The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2189: It's your turn

So where is Zhao Duoer looking for a young man who can defeat Guo Yi?

Facing the surprised gazes around, Zhao Duoer did not speak to explain, but turned to look at the side of the hall and shouted: "Mr. Xiao Han, it's time for you to appear."

Seeing what Zhao Duoer looked like, everyone in the hall turned their heads involuntarily, and followed Zhao Duoer's gaze at the same time.

Mr. Xiao Han?

Which Mr. Xiao Han?

Have you never heard of this name before?

Is there such a person in Tianlun City?

Mutterings also appeared in everyone's hearts, could it be that Mr. Xiao Han was the person Zhao Duoer said could defeat Guo Yi?

Hearing Zhao Duoer's call, Xiao Han also curled his lips.

Let's talk about it after making a good decision and looking at the situation?

I didn't know that Zhao Duoer sold him in a blink of an eye.

Now everyone was watching him, and Xiao Han had to slowly walk into the hall.

Under all the gazes, the young man dressed in the costume of the Zhao family team slowly walked in.

Seeing such an ordinary young man with a plain aura came in, all the Zhao family members present looked confused.

Is this the candidate Zhao Duoer said?

The middle-aged man in Jinpao next to Zhao Duoer took a look at Xiao Han and chuckled softly: "Although this little brother is wearing the costumes of our Zhao family, he is very face-to-face, but I feel your repair Because your realm is not low, you shouldn't be from Tianlun City, right?"

When Xiao Han walked in, the Patriarch of the Zhao family checked it carefully.

But what surprised him a bit was that even his master at the early stage of the Tribulation Period could not see through the cultivation level and strength of the young man in front of him, so he was very surprised.

Zhao Duoer slowly walked to Xiao Han's side and introduced softly: "Mr. Xiao Han, let me introduce to you. This is the Patriarch of our Zhao family, our father, Zhao Jin."

Zhao Duoer looked at the head of Zhao Jin and the elders of Zhao, and said softly: "Father, several elders, this is Mr. Xiao Han I met on the way back. When I was in Wanshe Cave, it was Xiao Han. Mr. Bai Qi rescued me and the team brothers from the hands of the snake king Bai Qi. Mr. Xiao Han is very powerful. With that Bai Qi in his hands, he can only flee from the wind."

After hearing these words of Zhao Duo'er, the complexions of the Zhao family in and outside the hall also changed slightly.

They are naturally very clear about the name and strength of the Snake King in Wanshe Cave.

The Zhao family has been roaming around Tianlun City for so many years, naturally knowing that the Snake King Baiqi of Wanshe Cave is very powerful.

The young man in front of him was able to defeat the Snake King Bai Qi and rescue Zhao Duoer. It seemed that the strength of this young man was also terrifying.

It seems that the opponent is at least the strength of the peak realm of the Tongyou Period, and it is even possible that he has already stepped into the Tribulation Period with one foot. If they are all there, it is impossible to defeat the snake king Baiqi and save Zhao Duoer.

I really didn't expect that the ordinary young man in front of him would still have such a strong strength.

As for the members of the Zhao family team around the hall, they were also shocked by Zhao Duoer's words.

As members of the Zhao family team, they have more opportunities to go north and south, so looking at Xiao Han's eyes, the look of astonishment is more intense.

The strength of the Snake King in Wanshe Cave is the top among the seventh-order monsters, and it is really difficult to beat him for the general masters of the peak realm of the Tongyou period.

Seeing Zhao Duoer praising him in front of so many people, Xiao Han had to smile wryly and said softly. "I ran into it on the road, and I cleaned up the snake monster, nothing more."

Zhao Jin, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, smiled slightly. He had some doubts when he heard that Zhao Duoer met Xiao Han on the way.

So Zhao Jin turned around and asked softly: "Duoer, how did you meet this little brother halfway?"

Zhao Duoer explained how they encountered Xiao Han in the green grassland, and also directly explained how Xiao Han managed to escape from the space channel, and then how to defeat the Snake King Bai from Wanshe Cave.

Zhao Duoer roughly said everything that happened along the way, but he hadn't had time to talk about the things outside Tianlun City.

Hearing Zhao Duo'er talk about what happened along the way, especially when talking about the things in Wanshe Cave, Zhao Jin's face changed slightly.

Of course he knew that Bai Qi, the Snake King of Ten Thousand Snake Caves, took advantage of the Guo family before taking action against Zhao Duoer.

So Zhao Jin hugged Xiao Han and said, "It turns out that this is the case. The little brother is able to escape from the space storm. It is indeed very capable. Also, I really want to thank the little brother for your help. If it weren't for the tiger you shot, I'm afraid My girl and the members of our team are going to die in Ten Thousand Snake Caves.".

