The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2063: There are people from the demons

However, when the number is large, a dozen Xuantian bronzes join hands, which is actually even more unfavorable for exerting the greatest power of Xuantian bronzes.

If Xiao Han made the move, I am afraid that he would release at most three Xuantian bronzes to assist him. Even if it was a human race refiner in the early stage of the Tribulation Period or a monster of the same strength, Xiao Han would not be afraid. .

Although the nine princesses were surprised to see that mysterious woman suddenly summoned so many Xuantian bronzes, but at this time the key is to see how Xiao Han arranges.

So the nine princesses suddenly said softly: "Do you want us to help?"

"I don't need it for the time being, I can handle it." Xiao Han shook his head and said softly, "But I still need you to help me guard my surroundings, don't let anyone in, nor let this woman have a chance to escape from here. go with."

"Don't worry, now the entire room is sealed off by me. No one outside can come in, unless the opponent's strength is much higher than mine." The nine princesses smiled: "The same is true inside. No one can enter. Sneak out here, unless the woman's strength is much higher than mine, otherwise, she won't be able to go anywhere today."

"You have done so well, so you won't have the troubles now." Xiao Han curled his lips and said helplessly.

What Xiao Han was referring to, of course, was that if the nine princesses had used the space barrier to seal off the entire room beforehand, then the mysterious woman in front of them would have no way to come in, and that high-grade aura would not be robbed by her. go with.

"What's my business?" Ninth Princess said grimly: "You didn't say before, how do I know what you want to do."

Xiao Han smiled bitterly and shook his head. He stopped talking, and instead focused on the mysterious woman again.

I don't know why, Xiao Han always feels that this woman has been exceptionally calm from the beginning to the present, as if he is not worried about the situation where he is surrounded by powerful enemies and it is difficult to even go out.

I don't know what the mysterious woman is thinking. There is a veil on his face. Xiao Han can't see the other side's expression clearly, but vaguely feels that the other's attention seems to be on his body.

With a thought, Xiao Han summoned four Xuantian bronze men from the Qiankun Bag.


Seeing the four Xuantian bronze men next to Xiao Han, the mysterious woman couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

It seemed that Xiao Han was able to control the Xuantian Bronze Man, and also subdued a few Xuantian Bronze Man. This mysterious woman was also surprised.

"Haha, do you think it's unexpected? An accident is right."

As he said, Xiao Han shouted: "Give it to me."

Xiao Han directly thought that the four Xuantian bronze men gave orders.

Suddenly, the four Xuantian bronzes shone with light all over their bodies, and they rushed directly at the eighteen Xuantian bronzes, and then fought with those Xuantian bronzes controlled by that mysterious woman.

Although Xiao Han only controlled five Xuantian Bronze Figures, in the small surrounding space, the more the number, the harder it was to display.

The dozen or so Xuantian bronze men of that mysterious woman may not be able to clean up Xiao Han's five Xuantian bronze men in a short time.

Moreover, although these Xuantian bronzes said that their masters were different, their fighting methods were similar, and even their strengths were very similar.

So in a short time, the few Xuantian bronzes of Xiao Han wouldn't be defeated so quickly.

"Now it's our turn to fight head-to-head. If you dare to come forward and grab my things, let me see if you have the ability to take it away."’

After the Xuantian bronzes started to fight, Xiao coldly laughed, his whole figure flashed, and rushed to the mysterious woman like lightning.

Two sharp auras, one cold and one heat, with a strong sense of oppression, rushed directly to the mysterious woman.

Xiao Han's attack was such a fierce offensive, and the mysterious woman was also in his heart.

She had already fought against Xiao Han before, and at that time she reacted. Not only was Xiao Han's strength terrifying, but what was even more terrifying was that his aura was very strange.

It is an incredible thing that the two completely different auras that were originally created and restrained can live in harmony.

And once the two breaths of cold and heat penetrated her body, it would cause a lot of trouble to the spiritual energy in her body.

Even if only a trace of aura invaded her body, she had to mobilize a lot of spiritual energy to be able to completely suppress it.

The first time she fought against Xiao Han, it seemed that she was not injured on the surface, and in fact she was not injured, but the aura in the body was almost messed up.

Therefore, facing Xiao Han's offensive this time, the mysterious woman did not choose to head-on.

She turned around and retreated to the corner.

But the room is so big, where can I go back again?

