The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2094: Huangquan Blood Sea

The mysterious master of the Hei Shui Xuan Tian Chi clan gave a strange cry, and then, ignoring whether other people would react, he pulled away and flew back.

"You... assholes."

Seeing Xiao Han and the elder of the Hei Shui Xuantian Chi clan ran away without a word, and they ran all the way in a short instant, Ji Wutian suddenly became pale.

Ji Wutian just yelled angrily and almost burst into tears.

It was now obvious that the Venerable Huang Quan was already using his ultimate move. The previous pause was just secretly brewing the ultimate move.

So Ji Wutian also knew that the most important thing at this time was to escape.

Moreover, Ji Wutian's escape speed was not slow at all. It was almost a short instant. Ji Wutian flashed his figure directly, raising his speed to the peak, and forcibly moving a distance of hundreds of meters. Away from the stone platform.

Although the incident happened suddenly, the actions of Xiao Han, Ji Wutian and others who fled suddenly in embarrassment, immediately attracted the attention of the human refiners and monster beast masters in the hall who were fighting against the real puppets.

Although some of them don't know what major changes are going to happen in the stone platform at all, people with a little brain can also think of it.

The fact that even Xiao Han and Ji Wutian, including the elder of the Black Water Profound Sky Clan, could only turn around and run away was definitely a terrifying and huge change.

So soon, many Human Race Refiners and Monster Beast masters on the field began to crawl back and forth.

Suddenly, in the whole hall, a chaotic situation began to appear in the crowd who were fighting with the real puppets.

At this moment, a very **** breath appeared on the Venerable Huangquan's body, and bursts of disgusting blood burst out all over his body.

Those blood qi rolled around Venerable Huangquan's body, as if they were living creatures.

Soon, even the blood in the entire hall began to converge towards the body of Venerable Huangquan, and within a short span of a moment, a sea of ​​blood formed layers of blood around Venerable Huangquan.

"Form One, Huangquan Blood Sea."

When Venerable Huangquan's mouth made a nonchalant, cold voice, the sea of ​​blood that had gathered around Venerable Huangquan suddenly began to surge.

Soon, the Venerable Huangquan slowly stretched out his hands, and a black hole the size of an eyeball appeared in the palms of his hands. The two black holes were very deep, as if unfathomable.

When the two small black holes appeared, all the surrounding blood began to flow into them.

In a short moment, all the blood around him was completely absorbed, and at this time, Venerable Huang Quan suddenly pushed his palms forward.

With this blow, Venerable Huangquan didn't make any noise, as if it was light and unspeakable.

But at this moment, from the body of Venerable Huangquan, a circle of terrifying blood-colored ocean appeared, and a terrifying high temperature that made everyone's heart palpitations began to spread in all directions.

The black slate on the ground was in contact with the blood-colored ocean for a moment. The hard black slab that was originally connected to the peak realm of the secluded stage was unable to leave a trace with a full blow, but it seemed to be tofu dregs that was evaporating. It has become nothingness, one can imagine, what kind of lethality is contained in the blood-colored ocean that looks just a little strange.

The blood-colored ocean, like a ruin, began to spread around.


The blood-colored ocean began to spread, and many of the human refiners and monster masters in the hall were frightened.

Anything that was affected by the **** ocean, no matter what, even the magic weapon in the hands of the human race refiner, would turn into nothingness in a short moment, completely disappearing.

This kind of disappearing into nothingness left no traces directly, even magic weapons are the same, so don't be affected by those human race refiners and monster beasts who are too late to escape.

Even the seventh-order great demon, even the powerhouse in the peak realm of the Tongyou period, was swallowed into nothingness under that **** ocean.


With such a terrifying scene in front of him, everyone on the court couldn't help feeling a chill.

When the **** ocean began to spread, the faces of the people present couldn't help becoming pale, and a personal race refiner and monster beast masters began to retreat violently.


Although most of them have run fast enough, there are still some Human Race refiners who have not yet come to react.

Moreover, the spreading speed of the blood-colored ocean is unbelievable, even faster than the peak speed of some human race refiners and monster masters.

And this is not the scariest.

The most terrifying thing is that in those **** oceans, there are waves of terrifying suction power faintly.

