The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2296: Beiyue Peak

"Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you." Xiao Han waved his hand and smiled.

At this time, Xiao Han just turned his head and saw that Ouyang Feng of the Star Meteorite Sect rushed directly onto the steps and passed the test of the Universe Stage.

Ouyang Feng is naturally overjoyed.

But the others around him looked distressed.

With Ouyang Feng, the eight places in Tianlei Pool are already full.

Others have lost the opportunity to compete.

As for the two powerhouses of the giant wolf spider clan, no one is interested in seeing them.

Anyway, both of them are determined by default, not to mention that they are also members of the giant wolf spider. Will the giant wolf spider on the Universe Stage attack the same kind, does the ghost know?

Nobody cares anyway.

"Now that the eight places for our Human Race Refiners and Monster Beasts have been determined, now we only need to wait for the two masters of the Giant Wolf Spider Clan."

Cao Ci of the Guiyuan Sect laughed, then winked at Xiao Han, and a voice wrapped in spiritual energy came into Xiao Han's ears: "Xiao Han, you have to pay attention to Ruan Qingqing and Ouyang Feng... ..."

With that, Cao Ci turned around and pretended to be nonchalant.

Looking at Cao Ci's back, Xiao Han smiled slightly.

Xiao Han certainly understood what Cao Ci meant.

The two of Xingyizong have been waiting for the opportunity to deal with them.

Of course, Xiao Han is insightful.

It's just that Xiao Han also knew that before Tianlei Pool was opened, neither Ruan Qingqing nor Ouyang Feng would take such casual shots.

Xiao Han's eyes swept across Ruan Qingqing and Ouyang Feng.

They are looking for a chance to deal with Xiao Han, why didn't Xiao Han think of a way to deal with them?

If Ruan Qingqing and Ouyang Feng didn't come to provoke him, it would be fine, and Xiao Han would be quiet.

But if these two guys had to know good and bad, Xiao Han wouldn't be polite to them.

Really want to fight, Xiao Han is not afraid of Ruan Qingqing and Ouyang Fengse teaming up.

It's Li Chen from Huangquanmen...

Xiao Han felt helpless.

This guy's temperament is really weird, Xiao Han has the heart to talk to him, but he can't start.

Of course, Xiao Han was for the sake of the blue and yellow spring palm.

At this time, the test on the Universe Stage was almost over.

To Xiao Han's surprise, the two masters of the giant wolf spider clan actually fought the giant wolf spiders enthusiastically.

The time for them to pass the test is actually very short.

As a result, all ten places in Tianlei Pool have been selected this time.

After adding the two quotas reserved for the giant wolf spiders, all eight quotas have been released.

"Tian Lei Chi's sights are over here. Humans and monster beast masters who have not obtained the Tian Lei Pool quota can continue to wait in place, and when the Tian Lei Chi opens, they can also get a lot of benefits."

At this time, the voice of the great elder of the giant wolf spider clan sounded.

Although the others were a bit unwilling, but now all the places were occupied, and they only accepted the situation with a wry smile.

The elders had heard too much to announce the end of the test, and there were some guys who had not even had time to participate in the test, and their faces became ugly.

As he said, the elder Taishang stretched out his hand and waved, the entire universe platform instantly became blurred, and finally disappeared completely in front of everyone.

Then, the elder Taishang's figure flashed, and the whole person appeared directly at the top of the steps, looking down at the people below Ruan Qingqing and others who were standing there waiting.

"Are you ready?"

The Supreme Elder smiled slightly.

"Elder Tai, everything is ready."

Ruan Qingqing, Wang Qiaoqiao and others bowed their heads and saluted when the elders appeared.

This giant wolf spider clan is the ground snake of Beiyue Peak, not to mention that the opening of the Heavenly Thunder Pond needs to be led by the Supreme Elder.

At Beiyue Peak, even Ruan Qingqing and Wang Qiaoling did not dare to be disrespectful to the great elder of the giant wolf spider clan.

Xiao Han also knew very well in his heart that if he offended the great elder of the giant wolf spider clan on Beiyue Peak, the consequences would be a bit serious.

However, the Supreme Elder did not rely on the old to sell the old, and he knew the courtesy of everyone.

Now everyone was waiting for the instructions of the Supreme Elder, and the Supreme Elder waved his hands at Xiao Han and the others, and walked up the steps first.

Ruan Qingqing, Xiao Han and others also knew that this was the time to go to Tianlei Pool, and they looked at each other at the moment, and soon followed the Supreme Elder.

Empress Yumei and Luoluo followed Xiao Han, and Empress Yumei was still holding the little monster Wangcai in her arms.

In this kind of place, Wangcai seemed to be a little interested, all his eyes were looking left and right, and he didn't know if he was aware of the violent breath of the thunder here.

Xiao Han and others slowly climbed up behind the Supreme Elder, and gradually approached the peak of Beiyue Peak.

