The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2208: Sneak attack

Everyone around looked at the situation on the field dumbfounded, and didn't get over it for a long time.

The speed of the situation change is too fast, and in a blink of an eye, the winner is divided on the court.

Although this competition lasted for so long, it really complied with an old saying.

Those who know how to watch the doorway, those who don't know how to watch the excitement.

Most people can only look at the excitement on the court, whether the game is exciting or not, the process is tragic and not tragic. In the end, who wins and who loses can only be decided at the last minute.

This is not the case.

Only a few masters with the highest cultivation level and strength on the field can vaguely feel it.

In this competition, Guo Yi tried his best.

However, looking at this young man Xiao Han, who is all dressed up, is a bit strange.

This guy looks very ordinary, but when he really fights, he is not ordinary at all.

What is surprising is that Xiao Han has been calm and calm since the start of the war.

This made Xiao Han feel like an ancient well without a bottom, giving people an unfathomable feeling, and the aura that Xiao Han exudes made it hard to figure out his true strength.

However, one thing is certain is that Xiao Han did not try his best.

In other words, Xiao Han has spare energy.

Fortunately, only a few people can see this, otherwise, everyone will definitely be shocked.

A look of ecstasy soon appeared on the faces of many powerful men in the Zhao family.

Everyone in the Zhao family looked at the Guo Yi who was forced by Xiao Han with the Sky Sword to even raise his head, and they didn't feel relieved for a long time.

Some Zhao family members even rubbed their eyes with an expression that could not believe it.

Zhao Jin, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, first gave a long breath, and muttered to himself with excitement: "This young man, the future achievements are really limitless, although I have tried my best to think about the good situation. , But still did not expect that he actually won so beautiful.

"You won, and Mr. Xiao Han won."

"Yes, yeah, he really won"




The happiest ones in the crowd were the two sisters Zhao Duoer and Zhao Xuaner.

Zhao Duoer can finally feel relieved, her lifelong happiness will not be in Guo Yi's hands, naturally she is sincerely happy.

And Zhao Xuan'er was inexplicably excited. In addition to Zhao Family's overcoming difficulties, there was also a feeling of inexplicability.

Zhao Xuan'er looked at the thin, but imposing figure standing there on the court, before he knew it, Xiao Han's figure left an indelible mark on Zhao Xuan'er's heart.

"Good... good..."

"Papa Papa......"

There was a dead silence in the whole square.

After a while, the silence on the court was finally broken by thunderous drums and earth-shattering shouts.

This fascinating contest just now was simply wonderful.

Even if it was crowded among hundreds of thousands of people, everyone present felt very enjoyable.

Especially when Xiao Han, who was wearing a black costume, pointed the long sword in his hand at Guo Yi's head, the scene was very shocking.

This means that this little-known young man has truly defeated Guo Yi, the talented disciple of Xingyizong and the top master of the younger generation of Tianlun City.

The battle just now gave everyone an overwhelming impression.

In the entire square, hundreds of thousands of people shouted in unison, making the faces of many powerful Guo family members on the court difficult to see.

Guo Yi returned from the Starfall Sect to visit relatives, and the Guo family couldn't wait to let Guo Yi go to the Zhao family to challenge. Originally, it was to dig a hole for the Zhao family and let the Zhao family completely surrender at the feet of the Guo family.

However, the final result was quite unexpected.

The Guo family lifted a rock and hit him in the foot, and the pit he dug ended up jumping in.

In the presence of hundreds of thousands of people in Tianlun City, the Guo family's face was lost to grandma's house.

Starting today, will the Guo family dare to trouble the Zhao family?

Dare not.

This is what the people of Tianlun City have heard with their own ears.

After this battle, if the Zhao family wins, the Guo family will no longer trouble the Zhao family in the future.

The people of Tianlun City can testify that if the Guo Family attacked the Zhao Family in the future, they would be drowned by hundreds of thousands of people in Tianlun City.

After this stop, the Zhao family's position in Tianlun City will become more and more stable, and the Guo family, although its strength is still there, its reputation... has fallen to the bottom.

Seeing that Guo Yi was motionless on the ground, he seemed to have given up resistance. After a while, Xiao Han slowly withdrew the Sky Sword.


Looking down at Guo Yi, who was lying motionless on the ground, Xiao Han uttered three words gently, then turned and walked towards the Zhao family.

Waiting for Xiao Han will be the cheers of the Zhao family and the people in the whole city.

When Xiao Han had just turned his body, Guo Yi, who had been lying on the ground, slowly raised his head.

Looking at the back figure that was about to go away, and the endless cheers and cheers on the court, a trace of ferocity appeared on Guo Yi's face, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

He is not reconciled.

