The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2065: Luoluo's hidden identity

When Xiao Han said that, Luo Luo couldn't help but blush, and the whole person became shy.

Xiao Han lightly nodded the tip of his nose with his hand, which made Luo Luo's face and eyes even more rosy.

Although she hid her identity from Xiao Han, when Xiao Han was in Langshan Town, she was just an ordinary little girl. How Xiao Han treated her, Luo Luo knew very well.

Xiao Han left Langshan Town simply and neatly, but he had been lost for a long time.

I thought I would never see Xiao Han again, but I didn't expect to see Xiao Han again here.

It's just that Luoluo recognized Xiao Han from the beginning, but he didn't dare to recognize each other.

And Luoluo also knew that if she failed to bring the high-grade spiritual weapon back this time, she would definitely die.

Compared with Xiao Han's position in her mind, Luoluo must first survive before he can care about other things.

When Yang Silang, Nine Princesses and the others saw this place, their eyes widened, and they didn't recover for a long time.

Originally, it was a situation of fighting for life and death. Suddenly, the peak circuit changed into the acquaintance of the deceased. This sudden change was a bit too big. For a long time, Yang Shilang and others couldn't recover.

Among those present, Empress Yumei and Xiao Han had seen Luoluo. As for the nine princesses, she had not reunited with Xiao Han at that time, and naturally she had never seen Luoluo.

"This...this...what's the situation?" Yang Silang looked at Xiao Han and Luo Luo on the field with a surprised look, and couldn't help muttering: "So you two are old acquaintances. Yeah."

Nine Princesses and Zhou Min both shook their heads. They also didn't know why the tense fighting situation on the field would dramatically change into the acquaintance of the old.

Seeing the red circles under his eyes, Xiao Han remembered the past in Langshan Town and couldn't help but said softly: "Luoluo. Didn't hurt you just now?"

"Brother Xiao Han,'s fine."

Having said this, Luo Luo was a little at a loss.

I really didn't expect to see Xiao Han again here, and still in this ancient ruins.

In this way, Xiao Han will definitely know his true identity. Thinking of this, Luo Luo feels a little melancholy and a little nervous.

Even if her strength is placed among all the human refiners and monsters who have entered the ancient ruins, she can be regarded as the strong strength of the first-class strong, but for some reason, in front of Xiao Han's smiling face, she feels that she always There is a feeling that you can’t let go, just like a naughty child who sees a strict teacher, easy to restrain, easy to tense, and with a trace of fear.

"You also know that my name is Brother Xiao Han, you have recognized me a long time ago, why didn't you show up, you have to ask me to pick your veil and recognize you, then you call me, you are very unbehaved. ."

Seeing Luo Luo look nervous and nervous, Xiao Han naturally guessed that Luo Luo should be hiding his true identity.

Now Luoluo is no longer a little girl in Langshan Town.

With Luoluo's current strength, I am afraid that Luoluo can also be regarded as a top class existence among the powerhouses in this trip to the ancient ruins.

Xiao Han naturally knew that there must be many secrets in Luo Luo's body, but there were some things that Luo Luo didn't want to say, and Xiao Han would not force it.

At most, Xiao Han will test one or two in her words. If Luoluo is willing to reveal it, it is naturally the best. If she is not willing, Xiao Han will not force it.

At least from the perspective of now, Luo Luo is still nostalgic, not because of her hidden identity, she didn't recognize him.

In this way, Xiao Han was the little girl in front of him, still the innocent little girl in Langshan Town.

"No, Brother Xiao Han, there are some things that I can’t tell, but I also have something unspeakable. Don’t be angry, Brother Xiao Han, okay? I really didn’t mean to deny you..." Luoluo quickly said When he waved his hand, his small face also had a nervous look. It looked like he was wronged as much as he could.

In fact, Xiao Han was just joking, and Xiao Han didn't care if he didn't say anything.

Xiao Han stared at Luo Luo and asked softly: "When did you come out of Langshan Town, how are your Second Uncle and Uncle Tiemu?"

Luo Luo nodded with a touch of emotion, and said, "They are all very good, but I haven't returned to Langshan Town for a long time."

Back then, for some reason, Luo Luo was inconvenient to reveal his identity, even Uncle Tiemu and her second uncle could only hide it.

Although she was hiding well in front of Xiao Han, in fact she felt very uncomfortable.

Because she knew Xiao Han’s identity, and she was afraid that her identity would be exposed, which would make Xiao Han never pay attention to her anymore. From then on, it was good to be a stranger. What really made her scared was the relationship between her and Xiao Han. , You can only meet each other with swords and soldiers, fight you to death.

However, even if this is the case, there is still a period of time in Luo Luo's heart that is the most unforgettable.