There are many strange rocks around, and the traces left on them are becoming more and more obvious. It seems that here, the wonderful will experience the baptism of the nine-day profound thunder, and even the surface of the cover is a little black.

The closer you get to the peak of Beiyue Peak, the more you can clearly feel the increasingly concentrated Nine Heavens Profound Thunder aura in mid-air.

The oppressive aura radiating from the clouds made everyone present couldn't help being somewhat depressed.

This kind of repression is the power of the world and the fear from the heart, which makes everyone involuntarily feel fearful.

A series of nine-day profound thunders passed through the thick clouds, and then scattered among the surrounding clouds, the waves of thunder, sparkling with lightning, causing the clouds in the sky to carry brilliant lightning and thunder.

The sky thunder aura in the clouds slowly spread to the surroundings, and the scene was very gorgeous.

Above his head was the billowing thunder that kept flashing, Xiao Han, Yu Mei Niangniang and others slowly ascended up the steps, surrounded by patches of strange rocks.

After walking along the steps for a long time, knowing that the elder Taishang who was in charge of leading the way in front gradually stopped, the hearts of Xiao Han and others moved.

"Is this the place?"

Xiao Han, Cao Ci and others leaned forward to take a look. When Xiao Han and others saw the scene in front of them clearly, they couldn't help taking a breath.

Xiao Han and others stood on a high place, which was already the top of Beiyue Peak.

Below, there was a lake that flashed by lightning, and inside it was all nine-day profound thunder.

A series of electric lights with the breath of sky thunder continued to spread out from the lake towards the surroundings.

The entire lake was dissatisfied with the nine-day profound thunder, it seemed that the sky thunder flashed down, and finally merged into this lake on the top of Beiyue Peak.

In the center of this lake, there are countless nine-day profound thunders condensed, these nine-day profound thunders are entangled with each other, erupting a very terrifying aura.

"The Lei Chi lake in front of us is the Tianlei Pool of our Beiyue Peak." The elder Taishang pointed to the lake below and laughed softly.

"With so many nine-day profound thunders, if ordinary people jump into the thunder pond, wouldn't it be directly turned into soot, what else are they talking about to improve their cultivation?" Cao Ci said in amazement.

"So if you want to enter this Heavenly Thunder Lake, your cultivation level and strength have not reached the early stage of the Tribulation Period. It is best not to enter the center of the Heavenly Thunder Lake."

At this time, the elder Taishang looked at the Yumei Niangniang and Luoluo behind Xiao Han, and said softly: "The strength of the two of you is still a bit worse from the early stage of the Tribulation Period. Even if you are eligible to enter the center of the Tianlei Pool, don’t Going deep into the center, you can also get great benefits at the edge of Tianlei Pool."

"Thank you for the reminder, the Supreme Elder."

Empress Yumei and Luoluo nodded heavily. For the reminder of the Supreme Elder, they naturally knew it was a good word.

"There is the very center of Tianlei Pool,"

The elder Taishang pointed to the location where the nine-day profound thunder was condensed in the center of the Tianlei Lake, and introduced: "You now think that the breath of the nine-day profound thunder is very fierce. In fact, this is not the most prosperous time. At that time, the entire sky above Beiyue Peak will be covered by Nine Heavens Profound Thunder. At that time, it is time for you to enter the Heavenly Thunder Pool."

"With such a powerful breath of sky thunder, with our strength, can it really be carried?" Xiao Han couldn't help asking a question that everyone wanted to ask.

"If it is the breath of thunder in the air, of course it is very fierce. Without the strength of the peak realm of the Tribulation Period, it is really impossible to hold it."

The elder Taishang smiled and said: "Don't look at the thunderous breath of these days so violently, but the place you are going to is in the lake of Tianlei, which contains the breath of thunder that has been deposited for thousands of years. The violent aura has already gradually disappeared, and what is left is the pure aura contained in the nine-day profound thunder."

"So, there is pure aura in the entire lake?" Xiao Han said blankly.

"Yes, the entire lake is made up of heavenly thunder, and the pure aura contained in it has reached the point of liquefaction."

"His hiss..."

Hearing this, everyone present took a sigh of relief.

In such a large lake, almost all of it is a liquefied pure aura.

If this is to jump in and practice, even if it doesn't improve a small level, at least it will have great benefits.

Even if it only takes three days of cultivation, it might save a year and a half of hard cultivation.

After hearing the words of the great elder, everyone present couldn't help but look hot.

The entire lake is pure and liquefied aura. In this scene, even the geniuses of the three sects have never seen such a big scene.

Xiao Han was also the first time to see so many pure auras.

After thousands of years of accumulation of the entire lake, aura filled the entire top of Beiyue Peak, forming a lake just in the low-lying place.

The entire lake is pure aura, no wonder countless human race refiners and monster masters are yearning for the Tianlei Lake in Beiyue Peak.

This Tianlei Pond at Beiyue Peak is simply a paradise for human refiners and monster beast masters.

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