After the nine princesses appeared, Yang Silang, Empress Yumei, Luoluo and others also flashed over, and finally everyone surrounded Xiao Han, watching the chaos in the hall with a vigilant look.

There are fewer and fewer stars in the sky, but the chaos on the court is getting worse.

In order to fight for some of the last stars, the humanoid refiners and monster beast masters present began to gradually fall into a crazy state.

"How is it? Are you all okay?" Xiao Han looked at the nine princesses and Empress Yumei and others around him, and asked with concern: "How are the real puppets now?"

"It's okay, the real puppet that I just fought against, I took a chance to rush into a battle group, and just so happened that the real puppet changed the target of the attack to someone else. It seems that these real puppets are terrifying in combat. , But the spiritual intelligence is very low, and he will not chase a person endlessly." Yang Shilang chuckled softly. Although the fight with the real puppet was very thrilling, Yang Shilang got away skillfully.

At this time, Yang Silang continued: "Gongong, apart from you, Feng Qingling and Feng Wuchen, both of the Qilin Qilin who are chasing the wind, have grabbed a cluster of starlight, Guo Da of the City Lord’s Mansion of Xuanfeng City, and Heishui Xuan The mysterious figure of the Tianji clan, the two Zhang Lai of the Flying Tiger Demon Clan and the Giant Wolf Demon Clan, these forces have snatched a star. It seems that there should be a treasure in it, and there are more than a dozen other players on the field. The good human qi refiners and monster beast masters also grabbed the starlight, but I don’t know if the god-level exercises were born."

Xiao Han looked at the chaos on the court and nodded gently.

In addition to the Qilin Clan, there are actually quite a few forces on the court whose overall strength is very good.

In addition, many people also hide a lot of cultivation level and powerful casual cultivators among the crowd. There are still many real masters. Therefore, in addition to those big forces, some powerful casual cultivators can also take advantage of the chaos. When it comes to Starlight, it is actually normal.

The nine princesses said softly, "Xiao Han, what should we do now? The number of stars on the field is getting less and less. I guess it is still too late to shoot. If it is later, it will be hard to say. When there is not much starlight on the field At that time, I still don’t know how many people will die."

Xiao Han is of course very clear that the fewer stars on the court, the more intense the competition.

"Now everyone can still fight for it, but I don't know what's going on. I always feel something is wrong." Said this, Xiao Han frowned slightly, and then said: "I always feel that the stars in mid-air are The fluctuation is not weak, but that set of god-level cultivation techniques should not be among these stars."

Hearing this, Yang Silang, Yumei Niangniang and others couldn't help being shocked.

Yang Shilang couldn't help asking: "En Gong, do you mean that there is no such god-level technique in the sky full of stars?"

"I think it should be like this." Xiao Han continued: "These starlights in mid-air, if I guess it is correct, should also be some high-grade exercises or other treasures, but that set of gods. The exercise should not be among these stars."

"Well, everyone can still go up and fight for it." After that, Xiao Han said: "Lao Yang, you are in the same family as Zhou Elder, Miss Nine, you are in the same group as Yumei, and I will be in the same group as I am. Let's support each other. Help each other and try to grab more stars. Anyway, even if it wasn't for that set of god-level techniques, it should be a very good treasure."

"it is good."

With that, Yang Shilang and the others set off immediately.

Xiao Han's arrangement was actually for the sake of prudence.

There was chaos on the court, and he shot alone and was easily besieged.

That's why Xiao Han asked Yang Silang and the others to form a team of two, so that one could concentrate on vying for the stars, and the other could be guarded by the side, which was relatively safe in terms of safety.

Although Xiao Han felt that the god-level exercises were not in these starlights, there should be many treasures in these starlights.

If this is the case, you can't go wrong with grabbing more stars.

Besides, this trip to the ancient ruins, Xiao Han’s harvest is considered the greatest, followed by the nine princesses and Luoluo. The others have not gained much, so let everyone grab some treasures, at least it’s good to have something. .

Xiao Han led the fall, the nine princesses accompanied Yumei Empress, Zhou Min followed Yang Silang, and the three groups rushed into the air, rushing from left to right, competing with other human refiners and monster masters in midair. The remaining stars.

Soon, Yang Shilang and others gradually gained a lot, and Xiao Han felt relieved a lot.

Xiao Han took the lead, and also stared at a starlight that was scrambled by more than a dozen human race refiners and monster masters.

Originally, those people were still a little hesitant about whether they should conflict with Xiao Han.

But when Xiao Han and Luo Luo each released the Xuantian Bronze Man in the Universe Bag, the dozens of human qi refiners and monster beast masters disappeared instantly without saying a word.

Among Xiao Han's eighteen Xuantian bronze men, there were more than a dozen Xuantian bronze men beside Luoluo, and there were more than 30 Xuantian bronze men standing beside Xiao Han's Luoluo.

With such a strong lineup, who would dare to come up and die?

Not to mention Xiao Han and Luoluo's own strength, even these Xuantian Bronze people can crush them in a single game.

"Damn, it's shameless."

"That's right, so many Xuantian bronzes are shown, who dares to **** them."

"It's shameless."


The behaviors of Xiao Han and Luoluo directly caused a dozen of human race refiners and monster beast masters around to curse.

However, Xiao Han and Luoluo didn't care.

At this moment, no matter what means, whoever grabs the starlight is the one who owns it, and what means do you use?

So when the human race refiners and monster masters dispersed, Xiao Han directly let Luo Luo collect the starlight into the Universe Bag.

After the starlight on the spot became less and less, then it became dozens of people vying for a starlight.

At this time, unless Xiao Han and Yang Silang, Yumei Niangniang and others have all joined forces, it would be really difficult to steal the starlight from dozens of people.

So Xiao Han and others gave up soon.

Anyway, everyone has gained something, that's enough.

As for the stars behind, wait until the dust settles before waiting for an opportunity.

At this moment, Yang Silang, who was standing next to Xiao Han, suddenly exclaimed, "Everyone, look over there."

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