The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2210: Reluctant to be kind?

The Guo family and the Zhao family have to start a war, and they really have to care about it. In fact, the Zhao family has little chance of winning, and they might even suffer a big loss.

Therefore, Zhao Jin, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, actually did not want to see the two go to war.

But in the current situation, if the Zhao family does not protect Xiao Han, I am afraid they will become a laughing stock in Tianlun City, and I will never want to raise my head and be a man in the future.

The war between the Guo family was actually a situation that the Zhao family did not want to watch.

But now, the Zhao family has no choice.

Xiao Han represents the Zhao family. If the Zhao family does not stand up and express their views, then in the entire Tianlun City, who will dare to take refuge in the Zhao family in the future?

If the Zhao family now chooses to shrink from the threat of the Guo family, then their Zhao family's reputation in Tianlun City will be discredited.

As a result, the affiliated forces under the Zhao family will be renunciation and renunciation, and it will be difficult for their Zhao family to gain a foothold in Tianlun City in the future.

It was really because he knew the connection between them, so Zhao Jin, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, was very decisive, and said firmly that he would definitely support Xiao Han to the end.

"Good job."

"The Zhao family is good."

"Yes, don't be afraid."


Zhao Jin's attitude is very direct, making people applaud.

So when Zhao Jin's voice fell, there were bursts of cheers in the entire square.

However, after the Guo family glared and looked around, the applause on the court gradually subsided.

Seeing Zhao Jin's resolute attitude, Guo Meng's face became pale.

Although Guo Meng said sly, but Guo Meng was not a fool.

Guo Yi was wrong in today's matter, and the Guo family was a bit unreasonable.

However, even if that was the case, Guo Meng couldn't bear this tone when he saw his son's cultivation base was abolished.

The importance of Guo Yi in the Guo family is self-evident.

Guo Yi is the future of their Guo family. In order to cultivate Guo Yi, the entire Guo family has invested a lot of resources in his work.

After finally joining the Starfall Sect, he was fortunate enough to become the closed disciple of the Great Elder of the Starfall Sect. Guo Yi's future is boundless in the future.

Guo Yi was placed high hopes by the Guo family, but now Xiao Han dismissed Guo Yi in a rage. The original prospect was limitless, but now it has become a bubble.

You said, how could Guo Meng let it go so easily?

Therefore, even if it was a war, Guo Meng would kill Xiao Han to vent his hatred.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect Zhao Jiaran from Tianlun City to be so courageous, not bad, not bad."

When both Zhao Jin and Guo Meng were a little uneasy, an old voice suddenly remembered on the court.

Everyone followed the prestige, and only then discovered that the person who had just spoken was the old man of the Starfall Sect.

Zhao Jin and the others had actually noticed this old man before. Although it was said that this old man had always been in the Guo family's crowd, Zhao Jin vaguely realized that this old man might belong to the Star Fall Sect.

Zhao Jin arched his hands at the elder Chen and laughed softly, "This old gentleman, you are not from the Guo family, why do you want to intervene?"

Zhao Jin, of course, knowingly asked.

Although he had guessed the true identity of this old man.

Although the Star Meteorite Sect was only one of the three sects and four sects, the strength of this Xing Meteorite Sect was definitely not comparable to that of the Zhao family of their Tianlun City.

So in front of this person, Zhao Jin did not dare to neglect.

Elder Chen said with an arrogant look: "If you can change your name, you can't change your surname. The old man is Chen Huohuo, the elder of the Starfall Sect.

Hearing this, Zhao Jin, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, was shocked, and said, "Chen Huohuo? But Xingyizong bought the seventh Elder Chen?"

"It's the old man." The elder Chen showed a rare smile: "It seems that your Zhao family still knows something about our Star Meteorite Sect."

Zhao Jin smiled and said: "Elder Chen has passed the award. It is true that the Xingyi Sect is famous near the Demon Imperial City, and Elder Chen is not low in the Xingyi Sect, so I have naturally heard about it."

Hearing Zhao Jin's compliments, Elder Chen's expression became more relaxed.

Seeing that Elder Chen seemed to be a good talker, Zhao Jin said softly: "Elder Chen, although Xiao Han's actions today are a bit heavy, it is also caused by Guo Yi's secret arrow hurting others. Our Zhao family can compensate for that. Guo family, but both sides are arrogant in the competition, and it is normal to be killed in the competition, so I also asked Elder Chen Haihan."

Zhao Jin naturally knew that the elder Chen in front of him had a strong right to speak in the Star Meteorite Sect, let alone in front of the Guo family.

Therefore, between words, he was very polite and even proactively said that their Zhao family would compensate the Guo family to a certain extent.

"The old man is not the arrogant person."

Elder Chen just took a faint glance at Xiao Han not far away, and said in a deep voice: "The old man has some friendship with the previous Patriarch of your Zhao family. Today, I will give you a little bit of face for the ancestors of the Zhao family and abolish Guo Yi's affairs. You can not pursue it, but it doesn't mean that the great elder of the Star Meteorite Sect will not be held accountable. The old man will at best report the things that happened here to our great elder, and everything will be determined by his old man."

