The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2196: Zhao family has a daughter

Obviously, Zhao Xuan'er was almost certain that her sister really liked that Mr. Xiao Han.

But Zhao Xuan'er suddenly felt a little inexplicable loss in her heart.

Why didn't she meet Mr. Xiao Han first?

Zhao Duoer gently pushed Zhao Xuan'er with his hand, and said with a smile: "Okay, you, you guys can still use that sister to open the brush, really courageous."

"Oh, elder sister, what's so embarrassing about this, you like it if you like it, it's not a shameful thing." Zhao Xuan'er smiled.

Looking at Zhao Xuan'er's appearance, Zhao Duoer's eyes showed a look of thought.

Although the time is short, Xiao Han's figure has been lingering in Zhao Duoer's mind.

Xiao Han's personality is quite peaceful. Although he has a high level of cultivation, he doesn't have any arrogance. Zhao Duoer likes this.

Zhao Duoer also liked Xiao Han's appearance.

Although the time to get along was not long, Zhao Duoer liked the feeling that Xiao Han appeared beside her very much.

However, when he thought of what Zhao Duoer had just said, Xiao Han might already have someone he likes, and a trace of imperceptible sentiment flashed in his eyes involuntarily.

Yes, how could such an excellent man as Xiao Han have no women around him?

And Xiao Han is destined to leave Tianlun City, not staying here, staying by her side, even if the two are happy, is Zhao Duoer going to accommodate Xiao Han and go out with Xiao Han?

My father would never agree.

Thinking of this, Zhao Duoer felt that she really thought too much.

There hasn't been a stroke of the eight characters yet.

"Hehe, my sister's emotional look is even more charming."

Zhao Xuan'er smiled even more at the appearance of her sister Zhao Duo'er.

"You dead girl." Quickly concealing the involuntary emotion in his eyes, Zhao Duoer smiled and rushed towards Zhao Xuan'er, and said: "I'm making fun of my sister again. I don't think I like Mr. Xiao Han, it's you. The little girl has moved her heart."

"Hahaha, I don't have me." Zhao Xuan'er laughed and avoided Zhao Duoer's claws, and quickly explained: "Sister, you have been like this since you were a child. You blush when you are shy. Do you see me blushing? The shy appearance seems to have been deeply affectionate."

"You talk nonsense again and see if your sister will not hit you."

Zhao Duoer's voice just fell, and before she pounced on Zhao Xuan'er, the door of the room that had been closed all the time was suddenly pushed open, and then Xiao Han, who changed into a black outfit, slowly walked out.

As soon as he left the house, he saw the two sisters standing in the courtyard laughing and playing, Xiao Han couldn't help being taken aback.

Seeing Xiao Han who suddenly walked out of the room, Zhao Duoer and Zhao Xuan'er were obviously stunned.

Then, both Zhao Duo'er and Zhao Xuan'er's face quickly flashed blush.

The two hurriedly stopped their hands, tidied their clothes in a panic, and then their expressions gradually returned to calm.

After closing the door, Xiao Han walked down slowly, smiled, and asked: "Two people, is the time almost up? Can we set off now?"

"It's okay, everyone is waiting for you outside.",

Zhao Duoer nodded again and again, his eyes swept across Xiao Han's body, and asked a little worried: "Mr. Xiao Han, how is your injury? Is it all right?"

Xiao Han laughed and said: "My injury has healed a long time ago, and a few days is enough time to restore me to peak state."

"That's good, that's good." Zhao Duoer's hanging heart finally landed. She waved her hand and smiled: "Then let's set off. My father and them are all waiting in the hall."

"Yes, you can't let Uncle Zhao and the others wait for a long time."

With that said, Xiao Han walked out first.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Duoer and Zhao Xuan'er felt that Xiao Han didn't seem to be outside at all, as if he were at home.

And when he was called Uncle Zhao, he looked natural and gave people a very intimate feeling. Zhao Duoer's face was red again, and Zhao Xuaner looked at Zhao Duoer with interest.

Zhao Duoer first gave Zhao Xuan'er a vicious look, with a strong warning.

Zhao Xuan'er swallowed her tongue playfully, and then took Zhao Duo'er to trot all the way and quickly followed.

The space teleportation formation of Tianlun City is located in the very center of Tianlun City.

Around the high platform of the entire space transmission formation, there are squares paved with black slabs, which are very similar to those in Galaxy City.

The entire square occupies a very wide area, at least the size of four or five football fields.

There is also a lower platform on the square near the high platform where the space transmission array is placed.

That platform is not high, but it has a large area. Some important competitions and activities in Tianlun City will be held on that platform.

Moreover, the terrain here is not high. Even if you stand on the buildings around the square from a distance, you can clearly see the sobriety on the platform, so it is the most ideal venue for competition.

