The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2232: Can only blew up

Chen Huohuo's wishful thinking had worked well.

With Guo Hua in front of the little monster, he ran away if he couldn't beat Xiao Han, at least he should be able to run away?

However, what Chen Huohuo didn't expect was that Xiao Han had firmly locked his tracks.

Chen Huohuo cultivated Fengyun Transformation Body, and Xiao Han also cultivated Fengyun Transformation Body. Although he is not more proficient than Chen Huohuo, Fengyun Transformation Body's exercises are very familiar to Xiao Han. In addition, Xiao Han's ability to perceive the consciousness of Fengyun is better than those of the same realm. Gas refiners are much stronger.

Therefore, Chen Huohuo suddenly realized that it seemed that he wanted to escape more difficult than he thought.

Moreover, Guo Hua, the ancestor of the Guo family, took his men to run, and Chen Huohuo was completely finished.

Xiao Han alone was already very difficult to deal with.

Now that Guo Hua ran away, the little monster beast was free to take a shot.

A Xiao Han, a high-grade spiritual weapon, Chen Huohuo will undoubtedly die.

In the midst of Chen Huohuo's astonishment, the space in front of him was slightly distorted, and Xiao Han slowly appeared in front of Chen Huohuo again.

Xiao Han looked at Chen Huohuo with a playful look, and said with a smile: "Aren't you quite able to run? Why don't you run now?"

The breath of Chen Huohuo's body was a little sluggish, and it was obvious that he had just been beaten by Xiao Han.

"Why rush to kill? Be a man, leave me alone, I promise, our Star Meteorite Sect will not trouble you anymore." Chen Huohuo's eyes flickered, as if he was wondering how to let him go if he loved to shout.

Chen Huohuo can't care about so much now, no matter whether it is true or not, let's make a promise first.

It doesn't matter if Xiao Han believes it or not, anyway, let's talk about it first.

"Before in Tianlun City, you had to trouble me. If you said that your Star Meteorite Sect did not hold me accountable at that time, maybe I would really believe it. As for now, do you think I would believe it?"

When the little demon beast rushed to Xiao Han's side, Chen Huohuo's heart sank to the bottom.

The little demon beast stared at Chen Huohuo with a bad expression, and Chen Huohuo couldn't help but shiver.

In the hands of this little monster beast, Chen Huohuo suffered from the boss's loss.

Now being stared at by that little monster beast again, Chen Huohuo was really scared.

With a Xiao Han and a top-grade aura, Chen Huohuo is really ashamed.

If Guo Hua had dragged the little monster before, Chen Huohuo would still be able to escape alive with certainty.

But now Guo Hua just ran away, leaving Chen Huohuo behind, and the situation was extremely bad.

Chen Huohuo had a hideous look. He looked at Xiao Han with a ruthless look on his face: "Since you have to kill everything, the old man won't make you feel better. It's a big deal to die together."

Chen Huohuo suddenly roared, then rushed towards Xiao Han.

It seems that Chen Huohuo intends to die with Xiao Han. .

I saw the breath of Chen Huohuo's body directly energized wildly, and the spiritual energy all over his body moved at high speed, and Chen Huohuo's whole person became crazy.

Chen Huohuo started from his heart and rushed directly to Xiao Han, wanting to die with him.

"Chen Huohuo, this old guy is so crazy? Want to drag me to death?" Xiao Han was also slightly taken aback.

Then Chen Huohuo directly rushed over, and the spiritual energy above and below his body became more and more violent, and his whole body began to gradually expand.

"If you die, die together."

Chen Huohuo was already in madness, and before he died, he had to pull Xiao Han as a backstop.

"Bite it."

Xiao Han commanded the little monster beast, then his figure flashed and disappeared.

The little demon beast was afraid of the self-exposure of a strong man in the tribulation period. Xiao Han gave a command. After Xiao Han disappeared, the little demon beast rushed directly to Chen Huohuo.

With a violent collision, Chen Huohuo's body was directly knocked upside down and flew out.

"Xiao Han, the old man will not let you go if he is a ghost."

Chen Huohuo let out an unwilling roar, and then there was an explosion.


Chen Huohuo's body exploded directly, and a series of terrible alluvial flats swept across the square like a tide.

The sky was shaking, and the entire mountain range seemed to be an earthquake.

The hills collapsed in the explosion.

The big and small monsters in the whole mountain range suffered instantly.

Whether it is a fourth-order monster or a fifth-order monster, a sixth-order monster directly transforms into nothingness in the huge explosion.

A strong man in the middle of the catastrophe period exposed himself before his death, directly destroying all the hills within a radius of several kilometers.

The huge shock wave of the explosion continued to spread around, as if it were the end of the day.

The monster beasts within a radius of several tens of miles were panicked all day long, and the monster beasts that were not affected were also panicked.

With such a powerful force, even Xiao Han couldn't resist it.

Xiao Han's figure appeared in midair, with a solemn look on the mountain top that was ravaged by the explosion.

After being exposed by Chen Huohuo, the entire surrounding lush mountain forest was directly turned into ruins.

