The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2080: By their own ability

The temptation of a set of god-level exercises is enough to make many human qi refiners and monster beast masters lose their minds.

At this time, who would estimate Xiao Han's identity and how strong he is?

If you want to go up, everyone should go together. Anyway, there are so many people who can do things. These people who are rushing up now have no hesitation when they start.

"Shoo, hoo..."

Looking at the dozen or so afterimages that were lasing at him, Xiao Han's face was sneered.

With a move of Xiao Han's heart, a dozen fierce energies were separated from the aura of the two layers of ice and fire around him.

These energies shot away from around Xiao Han's body, and then slammed into the shadows of those rushing over.


The dozens of auras released by Xiao Han seemed to be devastating and directly blocked the dozens of afterimages.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the two-color breath slammed on them, and at that unmatched speed, they simply couldn't react in a short time.

The two-color atmosphere of ice and fire exploded with terrifying high temperature, and in a short span of time, many people's bodies were enveloped by the harsh atmosphere.

At the same time, more than a dozen auras were separated. Although Xiao Han could not kill any of the strong men, it shocked the hearts of those who were ready to rush to fight.

Although the dozen or so breaths released are already so powerful, if Xiao Han is sincere to kill a few people, it must be easy and free.

Xiao Han immediately shocked the audience as soon as he shot.

Xiao Han's revealed methods also changed the expressions of some of the Human Race refiners and monster powerhouses around who were ready to take action.

At this time, everyone was sober.

The strength of this Xiao Han is really powerful and terrifying. Even if a dozen people attack together, it may not be able to take advantage of it, so those guys who plan to fight can only look unwilling to kill the murderous in their hearts. Suppress it.

Persimmon is looking for a soft pinch. Obviously, this guy named Xiao Han is a bit hard.

The shot just now caused the surrounding Human Race Refiners and Monster Beast experts to temporarily give up the idea of ​​coming to pick up the bargain.

Xiao Han was very tough when he came up, and he still created a certain degree of deterrence on the court.

Taking advantage of this short gap, Xiao Han's figure flashed, and the whole person directly arrogantly passed the guys who wanted to stop, and rushed directly at the faint starlight storm.

The movements of Xiao Han just now made the face of the closest monster master very unsightly.

In fact, this monster beast master has been staring at the slightly faint starlight just now, but he has been looking for opportunities from the beginning, and some people don’t want to attract the attention of the surrounding human refiners and monster beast experts. , So he didn't make a desperate move, but patiently waited for the opportunity.

In the surrounding area, among all the Human Race Refiners and Monster Beast experts, he has the strongest combat effectiveness and the highest cultivation level. After all, most people will only stare at the ones in the middle that are more shining. Starlight.

Therefore, if there is no accident, as long as he makes a move, the chance of successfully capturing that starlight is very high.

But now, Xiao Han suddenly rushed out and kicked, and rushed directly to the target he chose, which of course quickly aroused his hatred.

Seeing that the fat that was about to reach his mouth was about to be boarded by Xiao Han quickly, of course this monster master couldn't bear it.

The man screamed first, and firmly grasped the thick Xuan Tie Wu Wu in his hand, his face was also angry.

"I saw that starlight first."

Judging from the aura that this person reveals, it should be a seventh-order great demon, who has already stepped into the eighth-order level with one foot, even if it is Empress Yumei, it may not be his opponent.

Then, a powerful killing intent burst out of his body overwhelmingly.

"It's too late for you to leave now."

The figure of that person was originally very burly, but now the spiritual energy in the body has been mobilized to its peak state, and the muscles are bulging, and the whole person has also been raised by nearly a foot.

Coupled with the hideous complexion on his face, the whole person looks like a fierce god.

Immediately after the shot, a very terrifying aura condensed all over his body, and that fierce aura caused many Human Race refiners and monster masters around him to retreat subconsciously.

This monster strong man has a hideous face and a murderous look.

Xiao Han turned his head and glanced, then laughed softly: "If you want to fight, then you have your own ability. If you don't have the ability, just get out of here?"


Seeing that Xiao Han did not back down, the man finally decided to take action.

Seeing his figure flashed, his whole person appeared above Xiao Han's head out of thin air.

The thick mysterious iron rod in his hand carried a terrifying aura, and even the surrounding space was a bit turbulent.

"Let me go away? Do you think you are invincible at the peak of your little Tongyou stage?"

