Xiao Han didn't know what the nine princesses thought.

Just as Xiao Han thought, the Ninth Princess shook his head slightly, and then said softly: "At this time, I should come forward."

Seeing the nine princesses' thoughts moved, the Soul Gathering Flower appeared in her hand.

The nine princesses walked to the front of Xiao Han holding the Soul Gathering Flower in his hand and stood at the forefront of the team.

The nine princesses looked indifferently at the three elders, four elders, and Feng Wuchen of the Qilin Qilin clan who were coveting because of the appearance of the Soul Gathering Flower.

"Don't you just want this thing?" The Ninth Princess sneered: "This Soul Gathering Flower is in my hand. If you have the ability, you can grab it in my hand."

From the nine princesses, a terrifying soul pressure began to appear.

"It's really the breath of the golden dragon family."

"Fuck, this woman really belongs to the golden dragon family?"

"This breath should be right. Apart from the golden dragon clan, there is another monster beast that can exude such palpitating pressure."

"This kind of pressure, don't talk about us monsters, even the human race refiner will feel very uncomfortable."


The breath of the nine princesses just revealed, it is undoubtedly the breath of the golden dragon family.

Not only the monster beast masters on the field can feel it, even the Human Race refiners present feel a sense of depression in their hearts.

It was as if in front of the nine princesses, there was a smell of being unable to lift his head.

In the entire world, apart from the horror existence of the fairyland, I am afraid that only the strong of the golden dragon clan can make the clan gas refiners feel uncomfortable.

That kind of coercion came from the depths of the soul, and was simply not something that the realm of cultivation and strength could make up.

There is no doubt that the beautiful woman standing next to Xiao Han is a member of the Golden Dragon family.

Seeing that the nine princesses directly took out the Soul Gathering Flower from their bodies, Yang Silang, Luo Luo, Yumei Empress and others were all startled at the same time.

Empress Yumei was just about to say something, but she was stopped by Xiao Han next to the Ninth Princess.

Xiao Han shook his head gently, "Don't act rashly, Miss Nine knows what she is doing."

Xiao Han knew very well in his heart that although the nine princesses were young and vigorous, they were extremely measured at critical times.

Now the nine princesses have brought out the spirit gathering flower, it looks like they are calling out the spirit gathering flower, but Xiao Han thinks that the nine princesses should not only want to use the spirit gathering flower. It's just for the transaction.

Nine Princesses' actions now shouldn't be impulsive, it must be her reason.

"Hahaha, what a mighty prestige." The third elder of the wind-chasing unicorn sneered: "Do you think you are the elder of the golden dragon family? It's just a golden dragon that has just grown up, you think you Can his strength suppress our two tier 8 masters?"

Feng Wuchen first glanced at the two elders who chased the wind unicorn, and said with increased confidence: "The three elders and the fourth elders, the kid can fight with you to deal with this golden dragon."

"Yes, the younger generation is terrible, the wind is dustless, the fourth child and I did not misunderstand you."

The three elders felt very satisfied that Feng Wuchen had a high fighting spirit in front of a golden dragon, which was very good.

"How to do it together and clean up this golden dragon."

With that, the figures of the three elders, four elders, Feng Wuchen and others flashed out at the same time.

When it was shocking, the three of them actually joined forces to attack the nine princesses of the golden dragon clan.

Seeing the three of them rushing towards the nine princesses like wolves and tigers, Xiao Han originally wanted to go up and help, but at this time the nine princesses waved their hands and signaled Xiao Han not to do anything.

Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, but after a moment of hesitation, as if thinking of something, a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Feng Wuchen, the Third Elder and the others were so fast that they appeared in front of the Ninth Princess in the blink of an eye.

Whether it was the third elder, the fourth elder, or Feng Wuchen, they all looked at the spirit gathering flower that was exuding a special flavor in the hands of the nine princesses.

This thing does not actually have much effect on other monster races, at best it can absorb the energy in the spirit flower and increase some strength.

But for the wind chasing unicorns, this spirit gathering flower is a treasure.

As long as they have the spirit gathering flower in the hands of the nine princesses, they can practice cultivation with the breath and spiritual knowledge left by the ancient unicorn and golden dragon among the wind chasing unicorns. Here comes a genius who is not afraid of the golden dragon clan.

And with the blessing of the Soul Gathering Flower, the strongest of the Qilin Clan of Wind Chasing will be stronger than the masters of the Golden Dragon Clan.

Therefore, even at the risk of completely offending the Golden Dragon Clan, the three elders and others of the Qilin Clan still had no hesitation in shooting the Ninth Princess.

