"It's great, great, Brother Xiao Han has stepped into the tribulation period."

"Haha, I knew that my benefactor would never be that simple."

"This guy Xiao Han is like that. He always reveals his hole cards at the last minute."

"Yeah, we scared us to death before."


Seeing Xiao Han smoothly breaking the mirror, Empress Yumei, Luoluo, Yang Silang and others were naturally excited.

Xiao Han's ability to step into the tribulation period at this critical time meant that the situation on the field had once again changed.

Even if Ji Wutian instigated so many Human Race Refiners and Monster Beast powerhouses to take action, at least Xiao Han's strength is no longer weaker than Ji Wutian's camp.

Moreover, Xiao Han has a strong man in the early stage of the Tribulation Period to stabilize his position, and his momentum has greatly increased. If he wants to come to the guys who are ready to go down, he must carefully weigh and weigh.

At this moment, seeing that Xiao Han suddenly broke the mirror smoothly, the old man named Tang Yin hesitated and shook off the fighting Feng Wuchen.

"Don't fight, continue to fight, do you think there is any sense?" Tang Yin laughed, his face indifferent.

Feng Wuchen's face was green and red.

Obviously, Feng Wuchen never expected that Xiao Han would succeed in breaking through the boundary in such an unexpected way under such circumstances and reverse the disadvantage of the field in one fell swoop.

Feng Wuchen suddenly felt frustrated.

Originally thinking about revenge, but now, it seems that there is no way to shake Xiao Han.

At this moment, Tang Yin, who was about to leave, moved his mind, suddenly raised his head and looked at the distant space, his face gradually became cold.

At this time, a faint wave of wind and dust appeared in the body, and his gloomy expression instantly became happy.

"I don't want to spend it with you, let's make a quick fight."

Xiao Lengchun laughed, and the sword body of the Cangqiang sword immediately felt Xiao Han's breath and became brilliant.

Now Xiao Han has entered the early stage of the Tribulation Period smoothly, even if he uses the Sky Sword to shoot again, his power is far better than before.

Seeing Xiao Han actually shot again, and the breath of this shot is incredible.

Ji Wutian’s expression also changed drastically. If Xiao Han’s strength was stronger before, Ji Wutian wouldn’t take it seriously, but now, Xiao Han is already a master at the early stage of the Tribulation Period, with such strength. , Ji Wutian felt a lot of pressure.

Seeing that Xiao Han was about to take a shot, Ji Wutian's figure flashed, and his whole figure swept away like lightning. ,

Since Ji Wutian doesn't say anything, he wants to escape?

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but shook their heads with a wry smile.

Ji Wutian, who was still in the same state of affairs before, triumphantly suppressed Xiao Han, has now fallen to the point of fleeing. This is a huge turning point that makes people unable to react for a while.

Seeing that Ji Wutian turned around and ran, it seemed that he didn't plan to fight Xiao Han any more.

But how did Xiao Han let Ji Wutian escape from here so easily?

"Want to run, right? It depends on whether you can escape my control."

Seeing Ji Wutian running faster than the rabbit, Xiao Han just smiled.

At this time, even if he simply competed for speed, he might be able to surpass Ji Wutian casually.

Xiao Han's figure flashed, and his whole body turned into a dazzling light and chased after him at an extremely terrifying speed.

Soon, the distance between Xiao Han and Ji Wutian was getting closer.

Even if Ji Wutian used his three thousand magical body speed exercises with all his strength, there was still no way to leave Xiao Han far behind.

Xiao Han, who just broke through and successfully stepped into the Tribulation Period, has been able to completely surpass Ji Wutian in speed, even if he is the vast majority of the human race refiners and monster beast powerhouses, except the nine princesses and a few one or two. In addition, there is really no one who is qualified to compete with Xiao Han for speed.

"Xiao Han, are you really going to kill them all?"

Ji Wutian felt Xiao Han chasing behind him tightly, and seemed to make a move at any time, so Ji Wutian was shocked.

"Hey, if you don't kill you all, do you still keep you coming to trouble me in the future?"

Xiao Han has never been merciful to enemies.

Ji Wutian had already run away in Xiaoyao Sect last time.

However, the main reason was that Xiao Han at the time did not have the strength to kill Ji Wutian.

But now it's different, Xiao Han's current strength can already crush Ji Wutian.

"Xiao Han, do you think you can really beat the heroes?" At this time, Xiao Han turned his head to look, but found that he didn't know when, Feng Wuchen, the Qilin Clan who was chasing the wind, appeared behind him. .

At this time, Ji Wutian also gradually stopped, and it seemed that he could hardly escape Xiao Han's pursuit.

So Ji Wutian's face is very ugly.

In this case, since Feng Wuchen could still stand up for him, Ji Wutian was almost moved to tears.