Hearing this, Zhao Jin couldn't help being overjoyed: "Then thank you Elder Chen."

Being able to separate the Guo Family from Xing Yizong is good news for their Zhao Family.

However, before Zhao Jin could speak, Chen Huohuo's face was cold and he said in a deep voice:

"But there is something in front of him, this Xiao Han must explain clearly, where did he obtain the Fengyun Transformation Body cultivation method of our Star Meteorite Sect."

After hearing Chen Huohuo's words, Zhao Jin and everyone in the Zhao family changed their expressions slightly.

Everyone on the court looked at Xiao Han with surprise.

Just like what Elder Chen said, how could Xiao Han be transformed into Xingyunzong's situation?

Fengyun Transformation Body is the secret top technique of the Starfall Sect. Although it is not comparable to the body method of the Qilin Clan, the Starfall Sect is extraordinary.

Moreover, even in the Star Meteorite Sect, only a few of the best sect disciples are qualified to practice Fengyun Transformation Body.

This Star Meteorite Sect's reputation for appearing in the area near this Demon Imperial City is not unreasonable.

Xingyizong is extremely strict in recruiting sect disciples, even in Tianlun City, only Guo Yi is lucky to be accepted as a disciple by Xingyizong.

Guo Yi was able to make a name for himself in Xingyizong, and his rapid progress in the transformation of his cultivation situation also had a lot to do with it.

Although there are more than ten or twenty disciples who practice Fengyun Transformation in the Starfall Sect, Guo Yi's achievements in practicing Fengyun Transformation are ranked among the top.

It is conceivable that it is quite difficult for this changing body to cultivate successfully.

In other words, the Xingyi Sect naturally attaches great importance to Fengyun Transformation's cultivation technique.

Not to mention ordinary sect disciples, even core disciples are not everyone qualified to practice.

But now, Elder Chen discovered that Xiao Han was able to perform their cultivation techniques that were not secreted by the Starfall Sect.

As for Xiao Han, it is impossible to be a disciple of the Star Meteorite Sect's sect. As a result, their Star Meteorite Sect's Fengyun Transformation Body has leaked, and it is no wonder that the elder Chen of the Star Meteorite Sect will be angry.

No matter which cultivation sect it is, the top-level cultivation techniques are the core secrets of each sect. This is a major matter that involves the life and death of the sect.

So now, it's up to Xiao Han to give Elder Chen a satisfactory answer, otherwise, Xingyizong will definitely not give up.

"I'm telling the truth, you don't believe it." Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "I have never been in contact with Fengyun Transformation Body's cultivation techniques. Just in the process of the competition, I saw Guo Yi using this Fengyun Transformation Body. There are similarities and similarities with the Shenfa I have been in contact with before, plus my recent experience in the control of spatial abilities. After reading it, I decided to imitate it. Who knows that it was successful in this way, and I am a bit inexplicable. It's amazing."

Xiao Han's words can't be true anymore.

When Empress Yumei was practising the body exercises of the angel wings of the Qilin Clan, Xiao Han briefly understood. Although she did not practice, she still understood some points.

As for the Toba of the Wind that I saw in the Jinyumantang auction house, it was also a very advanced practice.

Although Xiao Han didn't buy it at that time, when he later killed Guo Chang, the young master of Xuanfeng City, Xiao Han accidentally found the wind of the bird feather in Guo Chang's bag.

Xiao Han had enough confidence in his body and didn't practice Feng Zhiyu any more, so after reading it briefly, Xiao Han put Feng Zhiyu on the roof.

Later, Xiao Han learned some skills to control space energy from the nine princesses, and escaped in the space channel of the space transmission array. He had a new level of control over space energy.

In this way, Xiao Han can fully see the Fengyun Transformation Body displayed by Guo Yi, combining the angel wings and the wind bird feathers of the Qilin Clan before the wind chasing, as well as his own state of space energy, to imitate Fengyun Transformation Body. .

It can even be said that as long as Xiao Han is given a day or two, Xiao Han can do it completely. When performing Fengyun Transformation, he is more skilled than Guo Yi, and his body is even more hidden.

However, if Xiao Han said this, how could the people around him believe it?

Especially Chen Huohuo, the elder of the Star Meteorite Sect, even more would not believe Xiao Han's words.

If the high-level cultivation techniques of their Star Meteorite Sect were so easy to imitate, wouldn't the sect disciples of their Star Meteorite Sect become waste?

"Imitate it? It's a real laugh." Chen Huohuo sneered, and said: "This Fengyun Transformation Body was realized by an ancestor of our Star Meteorite Sect at the peak of the Tribulation Period. Can your kid see through it?"

Chen Huohuo sneered and said: "For so many years, outsiders have been coveting this set of transformational body of our Star Meteorite Sect. It's not a day or two. No one has succeeded. It's impossible. You have the ability to sneak into our Star Meteorite Sect Treasure Pavilion to take a peek. Nothing?"

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