The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2194: Self taught

"I have two friends who rushed to Tianlun City from the space channel with me, but we were separated from the space channel, so I remembered that the Zhao family helped me inquire about Tianlun City. My two friends were in Tianlun City. Where does the city settle."

"It's easy." Zhao Jin said with a smile: "Zhao Yun, you will call Xiao Han here to be dispatched later, stabilize his situation about his two friends, and you will take someone out to find them."

"Thank you Uncle Zhao." Xiao Han gave his hand, and then said: "Also, I still need some Qi recovery pills, because some of the injuries in my body have not been fully healed, so I need to restore my state in these three days. Adjust to the peak state."

"There are old wounds in the nephew's body?" Zhao Jin and the others were surprised when they heard this.

The evaluation of Xiao Han in his mind has been raised to a new level.

Xiao Han still has old injuries on his body, which means that his strength has not reached the peak state.

But even in this situation that has not reached the peak state, Xiao Han can still easily avoid the four elders' ten moves offensive.

In other words, Xiao Han's strength still remains. At least, it is not impossible to defeat the Fourth Elder.

"In fact, it's not a serious injury. It's just that I fight the violent qi and disordered space energy in the space channel. The aura in the body is completely consumed, and the injury is not light. For so many days, I have been continuously Several shots have affected the recovery of the injury, and I just tried again with the fourth elders, so it was more or less affected."

Xiao Han didn't conceal it either, and explained everything inside his body in detail.

Especially how he escaped in that set of space teleportation formations.

After hearing Xiao Han's introduction, everyone couldn't help feeling a little shocked again.

You must know that among the predecessors present, many people have heard of the space storm in this space teleportation formation.

There are not many opportunities for this kind of space storm to appear, but every time it appears, the people in the space teleportation formation will be killed and injured.

It was a miracle that Xiao Han could survive.

What's more, Xiao Han also escaped with his two friends, which is a bit rare.

"I don't know who is Xiao Hanxian's nephew? What school and school are you from?"

At this time, Zhao Jin asked a question that everyone was very concerned about.

That is Xiao Han's birth and origin.

You know, those who can cultivate to the early stage of the Tribulation Period at such a young age are rare even among some sects.

Moreover, among the sects, only the kind of direct disciples could achieve this kind of achievement.

Only by one-on-one training, this kind of inheritance of master and apprentice, can it be possible to cultivate such a young and powerful person in the tribulation period.

So in the eyes of the Zhao family, Xiao Han's background must be extraordinary.

And to be able to teach Teacher Xiao Han, he certainly wouldn't be an unknown person, maybe this Xiao Han's teacher is the three schools and four schools in Demon Imperial City.

"If you can't say it, everyone may not believe it. I don't have a master, Xiao Han, I came out step by step."

"Uh... how is it possible?"

"No? No master? How could there be no master?"

"Is this the legendary self-taught talent?"

"It's really unbelievable."

Seeing the dull faces of everyone around him, Xiao Han was also a little speechless.

He also knows that it is a bit weird, but this is the fact.

But to speak of it, there are still a lot of people who help Xiao Han, give advice to Xiao Han, and give advice to Xiao Han.

In this way, Xiao Han has a master again.

It's just that Xiao Han is indeed not a sect disciple.

At this time, Zhao Duoer was also a little surprised. Although he vaguely guessed that Xiao Han was not a sect disciple from the big sects around Demon Imperial City, he did not expect that Xiao Han had no master.

"Nephew Xiao Hanxian, let's do this. Since you need some time to practice and recuperate, then we won't waste your time. I will send someone to take you to rest now. I will deliver the things you need to your room immediately. Qi pill and seventh-order demon pill, our Zhao family can provide it in any way."

Having said this, Zhao Jin turned his head to look at Zhao Duo'er, and laughed softly: "Duo'er, first arrange a yard for Xiao Han to rest. I personally prepare all the things Xiao Han needs, and it should be able to Delivered."

Zhao Duoer nodded slightly, then turned to look at Xiao Han with a slight smile, and exclaimed in a pretty voice: "Mr. Xiao Han, please come with me?"

Although Zhao Duoer's name for Xiao Han has not changed, but before he knows it, Zhao Duoer's attitude towards Xiao Han has become much more friendly.

"Well, then I will leave first."

Xiao Han smiled at Zhao Jin and the others in the hall and arched his hands, then turned around and followed Zhao Duoer out of the chamber.

Looking at the two figures that were gradually disappearing from sight, and when everyone else in the hall had left Pu, Zhao Jin turned and looked at the oldest old man behind him.

"Elder, what do you think of this kid?"