As long as the spirit gathering flower can be obtained, no matter how big the price is, it is worth it.

The three elders grinned and said, "Hand over the Soul Gathering Flower, and spare you not to die."

The third elder, the fourth elder, and Feng Wuchen rushed in front of the nine princesses.

Seeing that Xiao Han and the others did not move, the Three Elders and others already knew that the situation was over, so he had no scruples about taking action.

Seeing that the nine princesses were indifferent, the three elders and the others grinned, and after looking at each other, they started to grab the nine princesses at the same time.

At this time, the four elders and Feng Wuchen of the Qilin Qilin clan were responsible for sealing the entire body of the nine princesses, releasing two fierce auras on their bodies, suppressing the nine princesses from moving.

And the palm of the three elders directly grabbed the soul gathering flower in the hands of the nine princesses.

As long as the Soul Gathering Flower succeeded, then the Wind-Chasing Qilin Clan had accomplished its main goal.

Next, when dealing with Xiao Han, the Nine Princesses and others, you can let go and do whatever you want.

At this moment, the Yumei Niangniang and others around Xiao Han were so frightened that she was about to rush to help, but was stopped by Xiao Han's hand.

Just when Yumei Niangniang and the others were puzzled, the court suddenly changed.


Somewhere on the side of the nine princesses, there was a sudden fluctuation, and then the space was directly opened by a gap in the next instant.

"You scumbags of the wind-chasing unicorn clan, have you gotten a lot of courage recently? Even the princesses of our golden dragon clan have dared to move? Haven't been beaten for a long time, so tired of life?"

A sneer echoed like a thunder on the ground.

This voice was not very loud, but there was a terrifying pressure in that voice.

At the moment when the sound rang, many human qi refiners and monster beast masters on the field were shocked to find that even the spiritual flow in their bodies slowed down at this time.

"Who came from?"

The three elders and the fourth elders immediately noticed something wrong on the court.

But just now, even the third elder and the fourth elder felt a little bit about it.

At this time, anyone who has the strength to hide the perception of everyone on the field and appear on the field out of thin air to support, I am afraid that no one except the people of the golden dragon family has this ability.

Soon, from the crack in the space, a burly middle-aged man emerged.

This person was dressed in a yellow robe, and looked like an ancient emperor in the secular world. His whole body was golden, with golden light shining.

This person has a pale face and no beard, handsome and elegant, and looks personable.

The most important thing is that this middle-aged man naturally has an extremely terrifying soul pressure emanating from it.

When this middle-aged man appeared, the pressure of the soul on the court became more and more intense, making many Human Race refiners present feel palpitation.

Some monster beast powerhouses on the field were even more unbearable. After the middle-aged man appeared, his face paled with fright.

However, not only the ordinary monsters around, but also the powerhouses of the Qilin Clan, the third elder and the fourth elder, their faces turned pale in a short moment.

The Third Elder, Fourth Elder, Feng Wuchen and others forcibly stopped their forward momentum.

Feng Wuchen's secret path was not good, and his face became ugly.

Feng Wuchen looked at the middle-aged man in yellow robe who had directly tore through the space and emerged from the cracks in the space with a look of horror. The very rare fear on his face was quite obvious.

Among the ten directions of refining domains, although the wind-chase unicorn family is also one of the four high-level monster beast races.

The ranking in the Shifang Refining Domain is only behind the Golden Dragon Clan, ranking second.

In the eyes of other monsters, this wind-chasing unicorn clan can be regarded as one of the top monster beast clan in the entire Ten Fang Refining Domain.

But only the people of the wind-chasing unicorns know best, that the real ruler of the ten directions of refining domain is not their wind-chasing unicorns, but the golden dragon.

Although the Qilin Qilin had always wanted to shake the position of the Golden Dragon Clan, even if they had tolerated thousands of years in secret and accumulated countless efforts and strength, there was still no way to change this status quo in a short time.

Even if the Qilin family has grown stronger in recent years, they dare not directly challenge the Golden Dragon family.

Besides, in fact, this can't be blamed on the fact that the people of the Qilin Qilin clan are not good enough.

We must know that in the ancient times thousands of years ago, even the ancient unicorns, the ancestors of the wind-churning unicorns, could hardly gain an advantage in front of the golden dragon tribe, let alone the descendants of the ancient unicorns.

If there was only the Nine Princesses on the court before, Feng Wuchen, the Third Elder, the Fourth Elder and others could barely suppress the fear in their hearts and force their actions against the Nine Princesses.

After all, the nine princesses were just adults in the golden dragon clan.

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