The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2109: Pressure box bottom

Now, this set of Three Thousand Phantom Demon Body is also one of Ji Wutian's methods to press the bottom of the box.

To be honest, it is the first time that Ji Wutian has performed this exercise in front of a human qi refiner since he successfully cultivated three thousand phantom demons.

Even among the demons, even among the powerhouses of the demon king level, there are only a handful of people who know that Ji Wutian, the young master of the demons, has successfully cultivated three thousand magical bodies.

But today when he was fighting against Xiao Han, Ji Wutian had to mobilize all the methods of pressing the bottom of the box.

First, the magical energy was overwhelming, and then three thousand magical bodies were displayed. It seems that Ji Wutian must kill Xiao Han here today.

"Fuck, look at that Ji Wutian, what an amazing speed."

"Yes, it seems that in the previous battle, Ji Wutian didn't make a full shot at all."

"This Xiao Han should be dead now."

"I guess so too. It seems that Ji Wutian still has the means to press the bottom of the box. If all of them are displayed, I am afraid this Xiao Han will die here today."

"Haha, it's fortunate that we didn't join in, otherwise, maybe it is us who are fighting life and death on the court now."

"Watch the excitement and watch the excitement, and shut up, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

That Ji Wutian's murderous look is bound to kill Xiao Han here.

I saw the huge arm that was condensed by the magical energy that Ji Wutian controlled, like a violent storm, blasting towards Xiao Han not far away.


Ji Wutian's appearance was mad, as if he was about to take Xiao Han alive.

Ji Wutian urged the devilish energy in his body to the peak, and desperately attacked Xiao Han with that devilish energy fist.

Because the speed has reached the extreme, the fierce fist winds directly oppress the surrounding air and nowhere to escape, and a low sonic boom continues to sound around.

Under Ji Wutian's swift offensive, it seemed that Xiao Han could only retreat under Ji Wutian's strong offensive.

However, some guys with eyesight can still see it. Although Xiao Han on the court said that he seemed to have fallen into an absolute disadvantage, Xiao Han's defense was still very tight.

Even Xiao Han's face was very calm. Although Ji Wutian was in control of the initiative on the court, Xiao Han's face didn't mean to panic.

The pink breath poured out from Xiao Han's body.

When Ji Wutian's devilish fist blasted over, the pink aura would quickly condense, forming a shield-like barrier around Xiao Han's body.

On Xiao Han's body, a breath of aura permeated Xiao Han's body, which could not only withstand Ji Wutian's offensive, but also quickly fill in Xiao Han's defense loopholes.

After Xiao Han merged the two heavens of ice and fire into a fusion of ice and fire, now Xiao Han's own moves finally began to work at this time.

Those pink auras seemed to be able to defend themselves automatically, and as Xiao Han's mind moved slightly, it could gush out from Xiao Han's body, carrying all of Ji Wutian's offensives.

However, Ji Wutian's crazy offensive seemed to never stop, which suppressed Xiao Han a little bit.

At this time, Xiao Han was also hit by Ji Wutian.

In the end, Xiao Han turned his heart back, put the Sky Sword into his body, and began to choose the most direct and fierce fighting method, and he fought hard with Ji Wutian.

Xiao Han poured the breath in his body into his fists, forming two fists wrapped in breath.

Then, like Ji Wutian, he chose to fight personally.

Every time Ji Wutian punches, Xiao Han will even hit back with Ji Wutian's two punches without hesitation. Anyway, even if Ji Wutian's offensive is very fierce, Xiao Han's personal hand-to-hand combat skills are not comparable to ordinary people. ,

Such a head-to-head, although Xiao Han's spirit energy consumption rate has accelerated a lot, but Xiao Han's heart is very clear that the consumption speed of the devil energy in Ji Wutian's body is probably just as amazing.

"Boom boom boom..."

In the entire space, there were constant waves of earth-shaking noises.

Ji Wutian, the young master of the Demon Race, and Xiao Han, the young master of the Human Race Qi refiners, fought together like this.

The human race refiners and monster beast masters who were watching the battle all looked at Xiao Han and Ji Wutian who were almost fighting together in midair with a look of astonishment.

This kind of close-to-body combat, the feeling of fist to the flesh, looks very exciting.

Although there is no such kind of cultivation technique and magic weapon to join, this kind of close hand-to-hand combat seems to have no lethality, but the stronger the guy on the field, the more powerful it is watching Xiao Han and Ji Wutian fight. Feel dumbfounded.

This guy Xiao Han was able to fight against the Demon Race's Young Master Ji Wutian to such a state by virtue of his strength in the peak realm of the Tongyou Period, that was a bit scary.