The Great Elder sighed lightly, his eyes closed slowly opened, and then softly said to Zhao Jin: "That little guy is not an ordinary strong man in the early stage of the Tribulation Period."

"The great elder has such a high evaluation of this little guy, then I can rest assured."

Zhao Jin muttered to himself: "It seems that this time my Duoer really made a great contribution. He actually helped our Zhao family invite such a powerful young master back.

Having said this, Zhao Jin looked at the elder, and then said in a deep voice: "No, I'm going to say hello to everyone in our Zhao family. We must treat Xiao Han with the highest standard of treatment. Don't let those little bunnies Let's mess around."

Seeing the elder nodded, Zhao Jin quickly got up and went in a hurry.

If it's just an ordinary master in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, the Zhao family doesn't need to treat it so carefully.

However, Xiao Han is no ordinary master of the Tribulation Period, his strength is not even comparable to the Fourth Elder who has entered the Tribulation Period for more than ten years.

That means that Xiao Han's talents and roots are rare in a century.

If you count Xiao Han's age, it will be even more terrifying.

One is a strong man who is in his early years, even the Zhao family in Tianlun City, must be treated with care.

The strong who stepped into the Tribulation Period may be more common in the area around Demon Imperial City than in other places.

However, the powerhouses in the Tribulation Period can basically only be seen near the Demon Imperial City.

Because the area around Demon Imperial City can get more cultivation resources than other places.

In the backyard of Zhao's Manor, in a luxurious small courtyard.

After Zhao Duoer made arrangements, Xiao Han sent Zhao Duoer directly.

As for the maids and the like left by Zhao Duoer, Xiao Han all invited them out.

What Xiao Han needs is quietness.

So after closing the door, Xiao Han was also completely relieved.

Sitting down in the room, Xiao Han began to close his eyes and get up.

In fact, I really want to say that Xiao Han was not involved in the grievances between the Zhao family and the Guo family because of Zhao Duoer.

Of course, it can also be said to be because of Zhao Duoer.

But Xiao Han was definitely not because Zhao Duoer wanted to follow the handwriting, so he agreed to help Guo Yi, the other Zhao family.

Zhao Duoer is very beautiful, which Xiao Han cannot deny.

But even if Zhao Duoer is considered to be the best among women, when there are all kinds of women around Xiao Han, Xiao Han really doesn't want to move that thought.

Too much makes it easy to get tired.

It is not physical fatigue, but a person's energy is always limited.

However, Xiao Han looked at it from a distance today. That talented figure of the Star Meteorite Sect, Guo Yi, the eldest master of the Guo family, should be really good.

Although Guo Yi said that he was a bit arrogant, the Zhao family present all knew that too, that guy did have arrogant capital.

From what we learned today.

The strength of the entire Zhao family is also quite good.

The powerhouses of the Zhao family are certainly not the only ones that appeared around the Chamber today.

Moreover, according to Xiao Han's speculation, some of the older generation's powerhouses could definitely compete with the Guo family in the entire Tianlun City.

As for the younger generation of masters, according to Zhao Duoer and others, the strength of this generation of young masters in the Zhao family is very good, but there are fewer outstanding players like Guo Yi.

Although the Guo family has an outstanding Guo Yi, there are fewer elites below.

However, it seems that the old guys of the Zhao family who appeared in the chamber are basically the strength of the tribulation period.

It seems that the strength of the Zhao family cannot be underestimated.

And the strength of the Zhao family is so strong, let alone the Guo family, who is better than the Zhao family?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han felt helpless.

Hasn't this reached the Demon Imperial City yet?

Fighting against the Guo Family of Tianlun City and Xingyizong, a powerful force among the three sects and four sects, I really don't know if I was lucky or bad.

"do not care."

Xiao Han directly put aside these miscellaneous things.

Xiao Han is not an indecisive person.

Now that it has been decided, Xiao Han will not regret it.

Moreover, Xiao Han can be regarded as clear-cut, and if he is kind, he will be repaid.

The entire Zhao family was so polite to Xiao Han, Xiao Han should help.

"Today, I see that Guo Yi's strength is definitely the strength of the early stage of the Tribulation Period. The cultivation level is the same and the age is the same. It seems that Guo Yi's cultivation talent is quite good. Otherwise, it is impossible to be starred. The Great Elder of the Meteorite Sect was accepted as a closed disciple.

Although Xiao Han is also confident in his talents, Xiao Han grew up slowly by himself after all.

As for Guo Yi, not only the support of the entire Guo family, but also the re-training of the great elder of the Starfall Sect, it is normal for him to have a high achievement.

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