At this time, the Zhao family stayed out of the matter. Although they were a little compelled, they had already lost their morality.

This matter is now seen by hundreds of thousands of people in Tianlun City at the same time, and it will inevitably fall off the tongue in the future.

However, what Zhao Jin was worried about was not the Guo family of Tianlun City, but the Star Falling Sect behind the Guo family.

It is now obvious that Chen Huohuo of Xingyuzong specially warned them Zhao family.

Although Zhao Jin also knew not only the atmosphere of Zhao Duo'er, even the other masters of the Zhao family could not make a move.

But so what?

Zhao Jin must consider for the entire Zhao family.

At this time, don't be impulsive, just look at the situation again.

Zhao Jin looked back at the surrounding Zhao Jiaqiang with a helpless look, and shook his head gently.

After seeing Zhao Jin's look, everyone laughed bitterly.

When everyone in the Zhao family wanted to make a move but didn't dare to make a move, a dozen masters in the Guo Family of Tianlun City, under the leadership of Guo Meng, directly surrounded Xiao Han.

Looking at Xiao Han who was surrounded by the crowd, Guo Meng looked at Xiao Han with a look of excitement, and smiled: "Hahaha, don't you like running? How are you now? Why don't you run away? Our Guo family's The strong surround you, now it's up to you where you go."

Now the Guo family's strong men have surrounded Xiao Han's group, and with a fierce attack, even if Xiao Han is more powerful, how could he have fought so many Guo family's strong men together at the same time?

Moreover, Guo Meng's cultivation level alone is very close to Xiao Han, even if Guo Meng can't beat Xiao Han, but there are so many strong Guo family around Guo Meng?

After seeing this scene, the faces of the Zhao family became hard to see.

Especially Zhao Duoer and Zhao Xuaner, their pretty faces are pale, and their hearts are ashamed.

However, Zhao Jin, the head of the Zhao family, their father firmly did not allow them to play.

Even if the two sisters were to fight, not only would they not be able to save Xiao Han, but even if they took their own lives, they would also harm the entire Zhao family.

Guo Meng turned his head and looked at the Zhao family who didn't dare to do anything. The expression on his face became more and more exciting.

"Do you think that more people can kill me?" Xiao Han's face was still very calm.

Guo Meng laughed and said: "Yes, two fists are hard to beat four hands. A hero can't hold back a lot of wolves. Didn't you feel very proud before? Haven't you been crazy before? Now let me see the crazy one."

Guo Meng sneered at Xiao Han as he was about to do it.

However, Guo Meng hadn't had time to do it. At this time, Xiao Han suddenly exuded a raging breath.

"What's the matter?" Guo Meng's body completely froze on the spot.

From Xiao Han's body, Guo Meng felt a very fierce breath.

This breath was even stronger and more powerful than when Xiao Han defeated Guo Yi before.

"How could you still have such a strong combat power, it's impossible." Guo Meng and many of the Guo family's strong men looked astonished.

Xiao Han has gone through a series of hard fights, but he can still maintain his peak combat effectiveness. How is this possible?

Moreover, it seems that Xiao Han's current aura is much stronger than when he fought Guo Yi before.

If it wasn't for Xiao Han and Guo Yi to have some secret method that could improve combat effectiveness, then there was only one possibility.

That is, when fighting Guo Yi, Xiao Han didn't try his best, but had reservations.

This made Guo Meng and the many powerful Guo family members unable to believe it.

Xiao Han was surrounded by a group of strong Guo family members, but the expression on his face was very indifferent.

Xiao Han didn't seem to pay attention to the many powerful Guo family in front of him.

I saw Xiao Han's aura getting stronger and stronger, and the sword of the sky sword in his hand also began to shine.

Two completely different auras wrapped the entire sword body of the sky sword.

"This trick is just recently researched out by me, now let you see its power."

And as Xiao Han's words just fell, suddenly all the brilliance on the sword of the sky sword disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared from beginning to end.

However, at this time, Guo Meng and many of the strong players in the Guo family felt a sense of danger.

Even the space around the sword body of the sky sword began to crack and crack.

And with the passage of time, the cracks in the surrounding space are spreading rapidly to the surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xiao Han looked at Guo Meng with a stunned look, then looked around and looked at the Guo family powerhouses who surrounded him.

A gloomy sneer appeared on Xiao Han's face.

"I have used this trick before, called a sword to break the sky. Now that I have improved it, I don't know how powerful it is."

He said softly, "Don't you want to besiege me? Now you can go together."