Chen Huohuo is also a ruthless person, he would rather expose himself than fight Xiao Han.

But think about it, Guo Hua fled, Xiao Han teamed up with the little monster, and it was not necessary to abuse Chen Huo.

Chen Huohuo didn't expose himself, it might be worse in Xiao Han's hands.

However, this saves a lot of things for Xiao Han.

At this time, Guo Hua, who took the Guo family and fled to Tianlun City, noticed the movement behind him when Chen Huohuo exposed himself.

Guo Hua stopped his figure, his expression in shock.

"Fuck, that old fellow Chen Huohuo is so miserable? Was he forced to do nothing by that little bastard?"

"Damn, it's fortunate that the old man runs fast, otherwise I guess I will be embarrassed by that little bastard."

There was a grateful look on Guo Hua's face.

But thinking about it, I was a little uneasy.

Who knew that **** was so powerful.

But their Guo family has been dying with Xiao Han.

Even if the Guo family let Xiao Han go now and didn't trouble Xiao Han, I'm afraid Xiao Han would not let the Guo family go easily.

If you can, you can't compete with people like Xiao Han.

With such a terrible opponent, Guo Hua felt a bit depressed.

But Guo Hua suddenly thought about it, and felt a little lucky.

It's okay for Chen Huohuo to not die.

Now that Chen Huohuo died in Xiao Han's hands, it would be fun.

If only a sect disciple of the Star Meteorite Sect died in Xiao Han's hands, this matter would be big or small.

But Chen Huohuo was an elder in the Star Meteorite Sect, and his status in the Star Meteorite Sect was not low.

Now Chen Huohuo died in Xiao Han's hands. As long as the incident reached the Xingyi Sect, Xingyi Sect would never give up.

At that time, I am afraid that Xingyi Sect will send strong men to hunt down Xiao Han.

Guo Hua knew that it would not be long before the experts of Xingyizong would rush here to find Xiao Han's trouble.

Thinking of this, Guo Hua decided that next, he would take the Guo family and stay in Tianlun City without coming out. When the Xingyu Sect sent someone to deal with Xiao Han, he could take the opportunity to come out and help.

When Chen Huohuo revealed himself, the ancestors of the Zhao family were also taken aback.

An elder of the Star Meteorite Sect was actually forced to this point by the kid Xiao Han?

Before the explosion started, the ancestors of the Zhao family had already brought Zhao Duoer to the area where Xiao Han and Chen Huohuo were fighting.

But Chen Huohuo revealed that the ancestors of the Zhao family could only hold Zhao Duoer and fly back again.

The two figures flashed at the same time and disappeared on the spot.

When the ancestors of the Zhao family arrived at the top of the fallen mountain in the distance, Zhao Duo'er looked at the messy mountains left after Chen Huohuo exposed, and even the ancestors of the Zhao family couldn't help taking a breath.

The ancestor of the Zhao family couldn't help muttering, "Is that old fellow Chen Huohuo crazy? He actually exposed himself?"

"Ancestor, how could this strong man expose himself to be so terrifying?"

Zhao Duoer was also very scared by the explosion that destroyed the world.

The blew of a strong man in the middle of the catastrophe period, not to mention Zhao Duoer, even the ancestor of the Zhao family was the first time I saw it.

On weekdays, if it is not a last resort, who would choose to expose?

In other words, Chen Huohuo must have known himself to die, otherwise, how could he choose to expose himself?

He exposed himself to the end, but Chen Huohuo exposed himself, but he didn't even hurt Xiao Han's hair.

The ancestor of the Zhao family, Bai Na, looked at the figure that resurfaced in the air after the explosion, with a look of shock.

"This little guy is okay, and actually forced Chen Huohuo to expose himself? It seems that this guy's strength can actually kill Chen Huohuo. Otherwise, Chen Huohuo, a strong man in the middle of the catastrophe period, can't even kill him. He chooses to follow Xiao The cold is gone.

This shows that this little guy named Xiao Han has amazing strength, and he is not inferior to the veteran powerhouse like Chen Huohuo. "

If it weren't for seeing this scene with his own eyes, the ancestors of the Zhao family would really not believe that the strength of a younger generation was so terrifying.

Zhao Duoer was also staring at the distance, but Zhao Duoer's strength was limited, and he couldn't see clearly. Although he could vaguely see Xiao Han's voice and shadow, he was not sure if Xiao Han had anything to do.

"Old ancestor, Mr. Xiao Han won't be hurt by the terrible explosion just now? How about we go over and take a look."

The ancestor of the Zhao family sighed softly: "Injured? I am afraid that Chen Huohuo would not even have thought of death. He claimed that he did not hurt Xiao Han at all. This Chen Huohuo is dead for nothing."

Hearing this, Zhao Duoer cheered and said, "Really, ancestor, so Mr. Xiao Han is unharmed? Wow, that's great, great."

"Silly girl, don't be happy too early, although Xiao Han is fine now, but the crisis has not been resolved."

The ancestors of the Zhao family looked a little solemn: "Although Xiao Han killed Chen Huohuo, because of this, Xiao Han's crisis has not been resolved.

