The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2092: Almost used

Even if he was reluctant, Ji Wutian still flashed on the stone platform.

Without knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, Ji Wutian appeared directly beside Xiao Han.

After stabilizing his figure, Ji Wutian even turned his head and glanced at Xiao Han.

"Don't look at me, it's this Venerable Huangquan you have to deal with now, not me, what do you think of me?" Xiao Han grinned.

Ji Wutian couldn't help rolling his eyes, almost didn't hold back a fight with Xiao Han.

However, at this time, Venerable Huang Quan was right in front of him, and he should still concentrate on dealing with Venerable Huang Quan.

"I'm ready to make a move. I can't let this Venerable Huangquan continue to absorb blood energy." The elder of the Black Water Profound Sky Clan reminded softly.

Everyone nodded, knowing that it was not a joke at this time, so everyone's expressions were a little serious.

Although Xiao Han also knew that Venerable Huangquan's strength was terrifying, but after hearing Tang Yin's reminder, Xiao Han now only wanted to find the opportunity to find the god-level exercises from Venerable Huangquan as soon as possible.

"I'll come first."

Thinking of this, Xiao Han suddenly shouted.

Seeing Xiao Han's feet stomping heavily on the stone platform, his whole person has turned into an afterimage.

Xiao Han actually took the first shot, which surprised Ji Wutian and others behind him.

This Xiao Han has always acted cautiously, when will he be so bold.

Wasn't it the most violent offensive of Venerable Huangquan who took the first shot at this time?

Although everyone couldn't figure it out, Xiao Han was the first to appear above the head of Venerable Huang Quan.

Seeing Xiao Han's figure moved and pushed out with a palm, a fierce energy enveloped Venerable Huang Quan.

Xiao Han didn't use his strongest killer move, Ice and Fire Dual Sky, and he didn't have the most powerful animal weapon, the Sky Sword, so he naturally wanted to test the true combat effectiveness of Venerable Huang Quan.

However, at this time, seeing Xiao Han's inexplicable preemptive action, Feng Wuchen and Feng Qingling of the Qilin Clan, the City Lord Guo Da and others of Xuanfeng City, including Ji Wutian, also chose to take the shot.

Since even Xiao Han was vying to take the first shot, then people like them naturally couldn't lag far behind.

I saw that everyone urged the aura in the body to its peak state. In a short moment, five or six auras burst out, and a series of raging auras mixed with unparalleled murderous aura, with a strong wind, yes Venerable Huangquan's body rushed away.

A wave of fierce energy directly hit Venerable Huangquan's body with incomparable shouts, and bursts of earth-shaking noises erupted.

Facing the rapid offensive of Xiao Han, Feng Qingling, Ji Wutian and others, even Venerable Huang Quan was obviously at a disadvantage.

Although it is said that Venerable Huangquan’s cultivation level and strength during his lifetime have entered the peak state of the Tribulation Period, but now his strength is obviously not fully recovered, and the combat power that can be displayed is at most the cultivation level of the mid-Tribulation Period. Realm only.

With his current strength, it is easy to deal with a Ji Wutian, but after all, there is no way to fully display the combat effectiveness of the peak realm of the Tribulation Period.

Facing the joint attack of the seven most powerful combatants on the field, even Venerable Huang Quan was suppressed to death.

The seven most powerful masters, with the terrifying fighting power of these seven individuals, it is not impossible to defeat a Venerable Huangquan whose strength has not fully recovered.

"Boom boom boom..."

The seven offensives, with different colors and different breaths, attacked the body of Venerable Huangquan very fiercely.

Every time a fierce offensive hits Venerable Huangquan’s body, it will weaken Venerable Huangquan’s breath.

As soon as Xiao Han and the others made their move, they could naturally feel that the aura on Venerable Huangquan's body also began to gradually weaken. As for the perception ability on the field, the seven masters present were not weak.

Seeing the attack by the seven together, it seemed that it could contain and influence the breath of Venerable Huangquan, and the seven who participated in the siege couldn't help but feel happy.

"Everyone work harder, our attack is still effective."

At this time, the court didn't know who it was with a soft sigh, everyone was also refreshed, and once again pushed the offensive to the extreme.

It's just that at this time, no one else on the court noticed that the Demon Race Young Master Ji Wutian had a look of excitement on his face.

"Boom boom boom..."

The seven men joined forces to besiege, and the resulting momentum was very sensational.

It was only at this time that Xiao Han suddenly noticed that as everyone's offensive became more and more fierce, the clothes on the Venerable Huang Quan began to become ragged.

A super powerhouse at the peak of the Tribulation Period, the leader of the Huangquan School thousands of years ago, the clothes he wore were naturally not ordinary.

