with something else. Anyone would have been unable to hold on and run out a long time ago. After all, the Nine Heavens Profound Lightning Toxin under the thunder pond that day was really terrifying."

Lu Ren sighed: "But looking at the movement created by this guy before breaking the realm, it is really terrifying. The aura around the entire Beiyue Peak has fluctuated like this. I am afraid that the peak power in the entire area around the Demon Imperial City. Or the ninth-order monster will sense the fluctuations here."

"That's right, the powerhouse of the peak realm of the Tribulation Period is born, and only masters of the same realm can sense it."

The elder Taishang looked at the Tianlei Pool below.

Although Xiao Han caused such a big movement, the elder Taishang was surprised, but his hanging heart finally fell.

Xiao Han is now beginning to break through the boundary. At least one thing can be proved. No matter whether Xiao Han can successfully break through the boundary, Xiao Han himself should have solved the thunder poison problem. Otherwise, Xiao Han would not stay under the sky thunder pond. It took two full months.

"Elder Supreme, Patriarch, isn't Xiao Han safe and sound?" At this time, Empress Yumei couldn't help asking.

"Haha, it's more than safe, this guy is about to break the border." The elder said with a smile: "You don't need to worry about it. I'm afraid Xiao Han will be out soon."

Upon hearing this, Empress Yumei and Luoluo glanced at each other, and they both saw the excitement in each other's hearts.

It would be the best if Xiao Han could break through the boundary smoothly.

But in the eyes of Empress Yumei and Luo Luo, Xiao Han's safety is what they care about most.

During the conversation between the four people, the aura fluctuations in the whole world began to become more and more fierce.

A wave of violent aura was mixed with the remaining nine-day profound thunder in the surroundings, constantly seeping through the clouds in the sky, and then all the aura burst into the vortex in the center of the sky thunder pond. ,

Looking at it from a distance, it was as if the entire Beiyue Peak had begun to tremble under the violent aura fluctuations between heaven and earth.

The sudden change in Beiyue Peak immediately attracted the attention of all the giant wolf spiders on Beiyue Peak.

Countless startled eyes looked up at the sky above his head.

When they saw the more and more violent aura in the sky, the sense of terrifying oppression that slowly spread from the summit of Beiyue Peak made many of the less powerful giant wolf spider tribe on Beiyue Peak very frightened. trembling.

And this change between heaven and earth did not gradually weaken with the passage of time, but began to become more and more violent.

Later, among the thick clouds above Beiyue Peak, a stout Nine Heavens Profound Thunder appeared again, and then fell down towards Beiyue Peak from outside the Nine Clouds.

The strong Nine Heavens Profound Thunder aura, coupled with more and more violent auras in the entire heaven and earth, began to pour into the Heavenly Thunder Pool, and the surface of the originally peaceful and abnormal Heavenly Thunder Pool suddenly caused waves.

From the whirlpool in the center of Tianlei Pool, a very terrifying aura was slowly waking up.

An extremely fierce aura began to spread from the sky thunder pond.

That fierce aura was very terrifying, not to mention that the clan members of the giant wolf spider clan above Beiyue Peak shivered, even the elder Taishang and the head of the clan Lu Ren who were present changed slightly.

Under such terrifying pressure, Empress Yumei and Luoluo had pale expressions, and their figures began to falter.

"Retreat, don't hold on." The elder Tai Shang suddenly shouted.

At this time, Empress Yumei and Luo Luo flew back to reduce the suppression of that breath.

Although Empress Yumei and Luoluo had already gained a lot of strength through the Tianlei Pond, they seemed to have difficulty even standing firm in front of that terrifying aura.

After Yumei Niangniang and Luoluo retreated, the patriarch Lu Ren looked down at Tianlei Pond and muttered to himself: "This guy is breaking through, but how could it cause such a dramatic change in the world?

It looks like it's not like it just broke through and stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period, right? "

"Yes, this change in a single game, and the breath that is now exuding, is not something that the strong who just stepped into the peak of the tribulation period can have.

However, it may also be because Xiao Han is now in the process of breaking the boundary, and the fluctuations caused by his breaking the boundary have just inspired the power of heaven and earth accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years on Beiyue Peak.

I guess when Xiao Han successfully breaks through the boundary, his aura will gradually weaken. "The Supreme Elder nodded and said softly.

The terrifying aura on the field spread, spreading in all directions at an extremely terrifying speed.

Soon the entire Beiyue Peak was covered.

With such fierce aura pervading, except for a few extremely high-ranked monsters such as the Supreme Elder of the Giant Wolf Spider Clan and Lu Ren, the rest of the giant wolf spiders were panicked all day long.

That kind of fear that permeated my heart made many low-rank giant wolf spider monsters scream.

As the changes in the world around Beiyue Peak became more and more violent, the fierce aura that diffused from under the Heavenly Thunder Pond also began to become stronger and stronger.

Soon, many of the experts in the tribulation period within a radius of thousands of miles around Beiyue Peak felt intimidated.

Suddenly, many people looked up at the direction of Beiyue Peak, their expressions changed slightly.

"What a powerful aura, is this someone who is about to break through and enter the peak of the Tribulation Period?"

"Looking at this direction, I still want to be in Beiyue Peak? Two months have passed since the days when Tianlei Pool was opened. Could there be people in Tianlei Pool?"

"No, the Tianlei Pool has been open for so long, and anyone took advantage of this opportunity to break through? Could it be that someone came out of the Tianlei Pool and retreats at the peak of Beiyue Peak?"

"I don't know which of the three sects and four sects is a genius who stepped into the peak of the tribulation period this time."


The aura on Beiyue Peak was violent, and the sharp aura rushed straight into the sky.

The rotating speed of the vortex on the surface of Tianlei Pool also began to become faster and faster.

The Tianlei Pond, which had already absorbed a lot of aura and lightened a lot, now the color of the pond has deepened again.

It is estimated that because of the huge movement at the bottom of Tianlei Pool, the pure aura still deposited under Tianlei Pool was turned up.

The surrounding atmosphere of Tianlei Pool was in disorder, and it kept hitting the rocks, making deafening and terrifying sounds.

It should be because the aura around Beiyue Peak fluctuated to the extreme, thick clouds gathered over the entire Beiyue Peak, and the clouds covered the sky, making the entire Beiyue Peak dim.

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