It was because Xiao Han killed Chen Huohuo. In this way, he and Xingyizong really had an endless grudge. Even if Xiao Han is fine now, after that guy Guo Hua escapes to Tianlun City, he will definitely send someone. Take a walk to let the people of Xingyizong know that Xiao Han Tianlun City killed Guo Yi and Chen Huohuo as soon as possible. Soon Xingyizong will send strong men to chase him down.

After hearing the words of the ancestors of the Zhao family, Zhao Duoer began to become nervous involuntarily.

If Star Meteorite Sect is really afraid of people chasing Xiao Han, then isn't Xiao Han finished?

No matter how strong Xiao Han was, it was impossible to compete with such a behemoth as Xingyizong.

Zhao Duoer's face couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Xiao Han is really anxious and distressed.

But after thinking about it, Zhao Duoer felt that everything was to blame on himself.

If it weren't for Zhao Duo'er begging Xiao Han to help their Zhao family, Xiao Han would not get involved.

Had it not been for Zhao Duoer's repeated pleadings, Xiao Han would definitely not have a conflict with the Guo family.

Therefore, Zhao Duoer felt that he was all to blame for involving Xiao Han.

Now that Xiao Han beheaded Guo Yi and Chen Huohuo, and forged a feud with Xingyizong, Xiao Han was in a dangerous situation.

So Zhao Duoer blames herself.

Thinking of this, Zhao Duoer regretted it.

The ancestor of the Zhao family looked at Zhao Duoer with an annoyed look, and laughed softly: "You little girl is blaming yourself again? Shouldn't you invite Xiao Han to help the Zhao family? Forget it, it's already a step forward. What's the use of regret?

In fact, you don’t have to worry too much. From the perspective of the old man, this little guy is not an ordinary person. I won’t talk about his strength. His character, even my old man, can’t help but admire him. Killing decisively like him.

However, I feel that people like Xiao Han have terrifying strength and firm personality. People like him, even in places like Demon Imperial City, might be able to get along well.

So you don't have to worry, I think it is not that simple even if Xingyizong wants to kill him. "

"Ancestor, is what you said true?" Zhao Duoer blinked his eyes, even he couldn't even think that his ancestor had such a high evaluation of Xiao Han.

"You little girl, the more genius this Xiao Han is, the more difficult it will be for you to like him. Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing." The ancestor of the Zhao family smiled.

"Old ancestor, don't talk nonsense, okay?" Zhao Duoer's face flushed: "By the way, ancestor, what should we do next? Shall we take Xiao Han back to Tianlun City?"

The ancestor of the Zhao family waved his hand and said in a deep voice, "No, if I guess right, Chen Huohuo had already sent a letter to Xingyizong when he was in Tianlun City. I guess the people of Xingyizong are already on the way, so We can't interfere with the next thing, we can only rely on Xiao Han himself."

"Did we just leave like this?" Zhao Duoer was stunned.

The ancestor of the Zhao family nodded, and then said: "You are waiting here now, I will meet that Xiao Han, give him some good things, and then we can go back."

Hearing this, Zhao Duoer smiled suddenly.

At this time, the body of the Zhao family old Zude has disappeared.

Zhao Duoer looked satisfied, and then sat down directly on the tree.

"It's still the old ancestor who treats me well. It seems that Xiao Han has a lot of chances to survive this time." Zhao Duoer dangled two legs, the worried look on his face disappeared without a trace.


In a lush mountain forest not far from Chen Huohuo's exposure, calmness gradually recovered.

The monster beasts that had been far avoided also began to return to the area where they were active.

After Chen Huohuo died, Xiao Han did not stay away from here, but found a hiding place in a nearby mountain range.

Xiao Han knew that the people of Xingyizong should be coming soon.

Rather than running around, it is better to adjust your state to the top.

At that time, whether it was going to leave or stay to fight, at least Xiao Han had a much better chance of saving his life.

The place where Xiao Han hides is a mountain that soars into the clouds.

The entire mountain covers a large area, but the entire mountain is very steep.

Xiao Han sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain.

Next to Xiao Han lay a little furry monster.

Xiao Han was adjusting his breath, and the little monster beast was lying next to Xiao Han in a bored manner, with a piece of magic weapon left beside his mouth.

It seemed that the magic weapons Xiao Han had eaten for this little monster beast were quite a few.

This little guy burped contentedly.

The little monster beast became more and more satisfied with the master around him.

Although the little monster looked very lazy, there were already dozens of Tier 6 monsters and Tier 7 monsters around the mountain. When they planned to fight against Xiao Han's opponent, they were only worn by the little monster. neck.

The little monster beast occasionally swept its surroundings with vigilant gaze, and once there was movement around, the little monster beast would raise its head.

Gradually, all the monster beasts around gave up their eager hearts.

Never again dared to provoke the figure on the top of the mountain.

About half an hour after Xiao Han sat in meditation and adjusted his breath, his whole person's state had almost recovered to its peak.

At this time, Xiao Han slowly opened his eyes, because he suddenly discovered that an old figure was standing on the top of the mountain opposite.

PS: I wish you all a happy new year and all the best.

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