In the next few days, Xiao Han stayed in the backyard of the Haotian City City Lord’s Mansion with concentration, practicing.

Xiao Han still needs some time to deal with some treasures obtained from ancient ruins.

Xiao Han has given the sacred fruit of Bodhi to Yang Silang, hoping that Yang Silang will enter the early stage of the Tribulation Period as soon as possible, so that when Xiao Han leaves Haotian City, the Heavenly Dao League can be safely handed over to Yang Silang for a short time. There is no need for Xiao Han to worry about it.

As for that set of god-level exercises, Xiao Han currently does not plan to practice.

The best practice stage of this set of god-level exercises is to practice after entering the middle stage of the transition period.

Therefore, Xiao Han put that set of god-level exercises in the Qiankun bag and was not ready to use it temporarily.

As for the little monster beast, the high-grade aura, Xiao Han would still release it from the Universe Bag from time to time.

In addition to the little demon beast, there is also a little wolf demon in Xiao Han's Universe Pouch, which will be put out to amuse Xiao Han when he is fine.

It's just that the little wolf demon has grown a lot now, and it's not much in size with an adult wolf dog.

So now it was decided to leave this little wolf demon in the Vast Sky City and give it to the elder Zhou Min of Vast Sky City to raise it.

The little wolf demon's rank is not high, so it doesn't matter if it is raised in this human city.

In addition, some of the other human gas refiners like to keep some low-level monsters by their side, which is equivalent to keeping pets.

Generally, Tier 3 monsters also have some wisdom, but after all, they are not high, so it is naturally the most suitable for the nursing home.

The little demon beast seemed to be very angry when he saw the little wolf demon, and screamed at the little wolf demon from time to time, making the little wolf demon tremble with fear.

It wasn't until Zhou Min happily took the little wolf monster away that the little monster beast calmed down.

It was just that the two eyes were staring at Xiao Han grumblely, with a melancholy expression, Xiao Han naturally knew that this little guy wanted to eat magic weapons.

It's just that in Xiao Han's Universe Bag, there are only some low-level magic weapons, and the magic weapons with a slightly better color have been eaten by that little guy.

In addition, some other magic weapons were brought out by Xiao Han from the ancient ruins, but they were of no use. Xiao Han entrusted Zhou Min to take them to the Jinyu Mantang auction house in Haotian City for auction. .

There were also some good things in Xiao Han's Qiankun Bag that were not needed, Xiao Han cleaned them up, and then took them all for auction.

The Jinyu Mansion Auction House in Vast Sky City had a pretty good relationship with the City Lord's Mansion, so the things Xiao Han handed over to Zhou Min were auctioned for a total of 110 seventh-order demon pills.

Xiao Han directly handed the one hundred and ten seventh-order demon pills to Yang Silang to distribute to those elders and disciples who were sent to the ancient ruins last time in Haotian City.

Xiao Han was already very satisfied with that set of god-level exercises, so naturally he wouldn't care about these little things.

In addition to this, there were only the fragments of the corpse of Venerable Huangquan that Xiao Han had brought out from the ancient ruins.

The corpse fragments of Venerable Huangquan contained the essence of spiritual energy that Venerable Huangquan had cultivated for a lifetime, which was the most suitable for Xiao Han's current stage.

Xiao Han refined these corpse fragments, and purified all the spiritual energy contained in the peak realm of the Transcendence Period peak realm masters for a lifetime.

Xiao Han's cultivation level and strength were still in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, and there was not much change, but the aura in his body was more condensed.

If Xiao Han were to collect all the corpses of Venerable Huangquan, refining and absorbing all the spiritual energy, it might be possible for Xiao Han to break the mirror again and step into the realm of cultivation in the early stage of the Tribulation Period.

In the next few days, Yang Silang would occasionally come to Xiao Han to discuss things about the Heavenly Dao League.

It's basically something big.

Xiao Han could clearly feel that Yang Shilang could actually handle most of the things himself.

It's just that Yang Shilang seemed to be doing this deliberately, and took some things that needed to be decided and asked Xiao Han.

This can be regarded as Yang Shilang's respect for Xiao Han, the leader.

Xiao Han handed over some of the cultivation techniques in his Universe Bag, including several sets of god-level techniques including fire control technique and cold ice technique, to Yang Silang.

These are some of the exercises Xiao Han has been practicing, and some exercises that Xiao Han is not suitable for, but other human Qi refiners may need.

In recent days, Yang Shilang spent most of his time on the establishment of the Wushu Hall of the Tiandao League.

This said that Wutang was the most important place in the Tiandao League besides the presbytery.

Although it is used to train younger generations, Xiao Han feels that this martial arts hall can be divided into two levels.

One is to train the younger generation of the lecture hall outside the martial arts hall, and the other is used to provide to the peak realm of the Tongyou period, or the inner hall of the lecture martial arts hall that is impacting the peak state of the Tongyou period.