As he said, Xiao Han slowly raised the Sky Sword in his hand and waved it heavily in Guo Meng's direction.

"No, run." At this time, Guo Meng couldn't help but his face changed drastically, and he quickly shouted: "Run, run..."

At this time, Zhao Jin, the Patriarch of the Zhao Family, greeted the surrounding Zhao Family Powerhouses one after another to step back to avoid being affected.

"I just remembered to run now? It depends on whether you can run away."

At this time, the long sword in Xiao Han's hand was slashed down heavily, suddenly a strong light burst out of the field


There was a sudden explosion on the court.

From Xiao Han's hands, a long black line appeared on the entire platform.

The surging sword aura began to spread across the entire platform. The unparalleled sword aura directly began to spread in all directions of the entire platform, quickly covering the entire platform for most of it.

"Crack, click..."

At this moment, the platform began to tremble violently, and it seemed that even the hard high platform could not hold on under Xiao Han's sword.

Thick cracks appeared on the ground, starting from under Xiao Han's feet and spreading around.

Corresponding to these cracks, the fierce sword aura on the field began to raid.

Moreover, the speed at which these sword auras spread was terrifying, only after a blink of an eye, they directly captured the Guo family masters who surrounded him around Xiao Han.

Under the tumbling sword energy, all the Guo family masters present were directly enveloped.


As countless sword auras spread, the sound of sword aura cutting the human body continuously came out of the sword aura encirclement.

All the Guo family powerhouses around were just shrouded by the surrounding sword aura, the sword aura cut figures came, and dozens of figures flew out directly from Xiao Han's body.

A stream of blood shot out from the body, this tragic situation made everyone around him feel shocking.

The sword energy enveloped almost half of the high platform. As long as the strong people near Xiao Han's body, they were all obscured by the sharp sword energy.

Whether it is the peak realm of the Tongyou period or the early stage of the Tribulation Period, it is difficult to resist under Xiao Han's terrifying sword.

Except for the Zhao family's strong retreat in time, and the fleeing Star Meteorite Sect elder Chen Huohuo who was chased by the high-grade spirit weapon was lucky not to be affected, almost all the Guo family's strong on the court were hardly spared.


When this scene appeared, everyone on the court couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Countless people looked at the fierce sword aura on the field with shocked faces spreading around them.

Seeing the sword energy that gradually dissipated in the end, as well as the mess on the court and the many powerful Guo family who lay on the ground and howling endlessly, everyone had an unbelievable look in their eyes.

Under the unrivalled sharp sword aura that Xiao Han had just brought, the closer the person to the stone platform, the more they could feel the breath of death.

Even if it wasn't affected by those sword auras, just looking at the situation on the court would have made people cold all over.

Under the suppression of that absolute power, many people felt a deep fear.

A strong man with a realm of cultivation in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, with the methods used, can actually exert such a terrifying lethality.

This scene was deeply imprinted in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people in Tianlun City, and it has not been relieved for a long time.

Xiao Han’s sword just now, I am afraid that only the strong in the middle of the catastrophe period can take it down.

However, among the strong Guo family on the field, there are a few in the early stage of the catastrophe period, and there are really no strong ones in the middle of the catastrophe period.

Therefore, under Xiao Han's sword, many of the Guo family's strong men were defeated.

However, fortunately, for the sword that Xiao Han displayed, those sword auras only enveloped half of the platform, and did not spread to the spectator seats around the platform.

In addition to Guo Jiaqiang, the Zhao family closest to Xiao Han was not affected by the fierce sword energy because of the timely retreat.

However, the sharp aura brought by those sword auras still made the Zhao family's many powerhouses fearful.

If they were affected by these sword auras just now, there would be no small casualties in terror.

However, among the Zhao family powerhouses, there are still some experts with weaker cultivation realms and weaker strengths that feel a little abnormal.

The aura in the body is also not running smoothly.

Even several of the Zhao family's clothes were affected by the aftermath of fierce sword energy, and the clothes were cut into pieces.

On the entire high platform, the fierce sword energy in the sky gradually dissipated, and it lasted a long time before it slowly stopped.

Only after the sword gas dissipated, the field was filled with thick smoke and dust.

Except for the Guo family who fell on the ground, Xiao Han was no longer visible on the court, and Xiao Han's figure seemed to have disappeared directly.

The entire square was silent among hundreds of thousands of people.

However, just as everyone stared at the middle of the high platform filled with smoke, a breeze suddenly blew across the field, directly blowing the smoke and dust in the middle of the high platform, gradually revealing the situation in the middle.

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