The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2237: Ready to shoot

Although the ancestors of the Zhao family let Zhao Duoer hide outside Tianlun City, Zhao Duoer felt that he might not be able to wait for Xiao Han.

However, Xiao Han really appeared.

After hearing Xiao Han's words, Zhao Duoer was taken aback for a moment, and then some tears filled her eyes.

Zhao Duoer knew that Mr. Xiao Han was definitely not the kind of cold-blooded person.

Judging from Zhao Duo'er's previous understanding, Xiao Han is completely merciless to the enemy, but to the people around him, Xiao Han is very friendly.

"Mr. Xiao Han, now our Zhao family manor is completely occupied by people from the Guo family. All the Zhao family members are not allowed to go out. The ancestor of the Guo family and the three elders from the Starfall Sect are sitting in our Zhao family. Just waiting for you to come."

Zhao Duoer briefly introduced the current situation in Tianlun City.

When Xiao Han heard this, he smiled bitterly and shook his head:

Xiao Han sighed and said, "That old guy named Guo Hua is so annoying. It seems that the elders of the three Star Meteorite Sects are not a good thing. They did this because they thought they could force me out. In this case, how can I, Xiao Han, let them down?"

Zhao Duoer stunned: "Xiao Han, you really want to enter Tianlun City. The three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect will not let you go. The ancestor said that when the three elders were no weaker than Xiao Huohuo , You still don't go."

Hearing this, Xiao Han moved in his heart and asked softly: "Duoer, what did your ancestor of the Zhao family say?"

"The ancestor has anticipated today's situation in advance, so he asked me to stay outside Tianlun City and wait for you. He is afraid that if you really return to Tianlun City, let me dissuade you and tell you not to enter the arena." Hurriedly said.

It turned out that the ancestors of the Zhao family had long expected that Xiao Han would come to Tianlun City, but it was not just the reason that the ancestors of the Zhao family thought.

Looking at Zhao Duoer in front of him, Xiao Han pondered for a moment, and said softly: "There are some things that should be done. I know that this Tianlun City is the Longtan Tiger's Lair. I can only make a breakthrough. Don't worry, Duoer, I know it in my heart."

Zhao Duoer's face changed several times, and it seemed that there was no way to make Xiao Han change his attention.

"Well, Mr. Xiao Han, if you really think about it, then I will enter the city with you." Zhao Duoer continued, "I know how to enter the city without going through the city gate, but after you enter the city, you first Don’t do it, let’s understand the situation first, okay?"

Xiao Han felt that what Zhao Duoer said did make sense.

It is better not to act rashly before figuring out the real situation of Guo Family and Xingyizong in Tianlun City.

Besides, Xiao Han still wanted to take advantage of this little time to see if he could find the news of Empress Yumei and Luoluo in Tianlun City.

After entering Tianlun City, Xiao Han discovered that Tianlun City is truly loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

As long as it enters Tianlun City, there is no need for any restrictions, but if you want to get out of Tianlun City, you have to accept several cross-examinations.

Since Chen Huohuo's death, the ancestors of the Guo family returned from outside Tianlun City, the atmosphere in the whole Tianlun City was very strange.

Next, three elders from the Star Meteorite Sect were sent to the Star Meteorite Sect, and there were also many experts from the Xing Meteorite Sect.

As a result, the big and small forces in the entire Tianlun City, except for the Guo family, became extremely nervous.

Especially the Zhao family, after knowing that the elders of Xingyizong had arrived at Tianlun City, the Zhao family directly closed the manor.

Everyone in the Zhao family knows very well that this time the Xingyi Sect sent someone to come, I am afraid that their Zhao family will be more fortunate.

Although it is said that their Zhao family did not clashed with Xingyizong, and Chen Huohuo’s death was not directly related to the Zhao family, after all, these things were caused by their Zhao family, and Xiao Han was also invited by their Zhao family. Therefore, even if the Zhao family did nothing, Xingyizong would never let the Zhao family go so easily.

With the strength of the Starfall Sect, if they want to clean up their Zhao family, the Zhao family has no room for resistance at all.

Therefore, the Zhao family stayed behind closed doors, and they were sticking to the Zhao Family Manor.

Then, the three elders of Xingyizong and several powerful men walked into the Zhao Family Manor under the leadership of the Guo family ancestors.

This made other big and small forces in Tianlun City panic all day long.

If the Star Meteorite Sect had to deal with the forces of these Celestial Cities, it would be very easy.

Apart from surrendering or waiting to die, they have no third choice at all.

However, after the other forces in Tianlun City were worried for a day, they saw the notice posted by the Xingyizong and the Guo family, and then they realized that this time the Guo family and the Xingyizong were going to deal with the person named Xiao The cold guys, not them.

The powerhouse sent by Xingyun Sect did not take action against other forces in Tianlun City.

After the elders of the Starfall Sect and other powerful men arrived at Tianlun City on the first day, they walked into the Zhao Family Manor under the leadership of the Guo family ancestors, and then directly controlled the entire Zhao family in several key halls.