Since childhood, he has always been the pride of the sky. In the Starfall Sect, how can a genius who has been placed high hopes by the elders of the division be defeated in the hands of an unknown soldier?

Guo Yi has monstrous hatred in his heart.

At this time, when Xiao Han had just walked a few steps away, the court suddenly changed.

Guo Yi, who had already become a mess of mud, suddenly jumped from the ground.

An imperceptible needle suddenly shot out of Guo Yi's hand and hit Xiao Han's back.

Although fine needles are hard to see with the naked eye, Guo Yi's actions have made many people know what Guo Yi is going to do.


The sudden change on the court immediately caused countless people around him to scream.

"Despicable and shameless."

"It's so shameless."

"No, why is this **** like this."

Soon, there was a wave of anger on the court.

Xiao Han defeated Guo Yi. Faced with Guo Yi who was no longer able to fight back, Xiao Han did not rush to kill him. He was already a master.

But what about Guo Yi?

Actually repaying gratitude and revenge, originally this kind of despicable means to spurn people.

Guo Yi's behavior is simply a model of despicable and shameless.

"call out......"

The thin needle was hard to see with the naked eye, but it was cast off very quickly, causing a slight wind breaking on the court.

And Xiao Han, still walking forward slowly, didn't seem to notice Guo Yi's sneak attack.

In this way, Xiao Han, who had originally won, was likely to follow Guo Yi's way, and then Guo Yi took the opportunity to beheaded.

Perhaps this is the reason why Guo Yi made a cruel move.


Zhao Duo'er and Zhao Xuan'er couldn't help but yelled at the same time. Seeing the abnormal changes on the field, the two of them were frightened.

The other Zhao family powerhouses also stood up at the same time and let out a roar.

However, this time is too late.

This world is like this, winners and losers.

To dare to take action against the world is to kill Xiao Han.

As long as Xiao Han is dead, it will be a hundred. Who dares to pursue him Guo Yi?

At that time, Guo Yi is still the first young man in Tianlun City and a genius disciple of Xingyizong.

Guo Yi's shot was extremely spicy, and no one around him could react in time.

Even Xiao Han is the same.

Among the horrified gazes around, the thin needle hit Xiao Han's back just before Xiao Han had time to turn around.

And because Xiao Han was too late to react, the fine needle directly penetrated Xiao Han's body.

However, after the needle passed through Xiao Han's body, Xiao Han's body gradually twisted and finally turned into nothingness.

"What? Not the real body?"

The first person who noticed something was wrong was Guo Yi, who made the shot.

Seeing this scene, Guo Yi's face turned pale as paper.

He secretly said that it was not good, and his whole figure began to fall back.

Since it was not Xiao Han's real body that was shot, but an afterimage left by Xiao Han, Xiao Han's real body must have been shot.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I know I was wrong, Xiao Han, please forgive me."

Guo Yi retreated sharply, and cried out as if begging for mercy.

However, when Guo Yi's figure just took a few steps back, his body suddenly became stiff.

A palm has pinched the back of Guo Yi's neck, making Guo Yi unable to move at all.

"I didn't want to kill you, but you want to die?" Xiao Han snorted coldly.

Seeing Xiao Han suddenly appearing behind Guo Yi, everyone in the audience felt relieved.

It turned out that Xiao Han had been prepared for a long time, otherwise, there would be no way to avoid the thin needle at the most critical moment.

Since Guo Yigan made a shot at this time, even if that fine needle could not kill Xiao Han, it would definitely damage Xiao Han.

At that time, isn't Xiao Han sure to die?

But who would have thought that Xiao Han would have escaped?

Guo Yi didn't expect it either.

"Xiao Han, don't kill me. If you kill me, the Guo family will definitely not let you go, and Xingyizong will definitely not let you go."

Feeling the powerful hand on the back of his neck tightly restraining his body, Guo Yi was almost shocked.

"Hehe, you're looking for death by yourself, no wonder I?" Xiao Han grinned.

Seeing Xiao Han who suddenly controlled Guo Yi, many of the powerful Guo family paled with fright.

"Let go of our young master."



At this time, everyone in the Guo family didn't care about what is right and wrong, but they couldn't help but roar, hoping that Xiao Han would not impulsively kill Guo Yi.

If this is the case, then their Guo family's hope is gone.

But what else can the Guo family do besides shouting a few words?

Now that Guo Yi is under the control of Xiao Han, the Guo family does not dare to act rashly under the influence of rat avoidance.

However, many powerful people in the Guo family dare not act rashly, but one person has to do something.

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