The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2256: Kitadake Mountain

"Little brother, you don't know anything about that." The old man said with a smile:

"That day, the thunder pond filled once every ten years, and then five days later, the nine-day profound thunder in the sky thunder pond would gradually merge into the Beiyue Peak until it overflowed again ten years later.

The reason why Lei Chi is so attractive that day is that Tian Lei Chi is said to be able to break through a small realm as long as the human race refiner jumps in and soaks for a few days, and even if the monster beast enters the Tian Lei Chi, it can also increase the physical strength. , The level is not improved, but the combat effectiveness can leap a lot. "

"Oh? Terran Qi refiners can raise a small level, and monsters strong can make a sound of physical strength?" Hearing this, Xiao Han's attention was instantly attracted.

Among these ten refining domains, is there such a magical place?

"Of course, otherwise why are so many people staring at Lei Chi that day?

You know that the nine-day profound thunder in the thunder pond that day is very mysterious. Every ten years, the entire Beiyue Mountain Range will become the most lively place in the area around the Demon Imperial City. Countless monsters and human refiners from all over will give the entire Beiyue Peak to Squeezed, fifteen days later, it will be the day when the ten-year Tianlei Pool is satisfied.

So now many people are ready to rush to the Beiyue Mountains. "

Xiao Han thought for a while, and then asked softly: "The shopkeeper, you said that the Tianlei Pool in the Beiyue Mountains is so amazing, why are so many people buying maps like this?"

"Little brother, you don't know about that." The shopkeeper smiled: "Basically, none of the people who came to buy the map were from Bafang City. They were all passing guests who happened to pass through Bafang City, so I wanted to buy one. A map,"

"Furthermore, the entire Beiyue Mountain Range is very vast, with many peaks, but the heaven of monsters, not only the seventh-order monsters, but also the eighth-order monsters are as many as hairs.

Although Beiyue Peak is in the Beiyue Mountain Range, it is not easy to find there. If you want to go, you can point to the map I sold to you, which shows the location of Beiyue Peak. "

Xiao Han still believes that there are as many monsters as Tier 7 monsters, but there are so many Tier 8 monsters, Xiao Han really doesn't believe it, when Tier 8 monsters are so worthless, have they reached the point where they are as many as hairs?

It can be seen that the words of this gray-robed old man also have a lot of moisture.

It is estimated that most of the news about Tianlei Pond came from hearsay.

But Xiao Han didn't care about these details, what he cared about was the role of Tianlei Pool.

Can the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder in the Heavenly Thunder Pool really raise the level of the Qi refiner to a small level?

If this is the case, Lei Chi was still very attractive to Xiao Han that day.

Can directly improve a small realm, it is no wonder that many people in the entire Bafang City are talking about Tianlei Pool and Beiyue Mountain Range.

This made Xiao Han start to think.

Now Xiao Han has just stepped into the mid-term strength of the Tribulation Period.

The strength of the peak realm of the Tribulation Period is close and far away.

If Xiao Han continued to cultivate in this way one step at a time, he would not be able to break through within one and a half years if he wanted to reach the peak of the Tribulation Period. It would be possible in three or five years.

Does Xiao Han have so much time?

His father is still waiting for him to save.

The nine princesses are still among the dragons waiting for him to come.

What Xiao Han lacks is time.

Now that Xiao Han is in the middle of the catastrophe period, if he wants to find his father's whereabouts, of course the stronger the better.

And go to the Dragon Clan, even more needless to say.

At present, Xiao Han's strength in the mid-term of the Tribulation Period is not enough to be seen in front of the Golden Dragons.

"It really doesn't work, first find the whereabouts of Luoluo and Yumei Niangniang in this eight-party city, and then try your luck in the Beiyue Mountains."

Seeing Xiao Han groaning and silent, the gray-robed old man chuckled softly: "Anyway, there are a lot of human refiners and monster beast experts, but most people just go to join in the fun, although the effect of Tianlei Pool is very mysterious. , But it can be used once in ten years. That day, the Thunder Pool can only accommodate up to eight people at a time. If you are not qualified to grab one of the positions, you can only wait for the next ten years."

Having said this, the gray-robed old man smiled and said: "I'm telling you, I heard that there are still some old guys who have no hope of breaking through the boundary. Ten years ago, they guarded the Beiyue Peak and waited for the Tianlei Pool to break through. Ah, it’s the same morning and evening. The key is to have this strength and be able to grab a position from thousands of people."

"That said, no matter how early you go, you don't have the qualifications to enter Tianlei Pool without this strength." Xiao Han smiled and nodded.

Since the role of the Beiyue Tianlei Pool is so mysterious, there are naturally many people going to Beiyue Peak.

Whether or not this strength can grab the position is the key.

Finally, Xiao Han asked about the rewards offered by Star Meteorite Sect.

