"Ji Wutian of dog days, are you looking for death?"

Xiao Han, who had finally recovered from the changes just now, looked at Demon Clan Young Master Ji Wutian with an annoyed look, and shouted angrily: "Your brother, do you want to kill everyone?"

Hearing Xiao Han's angry voice, the other Human Race Refiners and Monster Beast powerhouses on the field unanimously looked at the Demon Race Young Master Ji Wutian.

Everyone saw the scene very clearly just now, and it was caused by the **** Ji Wutian.

If it weren't for him to bring his subordinates to the throne while everyone was fighting for the stars, how could such a thing happen.

Being stared angrily by hundreds of people around, even Ji Wutian, who has always been brave, couldn't help but twitch on his face.


Ji Wutian stammered and didn't say a word for a long time.

Suddenly became a target of public criticism, even Ji Wutian was a little dazed.

In fact, he did not expect that the situation on the court would suddenly turn into a disaster. The ghost knew that a strong man who had fallen for thousands of years at the peak of the Tribulation Period, and a corpse after thousands of years. Suddenly, it seemed as if it had come to life, and suddenly it burst out with such terrifying lethality.

Fortunately, Xiao Han’s reaction was fast enough, taking Yumei Niangniang and Yang Silang and others to retreat a few hundred meters away at the fastest speed, so everyone around Xiao Han did not suffer from the above injuries. That's it.

But the other forces were different. Among many forces, some personnel were damaged more or less, and some hungry friends around the casual practitioners also died in the roaring shock wave.

However, in just that short instant, there was no more than one-third of the Human Race Refiners and Monster Beast masters in the entire hall. Seeing this scene, everyone could not help their scalp numb and lingering fears.

The strong man at the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period roared at will, and he actually had such a terrifying lethality.

If this is a full shot, is it possible that someone on the court can get out of this hall alive?

At this time, Xiao Han didn't actually notice that the old and the young standing behind him, when they saw the powerhouse at the peak of the Tribulation Period who had already stood up, their eyes were colorful.

"Grandpa, are you done?" the little girl asked quietly.

The old man didn't say a word, but after a moment of indulgence, he nodded slightly, and there was a slight smile on his mouth.

"What does it have to do with me? I don't know how this corpse was suddenly activated, haven't you seen it? A dozen of Lao Tzu's men are all dead, where can I make sense?"

Obviously, Ji Wutian, the young master of the Demon Race, is eager to dispense with responsibility. You must know that there are more than a hundred Human Race refiners and monsters powerhouses present. If this is everyone's trouble, Ji Wutian No matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to resist under the excitement of the crowd.

"Want to get rid of the responsibility? How easy is it?" Xiao Lun smiled when he heard this, "If you didn't let your subordinates reach out and touch them, his hands would not be broken, and the blood would not Absorbed by the strong man in the peak state of the Tribulation Period, it was activated by you anyway. Everyone saw the situation just now. Do you dare to say that it was not your ghost? Now more than 100 people around are staring at you. , Are you embarrassed to deny?"

After hearing Xiao Han's words, the Demon Clan Young Master Ji Wutian almost yelled.

Xiao Han, this guy, has always been to blame on him, why can't Ji Wutian feel it?

"This bastard, actually yin to me." Ji Wutian couldn't help cursing secretly.

"That's it, you guys from the Demon Race, otherwise, how could this corpse be activated?"

"You guys from the Demon Race, you have to pay full responsibility."


Ji Wutian originally wanted to argue a few words, but after everyone around him heard Xiao Han's words, the sentiment arose.

When Ji Wutian had just reached his mouth, he had to swallow back into his stomach after noticing the increasingly angry gazes around him.

At this time, Ji Wutian could only say with a wry smile: "It was true that our demons were too reckless just now, but now is not the time to care about these, the top priority now is to deal with the peak of the tribulation stage. Bones."

Everyone looked at the powerhouse on the throne who had already opened his eyes at the peak realm of the Tribulation Period.

Many people can notice that the fluctuations in his body are getting stronger and stronger, and I am afraid that they will attack again soon.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help being cold.

A master of this level, once activated like the real puppets before, without any consciousness, he can retain all the combat power during his lifetime. Who can resist in the entire hall?

