The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2059: The little monster who eats magic weapons

"No, no, you can't act rashly."

Xiao Han hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Don't look at this little monster beast looks ordinary, but as a high-grade spirit weapon, how can it be so easy to grasp? We can't mess around, if it slips away by accident, There are no fluctuations in this little guy's body, and it will be very difficult for us to find it from the third level of space."

Xiao Han smiled bitterly and shook his head, and then said: "And it's better not to let this little guy run away, otherwise, it would be a bit bad for someone else to spot him."

At this time, the little monster beast looked at Xiao Han, and seemed to lick his lips gently at Xiao Han, a color of coveting.

What does this little guy mean? Is it possible that you still want to eat yourself?

However, Xiao Han felt a little strange that a high-grade spirit weapon could not like to eat people, right.

Even if this high-grade spiritual tool can transform into a little monster, it doesn't mean that this little monster can really eat people.

Then Xiao Han was a little puzzled, this high-grade spiritual tool looked at himself coveted, what was he thinking?

Is it true that you want to eat yourself?

But soon, Xiao Han thought of a very important clue.

Sky sword.

The sky sword in Xiao Han's body.

Xiao Han's Sky Sword has now evolved into a semi-spirit weapon. Although there is still a lot of distance from becoming a top-grade spiritual weapon, it is still an incredible treasure.

In addition, the Sky Sword can continuously evolve and upgrade its rank, so it is also a very extraordinary weapon.

In front of him, the little demon beast that had been transformed from a high-grade spiritual tool stared at him and coveted it. Could it be the sky sword in his body?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han showed a smile on his face, and then he whispered: "Don’t worry, I think I want to catch this high-grade spirit weapon transformed little monster, we can still think of a way to see if we can Don't use force."

The Ninth Princess asked with a puzzled look: "How to say? Have you thought of a way?"

"Don't worry, since this guy is a high-grade spiritual weapon, what I want to eat must be extraordinary. I will try a few weapons first."

Having said that, Xiao Han took out a few magic weapons and weapons from the Qiankun bag without a hassle.

These magic weapons and weapons are the treasures that Xiao Han had stored in Qiankun's bag before, but Xiao Han thought it was very precious at the time, and then as time goes by, Xiao Han's cultivation level and strength are getting higher and higher, so he can't see it. Get these magic weapons and weapons.

Especially after Xiao Han got the Sky Sword, he was even more unaccustomed to using other weapons.

Xiao Han picked a green dagger from among them. The rank was not high, it was just an ordinary magic weapon, but the spirit flowed above it, killing intent, it was still a precious treasure.

Xiao Han threw the green short sword directly at the little monster beast covered with black cats.

"Kang Dang..."

The dagger fell gently beside the little monster beast, and the little monster beast seemed to be a little frightened, so he stepped back cautiously.

After realizing that there was no danger, the little monster beast gently moved forward and sniffed it with his little nose.

But what surprised Xiao Han was that the little monster beast just sniffed, and didn't plan to do anything at all. He shook his head and retreated. Seeing how it looked, it seemed to be about the rank of that dagger. Very dissatisfied, it is obvious that I do not appreciate such a low-quality magic weapon.

"Haha, Xiao Han, does he look down on your short sword?"

"It should be, you see it sniffs, and then stops eating, it looks a bit disgusting."

Empress Yumei and the nine princesses couldn't help but laughed.

Hearing this, Xiao Han had an awkward look on his face. This little monster is so shameless that he doesn't eat it?

"It seems that this little guy should be used to those magic weapons of higher rank and more aura."

Having said that, Xiao Han laughed dryly, and could only urge to find a few higher-rank magic weapons from the Qiankun bag.

"Clang clang..."

Now Xiao Han didn't care about it. He threw away the pile of weapons in his hand and threw it directly beside the little monster beast.

Among the pile of magic weapons, there are still one or two weapons of good grade and full of aura.

So this time after the little monster beast bowed his head and smelled it, a look of excitement flashed in his big watery eyes.

Then he lowered his head on a flying sword the size of a palm and licked it lightly with its long tongue.

"Kacha Kacha..."

Soon, there was a sound of the little flying sword being crushed and swallowed into the stomach.

"Hey, look, it can really eat weapons."

"Yeah, this little flying sword has a background, and the material is very unusual. It was actually chewed and eaten like a snack?"

Soon, the palm-sized flying sword was chewed by the little monster beast.

