"Oh, Xiao Han, so you are still alive? I thought you were already dead in the vast mountains of Shifang Refining Domain."

Hearing the sneer of Ji Wutian, the young master of the Demon Race, the eyes of the whole audience followed Ji Wutian's.

Many people have noticed that Ji Wutian's eyes rested on the young people who thought they were thin in the crowd.

Seeing Xiao Han's appearance, some people discovered that they knew each other, and some people noticed Xiao Han's existence for the first time.

In the crowd before, the three golden flowers of Empress Yumei, Nine Princesses, and Luoluo beside Xiao Han were more attractive.

As for Xiao Han, even if someone looked at it, there were mostly jealous eyes.

Now, everyone realized that this guy named Xiao Han should have had a deep holiday with Ji Wutian, the young master of the Demon Race, otherwise, that Ji Wutian would not hate Xiao Han so much.

Seeing Ji Wutian's face turned blue, Xiao Han's heart was actually much more relaxed, with a grin on his face, and said softly: "You little demon clan is not dead, I Xiao Han will definitely want Live well so that I can find a chance to kill you."

Hearing this, the Demon Race Young Master Ji Wutian's face became more gloomy, and he sneered: "Hey, I let you escape a disaster before, this time, I will let you die without a place to bury you."

"Each each other." Xiao Han said with a smile: "I really didn't expect your defeated general to have such a tough spirit. If you dare to say such words, I really admire him."

The last time he was defeated by Xiao Han, and he was defeated by Xiao Han head-on in front of so many of his subordinates, this was the most humiliating thing Ji Wutian has ever done.

Although it was said that he was defeated by Xiao Han last time, Ji Wutian did not suffer too much injury, but the injury could be healed. The shame in his heart at that time was beyond Ji Wutian's tolerance.

It was better when I didn't see Xiao Han before, but now when I look at Xiao Han, and when Xiao Han says this, Ji Wutian is even more angry.

Ji Wutian couldn't help shouting angrily: "Xiao Han, today, Ji Wutian is going to be shameless, don't run if there is a species."

Ji Wutian's loud shout made many people in the hall stare at each other.

Most of the people on the court cast an incredible look at Xiao Han.

The young man in front of him actually defeated Ji Wutian, the young master of the Demon Race?

Ji Wutian’s reputation in the Ten Fang Refining Domain is not small, and his reputation is also very high. Although the cultivation level and strength are not that high and scary, they are not the average Human Race refiner and monster master. Comparable.

The cultivation techniques of the Demon Race are inherently very weird, and coupled with the physical strength of the Demon Race, they are far more abnormal than all kinds of monsters.

Xiao Han's ability to defeat Ji Wutian, the young master of the Demon Race, meant that Xiao Han's combat effectiveness was definitely beyond Ji Wutian.

"This guy named Xiao Han can actually defeat Ji Wutian?"

"This guy looks very young and has no background. How can he have such a strong strength."

Many people present were also a little shocked.

Standing in the crowd, the two brothers Guo Da and Li Hu, the city lord of Xuanfeng City, saw this scene, the expressions on their faces were a little exciting.

Originally, Guo Da, Li Hu and others thought that Xiao Han was just relying on a few helpers around him, coupled with his own strength, so they were so confident.

But now, in the eyes of Guo Da and Li Hu looking at Xiao Han, there is a trace of fear and horror.

Although I haven’t dealt with Ji Wutian much, but the Demon Master Ji Wutian’s strength, whether it is Guo Da or Li Hu, is very clear, whether it is Guo Da or Li Hu, and Ji Wutian They are inferior in comparison.

Since Xiao Han had the strength to defeat Demon Clan Young Master Ji Wutian, Guo Da and Li Hu were naturally not his opponents.

A playful look flashed in Guo Da's eyes, and he muttered to himself: "I didn't expect this kid to hide so deeply. It seems that he is really going to fight, even I am not his opponent, but now since this demon The young master of the clan, Ji Wutian, is here, and the two of them are in the same situation, so I don't need to act, just wait and watch a good show by the side. Hahaha...It's really fun. "

Not only Guo Da and Li Hu of Xuanfengcheng, but many people on the court were all in the mood to watch the excitement.

At this juncture, if there is chaos on the court, it is naturally excellent.

The best of the two sides will fight hard, fight to death or death, and kill a few more people, the better.

"Xiao Han, do you think you can go out alive today?"

"call out......"

Na Ji Wutian yelled, and regardless of whether the space restriction in this hall was about to be broken, among the many lively eyes around him, the devilish energy on his body suddenly burst out, and his figure flashed. The whole person directly turned into a black burst, rushing towards Xiao Han in the crowd.