Because the location is right in the center of Tianlun City, and there is a wide view here, there is no obstruction from any buildings around, so this location is regarded as the most eye-catching area of ​​Tianlun City.

Whenever there are conflicts and irreconcilable conflicts between some forces in the city, but there is no full-scale war, they usually choose to die on this platform.

The contest that is about to begin on today's platform is undoubtedly the most watched battle among the entire Tianlun City in recent years.

Because today’s battle on this platform will be the two superpowers that have dominated Tianlun City for many years, the Guo Family and the Zhao Family.

It goes without saying that the significance of this battle is extraordinary.

Moreover, with the Guo family's intentional or unintentional promotion, the entire Tianlun City knew that today's battle is also related to the marriage of Zhao Duoer, the eldest of the Zhao family.

If the Zhao family loses, Zhao Duoer, the eldest of the Zhao family, will marry into the Guo family.

It was spread in Tianlun City, this time the Guo family sent out, it was the eldest Guo Yi of the Guo family.

This Guo Yi was taken as a closed disciple by the great elder of the Starfall Sect. He was also the two powers of the Guo Family and Xingyun Sect of Tianlun City. The name Guo Yi, the people of Tianlun City were very eloquent.

And before Guo Yi entered the Starfall Sect, Guo Yi's name was already a household name throughout Tianlun City.

Guo Yi has acted arrogantly since he was a child, and no one dares to provoke him in Tianlun City.

And this guy has shown an amazing talent in his cultivation since he was a child.

After adulthood, he has become famous in Tianlun City.

Later, Guo Yi was directly favored by a senior of the Xingyizong, and he became a disciple of the Xingyizong. Within a few years, I heard that Guo Yi was favored by the great elder of the Xingyizong and became a closed disciple.

It can be said that Guo Yi grew up in the halo since he was a child.

Since childhood, he has always carried the aura of genius on his head.

In fact, I really want to say that if Xiao Han had been like Guo Yi since he was a child, if the Guo family devoted all their efforts to cultivate, I am afraid Xiao Han's achievements would far exceed Guo Yi.

Of course, in other words, if it weren't for the demons to take his father away, Xiao Han might still marry a wife and children in the secular world, and have a plain work life.

The disappearance of his father and the awakening of Xiao Han's consciousness gradually changed Xiao Han's destiny. Xiao Han began to work hard. It was the consciousness awakening that appeared in Xiao Han, which made Xiao Han take a completely different path.

Xiao Han has been alone until now, relying on his own hands to fight hard, only to reach the current height.

Therefore, comparing the life trajectories of Xiao Han and Guo Yi, Xiao Han's achievements are undoubtedly better.

The competition has not yet started, and neither party has shown up yet, but a large number of people have already begun to appear on the square in the center of Tianlun City.

Around Tianlun City, there was a stream of people pouring into the square like a tide.

Standing on the platform and looking over, there are black and crushing human heads everywhere, and they can't be seen at a glance.

You know, this time the Guo Family and Zhao Family's contest has attracted the attention of everyone in Tianlun City.

The high platform in the square is about two to three meters high, with low stone steps surrounding it, which can be used as an auditorium.

However, ordinary people on these stone steps did not have the opportunity to sit, and only the heads of the powerful and famous forces in Tianlun City were qualified to sit around the platform.

After all, the entire competition process can be seen clearly on the platform.

But even if there is no place to sit, because the height of the platform is not high, as long as you stand at any position around the square, you can watch the competition.

In the middle of the row of stone steps on the left side of the platform, there are already a lot of people sitting. Most of them are in the same dark red robes. They wear the same badge on their chests. Only a few of them have chests. Only then are they eligible to have embroidery with the word "Guo".

Among the members of the Guo family, Guo Yi, the elder of the Guo family, did not take a seat, but stood aside with a calm expression.

Guo Yi put his hands on his chest and stood upright, and many women in the square looked at this figure with fiery eyes.

It's just that many women know that the height of this man is something they will never match, and they can only look up, even the chance of confession is impossible.

But Guo Yi turned a blind eye to the fiery gaze projected from the surroundings. He had already pretended that figure in his heart.

He kept closing his eyes and rested, occasionally opening his eyes to the direction of the entrance and exit of the square.

People from the Guo family will walk into the arena from there.

At that time, Guo Yi could see the pretty figure that kept him dreaming.

Even in the Star Meteorite Sect, there are many outstanding female disciples throwing in their arms, and Guo Yi is unmoved.

Since he was just sensible, after seeing Zhao Duoer several times, Guo Yi secretly fell in love with Zhao Duoer.

This situation that has been buried since childhood is the most unforgettable.

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