Waves of surging spiritual energy burst out of Xiao Han's body like a tide.

Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang were desperately maintaining the integrity of the entire aura barrier, while Luoluo did not dare to relax at all, concentrating on maintaining the speed of the entire transport boat.

The three of them worked hard to keep the entire transfer boat stable, so that the entire transfer boat would not be torn to pieces by the violent qi around it.

At the end, Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang had already activated the aura in their bodies to the extreme.

The aura around the two of them is getting stronger and stronger, and it is no less difficult than fighting against a well-matched opponent.

Xiao Han and Empress Yumei knew that the most critical time had come, and they would be involved in the void space if they were not careful, so their vigilance in their hearts was also getting higher and higher, and the two concentrated on maintaining the integrity of the teleportation boat.

Later, both Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang's faces were a little pale.

Under such a high load of consumption, not to mention the Yumei Empress, even Xiao Han in the early stage of the Tribulation Period could not bear it.

Fortunately, Xiao Han's foundation is very strong. Although the aura in his body consumes a lot of energy, he has just refined a lot of inner crystals of the magic spider at that time, and the aura in his body has been supplemented.

At this critical time, Xiao Han's faith moved, and he began to arouse the aura of ice and fire in his body.

And as Xiao Han's body began to gush out the aura of ice and fire, and began to pour into the surrounding aura barrier.

Suddenly a very magical scene began to appear on the aura barrier.

After the two completely different auras of the two layers of ice and fire were poured into the aura barrier, the space barrier surrounding the entire transport boat also turned into two completely different colors.

Flame on one side, ice on the other.

The many violent qi that came from the blast hit the aura barrier, but was directly bounced back.

Can those angers be bounced back by the ice and fire?

This gave Xiao Han a glimmer of hope.

The qi that bounced back flew back, and then collided with the void behind.


Gang Qi bounced back into the void, making a burst of clicks.

The entire transport boat passed through the surrounding space passages at a very fast speed, and the surrounding area of ​​the entire transport boat was enveloped by a surging aura.

The entire passage of the space boat that was passing through quickly became distorted.

The special effects of the two heavens of ice and fire made the entire transport boat on which Xiao Han and others were riding barely able to pass through the broken space barrier around it.

However, Xiao Han was able to persevere, but Empress Yumei's spiritual energy consumption was very large.

Therefore, Empress Yumei couldn't hold on after several minutes.

Empress Yumei's face became paler and paler, as if she was seriously injured.

Empress Yumei forcibly urged the aura in her body excessively, and a muffled grunt came from her mouth.

Soon, a blood shed from the corner of Empress Yumei's mouth.

The blood flowed down the corner of her mouth, and the originally bright eyes became a little dim.

"Yumei, if you can't hold on, you should withdraw first, don't hold on, it will cause harm to your body."

Xiao Han quickly reminded.

Yumei Niangniang is a seventh-order big demon. At this time, if you forcibly top the front, if the spiritual energy in the body is excessively consumed, it is actually very easy to hurt the body.

"It's okay, I'll stick to it." Empress Yumei shook her head gently, and said in a deep voice.

At this time, Empress Yumei naturally knew that the situation was extremely critical.

If you can't hold on, it's very likely that Xiao Han can't hold it either.

When that time comes, the three of them will explain in the space passage here today.

Seeing Yumei's insistence on not stopping, Xiao Han had to say, "Well, if you can't hold on, don't hold on, stop and rest, I can hold it alone."

"I see, you don't have to worry about me, I have a sense of measure." The pale Empress Yumei nodded.

At this time, several hours have passed since the beginning of the change.

In such a situation, the consumption of spiritual energy is one aspect, mainly because the teleport boat Xiao Han and the others are riding is still one day and one night away from the exit of Tianlun City.

If you can’t stick to the time of the day, there is no heaven and earth in this space channel, is there any spiritual energy around you can add, Xiao Han and Yumei Empress and others are easily sucked into the void space by the surrounding qi. , Luo's a dead end.

But at this time, whether it was Xiao Han or Yumei Niangniang, they could only clenched their teeth and insisted. Who could have imagined that the first time using the space channel of the space teleportation array to drive on, it was so unlucky and encountered this critical situation.