After eating a magic weapon with ample spiritual energy, the little monster beast unexpectedly raised his head again, looking at Xiao Han expectantly with his big watery eyes, and his long tongue kept licking his lips like a puppy.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Han and others clearly felt that this guy should not be full.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Han was surprised and delighted.

The little demon beast transformed from this high-grade spiritual weapon can even be eaten as a magic weapon, and the higher-rank magic weapon this little guy likes to eat it.

Since this little monster beast can take food from magic weapons, and it seems to eat with relish, then if you want to collect this high-grade magic weapon, it is naturally the best way to tame magic weapons with a high grade.

From the Qiankun bag, some higher-rank magic weapons were taken out again. These magic weapons were all the spoils left after Xiao Han killed or defeated some opponents before, and included the previous young master Guo Chang in Xuanfeng City. Those treasures harvested from the body.

Xiao Han took out all his brains, and then threw all the magic weapons in front of the little monster beast.

The furry little demon beast saw the clank in front of him, and there were a lot of magic weapons, and his eyes lit up immediately.

"Kacha Kacha..."

The little demon beast was not polite, and directly selected some of the magic weapons with more aura and higher grade chewing from the pile of magic weapons, and then directly swallowed it into his stomach.

After the little demon beast had eaten five or six magic weapons, the eyes it looked at Xiao Han were less alert and more gentle.

It seemed that this little demon beast was like a puppy, and it was able to get a little closer if it was fed. In this way, Xiao Han felt that the possibility of tame this little demon beast was much greater.

At this moment, Yang Shilang froze and said: "This, this, this...blessed man, these magic weapons are not of low grade. Even if you don't use them, you can put them out for auction. Can you auction more than a dozen seventh-order demon pills?"

Seeing Xiao Han throw out a lot of magic weapons of high rank to feed that little monster beast like this without money, Yang Shilang felt a bit pity.

You should know that the magic weapons that Xiao Han threw out just now are in the auction houses of some Human Race cities, but they can be auctioned off at will.

But now, it was used by Xiao Han as a snack to feed the little monster beast.

Not only Yang Shilang, but anyone with some eyesight would feel a little distressed when watching those magic weapons of high rank being chewed and eaten by a little monster.

Xiao Han smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said, "Is there any way to get a high-grade spiritual weapon without paying a little price, how can it be satisfied. Besides, this little monster's request is really true. It's too high, and the mouth is too picky. The ordinary magic weapon can't even be touched. I specifically pick those magic weapons that are full of aura and not of low grade. There is no way, but you should feed it first. "

At this point, Xiao Han was also very helpless, so many magic weapons, but Xiao Han's collection for so many years.

Although it is not comparable to the semi-spirit weapon of the Sky Sword, it is definitely not an ordinary magic weapon. Otherwise, Xiao Han would not always keep it in the Universe Bag, and he was reluctant to throw it away.

But with so many magic weapons, the little monster beast actually only picked some of the most attractive ones, and the others didn't even smell it.

It seems that this high-grade spirit weapon has a sharp eye and a picky appetite.

Looking at the little monster beast that was chewing and eating those magic weapons, the other people around were speechless.

Since this top-grade aura is so magical, Xiao Han dare not use force to capture it, so he can only see if he can abduct it.

Maybe that little monster beast, after eating and drinking enough, will follow Xiao Han like a docile puppy.

So Xiao Han kept digging out some magic weapons of high rank from the Universe Bag and threw them out, offering them to the little monster beast to eat.

I don't know where the little monster beast has such a big belly. After eating five or six weapons and magic weapons, he still raised his head and looked at Xiao Han expectantly, as if he hadn't eaten enough.

In desperation, Xiao Han emptied the magic weapon in the Universe Bag, and had to ask Empress Yumei and the Ninth Princess, as well as Yang Silang and Zhou Min at the door, to find the extra magic weapon from their bodies.

In this way, in front of the little monster beast, those magic weapons were piled up like a hill.

What the little monster beast eats is called a Huan.

It's just that even Xiao Han is in pain.

If so many magic weapons are thrown out, if they are used for auction, I am afraid that many Tier 7 monsters will be auctioned.

However, after consuming so many magic weapons, it is not completely ineffective.

At least Xiao Han could clearly feel that the alertness in that little monster beast's eyes had disappeared bit by bit, leaving only meekness in the end.

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