The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2169: Wanshe Cave

"Brother Zhao Hu, what is the snake demon that I just said, Bai Qi, what is it?"

Hearing this, Zhao Hu was about to speak, and Zhao Yun from far away came over.

"Zhao Hu, hurry up, you will be watching the night at the first hidden pile tonight, to give Lao Tzu a little cleverness."

"Brother Xiao Han, I'm going to watch the night, if you want to know, you should ask Commander Zhao."

With that said, Zhao Hu hurried away with his weapon.

"Big Brother Zhao Yun, what is the origin of the snake demon you are talking about? Isn't it just a seventh-order monster? Is it necessary to be so nervous?"

Zhao Yun first gave a wry smile, and then said: "You also know that this green grassland is the territory of the snake demon. Tomorrow our motorcade will pass by the snake demon's lair. The place is called Wan Snake Cave.

The name of that snake demon is Bai Qi, and Wanshe Cave is his lair. Originally, the Zhao family didn’t need to be afraid of him, but this guy has faintly stepped into the eighth level in recent years, even at the peaks of the secluded period. The strong of the realm did not want to provoke him. "

Hearing this, Xiao Han was stunned: "The eldest lady is also a master at the peak realm of the Tongyou period. Besides, this is no matter how powerful it is. It is also in the area of ​​Tianlun City. The Zhao family will still be afraid of him as a seventh-order monster. ?"

"It's not that I'm afraid of him. The main reason is that Bai Qi is a seventh-order monster, able to control all the snake monsters in the entire Qingqing grassland. You also know that there are not many snake monsters on the grassland. It is the most snake monsters, so Bai Qi occupies ten thousand monsters. In the snake cave, there are really thousands of snake monsters.

For so many years, Bai Qi has been occupying the most critical position in the entire Qingqing Grassland, Wanshen Cave. It is the only way from the surrounding cities to Tianlun City. All the human gas refiners who pass through Wanshen Cave do not care. Whether it is flying with the sword or walking on the ground, you must pay Bai Qi the money to buy a sixth-order demon pill, otherwise, you don't want to pass the Ten Thousand Snake Cave smoothly. "

"The money for the purchase of Tier 6 Demon Pill?" Xiao Han couldn't help but sigh when he heard this: "This is too dark. In most Human Cities, the toll to enter the city gate is also Tier 4 Demon Pill. Or the fifth-order demon pill will do. This white Wanshe Cave has to pay the sixth-order demon pill as a toll, which is really dark."

"Who said no." Zhao Yun said with a wry smile: "You must know that Bai Qi's subordinates don't have much, but there are many snake monsters. There are even many snakes with wings, so even the human race with the flying sword Qi refiners, unless they are super masters who are above the tribulation period, they can only pay money and leave. If they don’t, it’s really hard to get out of Ten Thousand Snake Caves alive.”

"This Bai Qi is very overbearing. It's just a piece of grass. It actually learns the way of the human race and came to occupy the mountain as the king, and collect the entrance tax like the human city." Xiao Han also sighed strangely. Tao.

"The seventh-order monster beast is already very strong. Coupled with the fact that there are so many of Bai Qi's subordinates, he is even more confident, and I heard that Bai Qi has eaten a phantom grass, so he can maintain it all the time. In the human form, the strength will not be affected after the human form is transformed. Moreover, this snake demon is originally sinister, cunning and scheming, so under normal circumstances, even the Zhao family in Tianlun City does not want to provoke him easily." Zhao Yun said softly.

When talking about the snake demon's white appearance, Zhao Yun's expression was also a little dignified. It seemed that Bai Qi was indeed capable, otherwise, even Miss Zhao Family would not be so cautious.

"Illusion-shaped grass? This guy is really lucky. He was able to find a phantom-shaped grass." Xiao Han was also a little surprised.

The phantom grass refined by Empress Yumei was taken by Xiao Han from the hands of a seventh-order big monster.

This kind of illusion grass is actually not how magical, it is nothing more than that it can make the monsters always transform the human form, and after the human form is transformed, it will not affect the cultivation level and strength.

The most important thing is that this phantom grass is too rare, it can be said to be a good thing that can be met but not sought.

This thing is only useful for monsters, and it must be used by a seventh-order monster to have an effect.

"Although phantom grass is rare, in this green grassland, besides the many snake monsters, the most are all kinds of herbs, and the snake monster's perception ability is very strong among all monsters. It's not strange to find the phantom grass." Zhao Yun explained.

Hearing this, Xiao Han nodded, and the general situation has been clearly understood.

It is not unreasonable why Zhao Duoer, Miss Zhao's family, and many members of the Zhao family team are so worried.

After all, the Ten Thousand Snake Caves are white nests, and there must be many snake monsters.

