In the current situation, the Zhao family is indeed caught in a dilemma.

Now it is not the Guo family who is looking for Xiao Han's trouble, but the elder of the Star Meteorite Sect, Chen Huohuo, who has used Xiao Han to use Fengyun's transformation to find Xiao Han's trouble.

It seems that Chen Huohuo is not ready to give up.

So, the Zhao family's choice is a bit embarrassing.

Zhao Jin, who was in a dilemma, was even more embarrassed after hearing what Xiao Han said.

At this time, regardless of Xiao Han, let Xiao Han deal with Xing Yizong alone, how did Zhao Jin go with Guo Yi?

But, otherwise, betting on the life and death of the Zhao family, what can be changed?

Nothing can be changed.

Compared with a Star Meteorite Sect, the Zhao family is too small.

Zhao Jin stared at Xiao Han's back, smiled bitterly and said softly: "Mr. Xiao Han, I can only be sorry for you."

Zhao Jin wanted to stand with Xiao Han, but he couldn't be impulsive.

As the Patriarch of the Zhao family, Zhao Jin cannot be arrogant.

Every decision he makes is related to the life and death of the Zhao family.

Zhao Jin must be responsible to all the children of the Zhao family, and should not let the entire Zhao family fall into a life-and-death situation.

And Zhao Jin knew very well that Xiao Han was like this just now, and he really didn't want their Zhao family to be involved.

Because Xiao Han also knew it was meaningless.

After hearing what Zhao Jin said, Xiao Han looked back at Zhao Jin, waved his hand, and looked free and easy.

Under such circumstances, Xiao Han really felt that the Zhao family did not need to take this risk.

Moreover, the strength of this Star Meteorite Sect is terrifying, it is more convenient to fight really hard.

Anyway, he is alone. If he is beaten, he will be upset, and he will not be ashamed if he is beaten. Just run away.

With his strength, what can Star Meteorite Sect do?

The area near Demon Imperial City is so vast, even the Star Meteorite Sect cannot cover the sky with one hand.

Therefore, for Xiao Han, the Zhao family first set aside the relationship, which is more conducive to his next response.

If the Zhao family were really involved, Xiao Han would feel constrained and even more unable to let go.

Seeing this scene, Chen Huohuo, the elder of the Star Meteorite Sect, sneered and said, "Boy, I didn't expect you to be so loyal. Just on this point, I can give you a chance."

As he said, Chen Huohuo said with a playful look: "If you want to, you can return to the Star Meteorite Sect with me now. Then I will help you say good things about you in front of the Sect Master. Maybe you have a chance to save your life. If you don't If you know how to promote, then there is no way, I have to personally abolish your cultivation base, in case the situation of our Star Meteorite Sect changes and leaks."

Looking at the playful Elder Chen, Xiao Han suddenly couldn't help grinning.

This Chen Huohuo, when he Xiao Han is a fool?

Go with him to the Star Meteorite Sect, even if you can save your life, then your cultivation base will be abolished, and you will stay in the Star Meteorite Sect for a lifetime but survive?

Xiao Han is not such a person who can give up his principles in order to save his life.

"Let me emphasize this last time. I imitated the Fengyun Transformation Body from Guo Yi. If you have to embarrass me, I won't catch it."

Xiao Lun Lun smiled and said, "So, it's impossible for you to take me back to the Star Meteorite Sect."

Hearing this, Chen Huohuo exuded a fierce killing intent: "Then the old man can only destroy you by himself."

"Haha, abolished me?"

A mocking look flashed across Xiao Han's face. He grinned and said loudly: "If you are welcome, you want to use your strength to destroy me? Dream."


After hearing these words from Xiao Han, his whole body was silent.

Almost everyone was shocked by Xiao Han's strong self-confidence.

Chen Huohuo in front of him is not comparable to a younger generation like Guo Yi.

Although Xiao Han's combat effectiveness was very strong when he fought Guo Yi before.

However, based on his strength, Xiao Han wanted to repudiate the seventh-ranked elder of the Star Meteorite Sect?

Is this Xiao Han a bit too overwhelmed?

A Guo Yi is so powerful. Chen Huohuo is the elder of the Starfall Sect. I am afraid that the realm of cultivation is definitely not as simple as the early stage of the Tribulation Period, right?

So why should Xiao Han fight against a superpower who is likely to be a super power in the middle of the catastrophe period?

Even if Xiao Han's combat effectiveness is very abnormal, I am afraid that it is impossible to ask the opponent to be a master in the middle of the catastrophe period, right?

Seeing Xiao Han being so tough made the strong guys in the Guo family happy.

Especially Guo Yi's father, Guo Meng, almost shouted in applause.

Right now, his son was abandoned by Xiao Han. It would be great if he could see Xiao Han beheaded by Elder Chen.

The faces of Guo Meng and others sneered.

Judging from the current situation, this Xiao Han actually didn't pay attention to the elder of the Star Falling Meteorite Sect at all, that is really looking for death by himself.


Zhao Jin behind Xiao Han also smiled bitterly.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Han's temperament was so strong that he was unwilling to bow his head in front of the elder Chen of the Star Meteorite Sect.

