The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2154: Channel is broken

Then use a special tool like the transfer boat to hurry.

In fact, the distance between the two places has not shortened, but the speed of this transport boat, which can only be used in the space channel, can be many times faster than the flying sword.

According to Luoluo's experience, at the speed of the teleporting boat Xiao Han and the others were on, it would take about two or three days, at most four days, to reach the next destination Tianlun City.

But if you rely on your own sword to fly, it would take at least fifteen days to get from Galaxy City to Tianlun City.

This is still a situation of rushing all the way without delay.

Sitting on this teleport boat, teleporting and watching, at first felt a little fresh and curious, but whether it was Xiao Han or Yumei Empress, after watching it for a while, she felt a little boring.

At first, Empress Yumei suggested to Xiao Han to let her inject aura to control the teleport boat, but after playing for a while, Empress Yumei felt a little boring.

Finally, it was returned to Xiao Han, and he sat in the back to chat with Luoluo.

In fact, manipulating the teleport boat doesn't require much aura.

It's just that before the aura of the teleporting boat is exhausted, it needs to be poured into another aura.

It seems that there is not much aura that can be stored in the key gem. Every one or two hours, another aura must be poured.

In this way, Xiao Han originally wanted to use the time spent on the road in the past few days to cultivate, but now he can only separate part of his mind to control the teleport boat.

Moreover, using the space teleportation array to drive along, Xiao Han was also worried about some changes in the way, so he didn't dare to fully enter the state of cultivation.

With Xiao Han's current cultivation level and strength, the spiritual energy poured into the teleportation boat is nothing, and the consumption is not very large, the key is to keep staring at it.

With the spiritual energy poured into the teleportation boat, Xiao Han could almost recover as long as he sat still and adjusted his breath. Even if he sometimes felt unable to keep up, Xiao Han could refine one or two inner crystals of the magic spider at most.

Using the channels in the space teleportation array to hurry, the speed is naturally much faster than flying with the sword.

But rushing like this is really boring.

Not only the surrounding scenery is the same, but the key is that there is no sound around.

If there wasn't a chat between Empress Yumei and Luoluo behind Xiao Han, there would be even more silence around him.

If some guys are not determined, even if they can bear the boring feeling?

Even if Xiao Han hurried through this space channel, he felt a little depressed after a long time.

Just like this, time slowly passed by bit by bit.

There is no sunrise or sunset in this passage, and even the time is a bit blurred.

In the dark space passage, a glorious light flashed away.

That Haoguang was naturally the teleportation boat Xiao Han and others boarded.

Xiao Han sat cross-legged at the forefront of the teleportation boat, not pouring a spirit energy into the teleportation boat. During the rest of the time, Xiao Han was either practicing or closing his eyes.

At first, Empress Yumei and Luoluo still chatted behind her. After a long time, they sat cross-legged and started to practice.

In this way, even the only chatting voice behind him disappeared, and there was dead silence on the court.

Just when Xiao Han felt a little boring, a sound suddenly appeared behind Xiao Han.

"Brother Xiao Han, let me come, and you can rest later."

Xiao Han looked back and found that Luo Luo appeared behind him.

Xiao Han nodded, and then chuckled softly: "Luo Luo, have you noticed, how long have we been in this space channel?"

"It's already the second day. It is estimated that we will be able to reach Tianlun City in one or two days."

After Xiao Han got up, he walked forward and sat cross-legged where Xiao Han sat before, then slowly stretched out his hand and poured a spirit energy on the gem.

Standing up, Xiao Han stretched out a long, tired look on his face.

It’s not that it’s very tiring to control the teleportation boat, nor that it consumes too much spiritual energy. It’s just that it’s too boring. If you repeat it several times, it’s easy to have that kind of deep exhaustion. That kind of tiredness comes from the heart. Deep exhaustion.

Xiao Han breathed a long sigh of relief. After stretching his body, Xiao Han slowly walked to the side of Empress Yumei and sat down.

After thinking about it, I still felt more comfortable lying down, so Xiao Han put his head in his hands and lay down beside Empress Yumei.

Xiao Han closed his eyes and rested for a while, then turned his face to look at the Yumei Empress beside him, and laughed softly: "Yumei, we are about to reach the Demon Imperial City, this time we will visit the Demon Imperial City. If nothing happens, we will stay in the Demon Imperial City for a while, but I will definitely look for clues from my father later. If things don’t go well, I will stay in the Demon Imperial City for a long time. If it doesn't work, you will leave the Demon Imperial City with Luoluo first and return to the Giant Wolf Mountain Range to wait for me, or you will wait for me in the Vast Sky City. Anyway, I will go back to find you after I finish my business."