"You caused the disaster, what do you say? Who on the court is the opponent of the powerhouse at the peak of the Tribulation Period?"

"That is, I am the first one not to go, with such a strong strength, do you want everyone to die here?"

"What to do, you demons must think of a way to come out."

"Yes, yes, yes."


"Don't worry, everyone." Ji Wutian looked distressed, but now he can only say patiently: "The reason why this corpse can be activated, I think it should not be a real puppet. After all, who has the ability to A strong man in the peak state of the Tribulation Period was made into a real puppet, so I think that now in this corpse, there should only be a piece of divine knowledge left by the strong man in the peak state of the Tribulation Period. I think it should not be difficult to deal with. As long as so many of us work together, we can definitely kill this corpse."

"It's easy to say, go up and take a look at it yourself."

"That's right, with a random roar, you can kill so many human refiners and monster beast masters. Who believes you are so light?"

"No, leaving a divine sense can launch such a terrifying offensive. If he roars again now, another third of all the people present in the horror scene will die."

Although Ji Wutian explained it again, the surrounding Human Race Qi refiners and monster beast masters didn't even listen.

Among many forces, in the previous storm, there were people who shook them into a cloud of blood.

If it weren’t for Ji Wutian’s own strength, coupled with the fact that the corpse of the powerhouse at the peak of the Tribulation Period is staring at him, I am afraid that many people will be tempted to find the trouble of this Demon Race Young Master Ji Wutian. Up.

"Forget it, or let's leave here secretly."

"Yes, yes, life is important."

"That's right, since we have snatched the baby, let's run away, this thing is really terrifying."


Among the crowd, some people began to retreat.

There is a hint of fear in many people’s discussions. In fact, this is understandable. After all, the strength of the strong man at the peak of the Tribulation Period is really terrifying. It is not at the peak of the Passage Period. Groups of human race refiners and monster beast masters can resist.

"It's not that I scared everyone, so don't want to leave." Demon Clan Young Master Ji Wutian said solemnly: "The one who has been activated, the reason for leaving behind a divine consciousness is to break into this ancient relic. All of the people on the throne are killed. If you don’t believe it, you can try to escape and see if you can get out. I think if there is no way to get rid of this one on the throne, I am afraid that none of the people present can Get out of this hall alive."

"His hiss..."

Hearing this, many of the human race refiners and monster beast powerhouses present couldn't help taking a breath.

Although it was unbelievable, many people present felt that what Ji Wutian said was so scary, but the truthfulness was still high.

At this time, Xiao Han was a little puzzled.

He knew that what Ji Wutian said was indeed the case, but Xiao Han could still feel that the **** Ji Wutian seemed to have tried his best to clean up the corpse of the powerhouse in the peak realm of the Tribulation Period.

Could it be that Ji Wutian has any ulterior motives? Otherwise, Ji Wutian has always acted cautiously, it is impossible to take such a big risk.

If the change is normal, Ji Wutian would like to hide at the back of the crowd and wait until everyone on the court is dead before he comes out to make a profit.

Although there are some exaggerations in it, Ji Wutian's words still caused a commotion on the court.

Some lonely casual cultivators, although they said that their cultivation level and strength were not low, but after hearing this Ji Wutian's words, the look of fear on their faces became more and more obvious.

Although many people wanted to escape, but after hearing Ji Wutian say that, they were afraid to return to fear, but no one dared to turn around and ran outside the hall.

This is not a joke, it's okay if you haven't run right now. If you run, the corpse of the peak state of the Transcendence Period will be stared at, then it will be really dead.


Just when everyone on the court was uneasy, there was a sound of clucking joints in the empty hall.

Hearing this voice, everyone closed their mouths subconsciously, and turned their heads to look at the throne in the middle of the stone platform with surprise.

Long astonished eyes stared at the throne, and the sound of joint friction came from the body of the strong man in the peak realm during the Tribulation Period.

At this time, the hall became popular, and an atmosphere of fear began to gradually spread.


It was like sitting for a long, long time, and suddenly standing up, the joints all over his body started to rang in the hall.

This voice was not very loud, but everyone on the court who heard this voice couldn't help but change their faces.

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