Among the exercises Xiao Han brought out, several of them were god-level exercises, which could be used in the inner hall of Jiangwu Hall.

As for those who are in the peak realm of the Tongyou period and are cultivating young backs, Xiao Han's other exercises are more than enough.

In fact, Yang Shilang, as the city lord of Vast Sky City, plus the good things that were collected from the people of Xuanfeng City’s city lord’s mansion Guo Da, Li Hu, and others, as well as the two cities of Xuanfeng City and Vast Sky City. There is absolutely no problem supporting the development of the Tiandao League in the short term.

You must know that the forces that have joined the Heavenly Dao League are not qualified to take advantage of the benefits of the City Lord's Mansion before.

Now Yang Silang and Xiao Han directly take out the management and income rights of the two cities for distribution. What other forces and families are not satisfied with?

And in this way, the two cities were all under the control of the Heavenly Dao League, and as soon as some major rules were formulated, good effects immediately appeared.

All members of the Tiandao League are not allowed to fight privately.

In Xuanfeng City and Haotian City, to resolve personal grievances, no hands are allowed on the street, and no black knives are allowed. If there are any grievances, there are several arenas in Jiangwutang that are open to the outside world. Hands are not allowed in the streets and alleys. Both sides will kill without mercy.

But in the arena of Jiangwutang, it doesn't matter whether it is singled or group fights. Anyway, there is a fight, regardless of death or injury.

After the rules were in place, the entire Xuanfeng City and Haotian City would be much calmer.

The conflicts that would have erupted in the first place have now all moved to the ring.

In this way, both the original merchants and the locals of Xuanfeng City and Haotian City can live and do business with peace of mind, and the popularity of Xuanfeng City and Haotian City will become more and more prosperous.

The practice of the Heavenly Dao League is that whoever is strong has the right to speak, especially some young children in the martial arts hall are sent by various forces, families, and teams.

Everyone has worked hard to cultivate, striving to improve their cultivation level and strength.

When going to the martial arts hall, there is a special person to guide them, and they will compete every day, and they are often drawn into the mountains to experience, compete in groups, and compete for strength.

Such ascension is naturally faster than practicing among the respective families and forces.

What's more, the instructors in Jiangwutang were all experts carefully selected by Yang Shilang from Xuanfeng City and Vast Sky City.

The art industry has specializations, those who are good at fighting, are selected as fighting instructors, those who are good at weapon spells, are selected as weapons and spell instructors, and those who are good at lurking are selected as lurking instructors.

In short, all the people who can come into contact with in the lecture hall are the guidance of the strongest instructors in Xuanfeng City and Haotian City, which was unimaginable before.

What's more, most of the children of these younger generations are still young, most of them are in their early ten years, and at most they are the strength of the Profound Enlightenment Period, and even some have just entered the stage of cultivation.

At this level, only a mentor at the peak realm of the solitary phase can teach well, and can avoid many detours.

In addition, Yang Shilang will also go to lectures from time to time. Jiangwutang will also invite the captains of various large-scale teams to give lectures. In addition to practicing, survival in the wild, fighting monsters, and even monsters need attention. There are courses for the types and ranks of monsters and beasts.

Gradually, the lecture hall of the Heavenly Dao League quickly gained fame among the entire Xuanfeng Mountain Range and Haotian Mountain Range.

Countless human children dream of one day being able to enter the lecture hall for practice.

Jiang Wutang naturally does not refuse to meet the requirements of the human race children, as long as you meet the conditions set by the Jiang Wutang, you will be able to get a place for the assessment.

All the training resources in this martial arts hall are provided by the Heavenly Dao League. If you are a civilian child, you don't need to pay any fees. If you are from a team or a family, you need to pay a few Tier 6 Demon Pills as the registration fee.

Gradually, the Heavenly Dao League gained a firm foothold among the entire Xuanfeng Mountain Range and the Haotian Mountain Range.

The Heavenly Dao League recruited almost all the masters of the two cities.

With the increasing popularity of Xuanfeng City and Vast Sky City, the income of the Heavenly Dao League has naturally increased.

Being able to distribute from the Heavenly Dao Alliance to the income was something that I could not even think of before.

Therefore, both the power and the family were excited, and the Tiandao League gradually embarked on a path of steady development.

At this time, before the expansion of the Heavenly Dao League, what Xiao Han needed was for the Heavenly Dao League to accumulate strength within a year and wait for the opportunity.

Among these ten refining domains, it is actually very easy to expand your territory, as long as you have enough strength.

If you have the strength, you can seize more territory.

What's more, among these ten refining domains, the strong were originally respected. As long as you have this strength, people are willing to surrender to you.

Without this strength, maybe even the benefits at hand will be snatched away.

In the past, both Xuanfeng City and Haotian City were the same, and they were more than enough to keep the family business in their hands, nothing more.

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