"Well, I'll go back to the Giant Wolf Mountain Range first, and then wait for you in the Vast Sky City. After all, your Heavenly Dao League has just been established not long ago. I'll see if I can help."

Empress Yumei just nodded gently.

Although Empress Yumei is not weak, she has always been in charge of Xiao Han's side.

For many things, Empress Yumei was willing to follow Xiao Han's arrangements.

All the time, Empress Yumei has liked and enjoyed this feeling very much.

With Xiao Han by her side, she doesn't have to worry about anything, as long as she stays obediently, Xiao Han will naturally help her consider everything.

Xiao Han thought for a while, sighed softly, and then said: "But I still have to find a way to improve your strength. If you step into the eighth rank, I don't have to worry about your safety anymore. I will practice in these ten directions in the future. Among them, you can also help me do many things."

After hearing Xiao Han's words, Empress Yu Mei smiled slightly and said softly: "Where is the eighth level so easy to step into, my seventh level is only one or two years old, and the eighth level I would also think about it, but I guess it is short. It should be impossible within time."

Xiao Han comforted softly: "Don't be so pessimistic. Everything is impossible. Look at me. I also broke the border and entered the tribulation period by chance. Maybe one day you will naturally be on the eighth level. Up."

Empress Yumei nodded first, and then fell into silence for a while.

After a while, Empress Yumei said softly: "Xiao Han, do you dislike me as a monster or a snake monster?"

Hearing this, Xiao Han was stunned at first, then stared at Empress Yumei's eyes for a while.

Xiao Han smiled and said: "Fool, what does it have to do with monsters? You are not an ordinary monster. Now that you have refined the phantom grass, it is okay to keep in human form. There is no dislike for it. Besides, I'm still worried that you despise me as a human race."

Upon hearing this, Empress Yumei secretly smiled and said, "Don't worry, I don't dislike you."

"Brother Xiao Han, what about me? What about me?"

At this moment, Luo Luo, who was sitting in front of the teleportation boat, suddenly turned around, looking at Xiao Han expectantly.


Xiao Han scratched his head with a look of embarrassment, "Silly girl, I am your brother, are you my sister, how could I despise you?"

"Hahaha..." Luo Luo smiled and said, "Brother Xiao Han, I am a little bit disgusted with you, I wonder if I can call you uncle."

Xiao Han: "..."

Seeing Xiao Han's speechless look, Empress Yumei and Luoluo couldn't help laughing.


There was a cheerful atmosphere on the transport boat, but suddenly, there was a slight muffled noise in the space channel.

"what happened?"

Xiao Han's face changed slightly, he looked up at the space passages around him.

Luo Luo also looked around with a surprised look: "I don't know, it was fine just now."

At this moment, the entire transport boat shook violently.

Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang, and Luoluo all felt tight in their hearts, for fear that something might happen.

Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang and others looked up at the space passage in front of them at the same time, and they found a hint after a while.

It turned out that at the end of the sight of Xiao Han and others, there seemed to be a slight abnormality in the spatial passage there.

The colorful passage barriers on both sides of the passage were damaged.

At a glance, the tunnel barrier, which was originally smooth as a mirror, became uneven at first.

It seemed that there was something wrong with the barriers on both sides of the passage.

Xiao Han stood up quickly, looked at the situation in the distance, and exclaimed in surprise: "How could this be?"

Empress Yumei and Luoluo also hurriedly jumped up, and they had also discovered the previous situation.

With their eyesight, they can only and can see the broken space barriers in front.

"Impossible, can it be said that when Master Zhuge repaired this space teleportation array before, he did not repair the entire space channel?"

"But Master Zhuge said that it has been repaired, it's a bit unstable at best," Xiao Han said hurriedly.

Looking at the movement in front of him, Luo Luo said with an ugly expression, "Could it be that external forces are destroying the space passage here?"

"External forces are destroying?" Xiao Han asked with a gloomy expression: "Are humanoid gas refiners and monster beasts attacking this space teleportation formation?"

"I'm not sure, but if the barrier in this passage is damaged, then the entire passage will become very unstable. Both sides of the barrier are void spaces. If the barrier is severely damaged, I am afraid that the void space This kind of chaotic gas will get into the channel.

That kind of qi is very scary, if the flowers are sucked into the void by the qi, unless you are a strong person at the peak state of the Tribulation Period, you will undoubtedly die. "

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