In the center of the densest white marks, there is a small raised mound, which seems to emit some strange aura.

The closer you go, the more the breath on the small raised mound makes people feel palpitation.

When Xiao Han and others walked towards the small mound, a very terrifying divine sense coercion immediately pounced on their faces, and even strong men like Xiao Han and Yang Silang couldn't help but move slightly.

This kind of divine consciousness coercion seemed to radiate from the depths of the soul, and even the powerhouses of the peak realm of the Tongyou period felt a little overwhelmed.

Here, shouldn't it be more than just a golden dragon falling down?

Judging from the surrounding white marks, the number of bones that once appeared here is a terrifying level. According to Xiao Han's estimation, in addition to the huge body of a golden dragon, there are at least a dozen large monsters. Otherwise, the white marks on the ground could not be so dense, nor could it occupy such a large space.

So Xiao Han was very curious, what exactly was the monster that fell with the golden dragon?

It is possible to drag a golden dragon that may be a Tier 8 dragon to death here, even if it is a huge number, at least it is possible for a monster beast of high rank to be able to do it.

In front of an eighth-tier golden dragon, it is not very useful to make up for the gap in strength in number.

Even if there are dozens of seventh-order big monsters, working together, they can compete with an eighth-order golden dragon in terms of strength, but the soul pressure on the golden dragon can also suppress dozens of seventh-order big monsters. Can't look up.

Not to mention dragging the golden dragon to death, even if dozens of seventh-order great monsters join forces to wound that golden dragon, it is somewhat unrealistic.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han was even more puzzled. What kind of monster beast could have this qualification and strength to die with a Tier 8 golden dragon?

Now, Xiao Han and others had walked up to the small mound not far away, and stood where Xiao Han and others stood. Only then did they discover that the so-called small mound was not just a small mound at all. That's it.

Just now, Xiao Han and the others have walked a distance of several hundred meters, and now they have realized that the small dirt bag in front of them is actually a little bit more appropriate.

Not high, but the floor area is not small.

The shape of the exterior looks a bit like a small pyramid, but it is not made of rocks.

Standing in the position of Xiao Han and others, you can already see the top of the hill, and there is a path that extends directly to the top of the hill.

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly noticed something wrong with the state of Empress Yumei beside him.

Turning her head and looking, Xiao Han discovered that since Empress Yumei entered this level of spiritual consciousness, her mental state was a little abnormal, her whole body seemed to be jumping tight, and her face was also very nervous. .

"Yu Mei, what's the matter?" Xiao Han asked softly.

Empress Yumei looked up at the small mountain bag, and said softly: "I don't know why, after walking in here, I feel a familiar feeling in my body, especially when I look at these white marks on the ground. The familiar feeling is even stronger, and I don’t know what’s going on. Anyway, it’s just an indescribable feeling."

Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, and then showed an unbelievable look.

In this divine consciousness space, not only the nine princesses of the golden dragon clan will have a strong reaction, but now even the lady Yumei has noticed a slight abnormality.

Could it be that the divine consciousness space here easily arouses the resonance of monsters?

So Xiao Han immediately turned his head and looked at Yang Silang.

Yang Silang's body is a black water mysterious creature, so Xiao Han felt that if even Yumei Niangniang could detect a trace of abnormality, does it mean that even Yang Silang would detect a trace of abnormality.

But Xiao Han looked at Yang Silang, but Yang Silang looked at Xiao Han with his usual expression. Xiao Han knew that this guy didn't feel anything unusual.

Then this is a bit strange, why does Empress Yumei react abnormally in this divine consciousness space.

Could it be that the monster beasts that died with the golden dragon of Tier 8 belonged to the Biling Snake monster clan?

But Xiao Han still thought it was impossible.

The bloodline of the Biling Snake Monster Race is not the bloodline of high-level monsters. Even if there will be some evildoers like Yumei Empress with good talents and chances, but they have not yet broken their wrists with a Tier 8 monster. Point.

So Xiao Han felt that this possibility could basically be ruled out.

As a result, Xiao Han was a little puzzled.

Why is it that, as the Yumei Empress of the Biling Snake Demon Clan, at this time, she will notice a slight abnormal feeling in this divine consciousness space?

"Kirin Chasing Wind?"

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in Xiao Han's mind, and he thought of a very crucial question.

Could the dozens of monster beasts that died with the golden dragon in this divine consciousness space, not the blue spirit snake monster clan, nor other monster beasts, but the wind chasing unicorn clan?