"Fuck, run."

"Nima, hurry up and flash people."

The eerie and terrifying demonic energy exuding from Ji Wutian directly shocked the human race refiners and monster masters beside Xiao Han.

In a short moment, the human race refiners and monster masters around Xiao Han walked away cleanly, and finally an empty venue was vacated by Xiao Han's side.

Seeing that the fight is about to start, and he is still by Xiao Han's side at this time, isn't that looking for death?

Therefore, the human race refiners and monster beast masters around Xiao Han ran faster than the rabbits one by one, for fear that it would hurt the pond fish.

"Ji Wutian, you can't help but rush forward so much, do you want to be humiliated by me again in front of so many people? Hahaha..."

Seeing that Ji Wutian rushed up desperately, Xiao Han was not afraid at all, but laughed.

If he really wanted to fight, Xiao Han would naturally not put Ji Wutian in his eyes.

It's just that now the space restrictions in the hall are about to be broken, and it is possible to start scrambling for the baby at any time. Xiao Han is actually not happy to fight Ji Wutian.

But now that Ji Wutian rushed forward, Xiao Han had to stay with him to the end.

Xiao Han's heart moved, and a icy breath and a faintly blue hot breath appeared all over him.

Xiao Han stretched out his hand and two completely different breaths began to spread in the hall.

As soon as the scorching blue flame appeared, the temperature in the entire hall began to rise suddenly.

But before everyone in the hall could feel the hot temperature, the icy breath began to diffuse again, and the temperature quickly dropped to freezing point.

In this waiter, Ji Wutian's body shape violently plundered was just right in front of Xiao Han.

In fact, when Xiao Han's powerful aura of ice and fire filled the sky, Ji Wutian, who was originally furious, had already calmed down a lot.

He hadn't played against Xiao Han before, but he had never seen a situation where two completely different auras could be perfectly blended together.

The reason why Ji Wutian gradually calmed down was because he felt the aura radiating from Xiao Han. Ji Wutian knew that Xiao Han’s strength had improved again, and compared with his time in Xiaoyao Sect a year ago. , The improvement is not a little bit.

Although Ji Wutian was the same, but under the two auras of Xiao Han's heat and cold, Ji Wutian also recovered some clarity.

He knew Xiao Han's strength.

Before fighting against Xiao Han, Ji Wutian knew that Xiao Han was a strong fighter and very difficult to deal with.

If there is a real fight, I am afraid there will be no way to tell the winner for a while.

Once it drags on, after the space restrictions in this hall are unblocked, those treasures will definitely be robbed.

Ji Wutian didn't come here to clean up Xiao Han, he came to grab that set of god-level exercises.

Ji Wutian needs that set of god-level exercises to make a deal with a big figure in Demon Imperial City, so for that set of god-level exercises, Ji Wutian is bound to win this time.

No matter who grabbed that set of god-level exercises, Ji Wutian would grab it without compromise.

So this time I came to this ancient ruins with a very important purpose. The deal with the great figure in the Demon Imperial City is a very important thing for the entire demons, so Ji Wutian cannot afford to lose sight of that set of god-level exercises.

After Ji Wutian calmed down, he felt that there was no need to spend his experience and time here before the god-level exercises appeared.

Moreover, Xiao Han has a lot of strong people around him, and each of them is not low in cultivation level and strength.

If the war really started, it would take a lot of energy to clean up Xiao Han alone. If you want to suppress the masters around Xiao Han, it is bound to be possible to mobilize all those subordinates.

If by then those subordinates caused too much strength loss, I am afraid that they will have a little lack of strength in the fight for that set of god-level exercises.

When the time comes to affect the battle for that set of god-level exercises, it will be more than worthwhile.

You must know that in addition to Xiao Han, there are so many Human Race Refiners and Monster Beast masters present. They are large in number and strong. It is really necessary to fight for it. I am afraid that it will be possible for Ji Wutian and his men to go all out. Do it.

Therefore, it is really irrational to fight Xiao Han at this time.

Thinking of this, Ji Wutian completely calmed down.

Ji Wutian, who was originally wrapped in a cloud of black aura and floating in the air, suddenly condensed his aura at this time, and his body also slowly landed.


His face changed several times, but in the end reason defeated the killing intent in his heart.

Ji Wutian had to forcibly suppress the violent rage in his heart.

He waited for Xiao Han with a gloomy look, and said with a sneer: "Now let's do it, I guess these guys around are eager for us to fight to death, I'm not so stupid."

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