Xiao Han turned his head to look at Feng Wuchen and sneered: "What? Is it possible that I want to kill Ji Wutian, and you still stop me? Don't you know? Now you, even if you add Ji Wutian , Not my opponent either."

At this time, a strange smile appeared on Feng Wuchen's mouth.

In addition to the old man Tang Yin, there was also the nine princesses of the dragon clan who noticed something wrong on the field.

The Ninth Princess suddenly looked back at a certain position in the air, frowned slightly, and her face became cold.

"Hahaha... Feng Wuchen, it turns out that such an arrogant Human Race kid has appeared. No wonder you are asking us to come and support him."

There was a sudden burst of hearty laughter on the court.

This loud laugh, as if with a surging aura, quickly resounded in the entire space.

Then, a certain position on the field suddenly appeared out of thin air with two somewhat blurred figures.

These two figures seemed to come directly through the space, and in just a short moment, they appeared directly in front of Xiao Hande.

The two silhouettes that suddenly appeared on the court made Xiao Han's complexion change slightly.

To Xiao Han's surprise, the appearance of these two figures showed no signs, and even his strength after breaking through the boundary could not be sensed.

Xiao Han's gaze swept over the two figures that appeared out of thin air not far away. Judging from the fact that this person was able to directly hand over Feng Wuchen's name just now, these two people should be sent out by the Qilin Qilin clan to support Feng Wuchen. By.

Xiao Han looked at the two figures that suddenly appeared on the court with a gloomy look, and coldly snorted, "Are you the reinforcements of the Qilin Clan?"

The two figures that appeared on the field gradually became clear.

Everyone can see clearly that these two people are not very old, but their breath is very strong.

It is also a gray robe, and looks very similar.

Judging from the fluctuations that emanated from the two of them, they are undoubtedly the masters of the wind-chasing unicorn family, and they are all Tier 8 monsters, at least equivalent to the strength of the early or even the middle of the Tribulation Period. The strength of the mysterious elder of the Black Water Profound Sky Clan on the field was even higher.

Xiao Han's gaze swept over the two middle-changed men. When he felt the powerful aura from the two men, even Xiao Han couldn't help being a little dignified.

Xiao Lian Lun smiled and said: "Two tier 8 big monsters? Comparable to the powerhouses in the early or even mid-term of the Tribulation Period? It seems that your wind-chasing unicorns are really big-handed, a small ancient relic that actually sent so powerful Lineup."

Xiao Han can clearly feel that the strength of these two middle-aged people is much stronger than the previous elder Feng Wuhen of the Qilin clan.

One shot is two eighth-order big monsters, it seems that this wind-churning unicorn family is worthy of being one of the four high-level monster beast groups in the Ten Fang Refining Domain.

The eighth-order big demon immediately sent two of them.

If you add that Feng Wuhen, the strong man of the seventh-order pinnacle who has been killed by Xiao Han and the Eighteen Profound Sky Bronze Man, and the younger generation of Feng Wuchen and Feng Qingling, this time he will chase the wind. The Kirin lineup is really luxurious.

With this kind of strength, I am afraid that destroying the Profound Phoenix City City Lord Mansion or the Haotian City City Lord Mansion on the field is a matter of an instant.

"It turned out to be the reinforcements of the Qilin Clan of Wind Chasing. No wonder that Feng Wuchen is not in a hurry at all, even if Xiao Han successfully breaks through the boundary, he is not afraid of it. It turns out to be reinforcements in the dark."

"Yes, who knows that the wind-chasing unicorns hate it this time, and they immediately sent out two masters of the eighth rank."

"You need to know that among the ten directions of refining domains, some forces have an eighth-order monster beast who is sitting, and they can become kings within a radius of thousands of miles."

"No, the eighth-order demon, I don't see more than one hand when I grow up so big, I actually saw both at once today."

"Now, even if this Xiao Han breaks through the boundary smoothly, it is useless."

"It's useless, it's useless, the overall situation is settled."


Many Terran Qi refiners on the field changed their faces, and they all could see the changes in the situation.

Some human spirit refiners and monster beast masters who were more active began to mumble in their hearts.

At this time, it is too late to get closer like the Qilin family.

And Xiao Han also knew that the situation on the court suddenly became very unfavorable again.

The two Tier 8 masters of the Qilin Clan were probably not only because of the Yumei Empress, but also the greater possibility that they came from the Soul Gathering Flower on the Ninth Princess.

One of the shorter middle-aged man in a gray robe glanced behind Xiao Han, and his final gaze stayed on Empress Yumei.

In the body of Empress Yumei, he felt something that belonged to their family of Qilin Qilin.

The middle-aged man sneered and asked indifferently: "Boy, I heard that one of the women next to you refines things from our wind-chaser unicorn family. Is that an idea?"

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