Xingyizong did not act on the Zhao family, but sealed the entire Zhao family. Zhao Jin, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, also knew that it was meaningless to resist at this time, so he signaled all the Zhao family to calm down and wait obediently.

Although the entire Zhao family is one of the top forces in Tianlun City, even the Guo family controls a set of space teleportation arrays. For so many years, it can’t help the Zhao family. It is conceivable that the entire Zhao family is definitely not so easy to deal with. .

But now it is different. For the entire Star Meteorite Sect, no matter how strong the Zhao Family is, there is no threat to their Star Meteorite Sect.

In fact, the Zhao family did not sit and wait for death.

When the ancestors of the Zhao family came in with the three elders of Xingyizong, Zhao Jin and several elders took action and fought against the ancestors of the Guo family.

What Guo Hua wanted was the destruction of the entire Zhao family, and the elders of the Xingyizong simply looked down on the Zhao family's belongings, so they did not help Guo Meng deal with Zhao Jin.

In this way, although Zhao Jin and several elders could not kill Guo Hua, they made Guo Meng somewhat helpless.

In the end, Zhao Jin and several elders joined forces to resist Guo Meng. Although Guo Meng was wounded, the elders of the Star Meteorite Sect did not interfere, and Guo Meng had nothing to control.

Fortunately, the final result can at least be acceptable to the Zhao family.

Several elders of Xingyizong ordered the Guo family to seal off the entire manor.

The Zhao family knew very well that Xingyizong did this only to force Xiao Han out.

In the past few days, the entire Tianlun City has been paying attention to the entire Zhao Family Manor at all times.

Most people are waiting, they all want to see if the young man who shocked the whole Tianlun City a few days ago will show up.

The current situation is obvious. As long as Xiao Han doesn't show up for a day, the Guo family and Xingyizong will not move the Guo family for a day.

However, this is only short-lived.

For a long time, if Xiao Han never showed up, then the Zhao family felt that the consequences would be very bad.

Everyone is eagerly looking forward to the appearance of Xiao Han.

However, everyone knew in their hearts that Xiao Han would not be here.

For most people, Tianlun City is really a sea of ​​flames.

This time, the Star Meteorite Sect not only sent a lot of elite Xing Meteo experts to Tianlun City, but the three most important masters among them were the four elders, five elders and six Zhang elders of Xing Meteo Sect.

The true strength of these three elders is definitely not weaker than the dead Star Meteorite Sect elder Chen Huohuo, and it is even rumored that each of these elders is much stronger than Chen Huohuo.

The three powerhouses in the middle of the Tribulation Period, even the powerhouses in the peak state of the Tribulation Period, have the power to fight.

Even if Xiao Han came this time, abolished Guo Yi and killed Xiao Han who killed Chen Huohuo, so terrifying strength, I am afraid it would be difficult to compete with the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect at the same time, right?

Then the problem is coming.

Will Xiao Han come?

The whole Tianlun City is pondering this question.

Not only is the Zhao family and Guo family in the whirlpool paying attention this time, but almost all the people in Tianlun City are eagerly looking forward to whether Xiao Han will come this time.

In Tianlun City, even casinos are already opening bets on this matter.

Most people actually tend to Xiao Han not coming back.

Watching the excitement is returning to the excitement, but if you think about it seriously, if Xiao Han really came to Tianlun City in this situation, it would really be his head caught.

If it's anyone else, I'm afraid they won't go to Tianlun City to die, right?

Although in Tianlun City that day, the mysterious young man named Xiao Han brought an incomparable contest to the entire Tianlun City on the high platform.

However, as long as he is a smart person, he will never come to Tianlun City to take risks.

After Xiao Han entered Tianlun City, Zhao Duoer returned to the Zhao Family Manor.

To do it, you also need to find a suitable time.

While the entire Tianlun City was eagerly looking forward to it, Xiao Han was exploring the situation in Tianlun City.

Xiao Han's identity has not been revealed, but to Xiao Han's disappointment, in Tianlun City, the whereabouts of Empress Yumei and Luoluo have not been found.

This made Xiao Han a bit depressed.

Why have Empress Yumei and Luoluo not arrived in Tianlun City yet, where have they gone?

Hundreds of thousands of people in Tianlun City were waiting to see if Xiao Han would show up, but Xiao Han went around in Tianlun City.

Of course, Xiao Han simply dressed up, calmed his breath, and didn't let himself be too conspicuous.

Walking through the streets, inquiring about one by one inn, but still did not get the whereabouts of Empress Yumei and Luoluo.

Finally, Xiao Han reluctantly accepted the fact.

Empress Yumei and Luo Luo should have not rushed to Tianlun City, otherwise Xiao Han would not be able to find a clue.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han decided to solve the grievances between Xingyizong and the Guo Family and him first.

Since she couldn't find the whereabouts of Empress Yumei and Luoluo, Xiao Han decided that he should get the business done first.

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