The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2254: Happo Castle

I have been on the road for such a long time, and there is no sound along the way, only the whistling wind blowing in my ears.

Suddenly came to the hustle and bustle of the city, it really seemed a bit unaccustomed.

Xiao Han shook his head with a wry smile on his face.

The flow of people in this Bafang City can only be experienced by walking to the gate of the city.

However, it seems that there are not only a lot of people entering the city, it seems that the inspection at the gate of the Bafang City seems to be very strict.

Everyone entering the city has to be stopped by guards.

Xiao Han's heart moved, and he had some guesses in his heart.

Could there have been people from the Xingyun Sect in this Bafang City, and like Tianlun City, set some traps, just waiting for Xiao Han to enter the city?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han was a little embarrassed.

This Bafang City must be entered. If the people of Xingyuzong are really in Bafang City, Xiao Han will also find a way to enter the city to find the traces of Yumei Empress and Luoluo.

And the more so, maybe Empress Yumei and Luo Luo already knew what happened to Xiao Han in Tianlun City, and they would be anxious.

The people of Xingyizong shouldn't know the existence of Empress Yumei and Luoluo, at least they still don't need to worry about their safety.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han, who was still in mid-air, looked at the Bafang City gate below, and suddenly turned back and stepped on the sky sword to rush into the distance.

Xiao Han came to a hillside with no one everywhere.

The grass on the hillside is very lush, half a person tall.

Xiao Han found a place to sit down, thinking in his heart.

If you walked into the Bafang City like this, there might be something like a reward announcement at the door.

Xiao Han thought for a while, he should still try to change some of his appearance.

Xiao Han's heart moved, remembering that there seemed to be a set of tools for disguising in the universe of the Young Lord of Xuanfeng City.

This kind of disguise tool can simply change the appearance, at least not the closest or the most familiar person, it is not recognized at all.

However, if the Fourth Elder of Xingyizong and others stood in front of Xiao Han, he could be recognized by the breath of Xiao Han without looking at his appearance.

Since Xiao Han is going to Bafang City, he should dress up for the sake of safety.

Soon, when Xiao Han stood up from the grass, he became a big man with a full face and beard, and the skin on his face and neck was also a little dark.

That set of disguise tools of the young city lord of Xuanfeng City was very delicate, but only those who looked ugly, not handsome.

It is estimated that the Young City Lord of Xuanfeng City may have some quirks.

After getting dressed, Xiao Han wore a **** robe, and then rushed to the gate of Bafang City again.

Xiao Han lined up to enter the city for about twenty minutes.

Sure enough, as Xiao Han expected, a reward announcement was posted at the gate of Bafang City.

Xingyizong offered a reward for Xiao Han's head with the price of twenty eighth-order demon pills.

This is a huge sum of money.

As for being able to provide Xiao Han's hiding place, it may also be a bounty of fifty seventh-order demon pills.

And it's not just twenty eighth-order demon pills. If you can kill Xiao Han, you will not only receive the bounty, but you can also make friends with the Starfall Sect. In the future, no one will dare to provoke him when you walk near the Demon Imperial City.

After Xiao Han changed his face, there was a big difference from the portrait. The guard asked Xiao Han to take off the **** robe. After a few glances, he let it go.

After paying a Tier 5 Demon Pill, Xiao Han slowly walked into Bafang City.

Xiao Han originally wanted to find the whereabouts of Luoluo and Yumei Empress first.

But walking in the Bafang City, I just happened to see two rows of various shops when I entered the city gate.

Most of these shops sell things commonly used by Terran gas refiners. There are also magic weapons and demon pills. As long as they are used by Terran gas refiners, you can find shops that sell them here.

The area near the Demon Imperial City is very vast, and most people who want to travel around the Demon Imperial City will buy a map and put it on them.

This kind of map is not a precious treasure.

Xiao Han soon found a shop specializing in selling maps in the Bafang City.

In addition to selling maps, this shop also sells made Qiankun bags.

As long as the cultivation realm reaches a certain level, and spend a seventh-order demon pill, you can buy a brand-new universe bag.

However, this price is indeed very cheap for Xiao Han.

Ordinary Terran gas refiners would buy a Universe Bag and put them on their bodies. Otherwise, it would be really inconvenient to go to the mountains and forests.

Xiao Han walked into the shop, and unexpectedly found that the shelves were empty, with only some Qiankun bags placed on them, and all the other shelves were empty.

Isn’t the map selling here?

Xiao Han wondered if he had gone to the wrong shop.

But when I came in, I looked at the map on the sign.

Seeing the empty shelves around, Xiao Han suddenly couldn't react.

