"Yes, I have." Luo Luo pointed to a place on the note and smiled: "A place more than ten days away from us is called Galaxy City."

This Galaxy City is located in the Galaxy Mountain Range thousands of miles away from the Haotian City. As the only city with a space teleportation array within a radius of thousands of miles, the Galaxy City is thousands of miles around the Haotian City. Inside, it can be regarded as the most popular and prosperous human city.

If you want to rush to the Demon Imperial City through the formation of space teleportation, you must first rush to this Galaxy City.

With the flying speed of the bald eagle beast, it would take at least nearly half a month to reach the Galaxy City in the Galaxy Mountains from the Haotian Mountain Range, and it would take ten days to fly at the earliest.

If Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang and others flew forward with their swords at full speed, they should be able to arrive in five or six days.

However, Xiao Han and the others had no other way. It would take seven or eight days to fly with the sword for a single Galaxy City, so just sit in front of the condor.

Xiao Han didn't have much to do with it, and it could be supported by flying the sword continuously for five or six days, but Empress Yumei and Luoluo were tired.

If the sword is flying, you will have to stay and rest many times in the middle of the road. Since you still have to stop and go, it is better to take the vulture directly on the road, which will save you more trouble.

Although the time it takes to hurry like this will be doubled compared to the time spent on flying with the sword, but the time for the past ten days is not too long, and it doesn't matter if you think about it.

In the ensuing time, Xiao Han also got a simple understanding of the Demon Imperial City and the area around the Demon Imperial City after following Luoluo's understanding.

The area of ​​these ten refining domains was originally extremely vast, and it was not all about the size of the earth in the secular world.

And the center of the Ten Fang Refining Domain is the area where the Demon Imperial City is located.

Although the Demon Imperial City is said to be a city, it is indeed the largest city in the entire Ten Fang Refining Domain. In the Demon Imperial City alone, there are probably at least tens of millions of human races and monsters living in it.

The surrounding area of ​​Demon Imperial City is surrounded by mountains and rugged terrain.

In the area around the Demon Imperial City, there are also many large and small cities scattered.

In this kind of city, the so-called space teleportation array will be set up in some larger cities.

Those who have the qualifications and ability to set up a space teleportation formation basically belong to the most powerful family or sect in the local area. Only in this kind of sect can there be the kind of peak powerhouse or former senior who has the ability. And material resources to set up a space teleportation array.

Therefore, families that have the qualification and ability to set up a set of space teleportation formations basically hold this space teleportation formation firmly in their hands.

A space teleportation formation can bring terrible income to the family that controls this formation every day. Without any strength, I am afraid that even this space teleportation formation cannot be held.

Of course, those who are qualified to set up and manage this space teleportation formation are basically the most powerful families and forces in the local area. Otherwise, there is no human and material resources to maintain the operation of a space teleportation formation.

As long as the space teleportation array is in operation, the benefits that a space teleportation array can bring in one year are very scary.

As long as you control a space teleportation formation in your hands, the annual income can make a power or family earn a lot of money.

Therefore, in every human city, only the places where the space teleportation array is set up will make countless sects and forces in the local area jealous.

To say that there is no idea about a space teleportation formation, unless it is a fool.

However, with the exception of some powerful families, sects, and teams, those who are not strong enough can only watch people earnestly gaining money every day.

After all, it is very rare to find a strong man at the peak of the Tribulation Period.

Not every force has ever had a strong person in the peak state of the transition period.

And even if there are powerhouses in the early or mid-term of the Tribulation Period among the many forces, it is not an easy task to find two masters in the peak state of the Tribulation Period to spend great efforts to set up a space teleportation formation.

Therefore, in the area around the Demon Imperial City, whether the city is strong or not depends on whether there is room for teleportation in the city.

And which force controls a space teleportation array in its hands, that means it has a lot of resources and wealth in its hands.

Therefore, in the area near the Demon Imperial City, most of the people who control a space teleportation formation are some famous super powers.

Of course, some of the ancestors of the forces set up a space teleportation formation, and then later generations took over the entire formation and just sat to collect money.

Sitting cross-legged on the back of the bald eagle beast, Xiao Han, who had listened to Luoluo's explanation of the spatial teleportation formation and the area around the Demon Imperial City, was also fascinated.