As he said, the Xuantian stick in that person's hand slammed down against Xiao Han's head.

When he shot, the momentum was like a rainbow, indicating that this person's combat effectiveness was still very strong. If it were the giant wolf general that Xiao Han had encountered before, I am afraid that this person would not be able to hold on to even three moves.

With a fierce aura, the sturdy mysterious iron rod directly enveloped Xiao Han's entire body for more than ten meters.

Such a powerful breath quickly attracted Xiao Han's attention.

It seems that this guy's strength is still good, at least as good as Yang Shilang.

But how could Xiao Han fear monsters below the eighth rank?

Xiao Han's connection showed a faint sneer.

Originally, Xiao Han was planning to use the two layers of ice and fire to make a quick battle, but now that this monster is so powerful, Xiao Han couldn't help but feel itchy.

This kind of opponent with very strong physical strength, Xiao Han also likes to come head-on.

Seeing Xiao Han stretched out his hand, the Sky Sword appeared in Xiao Han's hands out of thin air.

When Xiao Han urged his spiritual energy to pour into the sky sword, two completely different auras still burst out of Xiao Han's body.

Suddenly, two entangled auras appeared on the sword of the Cangqiang Sword, and these two auras were like two long snakes entrenched on the sword of the Cangqiang Sword.

"Just let you go."

Xiao Lian laughed, and the Sky Sword in his hand, with both hot and cold violent energy, slammed into the mysterious iron rod of the monster beast in the most direct and tough way.


After Xiao Han's sky sword collided with the mysterious iron rod of the monster beast powerhouse, a sharp sound of cutting gold and iron was made.

A series of sonic booms began to spread around.

Soon, there was a spirit of energy on the field, like a ripple, spreading around, starting from the place where the two met.

The human race refiners and monster beast powerhouses who were closer to the ground where the two were fighting suddenly felt that their bodies had been hit hard, and many people's bodies began to fly backwards involuntarily.


Xiao Han came to a head-on with an extremely arrogant posture. A trace of paleness flashed across the face of the great demon of the seventh-order peak, and then a mouthful of scarlet blood spurted out of his mouth.

"how is this possible?"

A trace of astonishment and horror appeared on the face of the monster master, and it was even more incredible.

The guy in front of him, Xiao Han, was just as strong as him at best. It's hard to say who is higher and who is lower.

This is his previous estimate.

And he knows his own strength best, his fighting style is best at head-to-head, no matter whether it is among monsters or human beings, few people can compare with him.

But what he didn't expect was that the physical strength and terrifying strength that he was proud of could not have the upper hand in front of this guy named Xiao Han.

Even the first time he fought, there was only one move, and he vomited blood directly, the aura in his body was shaking, and there was already a serious injury in his body.

But looking back at that Xiao Han, he did have a relaxed and free look, and it seemed that he still had room for it.

After the figure of the monster beast master retreated several tens of meters in mid-air, he finally stabilized his figure with great difficulty.

Just spit out a mouthful of blood, the aura in the body was tumbling, almost unable to suppress it.

After letting go now, the whole person's breath is also wilted a lot.

Did you lose with just one move?

At this time, the monster monster had finally experienced it personally. The Xiao Han in front of him was really abnormal in combat power.

Just this moment, he knew very well in his heart that with his strength, he was not qualified to compete with Xiao Han for that weak starlight.

Although he was a little unwilling, the sense of strength was before him, and he couldn't help but bow his head.

After thinking about it, this monster master can only reluctantly choose to withdraw and retreat.

This time, he ran faster than when he first played against Xiao Han.

Under the current situation, when the court is getting more and more chaotic, it is possible to be blackhanded at any time.

Coupled with the fact that he just suffered a little injury on Xiao Han's hand, in this case, it is very easy to be taken advantage of.

This situation has happened several times before, even if it is a human race refiner and monster powerhouse who is more powerful than him, once they are targeted by a group of people, then the final fate must be very tragic.

Even those powerhouses in the pinnacle state of the secluded period who are used to domineering among their respective forces on weekdays, and even the masters of the early stage of the transition period, when they are besieged, they only have to flee in embarrassment.

If you do not retreat, I am afraid that the final fate is to confess my life here.

Therefore, after discovering that he was not Xiao Han's opponent, the monster monster, who didn't even put a fart, turned around and left, for fear that he would walk slowly, and he would be tricked.

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