The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2171: Come prepared

However, Xiao Han now plays the role of a person who has been seriously injured and has yet to heal.

Zhao Yun said to Xiao Han at this time, let him protect them, Miss Zhao family?

Xiao Han hasn't figured it out yet.

Could it be that Zhao Yun has already seen his depth?

Probably not?

Zhao Duoer, who was connected to the peak realm of the secluded period, didn't notice any abnormality. With Zhao Yun, he could see his depth in the middle of the secluded period?

Xiao Han glanced at Zhao Yun and comforted him softly, "Don't think too much. As long as we pass by this Ten Thousand Snake Cave, we should be fine as long as we pay for the road, and your Zhao family is in the area around Tianlun City. They are quite prestigious, so you shouldn’t have to worry about embarrassing you in vain.

"Hey..." Zhao Yun sighed softly and said, "Brother Xiao Han, don't you know that Bai Qi is not only greedy, but also that he drools when he sees beautiful women, and then he will ignore it. Everything is done to some unthinkable things, I'm afraid that after seeing my lady in vain, it will be a little troublesome if I feel bad thoughts."

Snake, licentious.

Especially thinking of this kind of snake demon, with strong cultivation level and strength, he likes to play with women.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han could only comfort him softly: "Your lady's strength is not much worse than that of Bai Qi, plus the banner of the Zhao family in Tianlun City is here. Even if Bai Qi is a bit bad-minded, he probably wouldn't dare to act rashly. "

"Brother Xiao Han, you don't know anything." Zhao Yun looked at the luxury carriage in front of him, sighed slightly, and said with a wry smile: "Although this Ten Thousand Snake Cave is within the area of ​​Tianlun City, it is far away from Tianlun City. It is indeed too far away, even if it is the name of our Zhao family, it is difficult to shock Bai Qi too much."

Xiao Han suddenly stunned: "With so many forces in Tianlun City, why don't you join forces to eradicate this Ten Thousand Snake Caves? The existence of the role of Bai Qi is not for everyone?"

"The main reason is that there are few other monsters in this green grassland, and the terrain is relatively flat, so the forces of Tianlun City are not willing to extend their tentacles to this unprofitable corner. Only snake monsters like to breed in the grassland. Breath, and gradually, this place has become the world of snake demon."

After hearing this, Xiao Han understood.

Hearing what Zhao Yun said, Xiao Han felt that Bai Qi was not too afraid of the reputation of the Zhao family in Tianlun City, otherwise, the members of the Zhao family team would not have to worry so much now.

Xiao Han smiled slightly and comforted him softly: "Big Brother Zhao Yun relaxes first. This time we will definitely be able to pass through Wanshe Cave smoothly."

Xiao Han's words were heard in Zhao Yun's ears, as if it was Xiao Han comforting him.

Think about it too, if they really pass the Wanshe Cave so easily, they don't need to be so nervous.

In the old days, Bai Qi from Wanshe Cave didn't know what was going on, and often made things difficult for the Zhao family.

Although their Zhao family is ranked among the top forces in Tianlun City, there are still several families in Tianlun City that are stronger than their Zhao family.

In order not to be taken advantage of by the opponent, the Zhao family did not send anyone to attack the Ten Thousand Snake Cave, so as not to damage their own strength and be picked up by the opponent.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun couldn't help but smiled bitterly and shook his head.

I didn't know what was going on just now, as soon as he thought of passing by the Ten Thousand Snake Cave, Zhao Yun felt a little uneasy.

Then Zhao Yun found Xiao Han subconsciously, and wanted him to protect the eldest lady.

But thinking about it, Zhao Yun himself felt a little impossible.

Although the Xiao Han in front of him said that his cultivation level and strength were not bad, he still had a big gap with Miss Zhao Duoer.

And now that Xiao Han has not healed from his serious injury, his strength must be severely damaged, and it is already very good to be able to take action. How could he still be able to protect the eldest lady?

At that time, if there is any danger in the Ten Thousand Snake Grottoes, it would be good for Xiao Han to protect himself. It is impossible for Zhao Yun to rely on Xiao Han to protect the eldest.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun sighed softly again.

At this time, seeing the entire convoy gradually walking into the area around Wanshe Cavern, Zhao Yun's expression became more and more serious.

"Everyone is more vigilant."

Zhao Yun let out a low roar, and then rushed forward on the monster beast, reminding the surrounding team members to closely monitor the surrounding wind and grass.

In fact, every time the Zhao family passes through the Wanshe Cave, it is not every time that they have to pay for the road money.

Although Bai Qi from this Ten Thousand Snake Cave said that he imitated the human race city, collecting demon pills from the human race refiners and monsters in the past.

But sometimes when passing through the Ten Thousand Snake Caves, without being blocked by the snake demon, you don't need to pay money, just go straight through.