In fact, using auras to wrap the entire space boat does not actually consume much aura.

What consumes the most aura is the gang qi that is constantly whizzing around. The violent aura in the void will constantly wear away the aura barriers displayed by Xiao Han and others.

To maintain the integrity and stability of the aura barrier, Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang had to continuously infuse a large amount of aura to keep the aura barrier from being broken.

Xiao Han had seen a similar qi.

It was in the Penglai Wonderland. When Xiao Han climbed the Zhenmo Mountain, he encountered Gangqi along the way.

However, the Gang Qi in the Zhen Demon Mountain is more than the Gang Qi that Xiao Han encounters in this space channel now, it is simply a world.

Back then, Xiao Han was only a cultivation realm and strength that could not be reached during the Profound Profound Period, so he could walk through the raging Zhen Demon Mountain.

But now, the qi in this space channel is terrifying, and even Xiao Han's strength in the early stage of the catastrophe period, if the body is swept away by the qi outside, not to mention the skin and the flesh, it must be uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that the amount of gall gas around is too dense now, dense and layered, and there is no way to dodge it.

Moreover, the power contained in the surrounding qi was very terrifying, even Xiao Han did not dare to stand firm.

Moreover, Xiao Han is not the only person on the teleportation boat, and the two of Yumei Niangniang and Luoluo may not be able to hold on for too long under the raging atmosphere around them.

In this way, both Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang looked anxious, and the situation of this space channel didn't know how far it would take to return to normal.

Whether he can stick to Tianlun City at the end of the space channel is still a big question.

Even in front of controlling the falling and falling of the teleportation boat, his head was sweaty anxiously.

However, Luoluo's cultivation realm is far from Xiao Han, even compared with Yumei Niangniang.

Even Empress Yumei only lasted a few hours.

"Look, look, Brother Xiao Han, is there an exit ahead?"

Just when Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang were clenching their teeth and insisting on it, they didn't know how long it had passed before Luo Luo suddenly heard a cry of excitement and surprise.

Luoluo's voice heard Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang's ears, like a spring thunder blowing in their ears, making Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang almost jumped away in surprise.

Xiao Han and Empress Yumei both looked up at the same time, and they saw the end of their sights. In the endless darkness, a small spot of light suddenly appeared, and the spot of light began to become more and more as the distance increased. The bigger you come, and a closer look, you can see that there should be the exit of this set of spatial transmission arrays.

As long as Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang and others rushed to the exit, they would be able to rush out of this space channel in the teleportation boat.

Now that the exit can be seen, it means that the distance is not far away.

No matter how difficult the situation was before, at least now I can see the exit and see the hope.


However, just a few seconds after Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang and the others were happy, the entire transport boat shook violently, and Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang were almost thrown away.

It turned out that a very terrifying space energy mixed with dense gas, slammed into the high-speed transport boat.

The force of the impact was terrifying, and even Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang paled with fright.

Had it not been for Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang desperately to urge the aura in their bodies to maintain the stability of the teleport boat, and after seeing the exit, even if they were relieved a lot, Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang would not have the slightest. Lax.

Otherwise, the teleportation boat at the feet of Xiao Han and the others might have been shattered on the spot in the terrifying impact.

"what's the situation?"

Xiao Han let out a low growl, then raised his head and glanced forward, and he almost screamed in fright.

"It's not good." Xiao Han said with an ugly expression: "The situation changes later. We must rush through the exit, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Xiao Han just glanced forward, and the reason his face became ugly was because a burst of dense qi and spatial energy suddenly appeared in front of him.

These qi and space energy somehow gathered together, as if waiting in front of the teleport boat.

Xiao Han's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

These qi and space energy happened to be blocked by the transport boat that Xiao Han and others were riding in. If you want to rush out of the exit, you must pass through that layer of violent energy.

If the teleportation boat at your feet cannot withstand this storm, then it is normal to disintegrate.

At the moment when the teleportation boat approached, the qi and space energy in front became more and more violent.

Among those space storms composed of qi and space energy, a terrifying suction force surged toward the closer and closer teleport boat.

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