When his identity was just an insignificant little girl, Xiao Han would actually drew his sword to help when he saw injustices. This kind of seemingly subconscious little thing can reflect exactly what a person's heart is.

Women are the most emotional. In those few short days a year ago, they experienced some small things, some things that seemed insignificant to Xiao Han, but they left a deep mark in Luo Luo's heart.

Originally, Luo Luo thought that he would never see Xiao Han again in this life, and even faintly hoped that he would never see Xiao Han again, so that the figure would stay in his heart forever.

But the world is unpredictable. The person who wants to see the most, and the person who wants to see most at the same time, will appear in front of him at the most unexpected time.

"Luoluo." At this time, Empress Yumei who was standing next to Xiao Han called softly.

Luoluo's eyes were red again, after thinking about it, she didn't hold back, and rushed forward, hugging Empress Yumei's slender waist, "Sister Yumei, I miss you so much, ohhh..."

"It's okay." Empress Yumei patted Luoluo's shoulder, and softly comforted: "You see that your complexion is not good, and you are a lot more haggard. It should be a person who has endured a heavy burden and pressure. If it is convenient, just say it. If it’s inconvenient to come out, I’ll talk about it later. Brother Xiao Han and I won’t blame you."

"Yeah." Luo Luo cried very sad, and she could see that she had had a hard time recently.

"En Gong, what's the matter?" Yang Shilang on the side finally couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Han pondered for a moment, and said softly: "This little girl is a friend I met in the Giant Wolf Mountain Range and has not seen for a long time, but it seems that she has a hidden identity, which may not be convenient to disclose, so I won't talk about it for now. Up."

Xiao Han also gave a brief introduction to Luoluo's identity, without saying in detail. After all, Xiao Han himself is not very clear about what identity Luoluo is.

After a while, Luo Luo finally calmed down. She lifted her head from Empress Yumei's arms, looked at Xiao Han, and asked in a softly embarrassed voice.

"Brother Xiao Han, that...this...can I discuss something with you?"

Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, then even he couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and asked softly, "Is it about that high-grade spiritual tool."

Luo Luo first nodded timidly, and then with a thought, the furry little monster beast appeared in Luo Luo's arms again.

It's just that the little guy who had been imprisoned by Luoluo for a while had just been released, and in a blink of an eye he jumped from Luoluo's arms and jumped into Xiao Han's arms.

Obviously, compared with Luoluo, Xiao Han, who had fed dozens of magic weapons, seemed to be more merciful, and made the little monster beast more at ease.

At least when he was in Xiao Han's arms, the little guy still stared at Luo Luo with horror on his face, and his body was trembling constantly, obviously he hadn't recovered from the shock.

Xiao Han stretched out a palm and gently stroked the back of the little demon beast in his arms. After thinking for a while, he said, "You want this high-grade spiritual weapon!"

Luo Luo pouted her mouth and nodded gently.

Xiao Han sighed slightly, looking reluctantly at the little monster in his arms.

This is a high-grade spiritual weapon.

How many human race refiners and monster masters can't ask for treasures?

Xiao Han naturally coveted this kind of terraced magic weapon.


"Forget it, you can take it!"

As he said, he stretched out the little monster beast in his hand and handed it to Luo Luo.

This action of Xiao Han almost made Yang Silang and others shout out.

what's the situation?

Xiao Han was actually willing to hand over this high-grade spiritual weapon that he had already obtained?

This is not an ordinary magic weapon, this is a high-grade spiritual weapon, Xiao Han actually gave in so easily?

However, who would dare to interfere with Xiao Han's affairs?

Xiao Han was going to send it by himself, so Yang Silang naturally couldn't say anything. As for Zhou Min, he didn't even dare to say anything.

And the nine princesses have always been rare to manage such things.

The only thing that made the nine princesses a little uncomfortable was that Xiao Han gave this little girl such a valuable thing as soon as he shot it, which seemed a bit wrong.

The nine princesses remembered that what Xiao Han gave to herself was nothing more than a mass of magma fire spirits crashing into the crystal bottle, but that thing was worthless.

Seeing this scene, Luo Luo sniffed and couldn't help crying again.

Without a word, Xiao Han handed over the top-grade aura, obviously intending to give it to her.

Luo Luo was very moved, very touched by just giving away a high-grade spiritual weapon so casually.

Luo Luo sniffed, and said softly, "Thank you, Brother Xiao Han, I actually need this high-grade spiritual tool because I really want to use it to save my life, but I only need to use it for a few days, which is not true. Take it for yourself."

Upon hearing this, everyone present looked at each other a bit.

Xiao Han also looked suspicious, wondering what Luoluo was doing.

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