The strength of that Demon Race Young Master Ji Wutian should surpass most of the Human Race masters who have already stepped into the pinnacle of the Tongyou Period.

However, Xiao Han was able to withstand such a fierce offensive by Su Ji Wutian. It seems that among the human masters at the peak of the Tongyou period, this Xiao Han should also be a first-class master.

Such crazy head-to-head collisions on the court are not something ordinary people can see.

Among the Terran Qi refiners, most of them rely on cultivation techniques and magic weapons to fight.

Even if it is an ordinary monster, the physical strength is very strong, but it is impossible to achieve the fighting scene of Ji Wutian and Xiao Han.

"How is it possible? This guy seems to be at a disadvantage, but he is able to withstand all of my total, and the defense is not leaking."

The crazy collision with Xiao Han has been going on, but Ji Wutian felt more and more shocked as he fought.

Even if he used the strongest killer move, he did not achieve any results.

Although he suppressed Xiao Han to death, Ji Wutian was still able to clearly notice that Xiao Han had not yet revealed his appearance.

And even if Ji Wutian gritted his teeth and raised his attack to the peak, Xiao Han was still able to resist his offensive one by one.

Even if Xiao Han's body was hit by Ji Wutian's devilish giant fist sometimes, Xiao Han was still able to resist Ji Wutian's offensive one by one.

Even if he was punched a few times abruptly, the whole person seemed to be like a okay person.

According to the normal situation, let’s not say that he is a human gas refiner at the peak of the Passage Period, even if Xiao Han is a powerhouse in the early stage of the Three-Star Transcendence Period, under Ji Wutian’s fierce offensive, Even if there is no sign of defeat, there should be some minor injuries, right?

But how can Xiao Han look injured in front of him?

Except that the whole person looks a little embarrassed, not only is there no appearance of injury, but even the aura on Xiao Han's body is getting stronger and stronger, as if the more times he was beaten, Xiao Han's strength became stronger and stronger.

This made Ji Wutian a little anxious.

If even Ji Wutian's strongest strength can't shake Xiao Han, does this mean that Xiao Han's combat effectiveness is still above him?

Killing Ji Wutian was unwilling to admit this fact.

"Could it be that it is the reason for the combination of ice and fire created by Xiao Han?"

Although this Ji Wutian was said to be the young master of the Demon Race, he had been hidden in the Xiaoyao Sect for many years, so his vision was naturally sharper than the average Human Race refiner and monster master.

Judging from the pink aura surrounding Xiao Han, this blend of ice and fire seems to be able to withstand a lot of fierce auras, and with these pink auras, the surrounding aura seems It didn't have much influence on Xiao Han.

At this time, Ji Wutian reacted instantly. It turned out that Xiao Han's so-called fusion of ice and fire is the most powerful part of defense, not attack.

With this fusion of ice and fire, Xiao Han was able to dissolve most of the aura of Ji Wutian's offensive without relying on his physical strength.

In this way, unless Ji Wutian's strength advances by leaps and bounds within a short period of time, it is almost impossible to break Xiao Han's dialect.

Thinking of this, Ji Wutian's face suddenly turned pale.

There is the so-called blend of ice and fire, just like if Xiao Han is wearing a thick layer of armor, it will be difficult to break no matter how hard he hits.

In this way, even if Ji Wutian's attack continues until tomorrow morning, as long as the aura in Xiao Han's body is not exhausted, Ji Wutian will not be able to defeat Xiao Han.

"Asshole, it can be like this."

Thinking of this, Ji Wutian couldn't help cursing secretly.

Until now, Ji Wutian originally felt that he was already well ahead of him.

I'm afraid it won't take long to kill Xiao Han.

But now Ji Wutian found that the situation on the court seemed different from what he thought.

According to this situation, as long as the aura in Xiao Han's body does not dry up, the surrounding pink aura of ice and fire will always exist, resisting most of Xiao Han's offensive.

As a result, Ji Wutian was a little panicked.

If he continued to fight like this, Ji Wutian knew that it would be difficult for him to win, although it would take a lot of aura to mobilize the aura in Xiao Han to merge with the aura of ice and fire.

However, Ji Wutian mobilized the magic energy in his body to attack wildly, and consumed a lot of magic energy.

Until now, even Ji Wutian felt that the devil qi in his body had been consumed too much, but looking at Xiao Han's appearance, there was no sign of aura exhaustion.

It looked very energetic, if it weren't for Ji Wutian's crazy attack now, Ji Wutian would have vomited blood.

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