And even though they were a team from Tianlun City, among the entire team, the highest cultivation level was Miss Zhao Duoer.

Compared with Bai Qi, although the strength of the peak state of the Tongyou Period is not inferior, but that Wan Snake Cave is a Bai Qi site, and Zhao Duoer has so many team members around, it is really going to conflict. Zhao Duoer has the ability to protect himself, but the team members under him will suffer.

After all, Bai Qi was about to step into the eighth step, even if Zhao Duoer wanted to defeat Bai Qi, it would be difficult.

At least in the entire Zhao family motorcade, no one's cultivation level and strength can suppress that snake demon from white.

So when passing through the Ten Thousand Snake Cave, it is better to be careful.

Having said that, Zhao Yun sighed lightly and said, "I hope that tomorrow when we pass through the Ten Thousand Snake Cave, our Zhao family will let us leave after paying the toll, and just don't mess up.

Hey, Brother Xiao Han, this is the situation. You should go back to the tent and rest first. I will also check how the defense and security arrangements of the camp are around, so I won't accompany you. "

With that said, Zhao Yun gently patted Xiao Han on the shoulder, and after greeted him, he turned and walked to the outskirts of the camp.

After Zhao Yun left, Xiao Han gave a wry smile while looking at the dignified camp. He shook his head helplessly before walking back to his little tent.

To say that the team of the Zhao family is good to Xiao Han, even if Xiao Han is an outsider, a small tent is allocated to rest at night.

Moreover, Xiao Han's tent is very close to the center of the camp, not in the outermost area.

After returning to his tent, Xiao Han didn't rush to rest, but took out the Qi Qi Pill that Zhao Duoer gave to Xiao Han during the day.

In the past, a Qi Qi Pill was actually nothing to Xiao Han.

However, this time Qi Pill can not only restore aura, the most important thing is that refining Qi Return Pill requires a lot of heavenly materials and earth treasures.

Among these treasures of heaven, material and earth, many are good things that can heal injuries, so this time the Qi Pill is much better than the Refining Demon Pill.

After all, Xiao Han's current physical condition, refining the demon pill, will inevitably absorb some of the beast auras in the demon pill. These auras are more violent and are of no benefit to the human refiner.

Otherwise, Xiao Han would not prefer to refine the last demon spider crystals in the space channel before using those demon pills in the universe bag.

However, there is nothing harmful in the Qi-Returning Pill for the Human Race Refiners, so most Human Race Refiners like to keep a few Qi-Returning Pills in the Universe Bag to save their lives at critical times.

Xiao Han poured out the Qi-Returning Pill from the small jade bottle.

Zhao Duoer gave this to Xiao Han, and Xiao Han swallowed it directly, but he couldn't live up to Zhao Duoer's kindness.

"Looking at these brothers in your Zhao family team and your Miss Zhao being so sincere, I, Xiao Han, handed over your favor. If there is a need for my help, I will naturally take action. Help you buy Zhao’s house and solve the problem."

Thinking of this, Xiao Han began to refine and absorb the Qi-Returning Pill that entered his body.

After resting for two days, the soreness in Xiao Han's body has been reduced a lot.

Although the effect of a Qi-Returning Pill is not very obvious, Xiao Han can also feel that after the Qi-Returning Pill enters the body, a warm and moist atmosphere appears from the lower abdomen, following his meridians, slowly blending into his body. Corner.

"In a few days, all the aura that has been consumed in my body should be gradually replenished. This time, the process of recovering my aura is so slow, I think there should be no sequelae."

Feeling the aura growing in his body, Xiao Han felt relieved.

It didn't take long to refining the Qi-Returning Pill, all the spiritual energy in the Qi-Returning Pill was gradually absorbed by Xiao Han's body.

After Xiao Han absorbed the Qi-Returning Pill, Xiao Han continued to enter the state of cultivation.

Next, Xiao Han began to carefully absorb the aura between heaven and earth to replenish the aura consumed in his body. ,

Xiao Han couldn't let go of his hands and feet to absorb it, so he could only do it slowly.

If the speed of absorbing aura is too fast, it is estimated that Zhao Duoer will be the first person to notice the abnormality among the entire Zhao family.

Although the entire Zhao family team was heavily guarded all night, nothing happened until the early morning of the next day.

Except for the team members who were on guard missions in the periphery and killed a few little monsters, the entire camp did not encounter any harassment or attack in one night.

When a series of sounds began to appear in the camp the next morning, Xiao Han, who had been practicing in the tent for a whole night, slowly opened his eyes.

Feeling the aura that gradually became more abundant in his body, Xiao Han's expression finally became more relaxed.

In addition, the soreness in Xiao Han's body has almost disappeared.

Now, Xiao Han's strength has almost recovered to the eighty to ninety percent when it was at its peak, which greatly increased Xiao Han's confidence.

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