If you are blocked by the snake demon, you can only pay the money obediently.

Therefore, everyone in the Zhao family team looked around with solemn expressions, and prayed silently in their hearts not to touch the snake monster.

After entering the area around Wanshe Cavern, there are deep mountains and valleys all around, the road is rugged, there is only one big road, and the best way to go is the nearest.

At this time, the Zhao family team slowly entered the canyon around Wanshe Cave.

In order not to disturb the monsters and snakes as much as possible, the whole team deliberately slowed down, and the group of people passed through the Ten Thousand Snake Cave quietly.

Around the convoy, all the members of the Zhao family team watched around with full attention, holding weapons tightly in their hands to guard against changes that might appear at any time.

Several members of the Zhao family team who were in charge of opening the way threw the realgar powder in their pockets all the way.

Snakes crawling on realgar and snake monsters also don't like the smell of realgar.

Even some high-level snake monsters will subconsciously dodge after smelling the realgar, unlike the weird smell of touching realgar.

For the snake demon in the Ten Thousand Snake Caves, the smell of realgar is more disgusting than the smell of anything.

The purpose of the Zhao family team now is mainly to drive away some little snake demon hiding around.

The Zhao family team didn't want their whereabouts to be clearly grasped by Wan She Cave.

In such a solemn atmosphere, after the entire convoy entered the Ten Thousand Snake Cave, there was no snake monster.

Some second-tier and third-tier snake monsters, after smelling the realgar powder from a distance, turned their heads and left before they approached.

After about half an hour, the entire convoy slowly passed through the bottom of Wanshe Cave, passing by the side of the mountain peak full of snake holes in Wanshe Cave.

As long as he walks for another ten minutes, he will be able to leave the Ten Thousand Snake Cave completely.

When one reaches the flat and open terrain, it means that they are out of danger.

When I got here, I could vaguely see the increasingly gentle terrain in the distance.

Seeing that there weren't a lot of snake monsters along the way, everyone present secretly breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, and most of their hanging hearts would be let go.

Zhao Yun, Zhao Hu and the others also looked better. It seemed that the snake monsters in Wanshe Cave did not intend to stop them this time.

However, at this moment, Xiao Han, who was sitting cross-legged in the carriage, slowly opened his closed eyes, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Han smiled slightly and muttered to himself: "It seems that Wan Snake Cave came here prepared this time, and deliberately showed up when the Zhao family team was about to leave."

After a while, the monster beasts in the motorcade were the first to notice the abnormality and actually stopped slowly. They only bite the bullet and walked forward.

Then, the whole ground began to tremble slightly, and it was obvious that something was approaching here.

Then, everyone in the Zhao family team saw the mountain on the Ten Thousand Snake Cave, dusty, and countless snake monsters were crawling over at an extremely fast speed.

There are huge snake monsters all over the mountains, thousands of snake monsters are dispatched together, that scene is indeed very scary.

Everyone in the Zhao family team showed a pale look on their faces.

Seeing this scene, the team leader Zhao Yun's face became quite ugly.

He whispered: "Damn, these snake monsters seem to be deliberately waiting around for an opportunity, so why don't we leave?"

At this time, there is no need to wait for Zhao Yun’s instructions. Most of the members of the Zhao family team leading the way are experienced old members. Seeing a large number of snake monsters around, they began to desperately urge the riding under the seat. Monster Beast, then the entire convoy accelerated suddenly, rushing toward the distant flat ground desperately.

It's not that I haven't encountered this situation before, as long as they rush out of the Ten Thousand Snake Cave before the snake demon encircles their convoy. Those snake monsters would not chase.

The next time you pass by, if you still have such good luck to escape, it is still your ability, those snake monsters won't hold grudges.

Therefore, the entire Zhao family team started to rush to the distant flat ground at the fastest speed.

As long as they reach those flat and open places, the snake monsters will give up chasing after them.

In this way, Xiao Han sitting in the carriage was a bit hard.

As soon as the speed of the carriage was raised, Xiao Han also bumped up and down with the carriage.

Soon, the surrounding snake monsters were not slow, and the team of the Zhao family team was also fast.

Just as the entire convoy of the Zhao family team was about to leave the Wan Snake Cave, the surrounding snake monsters that emerged from the Wan Snake Cave had not yet formed an encirclement to the Zhao family team.

This gave the members of the Zhao family a glimmer of hope.

As long as you rush past, then today's things will be spent without risk.

Then, just when the Zhao family team was several hundred meters away from the Ten Thousand Snake Caves, countless snake monsters suddenly emerged from both sides.

The body of these snake monsters is much larger than the surrounding snake monsters.

They crawled extremely fast, and quickly got out of the high ground on both sides, and finally directly blocked the way forward for the Zhao family team.

Obviously, the ranks of these monsters are much higher than those of the surrounding monsters.

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