"Patriarch don’t be polite. Meeting is fate. Besides, I just escaped from the space storm. The brothers of the Zhao family team and Miss Doer are also very kind to me. They have given me many healing medicines and elixirs, and I helped. It's nothing more than paying back some favors," Xiao Han waved his hand and smiled.

Zhao Jin hurriedly waved his hand and laughed loudly: "Little brother, since he is a life-saving grace for our family Duoer, he has also become acquainted with the boys of our Zhao family team. If you don’t dislike it, don’t What is the name of the Patriarch Patriarch, just call my uncle directly."


Is it a little too intimate?

But thinking about it, the Zhao family are indeed some upright men, Xiao Han smiled and nodded.

"Little brother, I just showed you the embarrassment of our Zhao family. I'm really embarrassed." Zhao Jin sighed and said apologetically.

Xiao Han waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, the Guo family's behavior is perverted, and I don't like it."

"Duo'er just came back, just taking advantage of this opportunity, let me tell you and this little brother about what happened in Tianlun City recently."

Zhao Jin motioned everyone to sit down and speak, and then said softly: "Little brother should have heard a little bit. The Guo family has always wanted to annex our Zhao family, and then take full control of the entire Tianlun City, so it has always been to the Zhao family in every way. Make things difficult.

In the past, the strength of our Zhao family was not weaker than that of the Guo family, so even if the Guo family controlled a set of space teleportation formations, our Zhao family was not afraid of them.

It's just that in recent years, Guo Yi, the eldest master of the Guo family, has entered the Starfall Sect. Later, with the prestige of the Starfall Sect, the Guo family has become more and more arrogant.

This time Guo Yi came back from the Star Meteorite Sect. I heard that he has become a closed disciple of the Great Elder of the Star Meteorite Sect. Guo Yi’s position in the Star Meteorite Sect has naturally increased, so the Guo family’s momentum has also expanded a lot. .

In the recent period, some forces in Tianlun City that had been neutral have all moved closer to the Guo family. "

Hearing this, Xiao Han asked with some doubts: "Uncle, I am a foreigner, although I have heard of the name of this Star Meteorite Sect before? But I don't know how strong this Star Meteorite Sect is?"

Hearing this, everyone around pricked their ears.

In fact, it's not just Xiao Han, but the rest of the Zhao family don't know much about the strength of this Star Meteorite Sect.

Zhao Jin nodded and said, "That Starfall Sect ranks among the three sects and four sects, and its strength is indeed very strong. I heard that among the Starfall Sects, there are strong people in the peak state of the Tribulation Period, and they have cultivated their realm in the middle of the Tribulation Period. There are also several masters."

Hearing this, many people on the court took a sigh of relief.

The powerhouse at the peak realm during the Tribulation Period, this is the top master in the entire Ten Fang Refining Domain.

It is only one step away from the fairyland.

Hearing this, Xiao Han also nodded solemnly.

Although I said that Stop Luoluo mentioned this Star Meteorite Sect before, I didn't understand it so clearly.

Now that after hearing Zhao Jin's introduction, Xiao Han was also a little surprised at which star's meteorite sect's strength.

Not only are there strong people in the peak realm of the Tribulation Period, there are even several realms in the middle of the Tribulation Period, so powerful, it is no wonder that the Zhao family of Tianlun City is so jealous.

Zhao Jin slowly said: "Then Guo Yi only dared to be aggressive in front of our Zhao family after he became the closed disciple of the Great Elder of Xingyizong.

His original request was to marry our big girl and second girl at the same time.

Although Guo Yi has been fond of two girls in our family since he was a child, he has expressed this idea before.

However, Guo Yi still wanted to take this opportunity to force our Zhao family to agree to this marriage, so that many forces in Tianlun City could see that our Zhao family bowed their heads.

After the incident is completed, the Guo family can gradually annex our Zhao family as the son-in-law of the Zhao family.

Ten days ago, the Guo family sent someone to make this request, and several elders and I have always rejected it.

Although their Guo family has gained momentum in recent years, they really want to do something with our Zhao family, and our Zhao family will also make their Guo family pay the price of blood. "

Hearing this, Zhao Xuan'er, who was sitting next to Zhao Jin, said solemnly: "It is estimated that the Guo family also knows that our Zhao family is ready to break the boat, so today Guo Yi came to the door and made such a request. The family sent a strong man to compete with him."

Zhao Jin nodded, and said with a wry smile: "Among our Zhao family, the most outstanding young girls are my two girls. But they have only just stepped into the peak of the Tongyou period.

Really want to compare, my two girls are not Guo Yi's opponents at all.

Then Guo Yi, it is very likely that he has entered the early stage of the Tribulation Period. In the entire Zhao family, except for a few elders, I am afraid that only my Patriarch can defeat Guo Yi. "

Having said this, Zhao Jin's eyes were a little helpless.

After hearing what Zhao Jin said, the young experts in the Zhao family around him bowed their heads a little guilty.

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