Xiao Han was walking among the shops, but he did not find a map for sale.

At this moment, just when Xiao Han looked surprised, an old man in a gray robe came over.

Xiao Han could feel that this gray-robed old man was also a Qi refiner, but his cultivation level was not high, he was just a cultivation base in the early stage of the Tongyou period, and at such an age, there shouldn't be much room for improvement in this life.

However, for this level of elderly, it should be more than enough to open a shop for a living.

This gray-robed old man has a low level of cultivation, with a goatee, and smiling at Xiao Han.

"Little brother, what are you doing?" Seeing Xiao Han looking around, the gray-robed old man asked with a smile.

You must come to the store to buy something, is it possible to come for a drink?

Xiao Han smiled and said: "You are the shop where you buy maps. I'm naturally here to buy maps. The shopkeeper, give me a map near Demon Imperial City. The more detailed the better."

"Sorry, the maps in our shop are all sold out." The gray-robed old man said with a smile.

"Did you buy it?" Xiao Han was taken aback first, with a surprised look on his face.

The sales of this map are so terrible?

There are no maps in the store where you even bought them?

"Isn't it? The shopkeeper, why are the maps in your store bought so quickly?" Xiao Han said blankly.

The gray-robed old man said with a smile: "Yes, just for this period of time, all the ten-year map inventory in my shop has been sold out."

"Is there no one?" Xiao Han said blankly.

What happened? A map store's ten-year inventory was all sold out at once?

If you weren't going to wander around the Demon Imperial City, logically you wouldn't need to carry a map with you.

But now it is so strange that the maps in the map shop are sold out all at once.

"Little brother, let's tell you, the maps in our store are really sold out, even the maps around Bafang City are sold out."

The gray-robed old man turned his words at last, and laughed softly: "But..."

Xiao Han moved in his heart and said with a smile: "The shopkeeper, if you still have a map, you might as well make a price."

Xiao Han guessed that this profiteer wanted to take advantage of the fact that the map sales were not worrying, and he would come to a strange product.

It seems that this profiteer wants to raise the price.

So Xiao Han directly asked the other party to make an offer.

The gray-robed old man smiled knowingly: "Little brother, let’s tell you, the stock in our store is really gone, but I think it’s a good match for you, so I’ll let you know. I have a treasure in my hand. For many years of maps, if you sincerely want them, I can buy them for you, but at this price, at least three...five seventh-order demon pills."

Five seventh-order demon pills?

This old guy's heart is still dark and outrageous.

A map actually sells five seventh-order demon pills?

You shouldn't even need a Tier 6 Demon Pill on weekdays, right?

Seeing Xiao Han's look wrong, the gray-robed old man took out a very delicately packaged box from under a container behind him. He handed it to Xiao Han and said with a smile: "Little brother, I really don't lie to you. I will do it myself. There is only a map of the area near the Demon Imperial City. This is a souvenir that my master gave me when I first came out of the teacher. It is of great significance to me. It marks the geographical location near the Demon Imperial City. It’s very detailed, not to mention five seventh-order demon pill, in my heart it is priceless."

"Five seventh-order demon pills, I really met a profiteer."

Xiao Han couldn't help but muttered.

This old guy is really no ordinary profiteer.

Five seventh-order demon pills can buy a good magic weapon.

Is a map so expensive?

What is this not cheating?

The gray-robed old man pretended to sigh with regret: "If the little brother thinks it's expensive, then forget it. I can keep it anyway."

"No, I want it." After thinking about it, Xiao Han didn't bother to care about such profiteers.

It is estimated that there is only one shop selling maps in the entire Bafang City.

Before Xiao Han was in Tianlun City, none of the family had seen it.

Xiao Han didn't bother to go to other places to look around.

"These are five seventh-order demon pellets, you must collect them first." Xiao Han directly took out the five seventh-level demon pellets, and then took the small box from the gray-robed old man.

The gray robe Laozi's eyes lit up, why did he take the five seventh-order demon pills from Xiao Han's hands, and then quickly sent them into the Universe Bag, as if he was afraid that Xiao Han would regret it.

Xiao Han was too lazy to care about each other, this kind of thing is also a willingness to fight and a willingness to endure, nothing is worth it.

Anyway, Xiao Han needs a map, and the other party has a map. He pays the money and delivers the goods with one hand. Five seventh-order demon pills are a big price for other human refiners, but not for Xiao Han.

Xiao Han slowly took out a scroll from the beautifully packaged small box and spread it directly on the container.

The above is indeed the geographical distribution map near the Demon Imperial City, and the map is very detailed, not only the location of the city in the surrounding mountains, but also the area with the largest number of monsters in each mountain. It is marked in red.

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