The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2272: Overcrowded

There is still one day left before Tianlei Pool opens.

Xiao Han did not rush to Beiyue Peak.

And I heard that before the Tianlei Pool overflowed, the entire Beiyue Peak was covered by thick thunderclouds. At this time, it was quite dangerous to forcibly climb the Beiyue Peak.

Since this was the case, Xiao Han didn't rush to the front in a hurry.

However, there are so many people around, and many people have begun to take up space to settle down, preparing to quietly wait for the opening time of Tianlei Pool.

There were human figures everywhere, and the trees were full of human qi refiners and monster beast masters sitting cross-legged.

Xiao Han could only find a remote corner nearby and appeared on the top of a tree.

After a while, Xiao Han decided to walk around, inquire about the news, and look for the traces of Empress Yumei and Luo Luo.

Anyway, it is not yet time for Tianlei Pool to open, with so many people around, Xiao Han dare not cultivate Fengyun Transformation under the eyes of everyone, so he can only stroll around.

Little by little, Xiao Han also heard a lot of news.

It turned out that although there were human air refiners and monsters appearing on all sides of Beiyue Peak, the entire Beiyue Peak was shrouded by that thick thundercloud all year round, and that thundercloud seemed to be a natural restraining formation.

There are only four places that can safely enter Beiyue Peak.

The place where Xiao Han stayed was one of the four entrances.

But now there are countless people waiting near the entrance, just waiting for the time the entrance opens.

It's not impossible to squeeze past, but you have to face hundreds of angry eyes.

As for Empress Yumei and Luoluo, Xiao Han didn't notice after turning around, and he didn't know if they had arrived near Beiyue Peak.

When Xiao Han was wondering if he should go to the other three entrances, a commotion suddenly appeared among the surrounding crowd.

"Ho **** ho ho..."

Suddenly there was a low roar of monsters in the sky, and the surrounding woods trembled involuntarily.

Several powerful breaths filled the air in midair, and soon enveloped the entire mountain forest.

The sudden movement immediately attracted the eyes of all the surrounding clan gas refiners and monster beast experts.

Xiao Han also looked up meaningfully, and found that a huge flying monster appeared in midair.

A behemoth full of pitch black is fluttering its wings and flashing over.

As the giant beast approached, a strong sense of oppression began to permeate the field.

Especially the surrounding monster beast experts, even the eighth-order monster beast masters, couldn't help but frown.

"The eighth-order monster? Fuck, the eighth-order monster as a mount?"

"Isn't it? A Tier 8 monster is actually used as a flying beast? What a big handwriting."

"Kunpeng birds and beasts? Is this the eighth-order Kunpeng birds and beasts? It is actually the flying monster of the Starfall Sect Ruan Qingqing?"

When everyone saw the giant flying beast that appeared in mid-air, they couldn't help making surprise sounds on the field.

Being able to tame a Tier 8 monster beast as a mount is indeed not small.

Among ordinary forces or sects, let alone being a mount, it is still a question whether it can beat a Tier 8 monster beast, how can it be able to tame a Tier 8 monster beast as a mount?

When Xiao Han heard the exclamation sounds around him, he was stunned.

It's no coincidence that a book is impossible.

As soon as Xiao Han rushed to the vicinity of Beiyue Peak, he actually met someone from Xingyizong?

Ruan Qingqing?

Xiao Han remembered that this woman seemed to be the leader of the younger generation in the Star Meteorite Sect.

In addition to Ruan Qingqing, there is a fellow named Ouyang Feng who is as famous as Ruan Qingqing.

Now Ruan Qingqing is here, I don't know if the guy named Ouyang Feng has appeared together.

As for whether the Great Elder Wan Jianyi of the Star Meteorite Sect is accompanying, this is also something Xiao Han is very concerned about.

If Ruan Qingqing is here, Ouyang Feng is here, and Great Elder Wan Jianyi is also here, then it would be a bit troublesome for Xiao Han.

If only Ruan Qingqing and Ouyang Feng two young masters came, Xiao Han would not be afraid.

The other party also came towards Tianlei Pool, so don't worry about Ruan Qingqing and Ouyang Chun chasing Xiao Han.

But if the old guy Wan Jianyi also appeared, it would be a little troublesome.

When Wan Jianyi is responsible for holding Xiao Han, Ruan Qingqing and Ouyang Feng will be able to compete for the eight places in Lei Chi that day without hindrance.

The huge flying monster beast spread its wings and flew, and when it reached the sky above everyone's head, it directly brought a violent breath on the field.

When the huge flying monster lowered its height, immediately, almost all eyes on the field looked at the back of the flying monster involuntarily.

Ruan Qingqing of the Starfall Sect, in the area around the Demon Imperial City in recent years, is like a thunder.

Compared with her, Guo Yi from the Guo family is nothing.