This Bafang City is under the control of Bafang Gate, but it seems that the entire Bafang City is helping Xingyizong find his whereabouts.

It is estimated that if it is not the Bafang Sect that has made friends with Xingyizong, or the Bafang Sect wants to please Xingyizong.

In addition, there is only one possibility, that is, the Xingyi Sect has sent people to Bafang City.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han felt tight.

Could it be that the elders of the Starfall Sect have some secret methods for tracking people?

After hearing Xiao Han’s question, the gray-robed old man smiled and said: “Xingyue Sect should not have sent anyone, but sent the news to Bafang City. Although the strength of the Bafang Sect is good, it is naturally not in front of Xingyizong. What's the matter, now the Star Meteorite Sect needs help, the Bafang Sect is naturally willing to help."

"Thank you for the shopkeeper, then I will leave."

Only then did Xiao Han relax, and then left.

From when Xiao Han sat down to when he walked out of the shop, Xiao Han could not wait for the cup of tea the old man in gray robe said.

After leaving the shop, Xiao Han began to look for the whereabouts of Luoluo and Yumei Empress in Bafang City.

But until the sun went down, Xiao Han found nothing.

I have searched wherever I should go, and neither Empress Yumei nor Luo Luo left any clues.

This made Xiao Han a little frustrated.

After strolling in Bafang City for a day, Xiao Han didn’t try to find the whereabouts of Empress Yumei and Luoluo, but he inquired and asked a lot of people along the way. The news is much clearer.

The old profiteer who sold the map didn't fool him.

Fifteen days later is the day when the Tianlei Pool is overflowing once every ten years.

I heard that this time the human race refiners and monster beast masters who rushed to the Beiyue Mountains were the most in recent years.

It seems that this time thousands of people rushed to Beiyue Peak to try their luck.

It is estimated that after ten days, Beiyue Peak must be overcrowded.

Xiao Han was concerned about the news about Lei Chi that day, but he was more concerned about the whereabouts of Empress Yumei and Luoluo.

Now that the two of Yumei Niangniang and Luoluo have no news, Xiao Han is a little bit depressed.

Where did they go?

Walking, Xiao Han walked to the very center of Bafang City.

This seems to be the location of the spatial transmission formation in Bafang City.

It is located in the very center of the Bafang City, but it is different from the squares surrounding the spatial transmission formations of other cities. Around the spatial transmission formations of the Bafang City, there is a vast green grassland.

Now that the sky is getting darker, that space teleportation array should have been closed.

Xiao Han walked slowly on the grass, looking melancholy.

Miss Yumei and Luoluo, will something go wrong?

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly thought.

If Empress Yumei and Luoluo appeared in Bafang City, or around Bafang City, they should have heard news from Tianlei Pool in Beiyue Mountain Range.

When Xiao Han heard such a good thing, he would definitely join in the fun.

The same goes for Empress Yumei and Luoluo.

They should take this opportunity to head to the Beiyue Mountains.

No matter if Xiao Han is in Bafang City or other surrounding cities, only Xiao Han will definitely try his luck after hearing the news about Tianlei Pool.

In this way, Empress Yumei and Luoluo have the greatest possibility of meeting Xiao Han.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han suddenly lit up.

Empress Yumei and Luoluo might have gone to the Beiyue Mountain Range.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han was much more relaxed.

First go to the Beiyue Mountains to try your luck, maybe you can find Yumei Empress and Luoluo?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han turned and walked back.

Finally, Xiao Han got down in front of a luxurious inn in the Bafang City.

On the first floor of the inn is the lounge, where many people sit and chat.

Many people are talking about the Tianlei Pool of Beiyue Peak, which is about to arrive.

It seems that many people are going to Beiyue Mountain Range these days.

Xiao Han asked for a luxurious suite for the price of a seventh-order demon pill, and then slowly walked upstairs.

Listening to the surrounding discussion, Xiao Han made a decision.

Since you can't find Empress Yumei and Luoluo in this eight-party city, just go to Beiyue Peak.

Maybe then not only will you find Yumei Empress and Luoluo, with good luck, you will be able to grab a place in the Heavenly Thunder Pool?

Xiao Han decided to rest for one night in Bafang City, and then set off for the Beiyue Mountains the next day.

If he could grab a position in Beiyue Heavenly Thunder Pool and raise a small realm, Xiao Han might really follow this opportunity to step into the peak realm of the Tribulation Period.

When I think that Zhiji has stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period, not only is the chance of saving his father much greater, but also that he will go to the Golden Dragon Clan in the future. If I want to come to the Golden Dragon Clan, I dare not despise a young Cross Tribulation. A master at the peak of the period.

After entering the room, Xiao Han released the little monster beast.

Anyway, there was no aura from Wangcai's body, even if people saw it, they would think it was just a low-level monster.

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly discovered that Wangcai's body seemed to have grown up again, or that...

It is fat again.

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