He looked enviously and said: "This place near Demon Imperial City is really different from the poor mountains and remote areas of other places in Shifang Refinement Region. I haven't even heard of this space teleportation formation before. If so. We also have such a space teleportation formation in Xuanfeng City or Haotian City, that's fine."

Empress Yumei also nodded lightly, with a look of wonder on her face: "It is possible to connect two distant places through space. To set up such a formation, I am afraid that you need to control the space to achieve perfection. To the point.

Among the human beings and monster beast powerhouses, apart from the powerhouses at the peak of the Tribulation Period or the eighth or even ninth-level monsters, there are really few people who can do it. "

Luo Luo smiled and said: "This space teleportation formation is only a feature of the area near Demon Imperial City. When you two arrive in Galaxy City, Xiao Han and Yumei sister, you will naturally be able to personally experience the mystery of the space teleportation formation. It's done."

"Are there any particularly powerful sects or families near this Demon Imperial City?" Xiao Han thought for a while, then asked softly.

The place Xiao Han is going to is the Demon Imperial City, so when he is active in the area near the Demon Imperial City, he should at least know what powerful forces are around him.

Some forces that can't be offended, Xiao Han can pay attention to some, and the province causes unnecessary trouble.

There are some forces in the area around Demon Imperial City, and I only know some outlines.

And I know that some of the news is mainly among the human refiners, and I am not sure about the power of monsters and other races. "

Luoluo thought for a while, and then said: "Among the forces around Demon Imperial City, the most famous force is a jingle. This includes the Human Race, Demon Race, and Monster Beast Family. Two clans, three sects and four sects. Some other forces are also very good. The forces that have risen in recent years are not included.

"So much?" Hearing this, Xiao Han's brows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly.

One faction, two races, three schools and four schools?

There are ten catchy strengths alone.

This does not include some forces that are not above this.

Xiao Han nodded and asked softly: "Among the two clans, besides the Demon Royal Clan, is the other demon clan?"

Luoluo looked at Xiao Han and smiled and said, "Brother Xiao Han, you are really amazing. I guessed that there was a demon among the two races."

She naturally heard Xiao Han talk about the grievances between him and the Demon Race, and Luoluo also knew that Xiao Han's father was still trapped in the Demon Race.

"Mozu?" As soon as he heard these two words, Xiao Han's face became completely gloomy in a short moment.

A sharp breath was released from Xiao Han's body, and two beams of light flashed from Xiao Han's eyes.

"The Demon Race is extremely mysterious in the Demon Imperial City. It is very difficult for ordinary people to meet the Demon Race people. Not to mention its headquarters, even some branches are rarely known. But even so, the Demon Race can still be as famous as Danta , We can see how terrifying the hidden power is."

Seeing Xiao Han's reaction, Luo Luo was also a little uneasy.

There is no way to bridge the **** feud between Xiao Han and the Demon Race, and conflicts will erupt sooner or later.

Just after thinking about it, she said softly: "Brother Xiao Han, I know that you have a deep grudge between you and the Demon Race, but Brother Xiao Han, I still want to remind you that when you arrive in the area near Demon Imperial City, To bear with it, after all, the power of the demons around the Demon Imperial City is still very strong.

Even many forces, including the demon royal family, don't want to easily conflict with the demons.

You must know that the Demon Imperial Clan is also in the control of the entire Demon Imperial City. Looking at the entire Demon Imperial City, it can rank in the top three superpowers. The Demon Emperor of the Demon Imperial Clan is said to be the largest existence in the entire Demon Imperial City.

The demon king of the previous generation of the Demon Race was trapped in the Penglai Wonderland by the Human Race more than a thousand years ago, but even so, the Demon Emperor of Demon Imperial City was not willing to have any conflict with the Demon Race. "

Luoluo should be worried that Xiao Han will directly trouble the Demon Race, and then fight a battle, it is inevitable that some problems will occur.

"Don't worry, silly girl, this time I'm here to save people, not to eradicate the demons, and my current strength is not enough to fight the entire demons."

Having said this, Xiao Han gradually suppressed the murderous spirit in his mind.

In fact, this news is good news for Xiao Han.

Since the demons possessed such a huge strength in the area around the Demon Imperial City, it was much simpler for Xiao Han to find out the whereabouts of his father along the way.

If no one from the Demon Race was walking in the Demon Imperial City, it would not be easy for Xiao Han to rescue his father.

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