Chen Huohuo, the seventh elder of the Starfall Sect, was already in the middle of the Tribulation Period.

In their Zhao family, only strong people at the level of the Great Elder can contend against one or two.

However, if you really want to care about it, the elder of the Zhao family is probably not Chen Huohuo's opponent.

Just because he was born in the Starfall Sect, his methods and trump cards were naturally not comparable to those in the middle of the transition period.

In other words, the true strength of this Chen Huohuo, even when compared with other powerhouses in the middle of the Tribulation Period, is outstanding.

But why does Xiao Han still speak so hard?

You must know that what is standing in front of him right now is not the early stage of the tribulation period, but a famous mid-stage tribulation powerhouse.

Zhao Duoer, who was standing next to Zhao Jin, had an anxious look.

She didn't care how Xiao Han's Fengyun Transformation Body came from.

She only hoped that Xiao Han could retreat completely.

So, the situation on the court evolved into this, Zhao Duoer was really helpless.

She naturally did not want to see Xiao Han being beheaded or abolished.

Thinking of this, Zhao Duoer couldn't help but blame herself.

If she hadn't asked Xiao Han to help them tide over the difficulties of the Zhao family over and over again, then Xiao Han would definitely not come to stir up the grievances between the Zhao family and the Guo family.

If Xiao Han didn't help the Zhao family, he would naturally not face the situation like this.

Zhao Duoer muttered to himself: "Mr. Xiao Han, I killed you, I killed you."

At this time, Zhao Duoer suddenly found that someone around him gently bumped himself with his elbow.

Zhao Duoer turned around and found out that it was his sister Zhao Xuaner beside him.

"Sister, don't worry, Mr. Xiao Han will turn bad luck into luck."

Zhao Xuan'er saw Zhao Duo'er look anxious, and softly comforted: "Besides, I think Mr. Xiao Han is not the kind of impulsive person. He is not willing to bow his head now. There must be something to rely on. Let's just wait and see Right."

Zhao Duoer also knew that Zhao Xuaner said this to comfort herself.

But when he heard this, the worried look on Zhao Duoer's face became even more intense.

She also knew very well in her heart that the real strength of the elder Chen of the Star Meteorite Sect in front of her was probably much stronger than the great elder of their Zhao family.

Xiao Han's combat effectiveness is very strong and talented.

But no matter how powerful Xiao Han is, after all, he is only an early stage of the tribulation period, how can he beat a master in the middle stage of the tribulation period?

Although Zhao Duoer was still at the pinnacle of Tongyou period, Zhao Duoer knew exactly how big the gap between each small realm was.

And after the Tribulation Period, the gap between each small realm will probably be even wider.

"Hahahaha... it turns out that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers."

After hearing Xiao Han's words, Chen Huohuo, the elder of the Star Meteorite Sect, was taken aback for a while, and then laughed.

It was the first time he Chen Huohuo was stunned by a junior.

Xiao Han actually let him dream.

It's not ashamed.

Chen Huohuo looked up to the sky and smiled: "The old man hasn't gone down the mountain for so many years, but he didn't expect that young people nowadays will become more and more arrogant.

Well..... Your words successfully aroused my curiosity. I would like to experience it myself, and abolish you. Is it my dream? "

Chen Huohuo laughed, but everyone could clearly feel that Chen Huohuo was already angry.

It seems that the words of Xiao Han just now have successfully angered the elder of the Star Meteorite Sect.

Hearing this, Zhao Jin and the many powerhouses behind him looked completely ugly.

Xiao Han helped the Zhao family to tide over the difficulties, but their Zhao family can only watch Xiao Han be beheaded by Chen Huohuo?

This feeling made the Zhao family feel uncomfortable.

And the many powerhouses of the Guo family are indeed full of joy.

Then Chen Huohuo's hand cut Xiao Han to death, didn't he help them avenge the Guo family?

As for the people who eat melons around, they also look regretful.

Such a young genius was about to be killed by the elders of the Star Meteorite Sect.

What a pity, it is a pity.

Everyone on the court looked different, but Xiao Han's expression did not fluctuate much.

He didn't show any panic or fear from beginning to end,

It's just that in Xiao Han's eyes, there was a faint light flashing past.

As a last resort, Xiao Han was actually unwilling to make enemies with Xingyizong.

After all, the Star Meteorite Sect was considered a giant in the area near the Demon Imperial City.

Xiao Han had just entered the vicinity of the Demon Imperial City from a foreign area, and he didn't want to offend the people of Xingyizong.

However, Xiao Han didn't want to return, but now the people of Xingyizong have to be tough, and Xiao Han won't have the heart to swallow.

If Xiao Han really gave up resistance and followed Chen Huohuo to the Star Meteorite Sect, wouldn't he hand over his life to the opponent?

Therefore, Xiao Han would never accept this Chen Huohuo going to the Star Meteorite Sect at the disposal of the other party.

Regardless of whether Xiao Han had secretly learned from their Star Meteorite Sect's Fengyun Transfiguration Body, it would be really bad luck in the Star Meteorite Sect.

He would never do this stupid thing that puts himself in the dead.

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