Some Human Race Refiners and Monster Beasts who were too late to escape, and some unlucky guys who couldn't keep up with Scarlet Ocean, were forcibly pulled back by the terrifying suction force that came out of Scarlet Ocean, and then those The moment the hapless body just touched the blood-colored ocean, it turned into nothingness, and in the end there was no scum left behind.


The screams of infiltration began to sound in the hall one after another.

Before the figures of the human race refiners and the monster beast experts had time to escape, they were dragged by the suction force from the **** ocean with nowhere to escape, and they could only struggle desperately.

But in the end, there was no way to escape, only to be sucked into the **** ocean and directly turned into nothingness.

The screams continuously coming from the connection in the hall made all those who fled in embarrassment unable to help their faces pale.

Such a terrifying technique, this blue and yellow spring palm is definitely that set of god-level technique.

Just the first type of the sea of ​​blood is already terrifying.

It seems that the true power of the Jieluohuangquan Palm is not just what it looks like now. If it is displayed by a super powerhouse in the peak state of the Tribulation Period or even the fairyland, the power will probably be even more terrifying.


Not only those monster beast masters and human gas refiners who had no time to escape, but even those who flew back and forth could not help being shocked.

Even the speed of violent raids gradually came to a halt.

Even Xiao Han's face couldn't help but change slightly.

He could feel very emotionally that the suction force coming from the **** ocean behind was getting stronger and more frightening.

This kind of pulling force has slowed Xiao Han's forward speed a lot.

The closer you get to that **** ocean, the more terrifying the suction you can feel, which has nothing to do with the realm of cultivation and strength.

At this time, it was not good, maybe it was swallowed by the **** ocean, so whether it was Xiao Han, or other human race refiners and monsters masters, they desperately increased their speed to the peak.

If you can't escape at this time, you don't need to run, you will be swallowed by the **** ocean.

Even Xiao Han didn't dare to take it lightly.

The two breaths of the two layers of ice and fire spouted out of the body, and then began to wrap Xiao Han's entire figure.

Even if Xiao Han's speed was fast enough, he almost surpassed those guys who fought with real puppets before.

Although it is said that Xiao Han is the closest to the Venerable Huangquan, Xiao Han's speed is surprisingly fast, and he ran far away in an instant.

However, around Xiao Han, there are still many speeds that are not as fast as Xiao Han, and their strength is not as good as Xiao Han. They can only involuntarily be pulled backwards by the strong force of the **** ocean.

As long as it is approached by that **** ocean, there is only one dead end, whether it is a human race refiner or a monster master.

The miserable screams of those hapless guys left before they died were constantly sounding in the whole hall, superimposed one after another, and it sounded numb to the scalp.

The set of god-level exercises that Venerable Huangquan used to show is blue and yellow spring palms, the first type of Huangquan blood sea, that blood sea is like an envoy from hell, as long as it is a human race refiner and monster master Except for a scream, there is no way to save his life, even the seventh-order big monster, even the powerhouse of the peak realm of the Tongyou period.

Even Xiao Han's face was a little pale. At this time, Xiao Han knew that with his strength, if he was really caught up by the sea of ​​blood behind him, he might end up with a dead end after struggling.

Feeling that the suction power coming from behind began to become stronger and stronger, Xiao Han knew that the speed of the spreading blood became more and more happier, and even his speed could not be surpassed, so now Xiao Han The cold distance is getting closer and closer to the sea of ​​blood, and the force of sucking will get stronger and stronger.

At this time, Xiao Han knew that he had to find a way to get rid of it, otherwise, this little life would be explained here today.

By this time, Xiao Han's speed had actually increased to its peak. If he couldn't break free even at this speed, then Xiao Han might really be unable to escape death in the end.

The blame is that Xiao Han was too close to the Venerable Huangquan before. Even if Xiao Han reacted the fastest, he would be in the most dangerous situation.

So Xiao Han turned his mind, he suddenly turned around and faced the blood sea not far away.

At this time, Xiao Han found that not only he was a little embarrassed, but even Ji Wutian and the elder of the Black Water Profound Sky Clan were now running away in embarrassment.

Seeing this, Xiao Han urged the aura in his body to its peak state.

Xiao Han stretched out his hand and the Sky Sword appeared in his hand out of thin air.

"Two heavens of ice and fire."

This is the first time that Xiao Han has used the Sky Sword to cast the two layers of ice and fire. This is Xiao Han's most powerful attack.

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