So soon, the mysterious woman realized that she had nowhere to go.

At this time, Xiao Han's offensive had already arrived.

The mysterious woman suddenly closed her palms together, and a black energy burst out from the palm of her palm, and the black energy condensed a grimace directly in front of the mysterious woman.

"Soul Eater."

A sweet drink came from the mysterious woman's mouth.

At this moment, a palpitating black breath suddenly burst out from the palm of the woman's hand, directly reflecting on Xiao Han's face.

Xiao Han's heart was suddenly shocked.

"Devilish? How is this possible?"

When that black breath appeared in Xiao Han's eyes, his heart couldn't help but yell in his heart.

Isn't the smell of the demon clan that this mysterious woman just exuded?

Is it possible that this woman is a member of the demons?

It's been a long time since I met a member of the Demon Race, but now I suddenly met, Xiao Han almost couldn't help but surrender.

How could there be no trace of the demons in these ten refining domains?

Xiao Han also knew that this was because the guys of the Demon Race had always been fascinated.

But now I met a member of the Demon Race again, which made Xiao Han not surprised.

But the latter thing made Xiao Han feel even more surprised.

It turned out that when the black aura reflected on Xiao Han's face, Xiao Han suddenly felt a dizziness in his mind.

The feeling was vaguely vague at first, but Xiao Han soon discovered that the feeling of dizziness became stronger and stronger.

Even though the surface of Xiao Han's body was wrapped with two weather breaths of ice and fire, under the erosion of that black breath, Xiao Han still couldn't control the dizziness in his mind.

You must know that the consciousness of a Qi refiner is not so easily affected. If it is not a strong-willed guy, it is impossible to cultivate to the cultivation level of the Tongyou period.

But under the so-called soul eater performed by this mysterious woman, even a master of Xiao Han's level can't help being a little dizzy. Isn't it a bit scary?

The dizziness that suddenly appeared in his mind shocked Xiao Han's heart.

Xiao Han bit his tongue fiercely, and forcibly suppressed the dizziness in his mind, and finally his consciousness was a little sober.

This made Xiao Han feel more and more incredible.

The mysterious woman's body revealed the aura of the demons.

However, the method used by this woman was not like a demon clan's technique, but rather like some kind of witchcraft. It was really terrifying to be able to control Xiao Han's consciousness.

"It's a weird spell, I almost used it accidentally."

Xiao Han cursed secretly in his heart. For the first time, his defense against that mysterious woman had reached its peak.

Although Xiao Han suppressed the dizziness in his mind, Xiao Han was already a little inexplicably tricked by this mysterious woman's endless eerie methods.

Obviously there is no demon aura on his body, but he can display demon aura in the process of shooting.

Obviously able to display devil energy, but the means and techniques of attack are not like the cultivation methods of the demons.

Is it possible that he is an individual Qi refiner like himself, but he has practiced the cultivation technique of the Demon Race?

But that is Soul Eater, obviously not the method of the demons?

This made Xiao Han more and more curious about this mysterious woman.

Having been outside for so many years, Xiao Han has encountered all kinds of opponents, but Xiao Han has never encountered such a strange situation.

Is this woman a human refiner, a monster, or a member of the demons?


Even though there was a moment of dizziness in his mind, the punch that Xiao Han attacked still struck the mysterious woman forward.

Only in the end, Xiao Han didn't hit the mysterious woman with his fist, but slammed the grimace in front of the woman.

Even if Xiao Han paused in the middle, the fierce wind on Xiao Han's fist still rushed towards the mysterious woman through that grimace.

However, at the moment when Xiao Han's boxing power hit the mysterious woman's body, a black breath suddenly appeared on her body, canceling out a large part of Xiao Han's boxing power.


The punch that Xiao Han just made was terrifyingly powerful.

Even if he was a master at the pinnacle level of the Tongyou period, he would be seriously injured in front of Xiao Han's punch.

So even if Xiao Han's Quan Jin was suspended by the black energy that suddenly emerged from his body, the mysterious woman who was still hit by the remaining power on the Quan Jin flew out and slammed directly into the wall behind him.

Although those strengths that were hard to resist only accounted for a small part of Xiao Han's strengths, they were not something ordinary people could handle.

Even if Xiao Han couldn't see the mysterious woman's look, and couldn't see if she was injured, Xiao Han was still very confident in his boxing power.

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