The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2055: Discovery Chamber

Xiao Han knew that Yang Silang and Yumei Niangniang still coveted the surrounding treasures.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han decided to give everyone ten minutes, whether to rest or to harvest the treasures of heaven and earth, it all depends on their choice.

Next, except for Xiao Han and the nine princesses, everyone else began to manipulate the aura and collected the pieces of heaven, material and earth treasures into their respective universe bags.

These natural treasures may not be very valuable treasures, but they are better than they are.

Even if a Heaven, Material and Earth Treasure can only sell for the price of one or two Tier 7 Demon Pills, there are so many Heaven, Material and Earth Treasures here, just to collect hundreds of them, it is not a small fortune.

Xiao Han was also very clear about this.

Not everyone has the luck and strength to get the best treasures, so letting Yang Silang and Zhou Min and others collect a little treasure is a worthwhile trip.

"The time is up, let's go."

With that, Xiao Han, the Nine Princesses and the others stopped staying either. Between the flashes, the five figures turned into afterimages, and they disappeared out of thin air, flashing away in the direction they had come.

In the process of rushing, Xiao Han and the others really met many powerful human refiners and monster masters.

These people, like Yang Shilang and others, are frantically collecting the treasures of the world.

When many people saw Xiao Han and his group walking back, they thought it was a bit strange.

Everyone just got here, why did they go back?

Some discreet Human Race Refiners and Monster Beast masters pondered for a while, and then figured out the mystery.

Xiao Han and the others jumped out from the depths of the mountains and forests, and rushed back in a hurry. They didn't even look at the treasures of the world around them. It means that these people have already gained more significant gains? ,

In this way, is it possible to try...grab it?

Many Human Race Refiners and Monster Beast masters have their faces changed several times.

These people are a little excited, but after thinking about it, they don't dare to do anything.

Although the five figures in front of them are small in number, the lineup is still very strong. The aura that exudes from each person is very terrifying. If you want to block the road and rob, you have to weigh your own weight.

So some people finally had to smile and shook their heads, and had to put away the evil thoughts in their hearts.

The nine princesses led the way, and the group ran all the way along the direction they had come before.

Along the way, although it was said that a lot of human refiners and monster beast masters who were looking for treasures were disturbed, there was really no one who stood up stupidly to stop them.

Just thinking about it, instead of taking the risk of dying and looting, it is better to harvest the surrounding treasures honestly.

Therefore, Xiao Han and others did not encounter any obstacles along the way.

In the process of rushing forward at full speed, it took about half an hour. Xiao Han and others finally reappeared where they had entered this world before.

Going all the way to the end, Xiao Han and others did not encounter any interception along the way. As for the traces of Feng Qingling and Feng Wuchen of the Qilin clan who chased the wind, they did not find any traces.

In this way, the entrance to this cave heaven and blessed land should be more than the one that Xiao Han and the others met before.

Those guys of the Qilin Clan who chased the wind, they should have left this place through another entrance.

As a result, Xiao Han and others felt a little regretful.

If he meets those guys from the Qilin Clan on the road again, Xiao Han doesn't mind taking the opportunity to beat the dog.

At this time, the black-robed old man with the strongest combat effectiveness and the highest cultivation level among the team of the wind-chase unicorns has been seriously injured. At this time, the team of the wind-chase unicorns is at the weakest time, taking advantage of his illness to kill him. If it doesn't work, you have to tidy up.

It's a pity to know that Xiao Han and others have gone out of this cave and heaven, but they have not seen the trace of the Qilin family.

Those guys who want to come here to chase the Qilin clan also know that they can't stay here for a long time, so they ran as fast as they were happy.

Even at this time, people from behind that wall are constantly passing through the wall and appearing in the world.

It seems that some Human Race refiners and monsters who have not been found elsewhere have also heard that there is a blessed land here, so they rushed to try their luck.

Before leaving, Xiao Han and the others turned around again and took a look at this cavernous land.

In the vast mountains and forests in the distance, some movements made by monsters with fierce auras could be vaguely detected.

It seems that as the number of human spirit refiners and monsters entering this cave and heaven is increasing, many people have also begun to go deeper and deeper. Of course, some of these guys have inadvertently entered. Breaking into the territory of some extremely powerful monster beasts, it is inevitable that it will be a hard battle.