Just under such a terrifying offensive, seven powerful human race refiners and monster masters jointly attacked, and even a magic weapon would be blasted into scum.

Therefore, under the offensive of Xiao Han and others, the clothes of Venerable Huang Quan, which was obviously from an unusual origin, became more and more sparse.

At this time, Ecstasy unexpectedly discovered that Venerable Huang Quan's clothes were torn, and on his back, he could vaguely look at some fonts.

These fonts look like a kind of tattoo, just like this on the skin of Venerable Huangquan.

Could it be that the words tattooed on this Venerable Huangquan's body are the cultivation formulas of that set of god-level exercises?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han's whole body suddenly accelerated, and his whole body rushed directly in front of the Venerable Huang Quan.

Xiao Han directly urged the fire control technique and the cold ice technique to the extreme, and two completely different auras began to surround Xiao Han's palm.


The palm of Xiao Han slammed on the shoulder of Venerable Huang Quan with a fierce breath.


When Xiao Han’s palm hit Venerable Huang Quan’s body, there was a low muffled sound. Although it was said that he could not cause some damage to the body of Venerable Huang Quan, he blasted the original clothes of Venerable Huang Quan. Become scum.

After the fragments of clothes drifted away, Xiao Han was about to withdraw and fly back, but Xiao Han accidentally swept his gaze, just on the back of Venerable Huang Quan, he saw a vague row of fonts.

Those fonts are like living things, crawling on the skin of Venerable Huangquan's back, as if they were living things.

Moreover, even with Xiao Han's eyesight, it seems that there is no way to underestimate the meaning of those fonts.

Even when Xiao Han looked again, he discovered that the font on the back of Venerable Huangquan had disappeared again.

"Hey, why is it missing again? Is it my illusion?"

Xiao Han was very puzzled, but at this moment, when Xiao Han was withdrawing and flying back, he looked over again, and the words that had already disappeared appeared once again on the back of Venerable Huang Quan.

At this moment, Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, and then Xiao Han suddenly thought of a very crucial question.

Although it is a little unbelievable, but thinking about it, I feel that it is normal to use this horrible force of Venerable Huang Quan's life, which is a little confusing.

"Could it be said that Venerable Huangquan used some weird means to stab his back with a god-level technique? And it seems that the fonts pierced on his back seem to have some magical effect. Can it be looming, not easy to be noticed?"

As he flew back, Xiao Han pondered in his mind.

Xiao Han's idea just now is not unfounded.

From the time when everyone was fighting for the starlight in the sky, Xiao Han seemed to perceive faintly that although the fluctuations in the starlight were strong, none of them resembled that set of god-level techniques.

So Xiao Han began to boldly speculate that among the little stars above the main hall, there was no such set of god-level techniques, and those stars contained treasures, but there was no such set of god-level techniques at all. Seductive.

The true god-level technique, like what the old man Tang Yin said, was actually hidden on his body by Venerable Huang Quan using a certain secret technique.

At this time, Xiao Han thought of another key question. What was Ji Wutian doing when everyone was fighting for the stars in mid-air?

The young master of the Demon Race, Ji Wutian, with the masters of the Demon Race, was doing their hands and feet on the body of this Venerable Huang Quan in front of the throne.

Thinking of this, Ji Wutian should have guessed that the god-level practice is not in those stars, but in the body of Venerable Huangquan.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han finally figured it out. With the demon clan’s young master Ji Wutian’s behavior, he didn’t grab those stars. Instead, he risked activating Venerable Huangquan and had to come here to touch Venerable Huangquan’s body. .

Even when Venerable Huangquan was fully activated and his fighting power was terrifying, Ji Wutian did not give up, and intentionally or unconsciously encouraged everyone to take action against Venerable Huangquan.

Thinking about what Ji Wutian said, this Venerable Huangquan would kill all the people who stepped into the hall, so it should be just talking.

It is very likely that Ji Wutian wanted to frighten everyone on the field and let everyone join hands with him to deal with Venerable Huang Quan.

The current situation is already obvious. Venerable Huang Quan didn't know what secret technique he used, and he actually made his body into an existence similar to a real puppet.

So after thousands of years, the body of Venerable Huangquan can still be activated.

And to obtain that set of god-level exercises, one must work **** Venerable Huangquan.

This is a very good explanation. In order to find Ji Wutian everywhere, he has to fight to the end with this Venerable Huang Quan.

"Nima, Ji Wutian is really insidious and cunning, everyone was almost fooled by him as a monkey."

Xiao Han cursed secretly.

If Xiao Han hadn't noticed the clues in this Venerable Huang Quan, I am afraid that Ji Wutian would really use it in the end.

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