You know Ruan Qingqing is the most favored disciple of Sect Master Xingyi.

Many people have heard that Ruan Qingqing's cultivation talent is very terrifying, and soon after he joined the Star Meteorite Sect, he quickly emerged.

After being accepted as a disciple by the Sect Master of Xingyuzong himself, his reputation became even more obvious.

And this Ruan Qingqing is said to be the strongest among the younger generation of Xingyizong.

He even became a candidate for the next lord of Xingyizong early.

I heard that this was the words of Sect Master Xingyi himself.

Even if there is no precedent for a woman to become a suzerain in Xingyizong for hundreds of years, according to Ruan Qingqing's achievements, there must be a seat for Ruan Qingqing among the elders of Xingyizong in the future.

In this way, Ruan Qingqing's reputation outside is even more terrifying.

Xingyi Sect is one of the three sects and four sects with strong strength, even in the area around the entire Demon Imperial City, it can be considered a top power.

If Ruan Qingqing can become the master of the Starfall Sect in the future, he will definitely become the hottest figure in the entire Ten Fang Refining Domain.

If Ruan Qingqing took control of Xingyizong in his hands in the future, it would really fly into the sky.

Therefore, when many Terran Qi refiners talked about this Miss Ruan Qingqing, they all looked fascinated.

If this is able to catch up with this Miss Ruan Qingqing, wouldn't it be possible in the future to directly reach a height that ordinary people can hardly reach for a lifetime.

No matter how good a woman is, she will have a man sooner or later.

Although this is just a wishful thinking, but this does not prevent many Human Race Qi refiners from hearing Ruan Qingqing's name, their eyes are fiery.

At this time, Xiao Han couldn't stand in the most conspicuous position. His figure flashed directly under a big tree not far away.

Xiao Han looked up at the flying behemoth slowly landing in the sky, and could vaguely see a few figures on the back of the flying behemoth.

Xiao Ku smiled and muttered to himself: "I hope that the great elder Wan Jianyi of the Star Meteorite Sect has not appeared together. If the old guy also comes with Ruan Qingqing, then I will be a little troublesome."

As Xiao Han stared at the flying behemoth, the flying behemoth began to slowly land.

It stopped when I knew there were still fifty or sixty meters from the ground.

At this time, everyone around could clearly see the situation on the flying monster.

The head was a woman with a graceful figure.

She is wearing a long white dress with long hair draped behind her head.

Looking at the past from a distance makes people can't help but imagine.

She is tall, with delicate features and a face with melon seeds, and her eyes are crystal clear.

This Ruan Qingqing looks so beautiful, Xiao Han couldn't help but look at it more.

It's just that there is a single coldness on her face.

Even if he appeared in front of everyone, a feeling of being rejected thousands of miles away spontaneously arises, giving people a sense of inaccessibility.

But this coldness and indifference matched her temperament quite well.

Ruan Qingqing of the Starfall Sect is unparalleled in appearance and temperament, and even Xiao Han, who is used to seeing beautiful women, can't help but secretly praise.

However, unlike the other men around, Xiao Han stared at Ruan Qingqing with his eyes, and couldn't even move it.

Xiao Han quickly looked behind Ruan Qingqing.

Behind him, two figures stood.

A young man, an old face.

That young man is also extremely brilliant, but in front of Ruan Qingqing, he seems a little low-key.

This person should be Ouyang Feng of Xingyizong.

As for the old figure, it looked very thin, giving a sense of weakness.

But when Xiao Han's gaze was on the old figure, he did have a solemn expression.

This old man should also be one of the elders of the Xingyizong, and although his aura is not as good as that of the great elder Wan Jianyi, it is much stronger than the three elders of the Xingyizong that Xiao Han has fought against before.

Xiao Han estimated that this person's strength should have just stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period. Although the realm is not as stable as Wan Jianyi, the strength is indeed extremely strong.

The Great Elder and the Fourth Elder Xiao Han have both met, so this weak old man should be the third elder or the second elder of Xingyizong.

That Ouyang Feng, Xiao Han just glanced twice, Xiao Han's feeling might be worse than Ruan Qingqing.

At that time, he was a very outstanding character.

Guo Yi is completely incomparable with this Ouyang Feng.

As for that elder, it was the opponent Xiao Han cared about.

So when Xiao Han saw Ruan Qingqing, his expression was a little serious.

However, at this time, Xiao Han's heart was relieved.

Fortunately, the Great Elder Wan Jian didn't show up, otherwise, he would be troubled now.

And the other elder, even though it was also the peak strength of the Tribulation Period, it was still more troublesome once it started fighting.

But as long as Wan Jianyi didn't make the shot himself, Xiao Han had nothing to fear.

As for Ruan Qingqing and Ouyang Feng, Ruan Qingqing's strength is similar to Xiao Han, and Ouyang Feng is a little bit worse, so these two Xiao Han don't care.

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