The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2219: Cruel means

And it seems that Xiao Han does not intend to have room for relaxation with the Guo family at all. Although he did not directly kill the Guo family strong on the ground, but a human race refiner has come to this point, lacking arms and legs. , Really more uncomfortable than killing him.

It seemed that Xiao Han wanted to take this opportunity to abolish the backbone of the Guo family at once.

Not only the people around, but also Zhao Jin, the Patriarch of the Zhao Family, were shocked.

Every time Xiao Han abolishes a strong Guo family, Zhao Jin's heart will be lifted to his throat.

Xiao Han's methods were too cruel.

Even if Xiao Han was helping the Zhao family deal with the Guo family, but after seeing Xiao Han’s harsh methods, Zhao Jin suddenly discovered that after so many years, he, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, was in front of Xiao Han. It can only be regarded as soft-hearted.

With Xiao Han's current methods, it can be said to be truly cruel.

Without the exercises that have been in the arena for decades, it is impossible to be as decisive as Xiao Han.

Although Zhao Jin said that he was shocked by Xiao Han's methods, he secretly admired Xiao Han in his heart.

Not only admiring Xiao Han's strength, Zhao Jin had already felt that in the previous battles, the height at which Xiao Han could grow in the future was definitely an insurmountable peak for ordinary people.

And now the cruelty that Xiao Han showed was what really made Zhao Jin admire.

Of course Zhao Jin knew very well that when Xiao Han decided to represent their Zhao family in a battle, Xiao Han could no longer be kind to the Guo family in Tianlun City.

As for Xiao Han after defeating Guo Yi and now defeating so many Guo family powerhouses, it is even more unending.

Now that it's all for this, Xiao Han will only leave him with endless trouble if he keeps his hands.

Rather than waiting for the Guo family to regain their vitality and come back to find him for revenge, it is better to frighten and maimed the entire Guo family now.

At that time, Xiao Han was able to relax.

Moreover, Xiao Han's character is like this, if he doesn't make a move, he will act as if he makes a move.

Xiao Han has never been soft-hearted to his enemies.

Xiao Han knew very well in his heart that if he wanted not to cause trouble for himself, the only choice was to let the entire Tianlun City Guo family suffer heavy casualties in his hands.

When the hitting Guo family talked about Xiao Han, his expression changed.

Only in this way can Xiao Han solve the trouble of the Guo family and leave him no worries.

Therefore, Xiao Han had no psychological burden at all when he shot the Guo Jiaqiang around him.

When more than a dozen masters from the Guo family besieged him, there was nothing moral to talk about.

Therefore, the Guo family's experience is no wonder Xiao Han, but Guo Yi's defeat after the defeat is not to blame. Guo Meng, the head of the Guo family, led people to besie Xiao Han and wanted to put Xiao Han to death.


Xiao Han's movements were simple and neat, and he didn't give the opponent a chance to breathe at all. With one sword, he quickly wiped out the strong Guo family on the court.

When Xiao Han's Cangqiang sword cut off the arm of the last Guo family powerhouse, a blood flowed into the field.

Among the more than a dozen powerhouses in the Guo family, not even half of them can speak.

There were even several strong Guo family members who were directly killed by Xiao Han.

Originally, the injury was very serious. Xiao Han had his arms and legs cut, so it was strange that he didn't die.

After finishing all this, Xiao Han didn't bother to care whether the Guo family strong on the ground was dead or alive, and then it was all scum, and death was not a pity.

Finally, Xiao Han turned his head and looked at the figure standing not far away like a wooden chicken.

That person's face was so ugly that it was Guo Meng, the head of the Guo family.

Just now, Guo Meng actually had enough energy to stop Xiao Han, but it was not impossible.

It's just that Guo Meng also suffered serious injuries.

Although Guo Meng is the strongest among the strong Guo family on the field, but the main target of Xiao Han's sword just now is against Guo Meng.

So at this time Guo Meng was in a panic.

The clothes on Guo Meng's body were sparse, and the whole person was ashamed.

In front of Guo Meng, where is the least prestige of the head of the Guo family?

It's almost like the old beggar on the street.

It's just that although Guo Meng's clothes were shattered, there was a faint golden light under the torn clothes on his chest.

It seemed that Guo Meng was wearing some kind of magic weapon for body protection, and his rank should not be low.

In other words, Guo Meng, who just bore the brunt of Xiao Han's sword. The reason why I was able to stand here was probably because I was wearing a protective magic weapon of not low grade.

Otherwise, the current Guo Meng might have difficulty getting up like other Guo family powerhouses.

When Guo Yi started with Xiao Han just now, the reason he didn't stop him was that he actually tried his best to restore the aura in his body.

If Guo Meng had just made a move, he would probably be killed by Xiao Han.