The Qilin Qilin is the most advanced existence in the monster and beast world. Although there is no way to compare with the golden dragon family, it is not much different.

Moreover, although the number of wind-chasing unicorns is very rare, and there are very few traces of wind-chasing unicorns in the entire ten-party refining domain, each wind-chasing unicorn possesses extremely terrifying strength, and their cultivation potential is also extremely high. terror.

Just like the Feng Wuchen that Xiao Han encountered before, as the young leader among the wind chasing unicorns, Feng Wuchen's strength should not be underestimated.

Moreover, the reason why Xiao Han snatched the eighteen Xuantian Bronze Men from Feng Wuchen's hands before was not because Xiao Han defeated Feng Wuchen head-on, but because Xiao Han's spiritual power could rival Feng Wuchen. The Cangqiang sword in Xiao Han's hands was just a little bit more powerful than the magic weapon in Feng Wuchen's hands.

If it were to contend head-on, Xiao Han's wish to defeat Feng Wuchen might not be that simple.

So now, after Empress Yumei arrived in this divine consciousness space, she would actually have a familiar feeling like the nine princesses, so Xiao Han could basically conclude.

Thousands of years ago, the monster beast that fought the eighth-order golden dragon to death here was the master of the wind chasing unicorn family.

Only the masters of the Qilin Clan of the Wind-Chasing Qilin have this strength and qualification to challenge the eighth-tier powerhouses of the Golden Dragon Clan.

This is still the case when the number of masters of the wind-hering unicorns is completely one-sided, otherwise the wind-hering unicorns will not be the opponent of the golden dragons at all.

The reason why Empress Yumei could feel the familiar feeling here was definitely because of the wings of the wind-churning unicorn in her body.

After refining the wings of the wind chasing unicorn, there was more or less a trace of the wind chasing unicorn in the body of Empress Yu Mei.

Because of this, the Feng Wuchen and Feng Qingling of the Wind Chasing Qilin Clan could easily sense the breath of the Wind Chasing Qilin Clan from Yumei Empress when he was at the entrance of the ancient ruins.

And now, after Empress Yumei arrived in this divine consciousness space, it was also because of the wings on the wind chasing unicorn that was refined in her body, that she could sense a familiar aura here.

The wings of the Qilin clan who chased the wind is the most important step for Empress Yumei to cultivate angel wings.

Originally, the complete version of Angel Wings could only be cultivated by the unicorn clan. Even if outsiders or other monsters had obtained the Angel Wing cultivation method, they would not have the courage to practice it, because it would cause all Qilin Qilin to chase the wind. Killing, the consequences can be said to be quite serious.

And Xiao Han only later learned why the senior found in the cave of the fairy ruins possessed the Angel Wings cultivation technique, but there was no trace of the practice. The bones of the Qilin who wanted to chase the wind could not be encountered. Seeking truth on the one hand, on the other.

The main reason is that the power of the Wind-Chasing Qilin clan is really too large. If you practice Angel Wing, you might cause yourself to be killed.

Besides, this angel's wing is a special practice technique for the Qilin Qilin, which is not secretly spread. It is impossible for outsiders to obtain the cultivation technique of Angel Wings.

The predecessor of the immortal ruins had nothing to do with cultivation techniques, but he didn't even dare to practice. He didn't even have the courage to make a move, so he could only wait until his life and death disappeared and bring it into the tomb for future generations to enjoy.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han said softly: "Miss Nine, I know what the remaining monsters are except for the senior of your golden dragon clan in this divine consciousness space."

The nine princesses turned to look at Xiao Han, and said softly: "You guessed it too, is it the Qilin Qilin, right?"

Xiao Han nodded and said nothing.

Xiao Han was not surprised at all that the nine princesses could sense that among the auras in it belonged to the Qilin Qilin.

Compared with other people's need to speculate, the nine princesses can clearly sense the aura left by the wind chasing unicorn.

It's just that the nine princesses are not concerned about these now.

Her gaze stared at the top of the small mountain bag, where the nine princesses could feel that the feeling of being called began to become stronger and stronger.

This small mountain bag should be the most core area in the entire divine consciousness space.

If there is any message left by the seniors of the golden dragon clan, it must be on this hill.

Now that the nine princesses have been summoned here, it is time to solve the mystery.

Taking a deep breath, the pretty face of the nine princesses also became unusually dignified.

It's coming, and it's a lie to say you're not nervous.

The nine princesses are the same.

Tension is tense, but I still have to go.

Next, the entire figure of the nine princesses flashed and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the small mountain bag.

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