When Xiao Han and his party quickly passed through the hidden space of the wall, they finally appeared in the long walkway again.

Xiao Han and others had walked through the spacious walkway once before, and there was a mess everywhere.

Whether it is the entire corridor or the stone chambers on both sides, there are people coming in and out searching everywhere.

Some human race refiners and monsters who had found nothing began to use brute force to destroy the surrounding buildings, hoping to find some secret rooms or hidden spaces, so the entire corridor was full of chaos.


"Boom boom boom..."

Seeing more and more people around them and the loud noise coming from all around, Xiao Han and others couldn't help but smile again and again.

It seems that with the passage of time, there are more and more Human Race refiners and monsters who have the opportunity to walk here smoothly.

Some monsters that came after hearing the news were even monsters around Dangmo Mountain, or some low-strength Human Race Qi refiners.

It's just that these Human Race Refiners and Monster Beasts are really too savage in order to find a little treasure. What a treasure hunt, it's just sabotage.

"Gongong, how should we go now?" Yang Silang looked at Xiao Han respectfully and asked softly.

Xiao Han pondered for a moment, and then laughed softly: "Let’s get out of here first to see if the corridor leads to other halls. I think the hall outside should not be the true core of the ancient ruins. Let’s look for it. , The real core area, there should be many treasures."

With that, Xiao Han pointed to the one that came before and walked out, and then rushed out with everyone.

The passage that Xiao Han and others walked over before, when Xiao Han and others accidentally entered and took out Dongtianfudi, it was obvious that it had been searched many times by many batches of human gas refiners and monster masters.

Not only was there a mess in those stone chambers, but even the originally neat and level corridor floor was already destroyed.

There were pits and pits everywhere along the way, all of the mess left by some Human Race refiners and Monster Beasts after they were preparing to dig the ground three feet to find their treasure.

"Hehe, even the floor tiles have to be dug out and have a look? As for?"

Seeing the destruction everywhere on the road into this appearance, Xiao Han, the Nine Princesses and others became even more interested.

Therefore, under the leadership of Xiao Han, everyone speeded up and rushed out of this aisle, and once again appeared in the magnificent hall.

Arriving in the hall, Xiao Han suddenly realized that many people in the hall were going to a place in groups.

Xiao Han also encountered a lot of teams looking for treasures everywhere. Some of them were just improvised teams at first glance, while others were members of the same force.

When Xiao Han was looking at the many aisles in the hall and didn't know where to go, suddenly, Xiao Han seemed to notice that many people in the hall were rushing in the same direction.

It's bustling and noisy, it seems that there should be a major discovery in that place.

"Go and take a look."

"Go, I don't know where the baby is anyway."

"Damn, we can only blame ourselves for being too late, and the good things were taken away by the dogs in front."

"Damn it, no matter what, let's go see it too."


Soon, many people around realized something was wrong, and rushed over in twos and threes.

Seeing this, Xiao Han's heart moved.

"Gongong, should we also go and see?"

Yang Silang glanced at Xiao Han, and saw Xiao Han nodded slightly. Finally, under Xiao Han's leadership, everyone followed behind the crowd.

After following the flow of people into one of the remote aisles, Xiao Han suddenly noticed a slight fluctuation in front of him.

"There are fluctuations ahead."

At the moment, Xiao Han's heart moved, and he said softly: "It seems that there are still a lot of fluctuations in the front. It seems that the number of treasures should be a lot. I guess it may be a secret room for storing magic weapons or high-grade spiritual weapons."

"Secret room? Magic weapon? High-grade spiritual weapon?"

After hearing Xiao Han's words, Yang Silang, Yumei Niangniang and others were also moved.

Having a secret room means there is something to hide.

Among the ten directions of refining domain, not to mention some huge strength, even in the monster tribe, there are secret rooms or forbidden areas specially used to keep good things.

The vocabulary of the secret room is a very representative place among such ancient relics, no matter who it is, many people will be shocked when they hear the secret room.

Even in other places, the secret rooms generally have good things, not to mention this ancient relic, which was left over from the huge power that controlled the entire ten-party refining domain. This level of secret room is more attractive. Up.

"It's fine if there is a secret room. Let's go and take a look. I want to see if there are any good things on it in the secret room in this ancient ruin. Let's go and see."

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