At that time, not only the strong Guo family in the field will die, but Guo Meng will undoubtedly die.

Guo Meng now looked at Xiao Han with a grim look.

Just now, Guo Meng, the head of the Guo family, saw Xiao Han helplessly, cutting off the hands and feet of those strong Guo family with one sword and one sword.

Originally, those strong Guo family were seriously injured. After being so tortured by Xiao Han, even if the treatment is timely, they will survive and preserve their strength. I am afraid there are only a handful of people.

In this battle, the Guo family really lost their wife and broke down.

Not only was Guo Yi, the genius of the Guo family, defeated by Xiao Han, he immediately destroyed Guo Yi, the best back of the Guo family.

Now, Xiao Han has also taken action to abolish so many strong Guo family members. Even if Guo Meng was able to kill Xiao Han in the end, the losses suffered by the Guo family in this station may not be able to be achieved in 50 years. Recovered.

So, now Guo Meng can't wait to break Xiao Han's body into pieces.

Guo Meng stared at Xiao Han fiercely, his face sternly screamed: "Xiao Han, you have abolished so many masters in our Guo family, and you have also abolished my son Guo Yi. Today, you don't want to leave Tianlun City alive. My Guo family will smash you into ten thousand pieces."

"Hehe, if it wasn't for your son to plot me first, how could today's things have progressed to this point? Besides, since I have done it, do you think I would care about your Guo family's revenge?"

Xiao Lengchun smiled and said, "I'm talking about it, Xiao Han wants to go, and you may not be able to keep me in the Guo family."

With this, Xiao Han's eyes surged with killing intent.

Guo Meng will not let Xiao Han go, and Xiao Han may not let Guo Meng go.

Xiao Han still understands the truth of cutting grass to get rid of the roots.

As long as Guo Meng is beheaded, even if there are any hidden old monsters in the Guo family, Xiao Han can't beat it and can run.

Therefore, there is no need for Guo Meng to threaten him now, Xiao Han has already made a decision to kill Guo Meng.


Just when Xiao Han was about to slay Guo Meng with his hands, there was a sound of broken bones not far away.

At this time, Xiao Han remembered that Chen Huohuo, the elder of the Star Meteorite Sect, who had just been hunted down by his little monster beast.

Not only Xiao Han, everyone turned their heads and looked at the situation not far away, and everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

It turned out that Chen Huohuo, the elder of the Star Meteorite Sect, finally couldn't hold on during the last head-on confrontation with the little monster beast, and suffered serious injuries in his body.

Chen Huohuo's face was a little pale, and a scarlet blood appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, Chen Huohuo was at an absolute disadvantage when he just fought against Xiao Han's high-grade spirit weapon.

Even though that little monster beast didn't know how to practice, the aura on his body was not terrifying.

However, that little monster beast is a top-grade aura after all, its attack speed is extremely fast, and its dodge speed is also amazing.

Under the impact, even Chen Huohuo in the middle of the catastrophe period was overwhelmed.

Just now, Chen Huohuo missed his hand and was hit by the little monster beast on his chest. It seemed that several bones were broken.

Although with Chen Huohuo's strength, this injury is nothing, but it will still affect Chen Huohuo's strength to some extent.

Judging from the current situation, it didn't take long for Chen Huohuo to be defeated by the little monster beast.

After all, that little demon beast is a top-grade aura, without pain, nor fatigue.

It directed and executed the instructions given by Xiao Han, and continued to attack, until the Chen Huohuo was torn apart.

Injured in the fight with that little monster beast, Chen Huohuo became very ugly.

But after looking at Guo Meng's situation, Chen Huohuo's nose was almost tilted.

Chen Huohuo couldn't help cursing: "Guo Meng, your Guo family are all wasteful? So many people teamed up to deal with a little guy, and they were defeated? You all grew up eating dung, right?"

Guo Meng also replied with an ugly expression: "Elder Chen, you know that Xiao Han is so difficult, why do you leave him to us?"

"Nonsense, you can't even deal with Xiao Han, do you still want to deal with this high-grade aura?"

Chen Huohuo couldn't help cursing: "Trash, it's all useless trash."

"Elder Chen, what's going on now?" Guo Meng dealt with Xiao Han alone, and it was definitely a situation of losing more and winning less.

Maybe it was Guo Meng who died last.

So Guo Meng is really at a loss when facing Xiao Han now.

When confronted with a freak with strong combat effectiveness, even Guo Meng, a veteran strong man, was a little helpless.

"I said that your Guo family are all rubbish, don't you admit it? Not only are the Guo family members are rubbish, you, the head of the Guo family, are also a big rubbish. At this time, what should I do? I still need Lao Tzu to come. Teach you?"

Chen Huo angrily scolded, "You stupid pig, it's time now, don't you call out the old immortal Guo Hua?"

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